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The major of Tembang is a small part of the constellation of the Java language curriculum that included in the clumps. Due to a less strategic position, this major is often overlooked, but if further explored, this major is so potential... more
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    • Computer Science
Penelitian ini bertujuan memaparkan kemampuan guru Bahasa Jawa Kota Semarang menyusun Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) yang selaras dengan kurikulum 2013 revisi 2017. Indicator untuk mengetahui kemampuan guru menyusun RPP adalah... more
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    • Mathematics
Mata ajar sastra memang merupakan mata ajar yang membingungkan bagi sebagian guru, Bahkan masih banyak yang memandang sebelah mata pada mata ajar ini. Mata ajar sastra harus didudukkan sejajar dengan mata ajar lain. Artinya, mata ajar ini... more
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AbstrakUpaya pelestarian adat-istiadat sebagai budaya daerah yang merupakan aset bangsa dalam membangun kepribadian bangsa telah dilakukan, apalagi dalam budaya daerah tersebut terkandung nilai-nilai luhur untuk mengatur tatanan kehidupan... more
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Naratif Kematian Irawan menurut tradisi pedalangan Yogyakarta telah mengalami “pergeseran” dari induknya: Mahabharata Sansekerta. Menurut tradisi pedalangan Yogyakarta Irawan mati sebelum perang baratayuda dimulai. Naratif kematian Irawan... more
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    • Art
The purpose achieved in this community service is teachers of SMPN 34 Semarang are able to compile the question items using UN standardized. Partner's problem in this activity is that SMPN 34 is considered a new school which is using... more
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Mata pelajaran Bahasa Jawa adalah mata pelajaran wajib di jenjang pendidikan SD sampai SLTA di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Salah satu materi dalam kurikulum Bahasa Jawa adalah tembang. Pembelajaran tembang harus sesuai dengan tujuan Kurikulum... more
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 ABSTRAKTujuan dalam penelitian ini mendiskripsikan hasil penerapan media pembelajaran lectora inspire dalam mata pelajaran aksara Jawa kelas X SMA N 1 Dempet tahun ajaran 2018/2019.Penelitiain ini termasuk jenis penelitian kuantitatif,... more
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ABSTRAKArtikel ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan bentuk, kemunculan dan keberpihakan hibriditas, mimikri dan ambivalensi dalam Novel Kirti Njunjung Drajat Karya R.Tg. Jasawidagda Kajian Postkolonialisme. Metode yang digunakan adalah... more
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    • Art
This study aims to describe the results of the ability of Javanese language teachers in compiling Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) -based questions in State Vocational High Schools in Kendal Regency. This research was conducted in four... more
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This study aimed to describe the form of Javanese ethics of life in Ki Padmasusastra's Serat Kandha Bumi. Life ethics contains an attitude of life in which there is an attitude of harmony and respect. The life ethics referred to are... more
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Abstrak ?e?a Pendidikan?e?a anak?e?a usia ?e?adini ?e?adilakukan?e?a dengan ?e?atujuan?e?a memberikan?e?a konsep ?e?ayang bermakna bagi ?e?aanak melalui pengalaman nyata dan bermakna. Hanya melalui pengalaman nyata dan bermaknalah anak... more
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    • Psychology
The purpose of this study was to determine the mindset of women in Campursari songs using a deconstruction study. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the mindset of women in Campursari songs using deconstruction studies.... more
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    • Sociology
The problem of Javanese language existence until now is still a public discussion. The function of Javanese language as a means of communication increasingly displaced by the Indonesian language. Javanese language is considered... more
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    • Sociology
Textbooks are a basic requirement in learning. The availability of adequate textbooks determines the quality of learning. The Javanese textbooks used in learning, although generally stated to have met the standards by the government, need... more
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    • Sociology
This study aims to describe the plot of the wayang kulit play Sang Rahwana the puppeteer Ki Cahyo Kuntadi. The type of this thesis research is descriptive qualitative. The source of the data comes from the video of the shadow puppet play... more
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatkan keterampilan menulis teks dialog sederhana pada peserta didik kelas VII F SMP Negeri 1 Ambarawa dengan menggunakan media cluecard. Selain itu, bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan... more
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The Feasibility of a Descriptive Text in the Class X Javanese Prigel Learning Book Published by Erlangga The purpose of this paper is to analyze the adequacy of a language in the Javanese descriptive text in the Javanese Prigel book... more
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The goal of this study is to explan the significance and function of naming dhapur keris, which holds the names of figures and puppet legancy. The research employed falls under the genre of semantic research, which examines the meaning of... more
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The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill writing lectures and find out what language it is, various kinds of languages that can be used in song lyrics, several languages that will be pleasant to hear and make a beautiful rhythm.... more
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    • Literature