Papers by sungaiserai langat

Abdul Munir, 2020
This study examines the strategies of postgraduate students in completing their studie... more This study examines the strategies of postgraduate students in completing their studies at the stipulated time by the university. There are a number of students who are unable to complete their studies and are at risk of being expelled from university. This study uses qualitative methods. Interviews are the main elements to obtain data and information of respondents. Respondents consisted of five postgraduate students. Qualitative interview data were collected and analyzed descriptively. The results of the study found that students' strategies are meeting the supervisors frequently, students are very committed to thesis writing and parents often provide moral support to students is an effective strategy. In addition, students with sufficient money are an important strategy for postgraduate students to complete their studies within the period set by the university. The results of this study are beneficial tothesis supervisors, lecturers and university support staff to provide moral support for students to graduate within the stipulated period.

This study examines the concept of comparison between the ascetic al-Ghazali and Ibn Qay... more Abstract
This study examines the concept of comparison between the ascetic al-Ghazali and Ibn Qayyim. The objective of the study is to discuss the concept of asceticism, explore the concept of asceticism according to al-Ghazali and Ibn Qayyim and compare concepts of asceticism according to al-Ghazali and Ibn Qayyim. This study uses the methodology of the study library. Meanwhile, researchers analyzed information obtained by using descriptive and comparative methods. The results showed that there was a difference of views between al-Ghazali and Ibn Qayyim ascetic concept. The results showed that al-Ghazali's view is more detailed and clearly visible by dividing the ascetic concept to some of the highest levels, namely low, medium and associated lifestyle choice in terms of food, clothing and shelter as well as with regard to the matters which prides itself as wealth , rank and position as well as marriage. According to Ibn Qayyim find that the concept of asceticism associated with the selection of the way of life in terms of food, clothing and shelter is generally only without dividing the items into several parts. This includes also the affairs related to the pride of someone like getting promoted and rank, wealth, and wealth as well as marriage. The ultimate goal is to balance the ascetic activities between the interests of life in this world and hereafter to attain the pleasure of Allah SWT.
Keywords: concept of asceticism, ascetic nature of the comparison, reaching the pleasure of Allah.

Kajian ini membincangkan tentang sistem Pendidikan Islam di Sekolah Tahfiz al-Islah, Tasek Gelugo... more Kajian ini membincangkan tentang sistem Pendidikan Islam di Sekolah Tahfiz al-Islah, Tasek Gelugor Pulau Pinang. Kajian ini mengkaji sejarah penubuhan dan perkembangan serta pendidikan yang diamalkan selaras dengan kaedah pendidikan Islam semasa. Juga meneliti sumbangan sekolah tahfiz ini kepada masyarakat di samping mengkaji kaedah pengajaran para guru dalam subjek pendidikan Islam. Bagi mendapatkan maklumat, pengkaji menggunakan metode kajian perpustakaan dan metode kajian lapangan serta menganalisis data. Hasil kajian mendapati sistem pendidikan di Sekolah Tahfiz al-Islah mempraktikan sistem pengajaran yang laksanakan oleh Jabatan Pendidikan Islam dan Moral, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Sekolah ini menawarkan sistem pendidikan bersepadu iaitu dengan menggabungkan hafazan al-Quran dan akademik. Matlamat utama sekolah ini ialah untuk melahirkan pelajar yang menguasai keseimbangan ilmu pengetahuan dunia dan akhirat di samping perkembangan emosi yang stabil.
Kata kunci; Sekolah tahfiz, pendidikan Islam, pendidikan bersepadu.

The role of Islamic Education teachers use a variety of teaching strategies is important because ... more The role of Islamic Education teachers use a variety of teaching strategies is important because teachers face the challenge of educating the young generation on the global update. This study aimed to investigate the strategies of teaching and learning by the Islamic Education teachers in four schools in Besut, Terengganu. The objective of the study is to identify teaching and learning strategies that are appropriate and interesting on the subject of Islamic Education KBSM implemented in schools. Study survey was conducted on 240 students. The data were analyzed using SPSS (Version 17.0) and described using descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentage. The results showed that teaching strategies and learning of Islamic education is at a high level. Among the components of the strategy as set induction, contents, methods, assessment, teaching aids, skills and personality of teachers at the high category. Appropriate teaching strategies are closely related to the development of students' physical, spiritual and emotional intellect to form students in various aspects.
Key words: Islamic Education teachers, teaching strategies, school.

Kajian ini menghuraikan pendekatan Abdullah Nasih Ulwan dalam karya beliau "pendidikan anak-anak ... more Kajian ini menghuraikan pendekatan Abdullah Nasih Ulwan dalam karya beliau "pendidikan anak-anak dalam Islam" dalam menangani penyelewengan anak-anak. Ia dilakukan untuk mengkaji apakah kaedah atau pendekatan yang terbaik bagi menangani penyelewengan anak-anak memandangkan kes jenayah dan masalah sosial hari ini banyak melibatkan anak-anak yang masih muda terutama dalam kalangan remaja Islam. Kajian akan menyentuh karya Abdullah Nasih Ulwan, mengenai pendidikan anak-anak dalam Islam, punca penyelewengan dan kaedah mengatasinya. Dalam menghasilkan kajian ini, pengkaji menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif iaitu kaedah perpustakaan dalam mencari maklumat atau bahan kajian. Kesimpulannya, punca penyelewengan dan pendekatan menanganinya sebagaimana diutarakan Abdullah Nasih Ulwan patut diberikan perhatian serius oleh semua pihak kerana ia sesuatu yang bukan sahaja bertolak dari ajaran al-Quran malah diperkukuhkan dengan realiti semasa.
Kata kunci : pengabaian, pendekatan, pendidikan anak-anak.

This study describes the approach Nasih Ulwān Abdullah in his work "the education of ch... more Abstract
This study describes the approach Nasih Ulwān Abdullah in his work "the education of children in Islam" in addressing child abuse. It was done to assess whether the method or the best approach to address the abuses of children as criminal and social problems today involve a lot of kids are still young, especially among young Muslims. The study will affect the work of Abdullah Nasih Ulwān about children's education in Islam, the source of distortion and methods of overcoming them. In producing this study, researchers used a qualitative approach, namely the library in search of information or study material. In conclusion, the causes of corruption and the handle as stated Abdullah Nasih Ulwān should be given serious attention by all parties because it is something that is not only contrary to the teachings of the Quran and even strengthened with the current reality.
Keywords: abandonment, the approach, the education of children.
This study is to analyze the practice among parents Banjar tribe in educating children, so obedie... more This study is to analyze the practice among parents Banjar tribe in educating children, so obedient to the teachings of Islam. This study used quantitative methods involving 160 respondents in secondary schools among Banjar tribe Kerian District, Perak. The study found that parents of Banjar tribe to be firm and steadfast in teaching, educating and advising their children in terms of beliefs, laws and morals. The results showed 97% of respondents quarter Banjar teach prayer from childhood to puberty, 98% instill faith correctly, 99% are trained to respect and care for the elderly, 72% of teaching studying the Quran until the end, 93% fasted trained since childhood and 89% trained dress cover up. Implications of the study to the parents, children and society, is also discussed.
Keywords: missionary, parents, etnik Banjar

Disabled accessibility of a building is something that is very important to set up, especially in... more Disabled accessibility of a building is something that is very important to set up, especially in the mosque became the center of Muslim activity. The disabled are those who are less fortunate and are among those who have limited mobility caused them difficult to access to existing facilities at the mosque. This study aims to examine with respect to handicapped accessibility to the mosques in the downtown district. This study using observation and interviews to a few selected people to comment on the accessibility of the disabled in certain mosques. The mosque involved in this study were downtown Masjid Jamek, Masjid Al-Hidayah Behrang 2020 Proton City, Sultan Azlan Shah mosques, UPSI, Behrang Ulu Mosque and Masjid al-Taqwa, Proton City. The findings show that the mosques in the downtown area is still not being "disabled friendly" where there are no facilities and special facilities accessible to people with disabilities unless the Sultan Azlan Shah mosques, UPSI.
Keywords: accessibility, people with disabilities, the institution of the mosque.

Sistem pengajian pondok merupakan salah satu kaedah alternatif masyarakat Melayu di Malaysia menu... more Sistem pengajian pondok merupakan salah satu kaedah alternatif masyarakat Melayu di Malaysia menuntut ilmu. Sehingga kini institusi pengajian pondok mendapat tempat di hati masyarakat. Terdapat keunikan yang tersendiri dalam sistem pengajian pondok. Objektif kajian ialah mengkaji sejauh manakah sistem pengajian pondok dapat membentuk akhlak muslim. Kajian ini menggunakan metode kajian perpustakaan dan kajian lapangan. Lokasi kajian di Pondok Kampung Telong Bachok Kelantan. Data mentah soal selidik dianalisis menggunakan statistik diskriptif dan frekuensi untuk mendapatkan kekerapan dan peratus. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan sistem pengajian pondok terhadap pembentukan akhlak muslim berada di tahap tertinggi. Antaranya pelajar dilatih solat awal waktu secara berjemaah. Pelajar memperaku sistem pondok mendidik anak mendoakan, bersalaman dan mengucup tangan kedua ibu dan bapa, bersopan santun dengan guru, berdoa kesejahteraan serta berterima kasih kepada guru. Dalam kajian ini diberi cadangan iaitu pengurusan pondok perlu merancang program bersifat kreatif-inovatif, seiring dengan permasalahan remaja untuk mengelak pelajar menjauhi perbuatan keji. Juga bekerjasama dengan pihak luar seperti polis dan Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan bagi memberi kefahaman kepada pelajar tentang bahaya dadah dan jenayah.

Adat istiadat merupakan peringkat asas yang sangat penting di dalam mengukur kejayaan pembentukan... more Adat istiadat merupakan peringkat asas yang sangat penting di dalam mengukur kejayaan pembentukan sesebuah rumahtangga yang dibina. Satu kajian ilmiah perlu dijalankan bagi menjelaskan adakah terdapat pengaruh agama Hindu dalam amalan adat istiadat perkahwinan masyarakat Jawi Peranakan di Pulau Pinang. Seterusnya mengenalpasti amalan yang bertentangan dengan ajaran agama Islam dalam upacara perkahwinan masyarakat Jawi Peranakan. Metode yang digunakan adalah melalui kaedah perpustakaan, kajian lapangan dan temubual seramai 20 responden yang terdiri daripada lelaki dan perempuan di kawasan sekitar Georgetown, Pulau Pinang khususnya di Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling iaitu sebagai sampel kajian. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa majoriti masyarakat Jawi Peranakan masih mengamalkan adat Istiadat nenek moyang mereka dengan mencampur aduk adat Melayu setempat terutamanya dalam aspek upacara perkahwinan. Mereka percaya bahawa mengikut adat Istiadat dan pantang larang yang diwarisi akan memberi kesan besar terhadap keharmonian dan kebahagiaan rumahtangga. Ini menunjukkan masyarakat Jawi Peranakan di Pulau Pinang pada hari ini masih lagi mengamalkan adat Istiadat yang mempunyai pengaruh besar dari agama Hindu dan sesetengah amalan yang dilakukan adalah bertentangan dengan syariat Islam. Oleh itu, diharap kajian ini akan dapat memberi kefahaman mengenai adat Istiadat perkahwinan yang berlandaskan ajaran agama Islam serta terdapat banyak lagi kajian-kajian yang berkaitan bagi menyedarkan amalan yang tidak sepatutnya diikuti.
Papers by sungaiserai langat
This study examines the concept of comparison between the ascetic al-Ghazali and Ibn Qayyim. The objective of the study is to discuss the concept of asceticism, explore the concept of asceticism according to al-Ghazali and Ibn Qayyim and compare concepts of asceticism according to al-Ghazali and Ibn Qayyim. This study uses the methodology of the study library. Meanwhile, researchers analyzed information obtained by using descriptive and comparative methods. The results showed that there was a difference of views between al-Ghazali and Ibn Qayyim ascetic concept. The results showed that al-Ghazali's view is more detailed and clearly visible by dividing the ascetic concept to some of the highest levels, namely low, medium and associated lifestyle choice in terms of food, clothing and shelter as well as with regard to the matters which prides itself as wealth , rank and position as well as marriage. According to Ibn Qayyim find that the concept of asceticism associated with the selection of the way of life in terms of food, clothing and shelter is generally only without dividing the items into several parts. This includes also the affairs related to the pride of someone like getting promoted and rank, wealth, and wealth as well as marriage. The ultimate goal is to balance the ascetic activities between the interests of life in this world and hereafter to attain the pleasure of Allah SWT.
Keywords: concept of asceticism, ascetic nature of the comparison, reaching the pleasure of Allah.
Kata kunci; Sekolah tahfiz, pendidikan Islam, pendidikan bersepadu.
Key words: Islamic Education teachers, teaching strategies, school.
Kata kunci : pengabaian, pendekatan, pendidikan anak-anak.
This study describes the approach Nasih Ulwān Abdullah in his work "the education of children in Islam" in addressing child abuse. It was done to assess whether the method or the best approach to address the abuses of children as criminal and social problems today involve a lot of kids are still young, especially among young Muslims. The study will affect the work of Abdullah Nasih Ulwān about children's education in Islam, the source of distortion and methods of overcoming them. In producing this study, researchers used a qualitative approach, namely the library in search of information or study material. In conclusion, the causes of corruption and the handle as stated Abdullah Nasih Ulwān should be given serious attention by all parties because it is something that is not only contrary to the teachings of the Quran and even strengthened with the current reality.
Keywords: abandonment, the approach, the education of children.
Keywords: missionary, parents, etnik Banjar
Keywords: accessibility, people with disabilities, the institution of the mosque.
This study examines the concept of comparison between the ascetic al-Ghazali and Ibn Qayyim. The objective of the study is to discuss the concept of asceticism, explore the concept of asceticism according to al-Ghazali and Ibn Qayyim and compare concepts of asceticism according to al-Ghazali and Ibn Qayyim. This study uses the methodology of the study library. Meanwhile, researchers analyzed information obtained by using descriptive and comparative methods. The results showed that there was a difference of views between al-Ghazali and Ibn Qayyim ascetic concept. The results showed that al-Ghazali's view is more detailed and clearly visible by dividing the ascetic concept to some of the highest levels, namely low, medium and associated lifestyle choice in terms of food, clothing and shelter as well as with regard to the matters which prides itself as wealth , rank and position as well as marriage. According to Ibn Qayyim find that the concept of asceticism associated with the selection of the way of life in terms of food, clothing and shelter is generally only without dividing the items into several parts. This includes also the affairs related to the pride of someone like getting promoted and rank, wealth, and wealth as well as marriage. The ultimate goal is to balance the ascetic activities between the interests of life in this world and hereafter to attain the pleasure of Allah SWT.
Keywords: concept of asceticism, ascetic nature of the comparison, reaching the pleasure of Allah.
Kata kunci; Sekolah tahfiz, pendidikan Islam, pendidikan bersepadu.
Key words: Islamic Education teachers, teaching strategies, school.
Kata kunci : pengabaian, pendekatan, pendidikan anak-anak.
This study describes the approach Nasih Ulwān Abdullah in his work "the education of children in Islam" in addressing child abuse. It was done to assess whether the method or the best approach to address the abuses of children as criminal and social problems today involve a lot of kids are still young, especially among young Muslims. The study will affect the work of Abdullah Nasih Ulwān about children's education in Islam, the source of distortion and methods of overcoming them. In producing this study, researchers used a qualitative approach, namely the library in search of information or study material. In conclusion, the causes of corruption and the handle as stated Abdullah Nasih Ulwān should be given serious attention by all parties because it is something that is not only contrary to the teachings of the Quran and even strengthened with the current reality.
Keywords: abandonment, the approach, the education of children.
Keywords: missionary, parents, etnik Banjar
Keywords: accessibility, people with disabilities, the institution of the mosque.