Papers by Dmitri Amirov Belova
Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos, 2022
Las compañías militares privadas (CMP) y las compañías de seguridad privadas (CSP) han observado ... more Las compañías militares privadas (CMP) y las compañías de seguridad privadas (CSP) han observado una proliferación tras el fin de la Guerra Fría, y, sin embargo, es ahora cuando más se pone el foco en un grupo concreto, el grupo Wagner, como empresa proxie de la Federación Rusa. Dicho grupo está desplegado en varios países de África, así como empresas chinas, donde también la Unión Europa tiene intereses económicos y antiterroristas en el marco de sus misiones de entrenamiento (EUTM). Este artículo analiza cómo afecta el despliegue de empresas de seguridad vinculadas a países rivales en Mozambique, República Centroafricana, y Mali (junto a Burkina Faso y Senegal) afectan a los intereses de la UE, y concluye con recomendaciones para el desarrollo de un nuevo concepto de seguridad para los intereses de la Unión.

La política energética alemana de Angela Merkel durante la década de 2010, ha estado marcada por ... more La política energética alemana de Angela Merkel durante la década de 2010, ha estado marcada por la acelerada implantación del plan para la transición energética (“Energiewende”), a raíz, sobre todo, de la crisis de Fukushima de 2011. Esta revolución del sector en el país, especialmente en lo referente al peso de la energía nuclear, ya que la misma se ha visto afectada por unas agresivas políticas de desnuclearización, es una de las banderas principales del programa. El plan ha implicado una agresiva desnuclearización a raíz de la crisis de Fukushima de 2011, quedando Alemania en la tesitura de sustituir una fuente de energía relativamente limpia por otras más contaminantes como el lignito y el gas natural, para compensar las disfunciones de las energías renovables, resultando en una paradoja dada la naturaleza “verde” del plan. Este artículo analiza el cambio en fuentes de energía, los impactos económicos privados, y de emisiones de carbono de la “Energiewende” de 2010 a 2020.
Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies, 2021
From the early days of the US-Soviet nuclear arms race to the present day, Tactical Nuclear Weapo... more From the early days of the US-Soviet nuclear arms race to the present day, Tactical Nuclear Weapons (TNW) have been a source of concern and analysis by academics and experts. However, the unquestionable opacity from the possessor States and theoretical doubts about their very existence as 'tactics' make this a particularly complicated and obscure pomological subject. This article traces the history of TNW during its three nuclear eras (1950s-1980s, 1990s-mid-2010s, and the present), establishes its theoretical state of art, the amount and type of tactical nuclear armaments of various countries (some of them de facto nuclear states), and finally, sets out the challenges and possible trends in the near future.

Revista Del Instituto Español De Estudios Estratégicos, 2021
Desde los inicios de la carrera nuclear entre Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética hasta la actual... more Desde los inicios de la carrera nuclear entre Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética hasta la actualidad, las Armas Nucleares Tácticas (ANT) han sido fuente de preocupación y análisis por parte de académicos y expertos. Sin embargo, la indudable opacidad por parte de los Estados tenedores de las mismas y las dudas teóricas sobre siquiera su existencia como “tácticas” en sí, hacen de esta materia polemológica una particularmente complicada y oscura. En este artículo se recorre la historia de las ANT durante sus tres eras nucleares (1950s-1980s, 1990s-mediados de 2010s, y actualidad), se establece el estado de la cuestión a nivel teórico, la cantidad y tipo de armamento nuclear táctico de varios países (algunos de ellos Estados nucleares de facto), y finalmente, se establecen los desafíos y posibles tendencias en el futuro cercano.
International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 2021
The Antarctica continent is the only one which has not been
officially distributed among States,... more The Antarctica continent is the only one which has not been
officially distributed among States, rema ining up till today in a legal frozen
situation. Besides, the state-centric In ternational Law and the States’ interests
do not allow to achieve a solution. In this paper, a new overview for the
continent’s future is presented, base d on the assignment of private property
rights, following, mainly, the anarcho-ca pitalist Murray Rothbard’s the Ethics
of Liberty.

International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal Technology 18(3/4), 2018
The abruption of the Soviet Union provoked a very unstable decade of decay for Russia, and create... more The abruption of the Soviet Union provoked a very unstable decade of decay for Russia, and created numerous conflicts in the post-Soviet space. Russia recovered influence at global and, mainly, regional level, after Vladimir Putin became president in 2000, and after the rise of the hydrocarbons' price. Energy policy played an indispensable role. For the Russian geo-energy interests, Eastern Europe, where several secessionist conflicts took place, leading to Russian political, diplomatic and military intervention, was crucial. This article examines and discusses the impact of Russian intervention in these conflicts, based on its geo-energy interests, particularly since Putin became president. The working hypothesis proposes that Russia's involvement in the three secessionist conflicts in Eastern Europe (Crimea, Donbass and Transnistria) has considerably benefited the many Russian geo-energy interests. [

Centro de Estudios Andaluces: Actualidad, 2021
Andalucía es una región estratégica clave para la entrada de hidrocarburos en la península Ibéric... more Andalucía es una región estratégica clave para la entrada de hidrocarburos en la península Ibérica. Su relevancia en términos de gasoductos y oleoductos es incomparable a la de cualquier otra región de España y Portugal, dada las conexiones internacionales de los Gasoductos Medgaz y Magreb-Europa, si bien es a su vez relevante para la entrada de Gas Natural Licuado y la producción propia de gas natural, así como en términos petrolíferos. Este documento mostrará la relevancia geoenergética de Andalucía para España y Europa.
Andalusia is a strategic key region for hydrocarbon’s entrance into the Iberian Peninsula. Its relevance in gas and oil pipelines is matchless with other regions of Spain and Portugal, given the international connections of the Medgaz and the Maghreb-Europe gas pipelines, although it is also relevant for the entry of Liquid Natural Gas, the own production of natural gas, as well as in oil terms. This paper will show up the geo-energy relevance of Andalusia for Spain and Europe.

Energies, 2020
The "European Green Deal" has ambitious aims, such as net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. ... more The "European Green Deal" has ambitious aims, such as net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. While the European Union aims to make its energies greener, Russia pursues power goals based on its status as a geo-energy superpower. A successful "European Green Deal" would have the up-to-now underestimated geopolitical advantage of making the European Union less dependent on Russian hydrocarbons. In this article, we illustrate Russian power-politics and its geopolitical implications by analyzing the illustrative case of the North Caucasus, which has been traditionally a strategic region for Russia. The present article describes and analyses the impact of Russian intervention in the North Caucasian secessionist conflict since 1991 and its importance in terms of natural resources, especially hydrocarbons. The geopolitical power secured by Russia in the North Caucasian conflict has important implications for European Union's energy supply security and could be regarded as a strong argument in favor of the "European Green Deal".
Papers by Dmitri Amirov Belova
officially distributed among States, rema ining up till today in a legal frozen
situation. Besides, the state-centric In ternational Law and the States’ interests
do not allow to achieve a solution. In this paper, a new overview for the
continent’s future is presented, base d on the assignment of private property
rights, following, mainly, the anarcho-ca pitalist Murray Rothbard’s the Ethics
of Liberty.
Andalusia is a strategic key region for hydrocarbon’s entrance into the Iberian Peninsula. Its relevance in gas and oil pipelines is matchless with other regions of Spain and Portugal, given the international connections of the Medgaz and the Maghreb-Europe gas pipelines, although it is also relevant for the entry of Liquid Natural Gas, the own production of natural gas, as well as in oil terms. This paper will show up the geo-energy relevance of Andalusia for Spain and Europe.
officially distributed among States, rema ining up till today in a legal frozen
situation. Besides, the state-centric In ternational Law and the States’ interests
do not allow to achieve a solution. In this paper, a new overview for the
continent’s future is presented, base d on the assignment of private property
rights, following, mainly, the anarcho-ca pitalist Murray Rothbard’s the Ethics
of Liberty.
Andalusia is a strategic key region for hydrocarbon’s entrance into the Iberian Peninsula. Its relevance in gas and oil pipelines is matchless with other regions of Spain and Portugal, given the international connections of the Medgaz and the Maghreb-Europe gas pipelines, although it is also relevant for the entry of Liquid Natural Gas, the own production of natural gas, as well as in oil terms. This paper will show up the geo-energy relevance of Andalusia for Spain and Europe.