Papers by J. Félix Lozano

Journal of Business Ethics, 2001
At the World Economic Forum meeting in year 2000 in Davos the economic challenges for the next mi... more At the World Economic Forum meeting in year 2000 in Davos the economic challenges for the next millennium were presented and analysed. The role of the Internet and communications in the development of the global economy were the central theme of the meeting and the evident inefficiency of traditional control mechanisms was highlighted. This situation implies greater responsibility for management for two fundamental reasons: first because management are ultimately responsible for the fortunes of their organizations, and second because they have more freedom to act. I believe that the Davos manifesto (1973) of discourse is of incalculable value, but we also believe that it has a series of important weaknesses from the ethical point of view. My proposal is for a transformational review centred on the ethics of discourse and using as a starting point a conviction of the important role of the manager in the development of ethics in organizations. In this article I intend to examine the need, and the opportunity, to develop an ethical code for professional managers based on discourse ethics.
En este trabajo pretendemos presentar las ventajas e inconvenientes de las comisiones éticas como... more En este trabajo pretendemos presentar las ventajas e inconvenientes de las comisiones éticas como un mecanismo de integración de la ética en la vida de las organizaciones. Partimos de la convicción que es una exigencia ineludible el esforzarnos en la integración de los discursos éticos en la realidad de las organizaciones. Apostamos por un modelo de integración más que de aplicación, y consideramos que la teoría ética del discurso puede ser un sólido fundamento filosófico para el desarrollo de un modelo concreto de comisiones éticas.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010
The capability approach (CA) has focused on how universities can enhance cosmopolitan students’ c... more The capability approach (CA) has focused on how universities can enhance cosmopolitan students’ capabilities in order to contribute to a fairer and more inclusive human development model (Nussbaum, 1997). The aim of this paper is to analyze two different initiatives developed at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) in Spain, which have contributed to the creation and expansion of those capabilities amongst the student community. The first one is a formal space in which, since 1997, a cosmopolitan citizenship curriculum has been implemented (Boni, 2007). The second experience refers to an informal space called Mueve created by UPV students. Based on the analysis of 12 in-depth interviews we will provide some insights into the differences, similarities and synergies amongst those two spaces.
Journal of Business Ethics, 2000
This article introduces the important issue of communicating with small firms about ethical issue... more This article introduces the important issue of communicating with small firms about ethical issues. Evidence from two research projects from the U.K. and Spain are used to indicate some of the important issues and how small firms may differ from large firms in this area. The importance of informal mechanisms such as the influence of friends, family and employees are highlighted, and the likely ineffectiveness of formal tools such as Codes and Social and Ethical Standards suggested. Further resarch in the area of small firms and ethics is essential.
Higher Education, 2007
The objective of the European Higher Education Area is, among others, to adopt a comparable degre... more The objective of the European Higher Education Area is, among others, to adopt a comparable degree framework for both undergraduate and post-graduate studies. Different kind of studies, with a European extent (e.g. the Tuning Project and the DeSeCo Project), suggest that, on finishing their undergraduate studies, students should have acquired a series of general competences common to all courses. In this article, our hypothesis for discussion is that the acquisition of general competences, especially the interpersonal and systemic ones, is closely related to the objectives of ethical learning: the training of professionals and citizens who build their knowledge independently and act responsibly, freely and in a committed manner.

Journal of Business Ethics, 2002
Multinational enterprises have continued their increase during the last decades. What these compa... more Multinational enterprises have continued their increase during the last decades. What these companies do and how they do, determines not only the economic development of countries, but also their social and cultural development. This enormous power implies responsibility and new challenges. If we also take into account the role of multinational enterprises in what has been called sustainable development, we see that their importance is still more decisive. In order to guide the performances of multinational enterprises that operate in developing countries, several supranational organizations like the ILO, the OECD, the EU and the UN have elaborated some recommendations to unify criteria and to set out some minimum standards to favor an integral development of these countries. In this document we present three of those with the greatest impact and we analyze them from the approach of an ethical sustainable human development.

Science and Engineering Ethics, 2006
From the Hippocratic Oath on, deontological codes and other professional self-regulation mechanis... more From the Hippocratic Oath on, deontological codes and other professional self-regulation mechanisms have been used to legitimize and identify professional groups. New technological challenges and, above all, changes in the socioeconomic environment require adaptable codes which can respond to new demands. We assume that ethical codes for professionals should not simply focus on regulative functions, but must also consider ideological and educative functions. Any adaptations should take into account both contents (values, norms and recommendations) and the drafting process itself. In this article we propose a process for developing a professional ethical code for an official professional association (Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Industriales de Valencia (COIIV) starting from the philosophical assumptions of discursive ethics but adapting them to critical hermeneutics. Our proposal is based on the Integrity Approach rather than the Compliance Approach. A process aiming to achieve an effective ethical document that fulfils regulative and ideological functions requires a participative, dialogical and reflexive methodology. This process must respond to moral exigencies and demands for efficiency and professional effectiveness. In addition to the methodological proposal we present our experience of producing an ethical code for the industrial engineers’ association in Valencia (Spain) where this methodology was applied, and we evaluate the detected problems and future potential.

Science and Engineering Ethics, 2006
Agricultural engineers’ jobs are especially related to sustainability and earth life issues. They... more Agricultural engineers’ jobs are especially related to sustainability and earth life issues. They usually work with plants or animals, and the aim of their work is often linked to producing food to allow people to improve their quality of life. Taking into account this dual function, the moral requirements of their day-to-day professional practice are arguably greater than those of other professions. Agricultural engineers can develop their ability to live up to this professional responsibility by receiving ethical training during their university studies, not only by taking courses specifically devoted to ethics, but also by having to deal with moral questions that are integrated into their technical courses through a program of Ethics Across the Curriculum (EAC). The authors feel that a suitable pedagogical technique for achieving this goal is the use of moral dilemmas, following Kohlberg’s theory of levels of morality (1981), with the final objective of attaining a post-conventional level. This paper examines the possibilities and limitations of using moral dilemmas as a pedagogical technique for training agricultural engineers. The cases, discussions, and evaluation used in the Agricultural Engineering Department of the Technical University of Valencia (Spain) are also presented.
Trotta, Madrid, Jan 1, 2004
Obra de reflexión sobre ética empresarial que sustenta que los marcos éticos sin herramientas prá... more Obra de reflexión sobre ética empresarial que sustenta que los marcos éticos sin herramientas prácticas para integrarlos a la vida cotidiana están vacíos, y que las herramientas sin marcos están "ciegas". El autor dice que es necesario institucionalizar la praxis del código ético ...
Books by J. Félix Lozano
Human development and capabilities: Re-imagining the university of the twenty-first century, Apr 2013
Re-imagining the university of the twenty-first century
Papers by J. Félix Lozano
Books by J. Félix Lozano