Université Pierre Mendès-France
Eurozone is going though the worst ever crises since the adoption of the common currency in 1999. In the aftermath of financial crises of 2007, many EU government due to their own fragile banking system and imbalance economic structures... more
"“Think Global but Act Local” seems to be nowadays the right expression that translates the process of elaboration and implementation of economic policies. The territory is therefore regarded as an effective level of production... more
The idea behind this paper is to counter traditional thinking on economic and social development that considers development as dependent byproduct of macroeconomic policies led by governments, or as a sole byproduct of entrepreneurial... more
O capítulo " Do Antigo Estado à Máquina Mercante " do livro " Dialética da Colonização " de Alfredo Bosi analisa a poesia de Gregório de Matos, especificamente o poema " Triste Bahia " e tece comentário sobre três pontos: análise... more
O papel das elites na política de transporte regional de Minas Gerais entre 1850 e 1940. Projeto de monografia apresentado ao curso de graduação em Ciências Econômicas da FACE/UFMG, no primeiro semestre de 2012. Orientador: Marcelo... more
ECN025 – Metodologia da Economia
Período letivo: 1° semestre de 2010
Considerações Metodológicas da Teoria Econômica Mainstream segundo economistas
Período letivo: 1° semestre de 2010
Considerações Metodológicas da Teoria Econômica Mainstream segundo economistas
análise projeto ideológico e estético modernismo de 20 brasileiro e discurssão de dois fragmentos do manifesto pau brasil
FACULDADE DE LETRAS -UFMG Curso de Letras – Disciplina LET212 - INTRODUÇÃO A LITERATURA PORTUGUESA – TN5. 1. Vida e Obra. 2. Interpretação do livro. 3. Biografema "Memória". 4. Fernando Pessoa e Cardoso Pires e conceito de memória. 5.... more
Población: 50 miliones. Economia de ingressos medio-alto Café, petroleo y finanzas bien desarrolada 20% de la población es estudiante universitario Salario minimo de 250 dólares Esperanza de vida de 75 ãnos Población aumenta 1% por año.... more
Response paper to Kumaravadivelu, B. (2003). Chapter 1: Conceptualizing Teaching Acts (p. 5-22).Found in: Beyond methods: Macrostrategies for Language Teaching.
Spada (2013) explain the innatist perspective in the point view of Noam Chomsky stating that all human language are innate, because human been has a universal grammar in their mind and to acquire a language, child only need to be exposed... more
Language learning is complex because it has many factors and variables involved. Thereby is hard to simplify and rationalize in order to construct of model able to explain these phenomenon. Despite the difficulty to analyises human... more
Brown (2007) in chapter 2 explains the historical cycles and trends of Second Language Teaching methodologies and key concepts of the field, such as method, techniques and approach. For example, for Edward Anthony (1963) approach "is a... more
Language learning is complex because it has many factors and variables involved. Thereby is hard to simplify and rationalize in order to construct of model able to explain these phenomenon. Despite the difficulty to analyises human... more
UFMG - FALE - Disciplina: FUNDAMENTOS MET. DO ENSINO DE INGLÊS: AQUISIÇÃO E ABORDAGENS - TNS41. Professora: Valdeni da Silva Reis Aluno: Oswald Stuart Nascimento Rabelo. Data: 15/05/2018 BACKGROUND ISSUES IN LANGUAGE LEARNING. Harmer... more
UFMG - Inglês Sem Fronteiras Professor: Italo Esteves Aluno: Oswald Stuart Nascimento Rabelo Data: 21/05/18 I am applying to Harvard’s doctoral program in Education in pursuit of a career in academic research. I entered Education research... more
Peer feedback is any comments given by the teacher or other classmates regarding rhetorical structure in a text in order to improve the student writing skills. It is a collaborative work and reinforce the idea that writing is a process,... more
Teaching English at school is important because it is the universal language or lingua franca in today's society. If somebody know english well, it can have more access to culture, knowledge and job opportunities, hence he or she could... more