یہ پلگ ان ورڈپریس کے تازہ ترین 3 ریلیزوں کے ساتھ ٹیسٹ نہیں کیا گیا ہے۔ اب یہ برقرار نہیں رکھا جا سکتا یا معاونت نہیں کی جا سکتی اور اس کو ورڈپریس کے تازہ ترین ورژنز کے ساتھ استعمال کیے جانے پر مطابقت کے مسائل ہو سکتے ہیں۔

Scripts n Styles


This plugin allows Admin users the ability to add custom CSS and JavaScript directly into individual Post, Pages or any other registered custom post types. You can also add classes to the body tag and the post container. There is a Global settings page for which you can write Scripts n Styles for the entire blog.

Admin’s can also add classes to the TinyMCE "Formats” dropdown which users can use to style posts and pages directly. As of Scripts n Styles 3+ styles are reflected in the post editor.

Because only well trusted users should ever be allowed to insert JavaScript directly into the pages of your site, this plugin restricts usage to admin type users. Admin’s have access to even more sensitive areas by definition, so that should be relatively safe 😉

Notes about the implementation:

  • Admin users, or more specifically, any user with the manage_options and unfiltered_html capabilities (which by default is only the admin type user) can use this plugin’s functionality. Some plugins extend user rolls, and so this plugin would naturally extend include rolls that have the appropriate capability.
  • CSS Styles are embeded, not linked, at the bottom of the head element with style tags by using wp-head. If your theme doesn’t have this hook, this plugin (as well as most others) won’t work.
  • JavaScript is embeded, not linked, at the bottom of the body (or head) element with script tags by using wp-footer (or wp-head). If your theme doesn’t have this hook, this plugin (as well as most others) won’t work.
  • There is no input validation. This plugin puts exactly what you type in the meta box directly into the html with no error checking. You are an Admin, and we trust you to be carefull. Try not to break anything.
  • Do to the licensing of the libraries used, this plugin is released "GPL 3.0 or later” if you care about those things.

اسکرین شاٹس

  • Settings Page for Writing Scripts n Styles that apply to the whole blog.
  • The Scripts panel of the Meta Box.
  • The Styles panel of the Meta Box.
  • The Classes panel. Add classes to the Style dropdown!
  • Enqueue panel. You can enqueue jQuery from here if you need!
  • Your styles are reflected in the Editor.


This plugin does not require any special activation or template tags. Just get it from wordpress.org/extend, install and activate like normal.

عمومی سوالات

Will I lose all of my custom Styles and Scripts if I uninstall the plugin?

Yes, absolutely. YOU WLL LOSE ALL CUSTOMIZATIONS. Be sure that you do not want these customizations before you uninstall.

Why would you do that to me?

Well, because plugins are supposed to, and should be expected to clean up after themselves. If you disable and uninstall the plugin, as a developer, I am supposed to assume that you no longer want me to store all of that now useless data in your database.

Can I get around that somehow?

Sure, if you are an Admin, just go to the plugin editor and wipe out the uninstall.php and then WordPress will not delete the meta data on uninstall.


اکتوبر 5, 2019
HTML meta tags added in non-amp version is not showing in amp version. Like yoast SEO meta tags are shown in both the amp and non-amp version. But this plugin is not showing meta tags in both version i.e amp and non-amp. I am using multisite language site and I am using manual code of hreflang tag which is working fine in non-amp version but all codes and meta tags added in this plugin is not showing in amp version. Can u make it amp friendly?
جنوری 8, 2019
Does what is says and much more!! – you can add custom html, css, scripts in the header or footer globally, or on a per page basis. You can even generate your own shortcodes! You can also conditionally add generic site scripts above the included script, and add custom classes to the body or post or dropdowns that appear on the page. And to the 3-star reviewer who said that scripts are hardcoded with: <script type=”text/javascript”> The plugin lets you add your own code, but has the <script type=”text/javascript”> hardcoded, so it doesn’t help if you need other types of scripts. You can get around this by adding your entire script block using the HTML input area, rather than in the SCRIPTS input area. Fantastic little plugin that has become one of my go-tos in my ‘plugin essentials’ toolbox. Kudos to the dev for providing their time free of charge for us all to benefit from.
دسمبر 11, 2018
Nice plugin. glad I found you, was only way for me to add JavaScript to rid my site of the new Facebook Click ID url strings bogging down my site and not being able to follow Google Analytics. Also love that the developer doesn’t "take no crap” from anyone! Again, thanks Buddy 5STARS!!!
تمام 29 جائزے پڑھیں

شراکت دار اور ڈیویلپرز

“Scripts n Styles” اوپن سورس سافٹ ویئر ہے۔ مندرجہ ذیل لوگوں نے اس پلگ ان میں حصہ لیا:

شراکت دار

“Scripts n Styles” کا اپنی زبان میں ترجمہ کریں۔

ڈویلپمینٹ میں دلچسپی ہے؟

کوڈ براؤز کریں، ایس این وی ریپوزیٹری کو چیک کریں یا ڈویلپمینٹ لاگ کو سبسکرائب کریں بذریعہ آر ایس ایس۔

چینج لاگ


  • Hardening select fields


  • Hardening meta


  • Restore activation hook


  • Hardening


  • No longer auto upgrading meta
  • DISALLOW_UNFILTERED_HTML disables everything, not just admin screens


  • Fix PHP 8 notice


  • Fix JS error in Classic mode


  • Fix some functionality for Gutenberg
  • Add arbitrary HTML fields


  • Rename codemirror handle for compatibility


  • No newline at end of file
  • Remove closing php tags
  • More guards against PHP 7.1 array conversion breaking change


  • Silence alert debug message.


  • Fix meta box saving.


  • Add option to not delete data on uninstall
  • Version 4.0 will drop php support under 5.4
  • This version disables updates for installs with php < 5.4
  • 4.0 will launch when most have updated to 3.4 🙂 (and when it’s done.)


  • See the github repo commits


  • metabox add shortcode bugfix


  • Add AJAX to Shortcode Tab
  • Add "Chosen” for selects
  • General UI Improvements
  • Add CoffeeScript Support
  • Add Hoops Widget
  • Add Global Hoops Shortcodes
  • Add Markdown mode to code editor
  • Add (fix) code editor themes
  • Theme Support (Beta Feature)


  • Add (fix) CodeMirror Themes


  • Feature: Dynamic Shortcodes.
  • Feature: LESS.js support.
  • Bug Fix: Proper output escaping.


  • Bug Fix: wpautop formatting.


  • Bug Fix: Fatal Error on post save


  • Option to show Metabox by default
  • Check upgrade in more places
  • Fix double Settings Message on general-options
  • Fix empty post showing on usage
  • Cleaned up constants (internal)


  • AJAX Saving of Meta-box
  • Dynamically populate the Styles Dropdown for TinyMCE
  • Styles preview in Post Editor
  • Enqueue dependant scripts if you need (like jQuery)
  • Adjustable menu placement
  • CodeMirror Themes


  • fixed some bugs


  • Better selection of post_types to add Scripts-n-Styles
  • micro-optimization for storage of class names.
  • Adds option page for globally adding Scripts and Styles.
  • Defined a later priority for Scripts n Styles to print after other scripts and styles.
  • Added a box for Scripts to be included in the head.
  • Better adherence to coding standards.
  • Tabbed interface on metabox
  • added CodeMirror
  • began contextual help


  • Added fields for body_class and post_class
  • Merged meta boxes
  • Cleaned up code
  • Improved compatibility
  • Added Screenshot


  • Some small plugin meta data updates.


  • Initial Release.