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Aim To assess the surface decontamination potential of diode laser, with different wavelengths, with or without the aid of photodynamic therapy (PDT) on two different implant surfaces. Material and Methods Fresh porcine ribs were cut in... more
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At a thoroughbred equine breeding farm near Hissar (Haryana), three mares aborted in their seventh month of pregnancy. The vaginal swabs of all aborted mares, and stomach contents, heart blood, liver, spleen and placenta of aborted... more
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      MicrobiologyAeromonas HydrophilaStomach Content
The present study on defined double deletion (DaroADhtrA) mutant (S30) of Salmonella enterica serovar Abortusequi evaluated it for safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy as a vaccine candidate in equids. The candidate strain was found safe... more
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      Oral Vaccine DevelopmentVeterinary Sciences
Dynamics of persistence of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium), a common food-and waterborne zoonotic serovar, on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata variety sinensis), a fodder and green vegetable plant,... more
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      MicrobiologyFood Safety
Flavobacterium columnare (FC) and Myxobacterium sp. recorded persistently associated in fish hatchery and culture system of Himalayan and Sub - Himalayan regions were found to be pathogenic. The pH and salinity played a significant role... more
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      Fish DiseasesHydrogen-Ion ConcentrationMedical and Health Sciences
From 194 faecal dropping samples of common house geckos collected from offices (60), houses (88), integrated farm units (IFS,18) and hostels, guest houses, and dining rooms of different canteen/mess (HGM, 28), 326 bacterial isolates of... more
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      MicrobiologyAntimicrobial drug resistance
Bordetella bronchisepticainfection causing atrophic rhinitis in pigs is reported from almost all countries. In the present study, occurrence ofBordetellainfection in apparently healthy pigs was determined in 392 pigs sampled to collect... more
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    • Microbiology
K ennel cough is a multi-etiological disease and Bordetella bronchiseptica is the main etiology in dogs (Keil and Fenwick, 1998). Bordetella affects dogs of all the age groups (Appel et al., 1987; Ford, 2006) and has a zoonotic aspect too... more
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      Molecular detection of pathogensVeterinary and Animal SciencesKennel cough
Isolation of multiple drug resistant (MDR) bacteria with potential of extended spectrum βlactamases (ESBL) and carbapenemase production from vaginal swabs of apparently healthy swamp buffaloes is reported for the first time. A total of 57... more
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      Veterinary and Animal SciencesErwinia Amylovora (Fire Blight Disease)Swamp Buffalo
Emergence of antimicrobial drug resistance in bacteria is widely explored but still ill understood. Antibiotic resistance is a complex phenomenon due to multiple ways of its acquisition, mechanism of action and spread. Antibiotic... more
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    • Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Integrated farming is popular in India but little is understood about circulation of multi-host pathogens under the emerging farming systems (IFS). Circulation of Edwardsiella a pathogen of public health importance has been studied in... more
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      Fish PathogensIntegrated Farming System
Bacteria are commonly reported in eggs and transovarial transfer is known in birds but little is known about geckos. In the present study 72% of gecko eggs had bacteria. Citrobacter freundii (7) were the most commonly isolated bacteria... more
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      Environmental Microbiology (Biology)Antimicrobial drug resistance
One hundred thirty one samples (nasal, faecal, soil, tissue from dead foal) were tested for presence of Rhodococcus equi. These samples included 58 nasal swabs including 45 from foals with respiratory problem and 13 from in contact... more
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The present study on antigenic competition among somatic 'O' antigens of different Salmonella groups (A, B, C1, C2, D and E1) in mares revealed that the immune response to most of the antigens was not (A, B, C2) or little (C1, D)... more
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    • Indian Journal of Experimental Biology
Total replacement of normal maize with quality protein maize (QPM) in young mithun (Bos frontalis) diet had no significant (p >0.5) effect on antibody response against Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica ser Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium).... more
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      Architectural EngineeringApplied MathematicsAlgebraArchaeology
Carbapenems are beta (β)-lactam antibiotics active against wide range of bacteria. Carbapenem resistance may be outcome of efflux pump activation, alteration in protein binding proteins, production of carbapenemases which degrade... more
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      Veterinary MedicineVeterinary MicrobiologyVeterinary EpidemiologyAntimicrobial drug resistance
Sera samples (575) were collected from 17 breeds of apparently healthy dogs from different parts of the country and tested for the presence of antibodies against cytotoxin-I antigen ELISA from S. Weltevreden (BM1613) to know the... more
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Integrated farming is popular in India but little is understood about circulation of multi-host pathogens under the emerging farming systems (IFS). Circulation of Edwardsiella a pathogen of public health importance has been studied in... more
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      Fish PathogensIntegrated Farming System
Recent emergence of zoonotic-parasitic diseases in humans are due to evolution of microbes or parasites with alterations of host ranges, vector system, infectivity, virulence and/or re-occurrence of an unreported infection. Although,... more
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      Veterinary MedicinePublic HealthVeterinary and Animal Sciences