Papers by Octavian Munteanu
Dacia N. S., 2024
The discovery of a fibula in the settlement of the Poienești – Lucașeuca culture at Ivancea – Sub... more The discovery of a fibula in the settlement of the Poienești – Lucașeuca culture at Ivancea – Sub pădure (Orhei, Republic of Moldova) allows the authors to resume the discussion about the Zarubincy type. This fibula is the second specimen of this type discovered in the environment of the Poienești – Lucașeuca culture (besides the one discovered earlier in the settlement of Lucaşeuca II). The authors intend to deepen aspects related to origin, spread and chronology of Zarubincy‑type fibulae.

Varia Archaeologica, 2024
Archaeological investigations have revealed important finds that testify to the processing of ore... more Archaeological investigations have revealed important finds that testify to the processing of ore and the production of metal goods in medieval times. Of the common metals, the most coveted, sought after and used throughout most of history was iron. Its special properties, efficiency and resistance to wear, and the possibility of processing discarded parts made iron a very special part of the economy of early medieval communities. Geomagnetic prospecting and archaeological research at the Ivancea-sub Pădure site, Orhei district, have revealed an important metallurgical center. Among the discovered features, installations represented by seven kilns for reducing iron ore, a dwelling-workshop and four pits – three for charcoal reserves and one for storing iron slag – were investigated. The Ivancea-sub Pădure archaeological site is located in the valley of the Moțca River, a right tributary of the Răut, which in turn flows into the Nistru River. The kilns discovered at Ivancea belong to the truncated-cone type of installations, built in the sterile soil by vertical excavation, with a deep hearth and a side mouth at the base of the walls. This type of kiln has been attributed to the Celto-Germanic or Slaný type, in contrast to kilns with hearths built on the surface of the ground, attributed to the Lodenicé type.

Praehistorische Zeitschrift, 2024
Die zwischen Karpatenbogen und Dnjestr verbreitete späteisenzeitliche Poieneşti-Lucaşeuca- Kultur... more Die zwischen Karpatenbogen und Dnjestr verbreitete späteisenzeitliche Poieneşti-Lucaşeuca- Kultur (Ende 3. bis zweite Hälfte 1. Jhd. v. Chr.) wird mit einer Einwanderung von Gruppen aus dem Bereich der Jastorf- Kultur in Verbindung gebracht. Dieses Konzept wurde anhand von Gräberfeldern entwickelt, deren Grabform, Keramikspektrum und Tracht- und Schmuckbestandteile in der Region fremd sind, aber deutliche Bezüge in den Norden und Nordwesten aufweisen. Bislang fehlt es jedoch an größeren Siedlungsgrabungen, anhand derer dieses Bild mit Hilfe von Siedlungs- und Wirtschaftsformen sowie einer materiellen Alltagskultur überprüft werden könnte. Das hier mit ersten Ergebnissen vorgestellte Projekt zielt auf dieses Desiderat. Aufbauend auf Surveys und Sondagen auf verschiedenen Siedlungsplätzen in Zentral-Republik Moldau untersuchen die Autoren seit 2022 mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in großem Umfang auf dem Fundplatz Ivancea-Sub Pădure eine Siedlung der Poieneşti-Lucaşeuca-Kultur. Der Beitrag stellt erste Baubefunde (ebenerdige und schwach eingetiefte Häuser sowie Grubenhäuser), das Kleinfundspektrum sowie eine Auswahl der umfangreichen Keramikfunde einschließlich der importierten griechischen Keramik vor und diskutiert die jeweiligen Kontaktzonen, die sich in ihnen spiegeln. Die Pfostengebäude kennen keine regionalen Parallelen und weisen – in aller Vorsicht – nach Norden, während das Kleinfundspektrum – anders als in den Gräbern – ein breites Kontaktgeflecht vor allem nach Westen und Süden erkennen lässt. Die Keramik zeigt – ebenfalls im Gegensatz zu den Gräbern – klare einheimische Traditionen, aber auch Bezüge nach Norden und Nordwesten.

Varia Archaeologica, 2023
The center of our attention will be the fortification of Horodca Mica, district Hincesti, Republi... more The center of our attention will be the fortification of Horodca Mica, district Hincesti, Republic of
Moldova. It has been explored during six archaeological campaigns. The vigorous defensive system and a part of
the intra‑mural space were investigated. The processing of the numerous archaeological materials raised many
problems, but in the following we will focus only on the chronology of the site. The objective is determined by the
fact that all efforts undertaken until recently have been limited to the presentation of a very broad chronological
framework for the Getic fortifications, without any attempt to refine the relative and absolute chronology.
Fortunately, the tools that have recently become available are likely to reduce the gaps and shortcomings that
characterise this aspect of the evolution of the fortifications of the Second Iron Age. We aimed to carry out a
Bayesian modelling of 14C radiocarbon data, combined with stratigraphic observations, taking into account the
chronological landmarks of the artefacts that have the valence of chronological indicators.

Arheologia trecerii de la epoca târzie a fierului la epoca romană în Dacia. contacte și conflicte în secolele I – II p. Chr., 2022
The recent discovery of two Almgren 69 type fibulae at the Mîrzoaia site (Nisporeni district, Rep... more The recent discovery of two Almgren 69 type fibulae at the Mîrzoaia site (Nisporeni district, Republic of Moldova), gives us the opportunity to return to the discussion regarding a category of clothing accessories, which is quite widespread in Central and South-Eastern Europe during the second half of the 1st c. AD – beginning of the 2nd c. AD. They are a valuable class of objects for dating Early Roman period sites. With this occasion we will report on all the brooches of this type discovered in the Prut-Dniester area, while also reviewing the known discoveries from Romania and Ukraine. For the most accurate chronological framing of the fibulae on the one hand we will contextualize the fibulae and the associated material in the finding complexes and, on the other hand, we will refer to the opinion of several specialists in the field starting with Almgren, Rustoiu, Cociș and others and ending with Hellström's 2018 paper. Another aspect we will refer to is the presence of the sedentary population in the Prut-Dniestr area during the Early Roman Age. As evidenced by the archaeological investigations conducted to date, sites that may be ascribed to sedentary populations are practically absent from the Prut-Dniester forest steppe during the period comprised between late 1st century BC and first half of the 3rd century AD. Only a few archaeological sites that could be attributed to these communities are known so far. They include the sites of Rudi-La Șanțuri, Pruteni and most recently – that from Lipoveni. This serves as an antithesis to the idea that the Prut-Dniestr space was populated only by the so-called Sarmatians. As far as we are concerned, we consider that both the old discoveries and the more recent - those at Lipoveni and Mîrzoaia - are such as to make us more and more reserved about this assumption.

Old discoveries and new approaches to the Archaeology of the Iron Age in the Tisa-Dniester area. Proceedings of the Saharna Summer Colloquium Saharna, July 28th - July 31st 2022, 2022
Zusammenfassung: Fibeln sind eine Kategorie von archäologischen Funden mit sehr wichtiger chronol... more Zusammenfassung: Fibeln sind eine Kategorie von archäologischen Funden mit sehr wichtiger chronologischer Bedeutung, die uns dazu veranlasst hat, Exemplare der Spätlatènezeit aus dem Pruth-Dnjester Gebiet zu untersuchen. Ihre Entdeckung steht im Zusammenhang mit Fundplätzen der Poienești-Lucașeuca-Kultur und solchen, die den so genannten Sarmaten zugeschrieben werden. Da es wenigen lokales chronologisches System gibt, stießen unsere Versuche, die zeitlichen Orientierungspunkte mit denen des mitteleuropäischen Systems zu verbinden, auf zahlreiche Schwierigkeiten. Diese Situation ist auch darauf zurückzuführen, dass die Analyse der Verbreitung von Fibeln im europäischen Raum für die Spätlatènezeit einige verwirrende Vorstellungen über die Chronologie dieser Periode hervorgerufen hat. So haben sich seit den 90er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts eine Reihe von Problemen ergeben, für die es leider immer noch keine allgemeine Lösung gibt. Eines davon ist auf die Entwicklung mehrerer chronologischer Systeme zurückzuführen, die nicht miteinander synchronisiert wurden, was sowohl bei der Interpretation der absoluten Chronologie als auch bei der Übertragung auf die mittel- und osteuropäischen Regionen zu Problemen führt. Die Beobachtungen führten uns zu dem Schluss, dass eine Übertragung der spätlatènezeitlichen Chronologie auf die Kulturgruppen Südosteuropas derzeit nur mit einer klaren Bezeichnung den verwendeten Systemen möglich ist, die auf regionaler Ebene abweichende Stufeninhalte zulässt.

EST MODVS IN REBVS. Essays Presented to Professor Mihai Bărbulescu at his 75th Anniversary, Mega, Cluj-Napoca , 2022
Among the categories of weapons and military equipment specific to the 9th-11th centuries, by t... more Among the categories of weapons and military equipment specific to the 9th-11th centuries, by the rarity of discoveries, in the South‑Eastern Europe the swords and sabres were distinguished. Considered “noble” and prestigious weapons, they have always been true symbols of military elites. In the Carpatho‑Danubian‑Pontic area, whole or fragmentary swords were identified, and components of swords and sabres, represented by iron or bronze guards, iron, bronze or silver handle buttons and sword scabbard chapes were discovered. Some of these artefacts were estimated to be of Byzantine or Khazar origin, most of which proved to be of northern European origin.
In this paper we aim to discuss a sword scabbard shape discovered in Mîrzoaia locality, Nisporeni district, Republic of Moldova. The artifact is one of the few components of this kind from the early medieval swords discovered in the Romanian medieval area. The item presented here has a quasi‑triangular shape and was made up of an alloy where the copper and lead predominate. On both surfaces it has an identical animal decoration that represents a quadruped made of braided bands and rods, rendered in the Scandinavian ornamental Jellinge style. The sword scabbard chape from Mîrzoaia belongs to type II: 1 or the “Scandinavian group”, according to the classification proposed by P. Paulsen. The artifact finds analogies in early medieval sites in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe. The piece can be attributed to the second half of the tenth century. Like other finds of Scandinavian origin, the weapons are directly related to the trans‑European route along the Vistula and the Dniester, linking Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea to Byzantium and the Black Sea, noting in the vicinity of the Black Sea the circular fortifications from the IX–XI centuries on the Middle Dniester and in the Răut‑Nistru area.

Cercetarea și valorificarea patrimoniului arheologic medieval, 2022
The subject we are bringing back into a discussion will focus on the relatively recent discoverie... more The subject we are bringing back into a discussion will focus on the relatively recent discoveries in the west of the Butuceni promontory, which, in turn, are circumscribed to the older research of a medieval cemetery in this microzone. We will refer to the discovery in 2018 resulting from the torrential summer rains, which brought to light a precariously preserved skeleton, deposited lying on its back, with the skull oriented in the NNW direction. Unlike the medieval tombs that were previously investigated in the immediate vicinity, the discovery contained an interesting funerary inventory, consisting of 11 loop rings, which I estimated at the time to be made of bronze. The evaluation of the raw material in the initial phase of the research was done only subjectively, based on visual analysis, but in the meantime, the analysis of the chemical composition of the pieces succeeded, obtaining an objective picture, but different from what was initially thought. To these data are added the results of the radiocarbon analyses, which confirm the chronological milestones we established based on the typological method, but which, taken together with other information, could provide working hypotheses that could narrow these data.

Plural. History. Culture. Society, 2022
Der Artikel befasst sich mit den „Eliten” der ostkarpatischen Waldsteppe
in der jüngeren vorrömis... more Der Artikel befasst sich mit den „Eliten” der ostkarpatischen Waldsteppe
in der jüngeren vorrömischen Eisenzeit. Auf Grund vor allem die Bestattungen
es sollte festgestellt werden, dass es eine sehr hohe Übereinstimmung zwischen
sozialem und militärischem Rang gibt. Hochwahrscheinlich die Krieger sind
den gehobenen gesellschaftlichen Schichten so gut wie gleichbedeutend.
Die durch die archäologische Analyse ermittelte Sozialgliederung macht
den Eindruck einer relativ ebenen hierarchischen Ordnung. Die überwiegende
Zahl von Bestattungen zeichnet sich durch ein hohes Mas an Uniformität
aus, da das Inventar den Gräbern im Wesentlichen nicht über eine direkte Ausstattung
für die Person hinausgehen. Diese sog. Eliten die in ihrem Wohlstand
kaum über den gesellschaftlichen Durchschnitt hinausgehen und nur im militärischen
Bereich wirklich überwiegen, zeichnen sich im Gebiet der Poienești-
Lucașeuca-Kultur durch das Auftauchen folgender Elemente ab: – Bestattung
in Metalgefäß; – vollständige Bewaffnung; –Reitzübehor.

Tyragetia, 2022
Among the categories of weapons and military equipment of the early Middle Ages (the 9th - 11th c... more Among the categories of weapons and military equipment of the early Middle Ages (the 9th - 11th centuries) in the Dniester-Carpathian region, swords are distinguished by the rarity of discovery. Considered “noble” and prestigious weapons, of Byzantine or Scandinavian origin, they have always been true symbols of military elites. In the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic region, whole or fragmentary swords were found in Paşcani (Iaşi County), Albeşti (Constanța County), Alba Iulia (Alba County), Vetiş (Satu Mare County) and some other places. One of them (the sword from Albeşti) has the inscription “Ulfberht” on the blade, indicating the workshop in which it was made.
Details of swords and sabers, represented by bronze or iron guards, pommels or scabbard chapes made of iron, bronze or silver, were found in Dinogetia, Păcuiul-lui-Soare, Alba-Iulia, Echimăuți (Rezina District), Bârlad (Vaslui County), Fundu-Herții (Botosani County), Rukhotin-Cornesti (Khotyn Raion, Chernivtsi Oblast), etc. Some of these artefacts are believed to be Byzantine or Oriental, but most of them appear to be of northern European origin. Through this communication we include into the scientific use the chape of the sword scabbard found in the village of Mîrzoaia, Nisporeni District, Republic of Moldova. The artifact is one of the few surviving components of early medieval swords found in the area of early medieval sites of the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic region. Among them, there are one gilded silver and one iron chapes from the Echimăuti settlement, as well as similar bronze specimens from Bârlad and Alba Iulia. The chape of the scabbard from Mîrzoaia is made up of an alloy where the copper and
lead predominate. On both surfaces, it has an almost identical ornament in the form of a four-legged animal made of woven bands, rendered in the Scandinavian ornamental Jelling style. The upper part of the chape was broken in antiquity. At the same time, based on existing analogies, it can be assumed that it was an element in the shape of a flattened animal head, interpreted by researchers as an image of a wolf or a dog in the Borre style. It is believed that this is one of the animals of Norse mythology (Fenrir wolf), participating in the last battle of the gods on the Day of Ragnarök. The image of Fenrir is often found in the Icelandic and Norwegian sagas of the 10th-11th centuries. The son of the god Loki and a giantess named Angrboda, Fenrir became a threat to the world of the gods. By cunning, the gods bound him with a magic chain, sticking a sword into his mouth. In our opinion, this mythological scene is
depicted on the chape of the scabbard from Mîrzoaia. The chape belongs to the “Scandinavian group” according to P. Paulsen’s classification. The artifact finds analogues in the early medieval sites of Northern, Central and Eastern Europe, such as Birka, Linkunen, Gnezdova, Listvin, Shestovits, Rurik’s Hillfort near Novgorod, Danilovka, Dombrádról
and others. It can be dated the second half of the 10th century.

Molecules, 2021
This article presents studies on iron speciation in the pottery obtained from archaeological site... more This article presents studies on iron speciation in the pottery obtained from archaeological sites. The determination of iron forms Fe(II) and Fe(III) has been provided by a very simple test that is available for routine analysis involving the technique of molecular absorption spectrophotometry (UV–Vis) in the acid leachable fraction of pottery. The elemental composition of the acid leachable fraction has been determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Additionally, the total concentration of the selected elements has been determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry with energy dispersion (EDXRF). The results of the iron forms’ determinations in archaeological pottery samples have been applied in the archaeometric studies on the potential recognition of the pottery production technology, definitely going beyond the traditional analysis of the pottery colour.

The article presents five burials with weapons discovered in the Eastern Carpathian region, three... more The article presents five burials with weapons discovered in the Eastern Carpathian region, three from cemeteries (Borosești, Poienești and Dolineni) and two isolated finds (Răcatău and Mana). In terms of geographical distribution, it should be mentioned that these features are associated with the Poienești-Lucașeuca culture area (Fig. 2), originated in the traditions of North-Central Europe. Even the phenomenon of burials containing weaponry is sporadic in this area and relatively late, based on the grave goods and according to the analysis of the long-distance contacts and human mobility, the authors assign these features to the Poienești-Lucașeuca communities. Respectively, the custom of deposition of ritual destruction and deformation of weaponry is considered as evidence of the Przeworsk culture influence. The correlation of the graves goods (bronze situla, celtic sword, spearheads, shield umbo, spurs, typical vessels for the Poienești-Lucașeuca culture, etc.) allow to attribute these burials with weapons to the LT D1 period, or in absolute dating the time-span between the second half of the 2 nd century BC (Borosești) and the first quarter of the 1 st century BC (Mana, Răcătău, Dolineni).

The present study brings to the foreground of discussions a certain type of artefacts, the import... more The present study brings to the foreground of discussions a certain type of artefacts, the importance of which in the process of analysing archaeological finds is difficult to overestimate, but which, unfortunately, was not used by the researchers to the proper extent. Thus, in the specialised literature there is no single work on the Iron Age brooches that were discovered on the present-day territory of the Republic of Moldova. Moreover, even when some items were published, their description was very sketchy, often without a clear and precise presentation of the context, and the illustrations accompanying incomplete texts in most cases are not clear enough for detailed analysis. Based on this situation, we decided to fill this historiographic gap and at the first stage we devoted our research to the iron brooches of the Early La Tène scheme found on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. As a result of the investigation, a lot was allocated, consisting of 12 items, most of which were found on the territory of the Getic hillforts on the right bank of the Dniester. The degree of preservation of the items leaves much to be desired. The number of undamaged brooches is relatively small, and those preserved fragmentarily create sufficient impediments for the possibilities of classification. Despite these circumstances, a catalogue of Early La Tène scheme brooches was developed, on the basis of which the main analogies were identified both in the neighboring areas (Romania and Ukraine), and in Central Europe. We focused on tracing the chronological landmarks for the existing analogies, as well as evaluating the chronological framework of the presented artefacts. At the same time, we set out to follow the ways and means by which these brooches reached the Prut-Dniester area and, where possible, to highlight probable phenomena and processes that were behind the respective distribution of this type of artefacts.
Ze świata dawnych Barbarzyńców. Studia pradziejowe i wczesnodiziejowe. Ksiega dedykowana Profesorowi Henrykowi Machajewskiemu z okazji 70. urodzin i 50 lat pracy archeologicznej., 2021
As part of this article, the Latène period ring brooches with rolled-up ends from the Prut-Dniest... more As part of this article, the Latène period ring brooches with rolled-up ends from the Prut-Dniester area are analyzed. There are currently 9 known specimens from four sites in the Prut-Dniester region: Mana III, Rudi “La Şanţuri”, Saharna Mare and Saharna Mică. The intention is to present the contexts of the discovery of the respective artifacts, to correlate them with similar discoveries from the neighboring rooms, to analyze the chronological landmarks suggested for the primers discovered in the neighboring rooms and at the same time to pursue the possibility of the Chronological record of discoveries from the Prut-Dniester region.

Economy and Environment in the Tisza-Dniester region in the Iron Age, 2021
The article presents a new type of artefacts discovered in the Prut-Dniester area. It is about ir... more The article presents a new type of artefacts discovered in the Prut-Dniester area. It is about iron socketed axes. The transposition of bronze socketed axes into the new metal was a fairly widespread phenomenon throughout the Early Iron Age. Further on, a certain restriction of the area in which it was used was noticed and, in the end, it was found a return and expansion of the iron socketed axes in various areas, where its use was extended precisely until the Middle Ages. In the absence of any chronological markers for the new type of items in the Prut-Dniester area, it was planned to introduce those 4 items from Molești and Mârzoaia, together with the presentation of the context in which they were identified, respectively, the types of artefacts they were associated with, and, based on the data collected to identify possible analogies to delimit the chronological horizons they could be assigned to.
Ze świata dawnych barbarzyńców. Studia pradziejowe i wczesnodziejowe, 2021
As part of this article, the Latène period ring brooches with rolled-up ends from the Prut-Dniest... more As part of this article, the Latène period ring brooches with rolled-up ends from the Prut-Dniester area are analyzed. There are currently 9 known specimens from four sites in the Prut-Dniester region: Mana III, Rudi “La Şanţuri”, Saharna Mare and Saharna Mică. The intention is to present the contexts of the discovery of the respective artifacts, to correlate them with similar discoveries from the neighboring rooms, to analyze the chronological landmarks suggested for the primers discovered in the neighboring rooms and at the same time to pursue the possibility of the Chronological record of discoveries from the Prut-Dniester region.

Molecules , 2021
This article is an open access article distributed unde... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Abstract: This article presents studies on iron speciation in the pottery obtained from archaeological sites. The determination of iron forms Fe(II) and Fe(III) has been provided by a very simple test that is available for routine analysis involving the technique of molecular absorption spectrophotometry (UV–Vis) in the acid leachable fraction of pottery. The elemental composition of the acid leachable fraction has been determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Additionally, the total concentration of the selected elements has been determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry with energy dispersion (EDXRF). The results of the iron forms’ determinations in archaeological pottery samples have been applied in the archaeometric studies on the potential recognition of the pottery production technology, definitely going beyond the traditional analysis of the pottery colour.

Thema des Beitrages ist die Entstehung bzw. der Beginn der Poieneşti-Lucaşeuca-Kultur, ihre Chron... more Thema des Beitrages ist die Entstehung bzw. der Beginn der Poieneşti-Lucaşeuca-Kultur, ihre Chronologie und die Kontroversen, die darum geführt werden. Es wird hier hauptsachlich um die Anfangsphase dieser Kultur gehen, welche trotz schriftlicher Quellen, die auf die Migration von Bastarnen in die nordwestpontischen Regionen am Ende des 3. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. hindeuten, bisher nur wenig archäologische Zeugnisse vorweisen kann. Die offensichtlichen Widersprüche in der P-L-Kultur stammen häufig aus dem analysierten Fundmaterial. Genauer gesagt, die Widerspruche stammen aus den Fundorten selbst: Siedlungen oder Nekropolen. In diesem Beitrag wird eine kurze Analyse dieser Fundorte wiedergeben und auf mögliche Korrelationen verwiesen. Dazu muss auch auf altere Entdeckungen eingegangen werden, und ob sich ihr Erkenntnisgewinn gegenüber früher verbessert hat. Außerdem wird auch auf neuere Funde eingegangen, die eventuell der Verifizierung bestimmter Annahmen dienen können.

Cross-Cultural Interaction in the Tisza-Dniester region in the Iron Age, 2020
The article tackles the different aspects of the “Kostrzewski K”- type fibula discovered on the s... more The article tackles the different aspects of the “Kostrzewski K”- type fibula discovered on the settlement of the La Tene era from Kruglik. To the date this brooch represents a unique sample for Poienesti-Lucaseuca culture. The uniqueness of the fibula did not manage, though, to raise interest to the extent ought for the value of such an artifact. The latter was simply mentioned by the researchers of the site from Kruglik, and the detailed analysis attempt failed because of a typological attribution error. Hence, the return to the analysis of the fibula by examining it more thoroughly and documenting existing analogies allowed establishing the chronological framework and its origin. Moreover, the fibula from Kruglik stands as a proof of the existence of links between Central Europe and the Eastern Carpathian space in the last two centuries of the first millennium BC and it also proves the links of the latter with the cultural groups from the Middle and Lower Danube.
Papers by Octavian Munteanu
Moldova. It has been explored during six archaeological campaigns. The vigorous defensive system and a part of
the intra‑mural space were investigated. The processing of the numerous archaeological materials raised many
problems, but in the following we will focus only on the chronology of the site. The objective is determined by the
fact that all efforts undertaken until recently have been limited to the presentation of a very broad chronological
framework for the Getic fortifications, without any attempt to refine the relative and absolute chronology.
Fortunately, the tools that have recently become available are likely to reduce the gaps and shortcomings that
characterise this aspect of the evolution of the fortifications of the Second Iron Age. We aimed to carry out a
Bayesian modelling of 14C radiocarbon data, combined with stratigraphic observations, taking into account the
chronological landmarks of the artefacts that have the valence of chronological indicators.
In this paper we aim to discuss a sword scabbard shape discovered in Mîrzoaia locality, Nisporeni district, Republic of Moldova. The artifact is one of the few components of this kind from the early medieval swords discovered in the Romanian medieval area. The item presented here has a quasi‑triangular shape and was made up of an alloy where the copper and lead predominate. On both surfaces it has an identical animal decoration that represents a quadruped made of braided bands and rods, rendered in the Scandinavian ornamental Jellinge style. The sword scabbard chape from Mîrzoaia belongs to type II: 1 or the “Scandinavian group”, according to the classification proposed by P. Paulsen. The artifact finds analogies in early medieval sites in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe. The piece can be attributed to the second half of the tenth century. Like other finds of Scandinavian origin, the weapons are directly related to the trans‑European route along the Vistula and the Dniester, linking Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea to Byzantium and the Black Sea, noting in the vicinity of the Black Sea the circular fortifications from the IX–XI centuries on the Middle Dniester and in the Răut‑Nistru area.
in der jüngeren vorrömischen Eisenzeit. Auf Grund vor allem die Bestattungen
es sollte festgestellt werden, dass es eine sehr hohe Übereinstimmung zwischen
sozialem und militärischem Rang gibt. Hochwahrscheinlich die Krieger sind
den gehobenen gesellschaftlichen Schichten so gut wie gleichbedeutend.
Die durch die archäologische Analyse ermittelte Sozialgliederung macht
den Eindruck einer relativ ebenen hierarchischen Ordnung. Die überwiegende
Zahl von Bestattungen zeichnet sich durch ein hohes Mas an Uniformität
aus, da das Inventar den Gräbern im Wesentlichen nicht über eine direkte Ausstattung
für die Person hinausgehen. Diese sog. Eliten die in ihrem Wohlstand
kaum über den gesellschaftlichen Durchschnitt hinausgehen und nur im militärischen
Bereich wirklich überwiegen, zeichnen sich im Gebiet der Poienești-
Lucașeuca-Kultur durch das Auftauchen folgender Elemente ab: – Bestattung
in Metalgefäß; – vollständige Bewaffnung; –Reitzübehor.
Details of swords and sabers, represented by bronze or iron guards, pommels or scabbard chapes made of iron, bronze or silver, were found in Dinogetia, Păcuiul-lui-Soare, Alba-Iulia, Echimăuți (Rezina District), Bârlad (Vaslui County), Fundu-Herții (Botosani County), Rukhotin-Cornesti (Khotyn Raion, Chernivtsi Oblast), etc. Some of these artefacts are believed to be Byzantine or Oriental, but most of them appear to be of northern European origin. Through this communication we include into the scientific use the chape of the sword scabbard found in the village of Mîrzoaia, Nisporeni District, Republic of Moldova. The artifact is one of the few surviving components of early medieval swords found in the area of early medieval sites of the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic region. Among them, there are one gilded silver and one iron chapes from the Echimăuti settlement, as well as similar bronze specimens from Bârlad and Alba Iulia. The chape of the scabbard from Mîrzoaia is made up of an alloy where the copper and
lead predominate. On both surfaces, it has an almost identical ornament in the form of a four-legged animal made of woven bands, rendered in the Scandinavian ornamental Jelling style. The upper part of the chape was broken in antiquity. At the same time, based on existing analogies, it can be assumed that it was an element in the shape of a flattened animal head, interpreted by researchers as an image of a wolf or a dog in the Borre style. It is believed that this is one of the animals of Norse mythology (Fenrir wolf), participating in the last battle of the gods on the Day of Ragnarök. The image of Fenrir is often found in the Icelandic and Norwegian sagas of the 10th-11th centuries. The son of the god Loki and a giantess named Angrboda, Fenrir became a threat to the world of the gods. By cunning, the gods bound him with a magic chain, sticking a sword into his mouth. In our opinion, this mythological scene is
depicted on the chape of the scabbard from Mîrzoaia. The chape belongs to the “Scandinavian group” according to P. Paulsen’s classification. The artifact finds analogues in the early medieval sites of Northern, Central and Eastern Europe, such as Birka, Linkunen, Gnezdova, Listvin, Shestovits, Rurik’s Hillfort near Novgorod, Danilovka, Dombrádról
and others. It can be dated the second half of the 10th century.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Abstract: This article presents studies on iron speciation in the pottery obtained from archaeological sites. The determination of iron forms Fe(II) and Fe(III) has been provided by a very simple test that is available for routine analysis involving the technique of molecular absorption spectrophotometry (UV–Vis) in the acid leachable fraction of pottery. The elemental composition of the acid leachable fraction has been determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Additionally, the total concentration of the selected elements has been determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry with energy dispersion (EDXRF). The results of the iron forms’ determinations in archaeological pottery samples have been applied in the archaeometric studies on the potential recognition of the pottery production technology, definitely going beyond the traditional analysis of the pottery colour.
Moldova. It has been explored during six archaeological campaigns. The vigorous defensive system and a part of
the intra‑mural space were investigated. The processing of the numerous archaeological materials raised many
problems, but in the following we will focus only on the chronology of the site. The objective is determined by the
fact that all efforts undertaken until recently have been limited to the presentation of a very broad chronological
framework for the Getic fortifications, without any attempt to refine the relative and absolute chronology.
Fortunately, the tools that have recently become available are likely to reduce the gaps and shortcomings that
characterise this aspect of the evolution of the fortifications of the Second Iron Age. We aimed to carry out a
Bayesian modelling of 14C radiocarbon data, combined with stratigraphic observations, taking into account the
chronological landmarks of the artefacts that have the valence of chronological indicators.
In this paper we aim to discuss a sword scabbard shape discovered in Mîrzoaia locality, Nisporeni district, Republic of Moldova. The artifact is one of the few components of this kind from the early medieval swords discovered in the Romanian medieval area. The item presented here has a quasi‑triangular shape and was made up of an alloy where the copper and lead predominate. On both surfaces it has an identical animal decoration that represents a quadruped made of braided bands and rods, rendered in the Scandinavian ornamental Jellinge style. The sword scabbard chape from Mîrzoaia belongs to type II: 1 or the “Scandinavian group”, according to the classification proposed by P. Paulsen. The artifact finds analogies in early medieval sites in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe. The piece can be attributed to the second half of the tenth century. Like other finds of Scandinavian origin, the weapons are directly related to the trans‑European route along the Vistula and the Dniester, linking Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea to Byzantium and the Black Sea, noting in the vicinity of the Black Sea the circular fortifications from the IX–XI centuries on the Middle Dniester and in the Răut‑Nistru area.
in der jüngeren vorrömischen Eisenzeit. Auf Grund vor allem die Bestattungen
es sollte festgestellt werden, dass es eine sehr hohe Übereinstimmung zwischen
sozialem und militärischem Rang gibt. Hochwahrscheinlich die Krieger sind
den gehobenen gesellschaftlichen Schichten so gut wie gleichbedeutend.
Die durch die archäologische Analyse ermittelte Sozialgliederung macht
den Eindruck einer relativ ebenen hierarchischen Ordnung. Die überwiegende
Zahl von Bestattungen zeichnet sich durch ein hohes Mas an Uniformität
aus, da das Inventar den Gräbern im Wesentlichen nicht über eine direkte Ausstattung
für die Person hinausgehen. Diese sog. Eliten die in ihrem Wohlstand
kaum über den gesellschaftlichen Durchschnitt hinausgehen und nur im militärischen
Bereich wirklich überwiegen, zeichnen sich im Gebiet der Poienești-
Lucașeuca-Kultur durch das Auftauchen folgender Elemente ab: – Bestattung
in Metalgefäß; – vollständige Bewaffnung; –Reitzübehor.
Details of swords and sabers, represented by bronze or iron guards, pommels or scabbard chapes made of iron, bronze or silver, were found in Dinogetia, Păcuiul-lui-Soare, Alba-Iulia, Echimăuți (Rezina District), Bârlad (Vaslui County), Fundu-Herții (Botosani County), Rukhotin-Cornesti (Khotyn Raion, Chernivtsi Oblast), etc. Some of these artefacts are believed to be Byzantine or Oriental, but most of them appear to be of northern European origin. Through this communication we include into the scientific use the chape of the sword scabbard found in the village of Mîrzoaia, Nisporeni District, Republic of Moldova. The artifact is one of the few surviving components of early medieval swords found in the area of early medieval sites of the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic region. Among them, there are one gilded silver and one iron chapes from the Echimăuti settlement, as well as similar bronze specimens from Bârlad and Alba Iulia. The chape of the scabbard from Mîrzoaia is made up of an alloy where the copper and
lead predominate. On both surfaces, it has an almost identical ornament in the form of a four-legged animal made of woven bands, rendered in the Scandinavian ornamental Jelling style. The upper part of the chape was broken in antiquity. At the same time, based on existing analogies, it can be assumed that it was an element in the shape of a flattened animal head, interpreted by researchers as an image of a wolf or a dog in the Borre style. It is believed that this is one of the animals of Norse mythology (Fenrir wolf), participating in the last battle of the gods on the Day of Ragnarök. The image of Fenrir is often found in the Icelandic and Norwegian sagas of the 10th-11th centuries. The son of the god Loki and a giantess named Angrboda, Fenrir became a threat to the world of the gods. By cunning, the gods bound him with a magic chain, sticking a sword into his mouth. In our opinion, this mythological scene is
depicted on the chape of the scabbard from Mîrzoaia. The chape belongs to the “Scandinavian group” according to P. Paulsen’s classification. The artifact finds analogues in the early medieval sites of Northern, Central and Eastern Europe, such as Birka, Linkunen, Gnezdova, Listvin, Shestovits, Rurik’s Hillfort near Novgorod, Danilovka, Dombrádról
and others. It can be dated the second half of the 10th century.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Abstract: This article presents studies on iron speciation in the pottery obtained from archaeological sites. The determination of iron forms Fe(II) and Fe(III) has been provided by a very simple test that is available for routine analysis involving the technique of molecular absorption spectrophotometry (UV–Vis) in the acid leachable fraction of pottery. The elemental composition of the acid leachable fraction has been determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Additionally, the total concentration of the selected elements has been determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry with energy dispersion (EDXRF). The results of the iron forms’ determinations in archaeological pottery samples have been applied in the archaeometric studies on the potential recognition of the pottery production technology, definitely going beyond the traditional analysis of the pottery colour.
Poienești-Lucașeuca communities. Respectively, the custom of deposition of ritual destruction and deformation of weaponry is considered as evidence of the Przeworsk culture influence. The correlation of the graves goods (bronze situla, celtic sword, spearheads, shield umbo, spurs, typical vessels for the Poienești-Lucașeuca culture, etc.) allow to attribute these burials with weapons to the LT D1 period, or in absolute dating the time-span between the second half of the 2nd century BC (Borosești) and the first quarter of the 1st century BC (Mana, Răcătău, Dolineni). In the authors' opinion, the appearance of graves with weapons could reflect the existence of groups of warriors in the Poienești-Lucașeuca milieu.
At the same time, in all types of sites, regardless of the periods to which they refer, the experiences of soil scientists who come to offer new perspectives in interdisciplinary research, such as the determination of element concentrations of archaeological deposit for assessing past activity areas, are also increasingly used. In other words, even if we still have a lot to achieve in this field, the direction and increasing rhythms through which soil analysis and geophysical methods are embraced by archaeologists, makes us look optimistically at the future of research in the Republic of Moldova.