Papers by Filomena Castro Lopes
Trends in higher education, Apr 16, 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Human Interaction Skills and Employability in Courses with Internships: Report of a Decade of Success in Information Technology
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences, 2017
Development of Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills: Findings from Students Participating in a PBL Experience
EDULEARN Proceedings

Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 2002
The importance of information systems as a strategic resource to organizations and the amazing ra... more The importance of information systems as a strategic resource to organizations and the amazing rate of information system technology evolution are widely recognized. As a result, undergraduate courses in this field need frequent updating to remain effective. This article presents a model to restructure the teaching of information systems. This model has received inputs from students, teachers and ex-students of our Computation Department and also from the organizational staff that interacts with our students in their training posts. These inputs help us to identify the main gaps in our curriculum and the organizational necessities that concern information systems staff. The model identifies the main areas that are the basis of our curriculum proposal, as well as the main knowledge topics to be covered. We conclude that an information systems curriculum must have an organizational emphasis as big as, or greater than the technological one.
Student´s perceptions of the use of traditional and active learning strategies in the classroom: findings from a case study
University of Minho, 2021
A prática da Gestão de Conhecimento em Portugal
Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação, Jul 13, 2016
Actividades de Intervenção de Sistemas de Informação
Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação, Jul 1, 2016
University-Industry Collaboration in the Design and Functioning of a Doctoral Programme in Business Science
ICERI2020 Proceedings
Critical Success Factors for BI Implementation in a Portuguese Higher Education Institution
Marketing and Smart Technologies

This paper reports on findings from a case study based on students' perceptions of the use of... more This paper reports on findings from a case study based on students' perceptions of the use of traditional methods and<br> active learning in the context of a specific curricular unit in Higher Education. The high levels of absenteeism in class, the<br> lack of interest by the students and the assessment results were some of the main reasons that lead the course lecturer to<br> implement a set of changes in the curricular unit, in the following academic year. These changes included the use of<br> traditional and non-traditional teaching and assessment practices in the classroom such as flipped classroom, team-based<br> learning, brainstorming, lectures, demonstration, gallery walk, review of videos and case studies. To evaluate student<br> satisfaction with these changes, feedback was collected from students, at the end of the semester, through a questionnaire<br> with 26 questions on a five-level Likert scale. The topics addressed in the...

The strong growth in recent years in the ICT sector has been limited by the shortage in the numbe... more The strong growth in recent years in the ICT sector has been limited by the shortage in the number of professionals available to fill the growing number of jobs that emerge in this area. This is a particularly serious problem in Europe where the shortage stubbornly persists, despite the efforts made by European leaders over the past decade. Aware of these needs, we carried out a study on the specific needs of human resources in the ICT sector in Portugal in the view of retraining unemployed, in partnership with ANETIE, National Association of Information Technology and Electronics Enterprises. The study began with a search aiming to identify the existing ICT professions, coming to a list of 15 professions applicable in Portugal. Based on several European studies we constructed a list of technical activities and responsibilities associated with each profession. As the next step a survey was conducted using a questionnaire aimed to gather information about the relevant professions in ...
Implementing a Business Information System to Improve the Quality Assurance Mechanisms in a Portuguese Higher Education Institution
INTED2019 Proceedings, 2019

Although there are some works trying to clarify the difference between Information Management, IM... more Although there are some works trying to clarify the difference between Information Management, IM, and Knowledge management, KM, the distinction between those concepts is far from being well understood in the business community. This lack of clarity increases with the fact that some KM literature authors use the two terms indiscriminately, others argue that KM includes IM, and still others define them independently, but relating them. For instance, some authors say that KM has two ages, the first corresponding to IM, aiming to store, explore and transfer explicit knowledge; the second aiming to explore, improve communication and innovation, focusing the need to manage tacit knowledge, moving from transmit to learn, becoming a social activity and not only a technological one. Nevertheless there is a growing interest in KM and organizations say they are doing it, and even in many large, and some small, organizations a new corporate executive is emerging – the chief knowledge officer, ...

The purpose of this paper is to describe the EHIS Method© (Entrepreneurship Human Interactions Sk... more The purpose of this paper is to describe the EHIS Method© (Entrepreneurship Human Interactions Skills), an innovative entrepreneurship teaching and learning method developed and used at the Entrepreneurship course at Portucalense University (UPT), a private higher education institution in Portugal. EHIS Method© draws on insights from the recent literature on entrepreneurship education and is applied to teach Entrepreneurship in several study programs at UPT, such as Psychology, Social Education, Tourism, Economics, Law, Management, Informatics, Management and Information Systems and Hospitality Management. The students are grouped into teams and challenged to develop an entrepreneurship project, which consists of four different steps: (1) the idea discovery/generation; (2) from the idea to the business model; (3) from the business model to the business plan; (4) from the business plan to the preparation of the application to the Net UPT (business incubator of UPT). Throughout the EH...
Analysis of Students Performance in a Higher Education Institution - Conditioning Factors and New Strategies: An Approach Based on Business Intelligence

To implement internships with undergraduate students is a pedagogical option with some good resul... more To implement internships with undergraduate students is a pedagogical option with some good results perceived by academic staff, employers, and among graduates. The Human Interaction Skills development as well as the attractiveness of such experiences for higher education students are topics assumed as core in the conception and management of the activities implemented in the undergraduate courses offered at the last three decades in computer science degree and in information systems technologies degree at one Portuguese private university. The objectives of this paper are to gather evidence of the Human Interaction Skills explained and valued at Information Technology Internships and to evaluate the importance and the relevance of these experiences in promoting employability after the Information Technology Internships. Data collection was based on the application of questionnaire to trainee supervisors and to students who have completed Information Technology Internships in the la...

The strong growth in recent years in the ICT sector has been limited by the shortage in the numbe... more The strong growth in recent years in the ICT sector has been limited by the shortage in the number of professionals available to fill the growing number of jobs that emerge in this area. This is a particularly serious problem in Europe where the shortage stubbornly persists, despite the efforts made by European leaders over the past decade. Aware of these needs, we carried out a study on the specific needs of human resources in the ICT sector in Portugal in the view of retraining unemployed, in partnership with ANETIE, National Association of Information Technology and Electronics Enterprises. The study began with a search aiming to identify the existing ICT professions, coming to a list of 15 professions applicable in Portugal. Based on several European studies we constructed a list of technical activities and responsibilities associated with each profession. As the next step a survey was conducted using a questionnaire aimed to gather information about the relevant professions in ...
What Will the Future of Work Look like for IS Professionals? The Picture of Portugal
Papers by Filomena Castro Lopes