Papers by Marie Michele Grenon
Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle, 2021
L’ère numérique donne de nouvelles possibilités pour offrir des communications accessibles et com... more L’ère numérique donne de nouvelles possibilités pour offrir des communications accessibles et compréhensibles pour les personnes ayant de faibles compétences en littératie, incluant celles présentant une déficience intellectuelle. Or, les concepteurs d’information sont confrontés à plusieurs enjeux lorsqu’ils entreprennent un tel processus. Cet article aborde la démarche de la Science du design qu’une équipe de recherche interdisciplinaire a réalisée pour développer une information numérique sous la forme de capsules vidéos. Lors d’un groupe de discussion focalisé, les participants à la recherche ont identifié des facilitateurs et des obstacles rencontrés au cours de la démarche.

Universal Access in the Information Society, 2021
Purpose: Many citizens face situations where they have difficulty accessing and understanding inf... more Purpose: Many citizens face situations where they have difficulty accessing and understanding information, particularly due to insufficient literacy skills. Although strategies have been proposed for improving comprehensibility of texts or web sites, there is no consensus on the standards to favor, nor is there any one single approach that addresses this issue. This article defines the expression “access to and understanding of information,” with the aim of guiding designers in their quest to develop inclusive information resources. Method: A literature search was performed. The investigation led to the identification of elements that could serve as dimensions or indicators for the conceptualization of access to information. In a co-construction process, the co-authors compared these elements with the dimensions and indicators from Fougeyrollas et al.’s (2015, 2019) conceptualization of “access” in order to adjust and complement these so that they may apply in the context of access to information. Results: First, the expression “access to and understanding of information” is clarified because it is not well defined in the scientific literature. Then, a theoretical conceptualization of access to information is proposed in order to clarify what this term encompasses; also elaborating on its dimensions and indicators and on ways to measure them. Conclusion: This conceptualization stems from a literature search and a co-construction of the “access to information” concept. It is still evolving because we aim to enrich it in step with social, technological, and knowledge developments, with the objective of meeting users’ needs.
Éla. Études de linguistique appliquée, 2019
Résumé : Après avoir présenté la problématique de l'accès à l'information en matière de santé pou... more Résumé : Après avoir présenté la problématique de l'accès à l'information en matière de santé pour quelques groupes vulnérables, nous exposons la conceptualisation de cette notion. Celle-ci nous amène à approfondir la compréhensibilité de l'information, à travers la modélisation et l'explicitation des liens entre ce concept et certains domaines de la linguistique. Une mise en situation illustre concrètement le modèle proposé.

International Journal of Cuban Studies, 2016
The end of the Cold War has introduced important transformations including the practice of humani... more The end of the Cold War has introduced important transformations including the practice of humanitarian aid that adjusted to the new world order. The general tendencies of the 'contemporary humanitarianism' are well discussed in the scientific literature. Since 1959, Cuba has developed its internationalism policy and has created a post-disaster brigade relief in the late 1990s. However, the subject has been little studied. The objective of this article is to analyze the Cuban humanitarian practices, values and framework in comparison with the contemporary tendency that appears since the end of the Cold War. Based on interviews led with Cuban cooperantes and a review of scientific literature, the study proposes that the Cuban post-relief internationalism is profoundly linked with the particular context in which it was created, but it is also functioning in a specific way in practice.
Book Reviews by Marie Michele Grenon
Compte-rendu de l'ouvrage dirigé par Nancy Thede qui vise à contribuer à la systématisation et à ... more Compte-rendu de l'ouvrage dirigé par Nancy Thede qui vise à contribuer à la systématisation et à la théorisation du phénomène d'hybridité politique. L'objectif est incontestablement atteint à travers une analyse théorique rigoureuse étayée par des études de cas minutieuses en Amérique du Sud et en Afrique de l'Ouest.
Teaching Documents by Marie Michele Grenon

The Canadian Anthropology Society is working to address sexual harassment and violence at institu... more The Canadian Anthropology Society is working to address sexual harassment and violence at institutional and community-based settings where anthropologists undertake their work. In 2021, the newly formed Sexual Harassment and Violence Working Group held a roundtable at the CASCA conference to start a conversation about sexual violence among CASCA members and to workshop best practices to prevent, disrupt, and respond to incidents of sexual harassment and violence that CASCA members may experience or observe. Here, the Working Group summarizes the process of planning, implementing, and following up the roundtable, focusing on specific actions taken by the organizers to ensure a safe conversational space before, during, and after the event. We demonstrate how the roundtable aligns within the larger framework of CASCA's institutional history and future. The goal of this report is to provide a framework for convening difficult conversations in professional settings, especially in an online environment. We provide recommendations to this end, and emphasize the need to hold further conversations to combat the air of silence that remains, even in a post-#MeToo world, surrounding sexual violence in anthropology.
Papers by Marie Michele Grenon
Book Reviews by Marie Michele Grenon
Teaching Documents by Marie Michele Grenon