Papers by Michael Lindblom
Metaphysis. Ritual, myth and symbolism in the Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 15th International Aegean Conference, Vienna, 22-25 April 2014 (Aegaeum, 39), eds. E. Alram-Stern et al., Leuven 2016, 235-243., 2016
The Urban Mind: Cultural and Environmental Dynamics, Jan 1, 2010
Die Ergebnisse der langjährigen Ausgrabungen auf Ägina-Kolonna, die die Bedeutung dieser Stätte w... more Die Ergebnisse der langjährigen Ausgrabungen auf Ägina-Kolonna, die die Bedeutung dieser Stätte während der Mittleren Bronzezeit für den gesamten ägäischen Bereich deutlich zu erkennen geben, waren Anlass dafür, einen internationalen Workshop mit dem Thema „Middle ...

Journal of …, Jan 1, 2011
The eastern Mediterranean, with its long archaeological and historical records, provides a unique... more The eastern Mediterranean, with its long archaeological and historical records, provides a unique opportunity to study human responses to climate variability. We review paleoclimate data and reconstructions from the region with a focus on the last 6000 years. We aim to provide an up-to-date source of information on climate variability and to outline present limitations and future opportunities. The review work is threefold: (1) literature review, (2) spatial and temporal analysis of proxy records, and (3) statistical estimation of uncertainties in present paleoclimate reconstructions (temperature, C). On a regional scale the review reveals a wetter situation from 6000 to 5400 yrs BP (note: all ages in this paper are in calibrated years before present (i.e. before 1950), abbreviated yrs BP, unless otherwise stated). This is followed by a less wet period leading up to one of fully-developed aridity from c. 4600 yrs BP. There is a need for more high-resolution paleoclimate records, in order to (i) better understand regional patterns and trends versus local climate variability and to (ii) fill the gap of data from some regions, such as the Near East, Greece and Egypt. Further, we evaluate the regional occurrence of a proposed widespread climate event at 4200 yrs BP. This proposed climate anomaly has been used to explain profound changes in human societies at different locations in the region around this time. We suggest that although aridity was widespread around 4200 yrs BP in the eastern Mediterranean region, there is not enough evidence to support the notion of a climate event with rapidly drying conditions in this region.
The first two chapters provide a background to the investigation. Chapters 3 and 4 present the mo... more The first two chapters provide a background to the investigation. Chapters 3 and 4 present the morphological characteristics and the spatial and chronological contexts of the marks, both as a collective phenomenon and as individual mark types. The marks are analysed in ...
Geoarchaeology, Jan 1, 2004
In an effort to further characterize the Middle and Late Helladic pottery industry on Aegina, we ... more In an effort to further characterize the Middle and Late Helladic pottery industry on Aegina, we have analyzed amphibole in 23 sherds imported to the coastal settlement of Asine. The sherds derive from vessels of different classes and shapes and range in age from MH I-II to LH ...
Abstract The integrative role played by feasting in the cre-ation and maintenance of hierarchical... more Abstract The integrative role played by feasting in the cre-ation and maintenance of hierarchical social rela-tions is well documented in the archaeological and ethnographic record. During the past decade, several archaeological contexts from the Bronze Age Aegean have been ...
… Helladic Pottery and Synchronisms: Proceedings of …, Jan 1, 2007
The Urban Mind: …, Jan 1, 2010
Books by Michael Lindblom
Papers (Aegina) by Michael Lindblom
Papers Presented to Jeremy B. Rutter on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday (BAR International Series 2227), 2011
this paper introduces the so-called Large Building complex at kolonna, aegina for the first time ... more this paper introduces the so-called Large Building complex at kolonna, aegina for the first time in a comprehensive way. the "Large Building complex" is the thus far largest building found at kolonna, except the fortification wall. The Building was constructed at the beginning of the Middle helladic period (Mh I/II) and remained in use until the beginning of the Late Helladic period (LH i/ii). Within its long history, it underwent a series of changes and modifications. size and dimensions as well as the rich finds from its interior clearly indicate that the "Large Building complex" is the unambiguous residential building from Middle helladic Kolonna.
Papers by Michael Lindblom
Books by Michael Lindblom
Papers (Aegina) by Michael Lindblom