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Patients with blood-related diseases often cannot identify a matched related donor and must seek donors in unrelated donor registries. These registries face the challenge of ensuring that potential donors are available when contacted.... more
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    • Clinical Sciences
Nearly 7% of US citizens born each year have at least one undocumented parent, but many pregnant undocumented immigrants are ineligible for public insurance covering prenatal care due to their immigration status. This article reviews... more
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      Political ScienceMedicine
If funding allocation is an indicator of a field's priorities, then the priorities of the field of bioethics are misaligned because they perpetuate injustice. Social injustice mandates priority for the factors that drive systematic... more
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      Applied EthicsPublic health systems and services research
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    • Political Science
Background: Informed consent requirements generally require a lengthy process and signed documentation for patients to participate in clinical research. With growing interest in comparative effectiveness research (CER), whereby patients... more
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      Informed ConsentMedicine
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      General Internal MedicineHealth EquityMedicineVaccination
Nearly 250,000 citizens are born each year to undocumented immigrant parents in the U.S., 1 but undocumented immigrants are ineligible for most public insurance, making it difficult for them to access prenatal care. 2 Because prenatal... more
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      International RelationsEthicsImmigrationPolicy
Equitable access to vaccination is crucial to mitigating the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on low-income communities and people of color in the United States. As primary care clinics for medically underserved patients, Federally... more
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      Community HealthHealth EquityMedicineVaccination
Citing unresolved issues in two prominent right-to-die court cases, Martin in Michigan and Schiavo in Florida, the thesis of this paper is that the laws should be changed to require that the highest standard of evidence be introduced to... more
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The purpose of philosophy is not discover the truth of the matter.
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    • Philosophy
Twenty-seven letters written home by Union enlisted men in the American Civil War, with maps and annotations.. "The twenty-seven letters in this collection of Civil War era letters connect members of one small community in Walton, New... more
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      Art HistorySocial SciencesCivil War
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      StatisticsClinical Sciences
The major problem concerning Hegel's four worldhistorical realms is this: How are we to view them-as categories of historical explanation or as philosophical concepts? Does the Oriental Realm really characterize ancient China, ancient... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophy
What makes books “rare” is problematic and endlessly debatable. But we all know one of the main causes of books becoming “scarce.” People throw them away. In library parlance this process is politely called “weeding,” “deaccessioning,”... more
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      HistoryHistory of MedicineHistoriographyArchives
Culture not only justifies the existence of libraries but also determines the level of funding libraries receive for development. Cultural appreciation of the importance of libraries encourages their funding; lack of such appreciation... more
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      CultureMedicineLibrary collection developmentLibrary and Information Studies
The transition from self-consciousness as the unhappy consciousness to reason as the critique of idealism is among the most important in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Yet this transition is implicit and not readily discernible. This... more
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      PhilosophyConsciousnessPhenomenology of the Body (Philosophy)Hegelianism
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      PhilosophyHegelianismCartesian Coordinate System
Using a data set of 123 countries, the global status of youth is assessed by examining the relationship between national development and a youth-adult ratio, or the number of youth relative to the number of adults in a nation. First, the... more
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      PsychologyHealth PsychologyDemographyStatistical Analysis
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      SociologyPerceptionPolitical Science