Kerstin Rydbeck
Professor in Information Studies at Uppsala University. Dean of the Faculty of Arts.
PhD i Literature from Uppsala University, with focus on Sociology of literature.
Doctoral dissertation (1995) Sober reading: The Swedish Good Templar Movement and Literature 1896–1925. English summary: http://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:398502/SUMMARY01
Later research primarily about:
- Gender and popular education
- The research circle as a method for EBLIP (Evidence based Library and Information Practice)
Ongoing research project:
"The circles of reading - on the border between the private and the public sphere. A sociological study of reading groups in contemporary Sweden"
Phone: +46184717978 (dept.) +46706834549 (mobile)
Address: Dept of ALM, Box 625, SE-75126 Uppsala, Sweden
PhD i Literature from Uppsala University, with focus on Sociology of literature.
Doctoral dissertation (1995) Sober reading: The Swedish Good Templar Movement and Literature 1896–1925. English summary: http://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:398502/SUMMARY01
Later research primarily about:
- Gender and popular education
- The research circle as a method for EBLIP (Evidence based Library and Information Practice)
Ongoing research project:
"The circles of reading - on the border between the private and the public sphere. A sociological study of reading groups in contemporary Sweden"
Phone: +46184717978 (dept.) +46706834549 (mobile)
Address: Dept of ALM, Box 625, SE-75126 Uppsala, Sweden
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Books by Kerstin Rydbeck
I boken presenteras fyra forskares synsätt på folkbildning med syftet att bidra till en diskussion om begreppets innebörder. En rad olika frågor behandlas: Vilka innebörder kan vi spåra hos begreppet så som det används i politik och folkbildningsverksamhet? Hur kan man tänka kring folkbildning som studieobjekt i forskning? Hur kan forskare inom dagens akademiska system, med dess fokus på artikelproduktion för smala prestigefyllda internationella tidskrifter, förhålla sig till folkbildning som ideal? Hur kan vi förstå skönlitteraturens betydelse för folkbildningen?
Boken vänder sig till forskare, folkbildare, studenter och andra som har ett intresse för folkbildning.
Papers by Kerstin Rydbeck
I boken presenteras fyra forskares synsätt på folkbildning med syftet att bidra till en diskussion om begreppets innebörder. En rad olika frågor behandlas: Vilka innebörder kan vi spåra hos begreppet så som det används i politik och folkbildningsverksamhet? Hur kan man tänka kring folkbildning som studieobjekt i forskning? Hur kan forskare inom dagens akademiska system, med dess fokus på artikelproduktion för smala prestigefyllda internationella tidskrifter, förhålla sig till folkbildning som ideal? Hur kan vi förstå skönlitteraturens betydelse för folkbildningen?
Boken vänder sig till forskare, folkbildare, studenter och andra som har ett intresse för folkbildning.
When popular adult courses (study circles) started to get state subsidy during the first half of the twentieth century a lot of study organizations, connected to different types of voluntary associations, were born in Sweden. They were all male dominated and preferably focused on men’s needs for education. Their interest in women’s education was generally speaking weak and women’s organizations were refused to found their own study organizations at the end of the 1940’ies, when the principles for public support were reformed. Still, women have consisted the majority of the participants in the existing study organizations’ activities ever since. This is explained through the broadened definition of the concept of popular education, which also was a consequence of this reform. It meant that practice-aesthetical courses from now on also were considered as popular education. Most women have joined study circles focused on textile handcraft or, in other words, women have mostly been engaged in such activities closely connected to their traditional gender roles. The study organizations’ interest in activities with an outspoken purpose to strengthen women’s positions in society from a gender perspective has until this very day been weak. As a consequence, the great majority
of women’s organizations chose not to join the study organizations. They appreciated their own right to define the principles for educational activities, but this meant that they had to work without state subsidy, which was and still is today given only to educational work within the framework of study organizations.