Conference Presentations by Sika Nur Indah

Book Chapter, 2020
Berbeda dengan RI 4.0 yang setidaknya bisa dipredikasi, Covid-19 muncul dan menyebar dengan luas ... more Berbeda dengan RI 4.0 yang setidaknya bisa dipredikasi, Covid-19 muncul dan menyebar dengan luas hingga menjadi pandemi di dunia. Pada Maret 2020 lalu tiba-tiba saja semua orang diminta untuk memakai masker, jaga jarak dan sering cuci tangan. Pola hidup berubah total, imbauan untuk tetap berada di rumah digencarkan untuk mencegah penularan virus yang kali pertama kasusnya merebak di Wuhan, China itu. Imbauan pemerintah untuk bekerja dari rumah, belajar dari rumah dan ibadah di rumah otomatis meminimalisir aktivitas di luar rumah. Tidak memerlukan waktu lama semua mendadak berubah. Perubahan ini juga menuntut kemampuan adaptasi yang cepat pula. Harus segera, sekarang juga. Dalam kondisi seperti ini media tetap dituntut untuk menjalankan fungsi dan tanggung jawabnya. Penyediaan informasi yang akurat bagi masyarakat menjadi hal penting di tengah ketidakpastian isu Covid-19, utamanya di masa awal pandemi ini masuk Indonesia. Di sisi lain pola kerja wartawan yang banyak berinterakasi dengan banyak orang secara fisik menjadikannya sebagai salah satu profesi rentan tertular Covid-19. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran kepada pembaca tentang perubahan kerja dan permasalahan yang dialami jurnalis di masa pandemi Covid-19.
This study finds a theoretical view of capital based institutional
communication in the real life... more This study finds a theoretical view of capital based institutional
communication in the real life. Capital based institutional communication
is a part or a continuation of the Institutional Communication theory
potential to be theory to analyze capital matters in an institutional
communication way. This theory could enrich the established
communication theory of networks (Mouge&Contractor, 2003), and
could give explanations concerning the power (and the weakness) of
capital in an institutional communication way.
Papers by Sika Nur Indah
Jurnal Surya Masyarakat, May 31, 2022

Data journalism is a new genre in journalism that utilizes data visualization to engage the audie... more Data journalism is a new genre in journalism that utilizes data visualization to engage the audience in news reporting. This engagement also provides certainty and minimizes the spread of misinformation regarding the COVID-19 vaccination policy in Indonesia. This study aims to explain how data journalism-based media, which is, communicates their news and embodies audience engagement through data visualization. The type of research is content analysis with quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques. In quantitative data collection, 49 news titles were searched, which were the results of keyword discovery in January-March 2021 in the “Data Journalism” rubric of The data were coded according to indicators from a multimodal perspective in the concept of ergodic work, which are static information graphs, non-interactive dynamic data visualizations, and interactive dynamic data visualizations. Furthermore, in the qualitative step, the data was a...
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023

The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies
Vaccines and vaccinations have become the issues taking over the media coverage during the Covid-... more Vaccines and vaccinations have become the issues taking over the media coverage during the Covid-19 pandemic. The media deliberately displays data visualizations in the form of infographics to help the audiences understand the situation in a less complicated way. This study aims to identify messages conveyed through visualizations of infographic data in data journalism-based media in Indonesia. The samples of infographic contents were acquired through the information posted by the official Instagram accounts of (@katadatacoid) and (@tirtoid) as media that declared themselves to practice data journalism. The research method used in the study was content analysis using descriptive statistical analysis. The results of the study show that vaccine and vaccination issues are presented with statistical-based, as well as writing elements, background info, graphics, photos, icons, and diagram elements; the infographic includes elements of news completeness, such as us...

Jurnal Surya Masyarakat
Dieng Wetan Village is one of the areas in Wonosobo Regency that has tourism potential. In public... more Dieng Wetan Village is one of the areas in Wonosobo Regency that has tourism potential. In publicizing their tourism potential, local youth released an Instagram account @desadieng. However, the publication of tourism through this account is a problem. This is due to several factors. First, the lack of human resources (HR) from the youth organizations of Dieng Wetan Village as managers. Second, the need to strengthen HR skills in terms of content writing, photo and video production as a medium for publication of regional tourism potential. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a training in the production of written and photo content for youth members of Dieng Wetan Village as the manager of the official @desadieng account as a form of publication of regional tourism potential. The training was carried out in four stages, including situation analysis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. The training program which was held for two days began with the provision of materials, d...

Jurnal Komunikasi dan Budaya, 2021
Membincang media tidak bisa lepas dari masyarakat dan budaya. Media memiliki pengaruh dalam pembe... more Membincang media tidak bisa lepas dari masyarakat dan budaya. Media memiliki pengaruh dalam pembentukan budaya di masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana media komunitas SPEAKER Kampung berperan dalam memproduksi budaya demokrasi yakni kebebasan dalam mengemukakan pendapat dan berekspresi masyarakat Lombok Timur. Media komunitas ini dipilih lantaran cukup eksis di tengah perkembangan media arus utama di era digital. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif melalui observasi produk jurnalistik dan wawancara mendalam dengan jurnalis warga di komunitas tersebut. Sampel dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling dan analisis data menggunakan model analisis interaktif Miles dan Hubermas. Hasilnya media komunitas SPEAKER Kampung mampu mengambil peran sebagai media alternatif di tengah masyarakat. Praktik produksi dikonstruksi oleh empat unsur yakni, kekuatan habitus dari tiap-tiap relawan jurnalis warganya sebagai aktor produksi, adanya peran kuat modal budaya d...

International Journal in Computer Simulation, 2021
Independent campus policy was a form of Student Centred Learning (SCL) actual implementation. Thr... more Independent campus policy was a form of Student Centred Learning (SCL) actual implementation. Through this policy, learning might be performed outside campus area, yet still within lecturer’s supervision. The policy implementation needed carefulness. Objective of this research was to establish the implementation of independent campus at UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta. This research used qualitative descriptive method using in-depth interview. This research, also, used diffusion of innovation theory to see how the adaptation process performed by academics of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta in implementing independent campus policy. Result of this research showed that University of National Development (UPN) “Veteran” Yogyakarta satisfied Independent Campus program preparation in the future and would be elaborated and referred to 5 decision making processes. Stages in diffusion of innovation were stages of knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation . Lecturer as educator ha...

Data Dewan Pers tahun 2012 secara nasional terdapat 476 pengaduan masyarakat, 164 di antaranya so... more Data Dewan Pers tahun 2012 secara nasional terdapat 476 pengaduan masyarakat, 164 di antaranya soal pelanggaran Kode Etik Jurnalistik. Meski tidak tercatat dalam jumlah data, pelanggaran etik di Kota Solo juga terjadi. Hal ini terbukti dengan adanya sanksi pemecatan yang dilakukan dua surat kabar terhadap wartawannya yang dinilai melanggar etika. Media merupakan pilar keempat setelah eksekutif, legislatif dan yudikatif karena itu terwujudnya pers yang profesional menjadi sesuatu yang penting. Masalah etika menjadi persoalan bersama yang bukan saja menjadi tanggung jawab wartawan tetapi juga perusahaan pers dan organisasi profesi. Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) Mengetahui penerapan kode etik jurnalistik wartawan media cetak di Kota Solo. (2) Mengetahui peran perusahaan pers cetak di Kota Solo dalam mendorong penerapan Kode Etik Jurnalistik. (3) Mengetahui peran organisasi profesi di Kota Solo dalam mendorong penerapan Kode Etik Jurnalistik. (4) Mengetahui faktor-faktor lain yang berpe...

This study explains how the policy innovation adoption process runs in higher education. To provi... more This study explains how the policy innovation adoption process runs in higher education. To provide this description, this article formulates the question of how Kampus Merdeka policy initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture in early 2020 was adopted and implemented at the higher education level. With a new policy context, it is important to look at the responses and complexities that arise from higher education when these changes are adopted. To analyze this phenomenon, researchers used a case study method at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) Veteran Yogyakarta. The innovation diffusion theory framework is presented to get a detailed picture of the policy adoption process. Based on this research, the diffusion process of Kampus Merdeka innovation at UPN Veteran Yogyakarta has shown some complexity, especially biases in the preparation of Kampus Merdeka schemes such as cross-study program learning, off-campus learning, partnership, and internship equivalent. In additi...

RSF Conference Series: Business, Management and Social Sciences
This study examines the role of an epistemic community, namely the Institute for Essential Servic... more This study examines the role of an epistemic community, namely the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) which focuses on energy and the environment in encouraging the transformation towards a sustainable energy system in Indonesia by analyzing the public policy advocacy efforts IESR has carried out. Indonesia has set a Renewable Energy transition target in every national energy regulation. Still, it has not been focused and has become a top priority in supporting the renewable energy transition sector, so it is necessary to involve IESR in helping to pursue a renewable energy transition roadmap in the future and be included in the draft energy bill academic paper. In its action to create an energy transition roadmap, IESR collaborates with the media to accelerate the renewable energy transition and push for legislation on its legal policies. The purpose of this study is to identify the efforts made by IESR in accelerating the change of renewable energy through collaboratio...

Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews
Purpose of the study: To determine the effectiveness of co-creation implementation by using stude... more Purpose of the study: To determine the effectiveness of co-creation implementation by using students’ mastery of 10 skills as a new product, and to analyze the readiness stage for digitally integrated marketing communication 4.0 in higher education. Methodology: The technique of data collection was administered by giving questionnaires to respondents. The questionnaire consisting of 10 closed questions was created by researchers. Afterward, the data were processed by the SPSS application. The results proved to be valid if each indicator question had a value of Pearson correlation significant 1-tail less than 0.05. Meanwhile, the data are reliable if the Cronbach’s alpha reliability value is more than 0.60. The average final score can be converted into a level of product quality qualitatively with ideal assessment guidelines. Main Findings: The average percentage of students’ mastery of 10 skills in IAIN Salatiga is 47 percent for ability to solve complex problems, 49 percent for cri...

INJECT (Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication)
A violation of ethics code reported by some journalists shows that there is a problem in the jour... more A violation of ethics code reported by some journalists shows that there is a problem in the journalistic ethics code. This research aims to find out the role of journalists community in influencing the knowledge of journalistic ethics code. This qualitative research method done by interviewing some of reporters in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia. The results showed two supportive community groups that support Indonesian journalist code of ethics, Kode Etik Wartawan Indonesia (KEWI) and also did not support it. The first group will help the role of press companies and organisations in providing the knowledge of journalistic ethics code. Meanwhile, the second group maybe will blockage the role of press companies and organisations in providing the knowledge of journalistic ethics code Thus community will becomes one of the important factor for journalists in learning and gaining the knowledge of journalistic ethics code, outside the press company and the press organization
Conference Presentations by Sika Nur Indah
communication in the real life. Capital based institutional communication
is a part or a continuation of the Institutional Communication theory
potential to be theory to analyze capital matters in an institutional
communication way. This theory could enrich the established
communication theory of networks (Mouge&Contractor, 2003), and
could give explanations concerning the power (and the weakness) of
capital in an institutional communication way.
Papers by Sika Nur Indah
communication in the real life. Capital based institutional communication
is a part or a continuation of the Institutional Communication theory
potential to be theory to analyze capital matters in an institutional
communication way. This theory could enrich the established
communication theory of networks (Mouge&Contractor, 2003), and
could give explanations concerning the power (and the weakness) of
capital in an institutional communication way.