Papers by zawiah abdul majid

The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between brand trust and brand image toward... more The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between brand trust and brand image towards customer purchase intentions related to halal consumptions products. Research model is developed to measure the direct relationship between the brand trust and brand image using structuralequation model. This study used quantitative survey approach where survey forms was distributed to over 1,000 target respondents in three major cities in Malaysia. 657 usable data were gathered and the results indicates that brand image positively associated to purchase intentions. Brand trust however is negatively influenced towards customer purchase intentions. The findings show that business organizations need to more effort in creating the brand trust among their target market especially in terms of communications and awareness. Customer would like to know more details and dislike any propaganda in terms of advertisements.

International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2018
In establishing a successful Halal supply chain, Syariah compliancy has emerged as a key issue. H... more In establishing a successful Halal supply chain, Syariah compliancy has emerged as a key issue. Halal transport and Halal warehouse play a significant role in maintaining the integrity of the Halal products from point of origin to end of consumption. The escalating demand for halal food has encouraged warehouse operators to devise a new business plan to cater to the present business trend. Warehousing or storage is a critical factor where cross-contamination may occur. As such, this study explored the Halal warehouse compliance from the perspective of regulators. This study adopted the qualitative approach by carrying out interview sessions, document review, and observation as the primary methods for data collection. The outcomes pointed out eight main factors that ascertain Halal warehouse compliance from the perspective of regulator, which are: management member, comprehensive training, Halal standard adoption, supplier, standard operating procedure (SOP), internal halal committee...
Some people may have overlooked the importance of technopreneurship and its development in the di... more Some people may have overlooked the importance of technopreneurship and its development in the digital economy especially involving globalization of economic and commercial activities. While most people might have read and understand about entrepreneurship but new technologies have nurtured the rise of technopreneurs in order to sustain in the global competitiveness as well as to equip oneself with latest technological knowledge. Therefore, the author will emphasize the differences between entrepreneurship and technopreneurship in-addition related to this field of digital era in global regulation. The relationship between technopreneurhip and digital era will be explained and will focused on opportunities and challenges for better understanding.

Innovation is crucial for sustainability in Halal industry, in-line with the Malaysia’s aspiratio... more Innovation is crucial for sustainability in Halal industry, in-line with the Malaysia’s aspiration to be the World Halal Hub. In Malaysia, Halal Industry Development Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (HDC) was formed in 2006 to spearhead and offer consultation pertaining to Halal enquiries and requirements. This conceptual review, Developing Halal Food Supply Chain Integrity Model in Logistics Industry could add value to Halal logistics players in managing he flow of Halal products and services towards innovative solutions. Halal food products are critically vulnerable to the hazards of food safety contamination and cross-contamination with non-halal materials or products. Pioneer attention of HDC that a Halal Standard on global logistics based on ‘farm-to-fork’ concept to ensure Halal Integrity is uphold throughout the food supply chain. Currently the study on Halal Integrity is limited therefore, developing Halal Food Supply Chain integrity model in the logistics industry is crucial not only ...
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2018
There is something very appealing about Halal branding and its linked to Halal requirements. The ... more There is something very appealing about Halal branding and its linked to Halal requirements. The establishment of Halal branding is actually closely related to Syariah compliance requirements. This study aims to explore how Halal branding is created in the context of Halal Flight Kitchen in Malaysia. This study adopted single case study method for deep exploration of the topic. This interpretive study opted for semi-structured interview, observation, and documents review as a main data collection method. Findings suggest proper segregation, sertu and workers hygiene are the three main elements to establish Halal branding in Halal flight kitchen. This study is among the pioneering research on Halal branding establishment from Flight Kitchen perspective

Higher TVET graduates play a significant role in realising Malaysia aspiration to become a high i... more Higher TVET graduates play a significant role in realising Malaysia aspiration to become a high income nation and achieving competitiveness in current global fourth industrial revolution. Malaysia country must radically accelerate its human capital development through its education industry particularly in higher TVET education. Instructor teaching skills and competencies is significant to help future technologist graduates in navigating the problems at a workplace and communicate effectively. This study aims to highlight the instructor teaching quality in nurturing future technologist graduates in the aviation industry with investigating the two main components of the instructor. There are teaching quality parameters and also the background of the instructor. This is vital to ensure the instructor have the right quality to prepare the future aviation technologist graduated with the required skills and knowledge in facing the challenges of the industry 4.0. This study adopts quantit...
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2019
In the complexity and dynamic supply chain network, understanding the integrity definition is par... more In the complexity and dynamic supply chain network, understanding the integrity definition is paramount as to uphold Halal integrity from “farm to fork” to avoid miss-communication and fraudulent. This is because the perceptions of Halal integrity varied among the Halal food supply chain stakeholders due to the difference in scenario and perspectives. The authenticity and integrity of the Halal food supply chain are vital as it becomes the prerequisite in determining the potential business growth for sustainability. Consumers especially Muslim are concern about the integrity of Halal status of the food they consume as well as the product’s origin. The purpose of this paper is to explain how LSP perceives Halal integrity in compliance to Halal Supply Chain Management System: MS2400.

This paper illustrates the rational understanding by defining the services provided by 1PL or fir... more This paper illustrates the rational understanding by defining the services provided by 1PL or first party logistics service provider toward 10PL in the Supply Chain environment. In Malaysia, Innovation for the logistics industry is still lacking although efficient logistics is critical to the country’s trade competitiveness. Therefore, the need of innovation in LSP services offered to their customer is prerequisite for business sustainability. Hence, LSP need to improve performance in accelerating more cost-effective structure and profitability gained through technology investment. This paper addresses the categories of 1PL toward 10PL from their nature of logistics services. This clarification could assist stakeholders advancing in the logistics practices. Thus, this complexity could avoid miss-communication and maintaining good relationship in their business collaboration. This paper is a review from literature based on thesis, journal article, proceedings, conferences, reports, h...

This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of university roles in entrepreneurial intention... more This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of university roles in entrepreneurial intentions among university students. This study is also measuring the functions of the system supports as the control variables towards entrepreneurial intentions. Universities seem to compete in the industry to provide and develop the entrepreneurial skills set to their students. Perhaps they may add more benefit in preparing and equipping their students as entrepreneurs once they completed their studies. The study was conducted in local universities. Three hundred respondents were approached in getting the data compiled. Based on that, only 250 complete and usable data received in returns. An 83% response rate is achieved because the sample was from a list of young entrepreneurs' schemes currently being assessed by the government agencies. Questionnaires used to validate the items from university roles (6 items), entrepreneurial intentions (5 items), and finally support systems (6 items). ...
This study aims to investigate the relationship between stakeholder support towards students ent... more This study aims to investigate the relationship between stakeholder support towards students entrepreneurial intentions. Three types of stakeholder support identified from the past studies and used to be testing in this research. Government, financial institutions, and parents were among the most important variables that have been suggested by past research. This study used an open-ended questionnaire method to collect data. A five-point Likert scale was used in order to measure the responses. Data collection exercises were done in February, and the results indicate that government and financial institution positively influence entrepreneurial intentions. The roles of parents were found insignificant towards entrepreneurial intentions. Further study needs to be performed to understand the factors that may influence entrepreneurial intentions among the university's students.
Papers by zawiah abdul majid