Papers by Maria Luisa Carrio Pastor

This paper investigates modals in Linguistics and Engineering research articles. The study has tw... more This paper investigates modals in Linguistics and Engineering research articles. The study has two main objectives. The first one concerns the identification and categorization of modals used in research articles written in English by native speakers. The second objective is of a contrastive nature. We are much interested in measuring the use and function of modals according to register. For this study, we focus on material traditionally categorized as belonging to the realm of the humanities, e.g. linguistic research, and material categorized as belonging to the hard sciences, e.g. engineering research. Without further considerations as to the suitability of these categories, we want to explore on the motivations behind the use of modals in these branches of scientific thought. Our corpus was gathered for this purpose in mind with a selection of papers from the humanities and the hard sciences. Although corpus tools are fundamental for statistical representations, manual analyses a...
Le langage manipulateur, 2014
Introducción En este estudio, nuestro propósito es comparar el uso de la referencia al autor en u... more Introducción En este estudio, nuestro propósito es comparar el uso de la referencia al autor en un entorno académico, en concreto, en los artículos científicos que se publican internacionalmente. Hyland (2002a; 2002b; 2011), Flottum, Dahl y Kinn (2006), Carciu (2009) y Hyland y Sancho (2012) hacen hincapié en sus estudios sobre este aspecto, considerando que la representación de uno mismo como autor es importante para plasmar nuestra identidad, sobre todo en el ámbito académico. Sin embargo, ..

Research in Corpus Linguistics, 2013
Errors should be viewed as a key feature of language learning and language use. In this paper, we... more Errors should be viewed as a key feature of language learning and language use. In this paper, we focus on the identification and classification of errors that are related to students’ grammar acquisition and pragmatic competence. Our objectives are, first, to propose the tagging of grammatical errors and pragmatic errors according to the competences of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and, second, to determine where there is a correspondence between the different types of error. In order to meet these objectives, we designed a grid to tag the pragmatic errors produced by students with a B1 level of proficiency. It was based on the errors found in a corpus of written texts produced by undergraduate students at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Students wrote specific assignments based on the proposals specified in the CEFR for the development of pragmatic and grammatical competences. The texts were corrected and tagged manually by raters, who classified the e...

Onomázein Revista de lingüística filología y traducción, 2018
La atenuación en los comentarios sobre las noticias digitales en periódicos de España y Chile 57 ... more La atenuación en los comentarios sobre las noticias digitales en periódicos de España y Chile 57 El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar la variación en los mecanismos de atenuación empleados por los comentaristas de las noticias digitales publicadas en los periódicos El País (España) y Emol (Chile) en dos ámbitos temáticos diferentes, la política y los deportes. En este análisis, entendemos la atenuación como parte del análisis del metadiscurso interpersonal, es decir, como los elementos del lenguaje que indican la decisión del escritor por reconocer diferentes puntos de vista para así no comprometerse completamente con una proposición (Hyland, 2005). El corpus de este estudio está compuesto por 2.400 comentarios de noticias digitales que posteriormente se analizaron con la herramienta UAM Corpus Tool con el fin de detectar los marcadores que se habían utilizado para atenuar los comentarios digitales. Los resultados, por un lado, indicaron que los comentarios correspondientes al diario El País incluyen una mayor cantidad de atenuadores que los producidos en los comentarios del periódico Emol; por otro lado, se detectó que no había relación entre el uso de atenuadores y el ámbito temático. Resumen Palabras clave: atenuación; metadiscurso; comentarios de noticias; marcadores discursivos. The objective of this research is to identify the variation in the use of attenuation strategies used by digital newspaper commentators of El País (Spain) and Emol (Chile) in two contexts, politics and sports. In this analysis we consider attenuation as part of interactional metadiscourse analysis, that is, those elements that indicate the decision of writers to recognize different points of views to not compromise themselves with a proposition (Hyland, 2005). In this study, we compiled a corpus of 2,400 comments; then it was analyzed with the tool UAM Corpus Tool to detect the discourse markers used to attenuate the digital comments to digital news. The results indicated that, on the one hand, the comments from El País included more attenuators than the comments included in Emol. On the other hand, it was observed that there was no difference in the use of attenuators if we consider the two specific contexts analysed, i.e. politics and sports. 1 Esta investigación forma parte del proyecto concedido por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad FFI2016-77941-P.
International Journal of English Studies, 2018
The work at hand is part of a wider study the aim of which was to determine what kind of factors ... more The work at hand is part of a wider study the aim of which was to determine what kind of factors influence pragmatic failure in an online adaptive placement test taken by Spanish students in their first year at university. A preceding analysis (Carrió and Martín, 2016) showed the type of personal factors that caused the exam takers pragmatic failure according to their own perception. In this paper, we go deeper and search about what specific pragmatic categories the items more frequently failed in the test belong to, so that we can reach some conclusions about its content validity and state whether the pragmatics construct is underrepresented or not in this test.

Spanish in Context, 2018
oEl objetivo de este estudio es identificar la variación cuando se utilizan mecanismos de intensi... more oEl objetivo de este estudio es identificar la variación cuando se utilizan mecanismos de intensificación en los comentarios en español sobre las noticias digitales que publican dos periódicos:El País(España) yEmol(Chile), y en dos ámbitos temáticos diferentes: la política y los deportes. Para lograr este objetivo, se analizó un corpus compuesto de 2,400 comentarios con la herramienta para el análisis de corpusUAM Corpus Tool. Los resultados obtenidos señalan que, por un lado, los comentarios de los escritores españoles correspondientes al diarioEl Paíspresentan una mayor cantidad de intensificadores que aquellos escritos enEmol. Por otro lado, se detectó que el ámbito temático no influye de forma determinante en la frecuencia de los intensificadores en ambos sub-corpus. Por último, se distingue la presencia de estrategias relacionadas con el español coloquial conversacional como, por ejemplo, la personalización medianteyoytú.

Resla Revista Espanola De Linguistica Aplicada, 2013
Our objectives in this paper are, first, to determine how to set the stages of second language le... more Our objectives in this paper are, first, to determine how to set the stages of second language learning taking into consideration the pragmatic considerations of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR); second, to decide whether levels of L2 proficiency functioned as an indicator of pragmatic development, and third, to propose awareness-raising activities related to pragmatic aspects of ESP. In order to apply the pragmatic considerations of the CEFR indicated to help students, we focused our analysis on specific writings produced by English students at Universitat Politècnica de València. The results were highly satisfactory as students acquired information about pragmatic aspects of language. Our conclusions imply that more efforts should be made to define the pragmatic aspects to be developed in order to obtain the different levels of language proficiency and to raise pragmalinguistic awareness in the classroom. Furthermore, the CEFR should address the pragmatic implications and competences of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and, as a consequence, to be used as accurate guidelines to design language syllabuses and materials.
Empiricism and Analytical Tools For 21 Century Applied Linguistics Selected Papers from the Xxix International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics 2012 Isbn 978 84 9012 154 2 Pags 635 649, 2012
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
This study compares the use of general meaning keywords in press releases from energy companies i... more This study compares the use of general meaning keywords in press releases from energy companies in Britain and Spain. The analysis of general meaning keywords in specialist corpora of this type allows for a more refined corpus-based comparison of corporate discourse than is the case when comparing wordlists including similar technical issues and terms. The keywords were identified with WordSmith Tools (Smith, 2005), and were then further analysed with Sketch Engine's word sketch tool in order to determine their collocational patterns. The findings suggest that, even within the same industrial sector, corporate discourse can vary substantially, and that this is a reflection of different communicative strategies and the different social and cultural contexts in which they are employed across the world.
Revista signos, 2015
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es categorizar los valores de seem en un corpus paralelo de... more El objetivo principal de este trabajo es categorizar los valores de seem en un corpus paralelo de textos técnicos en lengua inglesa y española. Atendiendo a cuestiones sintácticas y pragmáticas, se establecen varias categorías de esta forma verbal, lo que incluye la división de seem en mecanismos evidenciales y epistémicos. Los datos se han tomado del Corpus of English-Spanish software localization de la Universidad de Vigo (LOGALIZA), el cual es una compilación de textos técnicos en lengua inglesa con su traducción al español. Los resultados de nuestros análisis reflejan que la traducción de seem depende, en gran medida, de la reflexión que el traductor hace de esta forma durante el proceso traductológico pero, en general, se concluye que se hace un uso evidencial de la forma seem en un porcentaje alto de casos.

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
Collaborative learning has acquired a new dimension with the widespread use of information and co... more Collaborative learning has acquired a new dimension with the widespread use of information and communication technologies (McCafferty, Jacobs and Dasilva Iddings, 2006). The main advantages of using technology for language learning are a greater exposure to authentic language, access to a wide range of sources of information and to different varieties of language, opportunities for interaction and communication and more intensive learner participation (Carrió Pastor, 2009a, 2009b). The practical case presented in this study shows the collaborative learning experience in two English for business subjects, taught at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The activity was intended to simulate a real-life situation, in which members of business organizations are required to collaborate on projects in geographically distant locations. It has provided many opportunities for written interaction through a chat, in which students had to refine their communicative skills in English in order to collaborate successfully in the assignment set. The survey conducted after the assignment revealed that students felt more motivated and found the online collaboration an enriching context in learning business English.
International Journal of English Studies, 2014

Libro de Actas IN-RED 2021: VII Congreso de Innovación Edicativa y Docencia en Red
Este trabajo parte de una experiencia de un proyecto de telecolaboración con estudiantes de la Un... more Este trabajo parte de una experiencia de un proyecto de telecolaboración con estudiantes de la Universitat Politècnica de València y de Finlandia y Ucrania sobre desarrollo sostenible y prácticas de reciclaje. Con la expansión del inglés como lengua internacional y el creciente número de hablantes de inglés como segunda lengua, la enseñanza del inglés estándar tiene que adaptarse al contexto internacional y considerar la comunicación en inglés con hablantes no nativos. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es valorar mediante la prueba de Piasentin (2012) la capacidad de adaptación y empatía etnocultural de los participantes en este proyecto como resultado preliminar de la experiencia de enseñanza de inglés en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje para potenciar la concienciación y desarrollar capacidades interculturales en los estudiantes de la asignatura Inglés B2 de la ETSII. Los resultados sobre comunicación intercultural y uso del inglés con hablantes no nativos son optimistas, y ...

ODISEA. Revista de estudios ingleses
Academic English can be said to be non-emotional. However, when texts written by speakers with di... more Academic English can be said to be non-emotional. However, when texts written by speakers with different mother tongues are analysed, language variation can be observed in the way some constructions are used. In this paper, a corpus of academic papers is studied to extract frequencies and examples of modal probability construction and to analyse variation in the use of this construction when employed by non-native writers of English. The main objective of this analysis is to apply the principles of Construction Grammar to language variation. Further objectives are to detect variation in the use of modal constructions and to study their functions in the specific field of engineering. For this purpose, a corpus of one hundred academic papers written in English by Spanish writers and by native English-speaking writers was compiled. The constructions made up of modal verb + infinitive that indicate probability were then identified. Examples of this English construction used in different...

Journal of Pragmatics
Self-mentions (i.e., first person pronouns and self-citations) have proven to be one of the most ... more Self-mentions (i.e., first person pronouns and self-citations) have proven to be one of the most powerful ways of rhetorical self-projection in academic discourse and their role in the construction of a self that engenders credibility in more overtly persuasive genres, such as political debates, has been extensively studied, given the vast literature on pronouns in political discourse analysis and specifically on their uses in political debates. To gain a better insight into the ways in which politicians can build a credible ethos through a competent and authoritative presentation of themselves in electoral debates, this paper compares the frequency and rhetorical roles of the self-mentions used by the candidates of the two major political parties (i.e., Democrats and Republicans) during the debates held for the United States presidential election of 2016. The Republican candidates (i.e., Trump and Pence) were found to make a slightly greater use of self-mentions than their Democratic counterparts (i.e., Clinton and Kaine). Significant differences were also found in the rhetorical roles most commonly adopted by each politician to convey authority through the use of exclusive pronouns and self-citations.
Babel Afial Aspectos De Filologia Inglesa Y Alemana, 2009
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...

Resla Revista Espanola De Linguistica Aplicada, 2012
An important issue with regard to terms in linguistics is the detection of term variation, which ... more An important issue with regard to terms in linguistics is the detection of term variation, which may be defined as the use of alternative names for the same concept, i.e. synonymy. Its causes include the different practices for the designation of terms employed by language users. For example, the use of alternative words in specific terminology among experts is commonplace, but this practice is not common among general users of language, who prefer to stick to popular terms. The differences may lead to the designation of a concept by means of different terms, a phenomenon known as term variation. As a result, a general user may utilise a term which is different from the one used in the technical corpus. In this paper, we aim to identify the types of term variation that can be found when contrasting specific texts in English and the way in which we can recognise some of the types of variation from a pragmatic perspective, i.e. depending on language use and the purpose of the user. First, we examine the types of variation which commonly occur in corpora compiled from specific texts, explaining the document pre-processing and the methodology followed. In the results and discussion section, we describe the method carried out to extract synonyms and the results are contrasted. Finally we conclude that, from a pragmatic perspective, the specificity of communicative acts plays a vital role in term variation.
Clina an Interdisciplinary Journal of Translation Interpreting and Intercultural Communication, May 20, 2015
New Frontiers in Translation Studies, 2016
Papers by Maria Luisa Carrio Pastor
The contributions of this book comment the multicultural awareness of the students involved in learning another language and the facts implied in teaching in a multicultural environment.
Contents: María Luisa Carrió-Pastor: Preface - David Marsh: Introduction: Culture, education & content and language integrated learning - María Luisa Carrió-Pastor: Cultural diversity in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) - Inmaculada Fortanet-Gómez/Miguel F. Ruiz-Garrido: Sharing CLIL in Europe - Ana María Gimeno Sanz: How can CLIL benefit from the integration of information and communications technologies? - Do Coyle: Promoting cultural diversity through intercultural understanding: a case study of CLIL teacher professional development at in-service and pre-service levels - Isabell Hodgson/Steven R. Jones: Working across boundaries with CLIL - Tom Morton: Integrating language and content in secondary CLIL history: the potential of a genre-based approach - Joseba Ezeiza Ramos: Integrating languages, contents and cultures in the European Space for Higher Education: from theory to practice.
Although the various writers use current techniques to compile and investigate corpora, our main interest is in how researchers apply corpus analysis. To this end, we include papers that cover a range of issues. The discourse types investigated include academic discourse, literary texts and teaching materials. The papers explore topics such as modality, cognition, language learning, lexicography, terminology, and typologies and employ approaches ranging from comparative analysis to genre studies. Taken together, the papers in this special issue have been selected to provide readers with an example of how researchers are developing and exploiting corpus methods to improve linguistic research.
of the work of other students. It is a key aspect in teaching and assessing a
foreign language in higher education as it motivates students and provides
them with feedback from their partners about their own learning process.
Peer assessment offers potential gains for students as they feel more
confident and gives them the possibility to avoid the errors they spot when
evaluating their peers. In this research, 30 students evaluated the oral
presentations of their peers in a course of English for Specific Purposes at
the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. The objectives of this
chapter are three: first, to explore a different way of testing students’
knowledge of a foreign language; second, to analyse the interrelationship
between motivation and peer assessment; and finally, to discover if
motivation increases when students are involved in peer assessment.
Keywords: variation – modals – function – linguistics – engineering research papers – scientific thought – register.
One mission of this book is to appreciate a diverse array of L2 teaching practices with sound theoretical underpinnings and universal implications for L2 classrooms. The chapter contributions are the result of an open call for studies that highlight practical innovative approaches in L2 teaching and learning and expand the avenues of exploration available within their theoretical frameworks. More specifically, the call for proposals sought to gather a diverse set of perspectives from researchers and language educators from various parts of the world in order to provide practical and thought-provoking insight on innovative approaches to L2 teaching. As such, the studies in this book all share a common goal that demonstrates the applicability of L2 teaching practices across languages, cultures, and regions. The book is intended to act as a valuable reference for language educators, practitioners, specialists, and anyone studying or wishing to gain an overview of successful teaching practices and learning nuances in the L2 classroom that cross all languages, cultures, and regions.