Books by Adriana Navarro Álvarez
Femenino Plural. Mujeres cineastas del siglo XXI, 2017

This work is divided into two main parts: the first is the one about the diffusion of animated sh... more This work is divided into two main parts: the first is the one about the diffusion of animated short entitled Via Tango and the second is the one about self-promotion thereof, through the use of different strategies and materials. In the part of diffusion I wanted to mention the selection of Via Tango at various film or video festivals or exhibitions (national, international, generalists, specialists...), its presence in various media online, blogs, websites, video portals (Vimeo, YouTube) and social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn ...). Also worthy of mention educational applications in different educational stage and collaborations with others within and outside the world of animation.
If in the previous part, the animated image was the protagonist, self-promotion will be the still image and we highlight the picture book, articles, business cards, greeting and celebration cards, exhibitions, derivative works (boxes , postcards ...), that they have been, all of them works produced as a result from the making of the short film and in order to give more visibility and publicity, but without forgetting that each piece has its own entity.
by leonor hungria, Eduarda Novo, Mariana Viana, Daniel Cruz Brandão, Joana Costa, Dária Salgado, Marta López, Birgitta Hosea, Glória Maria Lourenço Bastos, Vitor Carvalho, Manuela Rocha, Marta Alexandra Cruz Madureira, Tiago Rodrigues, Rita Carvalho, Stuart Medley, Paula Tavares, Blanca Lopez, sahra kunz, Manuel Albino, Daniel Silvestre, María Carmen Lorenzo Hernández, Eduardo Faria, Jorge Teixeira Marques, Jason Kennedy, Isabel Trigueiros, Miquel Alcaraz, Adriana Navarro Álvarez, Eliane Gordeeff, Susan Hagan, Catarina Silva, and Jorge Pereira
Papers by Adriana Navarro Álvarez
With the advancement of new technologies, and the precedent of pop-up books, children's stories e... more With the advancement of new technologies, and the precedent of pop-up books, children's stories extend its graphics, expressive and aesthetic horizons through different means and devices. This article discusses the use of animation and its interaction with the user in the new formats of children's reading where, increasingly often, illustration and text explore the narrative possibilities of moving images. To do this, I will use as a case study The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore which is a part of a transmedia production derived from the film version of the animated short film which won the Oscar in 2012.
This article presented here, is to investigate how the animation could be related gurative anima... more This article presented here, is to investigate how the animation could be related gurative animation and dance, asking whether the architecture of movements that generate both artistic disci- plines share common goals. Serve us a case study the animated short lm Vía Tango [1], which largely used as foundation and dancing axis around which has turned the entire production, we’ll see if the media animated choreography and be able to work on the same assumptions, for nally wonder about the meaning of the animators might appreciate dance and mobile reference.
This article analyzes Squid Ink and C Plan, two animation short films which are used as a therape... more This article analyzes Squid Ink and C Plan, two animation short films which are used as a therapeutic tool of artistic mediation to promote positive social values. The idea of animation is to provide abstraction and symbolization of motion pictures. In this sense, the visual metaphor will have a great rhetoric relevance and will be emphasized on both cases of study. The use of animation as a form of art and as mediation has a dual purpose. Firstly, it helps to have a better understanding of those who are affected by Crohn's disease and Hepatitis C, and secondly, it familiarizes chronic patients and health personnel with language and artistic values of animated images.

Nowadays, it is increasingly common to find examples of animated films that reflect social realit... more Nowadays, it is increasingly common to find examples of animated films that reflect social realities that have to do with the world of health. Animation has proved to be a universal language that shows complex medical and social problems, to the point that, not only projects as Animation in Therapy, awarded for innovation in health which is sponsored by The National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts (NESTA); but also specialized workshops have been carried out; for example, Healing Education Research Therapy (HEART) as well as events like Animation on Prescription, held in the Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival. This paper analyzes Squid Ink and C Plan, two animation short films which are used as a therapeutic tool of artistic mediation to promote positive social values. The idea of animation is to provide abstraction and symbolization of motion pictures. In this sense, the visual metaphor will have great rhetoric relevance and will be emphasized on both cases of study. The use of animation as a form of art and as mediation has a dual purpose. Firstly, it helps to have a better understanding of those who are affected by Crohn's disease and hepatitis C, and, secondly, it familiarizes chronic patients and health personnel with language and artistic values of animated images. Also, the idea of animation will be highlighted as an expressive medium applied in the medical field, empathizing with patients and medical staff as active participants of the proposed animated short films.
Le réalisateur ukrainien Eugène Boitsov, auteur du court-métrage « La Table » vient d’obtenir no... more Le réalisateur ukrainien Eugène Boitsov, auteur du court-métrage « La Table » vient d’obtenir notre Prix Format Court au Festival Premiers Plans d’Angers, dans la catégorie des « Plans animés » grâce à une animation d’excellente qualité, une composition dynamique et un rythme plein d’esprit.
« Manoman » de Simon Cartwright, un court-métrage d’animation hilarant et accrocheur d’une durée de 11 minutes, nous rapproche du côté obscur de la force et nous invite en même temps à perdre le contrôle total, comme ses protagonistes. Primé par le Jury Prix Format Court au Festival Court Métrange, nommé aux BAFTA et ayant fait ses débuts à la Cinéfondation 2015, ce film est loin de rendre indifférent le public et les jurys festivaliers.
Édité par Qwazar en coproduction avec 8 Mont-Blanc, le DVD «Le Cinema d’Animation en France » s... more Édité par Qwazar en coproduction avec 8 Mont-Blanc, le DVD «Le Cinema d’Animation en France » s’interesse au paysage de l’animation en France àtravers une serie documentaire de Romain Delerps et Alexandre Hilaire, completee par 17 court-métrages réunissant autant de jeunes talents que de maÎtres etablis. Cette selection pointue des années 60 ànos jours regroupe des cinéastes celèbres comme Jean-Francois Laguionie, Michel Ocelot ou Florence Miailhe ainsi que de nouveaux créateurs comme Oleshya Shchukina ou Cecile Rousset.
Tourné en seulement trois heures àMadrid par David González Rudíez (Bilbao, 1980), « 5 segundo... more Tourné en seulement trois heures àMadrid par David González Rudíez (Bilbao, 1980), « 5 segundos » est un court-métrage d’une durée de près de trois minutes et demie qui raconte comment un homme prépare une surprise àsa femme afin de lui présenter ses excuses pour son étrange comportement survenu quelques jours auparavant. Ce court-metrage minimaliste, selectionné au Festival Court Metrange 2016, joue avec le suspense et la paranoia àtravers une reflexion sur la violence de genre et la confiance au sein du couple. Grace àune excellente utilisation de la voix-off et de l’off screen, le realisateur nous confronte à trois minutes de reelle detresse emotionnelle.
Il y a quelques années, en 2008, Agnès B. et Potemkine ont édité un coffret DVD dédié à Ba... more Il y a quelques années, en 2008, Agnès B. et Potemkine ont édité un coffret DVD dédié à Barry Purves, le réalisateur et animateur britannique indépendant, spécialiste de la stop-motion (3D, image par image), « Barry Purves – His Intimate Lives – comprenant six courts-metrages d’animation pour adultes, des interviews et un livret de 80 pages en couleurs. Ce bijou de l’un des maitres de l’animation de marionnettes contemporaine est un must pour les passionnes et amoureux du genre anime.

Este artículo está dirigido a quienes quieran continuar aprendiendo animacion, compartiendo con ... more Este artículo está dirigido a quienes quieran continuar aprendiendo animacion, compartiendo con quien tenga curiosidad mi experiencia personal al haber cursado este Máster. Espero que esta lectura les resulte útil.
Pero, antes de comenzar, permítanme que me presente: me llamo Adriana Navarro, y soy de Barakaldo. Cursémis dos primeros anos de carrera en Salamanca para luego aterrizar en la unica Facultad de Espana donde se impartía animacion, la Facultad de Bellas Artes en la Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. Allí me especialicéen Animacion. Durante el ultimo curso trabajécomo asistente en prácticas para un corto de la animadora Mª Carmen Poveda. Sentía que me faltaba algo por hacer, por lo que decidí acometer estudios superiores que me permitiesen profundizar en el conocimiento de la Animacion, asentar bien las bases de lo aprendido y adquirir mas nivel, de mano de grandes profesionales. Esa es la experiencia que me dispongo a compartir con ustedes.
El presente artículo trata de investigar la manera en que se relacionan la animación figurativa y... more El presente artículo trata de investigar la manera en que se relacionan la animación figurativa y la danza, dilucidando si la arquitectura de movimientos que generan ambas disciplinas artísticas comparten objetivos comunes. Sirviéndonos como caso de estudio el cortometraje animado Vía Tango, que utiliza en gran parte el baile como fundamento y eje en torno al cual ha girado toda la producción, veremos si el medio animado y la coreografía son capaces de trabajar sobre los mismos presupuestos, para finalmente cuestionarnos por el significado que podrían apreciar los animadores de la danza y el referente móvil.
In this interview, the artist Carles Porta García (born in Madrid, 1963, (but from Lleida by voca... more In this interview, the artist Carles Porta García (born in Madrid, 1963, (but from Lleida by vocation) shows us in s brief and condensed way some significant aspects of his activity as mutifaceted creative. He begins by recalling his adolescence as the period in which he decides to go their own way guided by a taste of the art world, continues to speak about his influences and referents, as well as how he manage to combine his professional works with his personal works, and pointing to, among other things, some likes and dislikes and finally giving us some clues to his last (for jow) project.
Books by Adriana Navarro Álvarez
If in the previous part, the animated image was the protagonist, self-promotion will be the still image and we highlight the picture book, articles, business cards, greeting and celebration cards, exhibitions, derivative works (boxes , postcards ...), that they have been, all of them works produced as a result from the making of the short film and in order to give more visibility and publicity, but without forgetting that each piece has its own entity.
Papers by Adriana Navarro Álvarez
« Manoman » de Simon Cartwright, un court-métrage d’animation hilarant et accrocheur d’une durée de 11 minutes, nous rapproche du côté obscur de la force et nous invite en même temps à perdre le contrôle total, comme ses protagonistes. Primé par le Jury Prix Format Court au Festival Court Métrange, nommé aux BAFTA et ayant fait ses débuts à la Cinéfondation 2015, ce film est loin de rendre indifférent le public et les jurys festivaliers.
Pero, antes de comenzar, permítanme que me presente: me llamo Adriana Navarro, y soy de Barakaldo. Cursémis dos primeros anos de carrera en Salamanca para luego aterrizar en la unica Facultad de Espana donde se impartía animacion, la Facultad de Bellas Artes en la Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. Allí me especialicéen Animacion. Durante el ultimo curso trabajécomo asistente en prácticas para un corto de la animadora Mª Carmen Poveda. Sentía que me faltaba algo por hacer, por lo que decidí acometer estudios superiores que me permitiesen profundizar en el conocimiento de la Animacion, asentar bien las bases de lo aprendido y adquirir mas nivel, de mano de grandes profesionales. Esa es la experiencia que me dispongo a compartir con ustedes.
If in the previous part, the animated image was the protagonist, self-promotion will be the still image and we highlight the picture book, articles, business cards, greeting and celebration cards, exhibitions, derivative works (boxes , postcards ...), that they have been, all of them works produced as a result from the making of the short film and in order to give more visibility and publicity, but without forgetting that each piece has its own entity.
« Manoman » de Simon Cartwright, un court-métrage d’animation hilarant et accrocheur d’une durée de 11 minutes, nous rapproche du côté obscur de la force et nous invite en même temps à perdre le contrôle total, comme ses protagonistes. Primé par le Jury Prix Format Court au Festival Court Métrange, nommé aux BAFTA et ayant fait ses débuts à la Cinéfondation 2015, ce film est loin de rendre indifférent le public et les jurys festivaliers.
Pero, antes de comenzar, permítanme que me presente: me llamo Adriana Navarro, y soy de Barakaldo. Cursémis dos primeros anos de carrera en Salamanca para luego aterrizar en la unica Facultad de Espana donde se impartía animacion, la Facultad de Bellas Artes en la Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. Allí me especialicéen Animacion. Durante el ultimo curso trabajécomo asistente en prácticas para un corto de la animadora Mª Carmen Poveda. Sentía que me faltaba algo por hacer, por lo que decidí acometer estudios superiores que me permitiesen profundizar en el conocimiento de la Animacion, asentar bien las bases de lo aprendido y adquirir mas nivel, de mano de grandes profesionales. Esa es la experiencia que me dispongo a compartir con ustedes.