Add a class in the form field.
Example of use with Contact Form 7:
[tel your-phone class:phone placeholder "Phone"]
Listing of classes available for use.
('span.start, input.start').mask('00/0000');
('span.date, input.date').mask('00/00/0000');
('span.time, input.time').mask('00:00:00');
('span.time2, input.time2').mask('00:00');
('input.date_time').mask('00/00/0000 00:00:00');
('input.date_time2').mask('00/00/0000 00:00');
('input.phone, input[name="phonebr"]').mask(PhoneMaskBehavior, nonoOptions);
('input.phone_us').mask('(000) 000-0000');
('input.mixed').mask('AAA 000-S0S');
('input.cpf').mask('000.000.000-00', { reverse: true });
('input.cnpj').mask('00.000.000/0000-00', { reverse: true });
('input.money').mask(',00', { reverse: true });
('input.money2').mask('#.##0,00', { reverse: true });
('input.money3').mask('#,##0.00', { reverse: true });
('input.money4').mask('000,000,000,000,000.00', { reverse: true });
('input.money5').mask('#.##0', { reverse: true });
('input.money6').mask('#,##0', { reverse: true });
('input.percent').mask('##0,00%', { reverse: true });
('input.percent2').mask('##0.00%', { reverse: true });
('input.percent3').mask('990,0%', { reverse: true });
('input.percent4').mask('990.0%', { reverse: true });
('input.percent5').mask('#,##0%', { reverse: true });
('input.percent6').mask('#.##0%', { reverse: true });
Click here for more details on how to add custom mask.
– Added option for the format of the Brazilian phone number, with attribute name
equal to phonebr
Installing "Masks Form Fields” can be done either by searching for "Masks Form Fields” via the "Plugins > Add New” screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps:
- Download the plugin via WordPress.org
- Upload the ZIP file through the ‘Plugins > Add New > Upload’ screen in your WordPress dashboard
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
عمومی سوالات
What is the plugin for?
This plugin to add masks in the form’s fields.
How to add custom mask?
Click here for more details on how to add custom mask.
شراکت دار اور ڈیویلپرز
“Masks Form Fields” اوپن سورس سافٹ ویئر ہے۔ مندرجہ ذیل لوگوں نے اس پلگ ان میں حصہ لیا:
شراکت دار“Masks Form Fields” کا 3 زبانوں میں ترجمہ کیا گیا ہے۔ تعاون کے لیے مترجمین کا شکریہ۔
“Masks Form Fields” کا اپنی زبان میں ترجمہ کریں۔
ڈویلپمینٹ میں دلچسپی ہے؟
کوڈ براؤز کریں، ایس این وی ریپوزیٹری کو چیک کریں یا ڈویلپمینٹ لاگ کو سبسکرائب کریں بذریعہ آر ایس ایس۔
چینج لاگ
- Convert line endings from CRLF to LF
- Tested in WordPress 6.7
- Fixed JS minification conflict: Added semicolon after JSON declaration in wp_add_inline_script. (commit#3529ce1)
- Added option for the format of the Brazilian phone number, with attribute ‘name’ equal to ‘phonebr’. (commit#9c14400)
- Replaced wp_localize_script with wp_add_inline_script. (commit#6f6dc2d)
- Updated minimum WordPress version requirement from 3.9 to 4.5.
- Tested in WordPress 6.5
- Fixed conflict with another library.
- Tested in WordPress 5.9
- Added five new mask formats. (date_time2, money5, money6, percent5, percent6)
- Updated readme with usage example.
- Added new mask formats. (start, time2, zip, taxid, ssn, money3, money4, percent2, percent3, percent4)
- Tested in WordPress 5.8
- Fixed the incorrect value in the localize script.
- Tested in WordPress 5.7
- Updated Readme description
- Updated jQuery Mask library
- Tested in WordPress 5.5
- 2019-06-10
- Tested in WordPress 5.2
- 2017-11-20
- Tested in WordPress 4.9
- 2017-8-7
- Bug fix: remove date and time mask on body class.
- Add mask only span and input fields.
- 2016-11-3
- Initial release