Books by Matthew Kott
Articles and Book Chapters by Matthew Kott

Post-Soviet Women: New Challenges and Ways to Empowerment / [ed] Ann-Mari Sätre, Yulia Gradskova, Vladislava Vladimirova, pp. 135-156. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan., 2023
From 2008 to 2015, the FEMEN movement emerged from post-Soviet Ukraine to become a phenomenon rec... more From 2008 to 2015, the FEMEN movement emerged from post-Soviet Ukraine to become a phenomenon recognised worldwide and inspiring local offshoots in a dozen countries, first in Eastern Europe, then Western Europe, and eventually as far afield as North Africa and the Americas. Throughout this period, however, no real attempt was ever made to establish a local FEMEN branch in any of the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania, even when many of their neighbours had them. This chapter seeks to explore why this was so when many of the preconditions that led to the foundation of FEMEN in Ukraine seemed also to exist in the post-Soviet Baltic societies as well. What made the Baltics different from both those post-socialist and those Western European societies where certain women felt the need to embrace the techniques and ideas of FEMEN? Both socio-political developments in the Baltic States, as well as the under-researched aspect of the underlying ideology of FEMEN shed light on why Baltic societies did not join the “new” feminist activism embodied by FEMEN and Pussy Riot. By presenting three cases that compare and contrast with FEMEN’s activities, some preliminary explanations are offered for why this could be.

Antisemitism Studies, 2018
Present-day Latvia is a multi-ethnic society divided by the traumatic experiences of the twentiet... more Present-day Latvia is a multi-ethnic society divided by the traumatic experiences of the twentieth century. It was both a locus of the Holocaust and a society deeply affected by decades of Soviet rule. Today, Latvia’s Jewish community is trying to negotiate its place as a re-emergent historical minority in the space between two dominant ethno-cultural communities, Latvian speakers and Russian speakers. After outlining the expressions of antisemitism in both the Lettophone and Russophone milieus since 1991, this article argues that competing nationalist narratives of threat and ownership of the state best explain antisemitism in contemporary Latvia. The fluctuating influence of the 1941 Rumbula Massacre on popular memory culture is a recurrent point of reference, which illustrates my argument. Recent events suggest a new, more conciliatory, trend where Jews are seen as an integral part of the people of Latvia, rather than as a potential risk to the state and nation.
Latvia—A Work in Progress?: 100 Years of State- and Nation-Building, ed. David J. Smith, pp. 279-313 s., 2017
The Waffen-SS: A European History, edited by Jochen Böhler and Robert Gerwarth, 2017
Maik Fielitz & Laura Lotte Laloire (eds), Trouble on the Far Right: Contemporary Right-Wing Strategies and Practices in Europe (Bielefeld: transcript-Verlag, 2016), 179-187, ISBN: 978-3-8376-3720-5, 2016

Aside from equating it with Hitlerism, there have been few scholarly attempts to define national ... more Aside from equating it with Hitlerism, there have been few scholarly attempts to define national socialism and specify its relation to the broader category of fascism. This article posits that national socialisms are a sub-genus of fascism, where the distinguishing feature is an ultaranationalism based on a palingenetic völkisch racism, of which anti-Semitism is an essential element. Thus, national socialism is not just mimetic Hitlerism, as Hitler is not even necessary. National socialist movements may even conceivably be opposed to the goals and actions of Hitlerism. To test this definition, the case of Latvia’s Pērkonkrusts [Thunder Cross] movement is analysed. Based on an analysis of its ideology, Pērkonkrusts is a national socialist movement with a völkisch racialist worldview, while also being essentially anti-German. The case study even addresses the apparent paradox that Pērkonkrusts both collaborated in the Holocaust, and engaged in resistance against the German occupation regime.
Бйорн Вестлі, Війна мого батька, ISBN: 978-966-2214-41-2, pp. 11-18., 2014
Introductory matter to Ukrainian edition of: Bjørn Westlie, Fars krig (Oslo: Aschehoug, 2008), IS... more Introductory matter to Ukrainian edition of: Bjørn Westlie, Fars krig (Oslo: Aschehoug, 2008), ISBN: 978-82-03-29125-8.
T. Agarin (ed.), When Stereotype Meets Prejudice: Antiziganism in European Societies, 2014
S. Lehmann, R. Bohn & U. Danker (eds), Reichskommissariat Ostland: Tatort und Erinnerungsobjekt, 2012
The Encyclopedia of European Migration and Minorities: From the Seventeenth Century to the Present, 2011
Helmut Müssener & Per Jegebäck (eds.), Rasen och vetenskapen, 2009
Under okkupasjonen vokste det frem et nytt norsk politi etter tysk modell. Politiaspirantskolen p... more Under okkupasjonen vokste det frem et nytt norsk politi etter tysk modell. Politiaspirantskolen på Kongsvinger var selve grunnsteinen i denne omdannelsen. Under rettsoppgjøret ble bare et mindretall av de som gikk på de såkalte ”kongsvingerkursene” straffet og flere fikk fortsette i politiet. Men hva lærte man egentlig på Kongsvinger? Og hva skulle politiminister Jonas Lie bruke ”det nye norske politi” til? Denne artikkelen tar for seg forholdet mellom okkupasjonstidens ”vanlige” norske ordenspolitifolk og deres beryktede tyske kolleger – Einsatzgruppenes bødler på Østfronten.
Problems of the Holocaust Research in Latvia: The Holocaust Studies in Latvia in 2006–2007 and Proceedings of an International Conference 6–7 November 2007, Riga, 2008
Journal of Baltic Studies, 2002
Using information from documents found in the Russian State Military Archives, this article discu... more Using information from documents found in the Russian State Military Archives, this article discusses the organization and execution of the Soviet mass deportations from the Baltic States in March 1949 — code-named Operation “Priboi” by the USSR MVD. These findings are presented for the first time in English, in the context both of established historiographical interpretations and recent literature on the deportations. The aim is to encourage a scholarly reassessment of Operation “Priboi” as a crime against humanity perpetrated by the Soviet occupation regime, but supported by indigenous collaborators to a far greater degree than previously assumed.
Book Reviews by Matthew Kott
New Eastern Europe, ISSN 2083-7372, 2019
Review of The Intermarium as the Polish–Ukrainian Linchpin in Baltic–Black Sea Cooperation, edite... more Review of The Intermarium as the Polish–Ukrainian Linchpin in Baltic–Black Sea Cooperation, edited by Ostap Kushnir (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2019).
Fascism: Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies, ISSN 2211-6249, E-ISSN 2211-6257, 2018
Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls, 2018
Books by Matthew Kott
Articles and Book Chapters by Matthew Kott
Book Reviews by Matthew Kott