Book Reviews by Juan José Algaba Torrealba

Maria Serena Vinci, Adalberto Ottati y Diana Gorostidi Pi (eds.), La cava e il monumento. Materiali, officine, sistemi di costruzione e produzione nei cantieri edilizi di età imperiale, 2023
En el largo devenir de la arqueología y la historia del arte como disciplinas científicas, el est... more En el largo devenir de la arqueología y la historia del arte como disciplinas científicas, el estudio del mármol, motivado en parte por su componente estético e ideológico, ha jugado un papel central en la discusión científica. Ante esta larga tradición de estudios, constituía un gran reto el hecho de aportar una visión multidisciplinar que escapase de los recurridos maniqueísmos y fuese ávida de comprender y explicar al lector/a un fenómeno de la complejidad y envergadura cómo fue el de la marmorización del mundo romano (Trillmich y Zanker, 1990). Dicho reto se ve consumado en la tarea que Maria Serena Vinci, Adalberto Ottati y Diana Gorostidi Pi, reconocidos expertos internacionales en la materia, han desarrollado en el ámbito de tres importantes proyectos de investigación y cuyos resultados se han materializado en este indispensable libro: La cava e il monumento. Materiali, officine, sistemi di costruzione e produzione nei cantieri edilizi di età imperiale.
Papers by Juan José Algaba Torrealba
J. J. Algaba Torrealba, La villa di Sette Bassi (Roma, Italia) ◆ The Villa of the Sette Bassi (Ro... more J. J. Algaba Torrealba, La villa di Sette Bassi (Roma, Italia) ◆ The Villa of the Sette Bassi (Rome, Italy), en: R. Hidalgo Prieto, I. Carrasco Gómez, A. Ottati (coord.), Palatia. Ville e Palazzi imperiali di época romana/Palatia. Imperial villas and palaces from Roman times, Roma, 2022.
J. J. Algaba Torrealba, La Villa dei Gordiani (Roma, Italia) ◆ The villa of the Gordians (Rome, I... more J. J. Algaba Torrealba, La Villa dei Gordiani (Roma, Italia) ◆ The villa of the Gordians (Rome, Italy), en: R. Hidalgo Prieto, I. Carrasco Gómez, A. Ottati (coord.), Palatia. Ville e Palazzi imperiali di época romana/Palatia. Imperial villas and palaces from Roman times, Roma, 2022.
J. J. Algaba Torrealba, La villa di Agrippa Postumo a Pianosa (Campo nell’Elba, Italia) ◆ The vil... more J. J. Algaba Torrealba, La villa di Agrippa Postumo a Pianosa (Campo nell’Elba, Italia) ◆ The villa of Agrippa Postumus in Pianosa (Campo nell’Elba, Italy), en: R. Hidalgo Prieto, I. Carrasco Gómez, A. Ottati (coord.), Palatia. Ville e Palazzi imperiali di época romana/Palatia. Imperial villas and palaces from Roman times, Roma, 2022.
Informes y Trabajos, 2023
Proyecto Palazzo,which was first developed in 2013 by the Archaeology Area from the University Pa... more Proyecto Palazzo,which was first developed in 2013 by the Archaeology Area from the University Pablo de Olavide (Seville, Spain), is the successor of Proyecto Teatro Greco, run by the same team between 2003-2012. Proyecto Palazzo focuses on one area of Villa Adriana in particular, corresponding to the imperial residence which was initially built in the villa. The palace area is superimposed on the pre-existing Republican villa, which was partially incorporated into Hadrian›s Villa. This fact provides special complexity and interest. In this paper, the results of the excavations performed during 2019 and 2021 are submitted. These excavations focused on the southern corner of the palace’s central portico (Portico B).
Conference Presentations by Juan José Algaba Torrealba
J. J. Algaba Torrealba, Tibur. Cantiere e progetto in età tardorepubblicana. Lezione-conferenza n... more J. J. Algaba Torrealba, Tibur. Cantiere e progetto in età tardorepubblicana. Lezione-conferenza nel Corso di Architettura Antica: Teoria, Tipi e Tecniche
Sturm - Benfante, 10 maggio 2024, Aula Montuori, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre.
R. Hidalgo, J. J. Algaba Torrealba, “Ricerche e scavi archeologici nell’area di Palazzo di Villa ... more R. Hidalgo, J. J. Algaba Torrealba, “Ricerche e scavi archeologici nell’area di Palazzo di Villa Adriana: dalla c.d. villa repubblicana alla villa Adrianea”, A tu per tu con Adriano, Mouseia: ciclo di incontri, Villa Adriana, 2 maggio 2024.
J. J. Algaba Torrealba, Técnicas constructivas y proyecto arquitectónico en las villas tardo repu... more J. J. Algaba Torrealba, Técnicas constructivas y proyecto arquitectónico en las villas tardo republicanas del área tiburtina, Reunión científica "La cantera y el monumento 2. El proyecto arquitectónico y la organización de la obra en época antigua", Segovia del 15 al 17 de noviembre 2023.
J. J. Algaba Torrealba, Un ninfeo inedito nella villa repubblicana di Villa Adriana: studio dei p... more J. J. Algaba Torrealba, Un ninfeo inedito nella villa repubblicana di Villa Adriana: studio dei paramenti murari, analisi architettonica e contestualizzazione storica, Convegno internazionale di studi, “Né spelunca o caverna è fra gli sassi…” Ninfei antichi e moderni a Roma e nel Lazio Archeologia e fortuna di uno spazio polisemico a cura di Alfonsina Russo, Roberta Alteri, Alessio De Cristofaro, Parco archeologico del Colosseo, Roma, 13-15 dicembre 2023.

The Conference on An Itinerant Empire: The Mediterranean and Power’s aims to act as a point of re... more The Conference on An Itinerant Empire: The Mediterranean and Power’s aims to act as a point of reference for the latest generations of researchers whose interests lie in the phenomenon of power and its expression across the Mediterranean. Throughout the conference, the word Empire will unite the
multiple subjects of discussion and evidence that power encompasses as an expression of humanity throughout the Mediterranean, with a historical context which dates back to Classical antiquity, through to the Middle Ages.
By incorporating different methodologies, we intend to approach the problem by stepping back from
the positivist approach which has previously prevailed in studies of power models and attempt to bring
it closer to a view from the peripheries. This will permit us to test the possibilities of reciprocal
influences from different geographical locations, going beyond the common interpretation of a
unidirectional diffusion of the models. Our conference wants to make clear the need for incorporating
a diachronic and holistic perspective which allows this generation of new researchers to be enriched by
the ideas and approaches of colleagues from different disciplines. For this reason, proposals are open
to archaeologists, philologists, historians, art historians, architects, epigraphers, or any other
researcher whose object of study is related to the theme of our conference.
Book Reviews by Juan José Algaba Torrealba
Papers by Juan José Algaba Torrealba
Conference Presentations by Juan José Algaba Torrealba
Sturm - Benfante, 10 maggio 2024, Aula Montuori, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre.
multiple subjects of discussion and evidence that power encompasses as an expression of humanity throughout the Mediterranean, with a historical context which dates back to Classical antiquity, through to the Middle Ages.
By incorporating different methodologies, we intend to approach the problem by stepping back from
the positivist approach which has previously prevailed in studies of power models and attempt to bring
it closer to a view from the peripheries. This will permit us to test the possibilities of reciprocal
influences from different geographical locations, going beyond the common interpretation of a
unidirectional diffusion of the models. Our conference wants to make clear the need for incorporating
a diachronic and holistic perspective which allows this generation of new researchers to be enriched by
the ideas and approaches of colleagues from different disciplines. For this reason, proposals are open
to archaeologists, philologists, historians, art historians, architects, epigraphers, or any other
researcher whose object of study is related to the theme of our conference.
Sturm - Benfante, 10 maggio 2024, Aula Montuori, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre.
multiple subjects of discussion and evidence that power encompasses as an expression of humanity throughout the Mediterranean, with a historical context which dates back to Classical antiquity, through to the Middle Ages.
By incorporating different methodologies, we intend to approach the problem by stepping back from
the positivist approach which has previously prevailed in studies of power models and attempt to bring
it closer to a view from the peripheries. This will permit us to test the possibilities of reciprocal
influences from different geographical locations, going beyond the common interpretation of a
unidirectional diffusion of the models. Our conference wants to make clear the need for incorporating
a diachronic and holistic perspective which allows this generation of new researchers to be enriched by
the ideas and approaches of colleagues from different disciplines. For this reason, proposals are open
to archaeologists, philologists, historians, art historians, architects, epigraphers, or any other
researcher whose object of study is related to the theme of our conference.