Papers by Ong San

During the Asian financial crisis in year 1997, countries under International Monetary Fund (IMF)... more During the Asian financial crisis in year 1997, countries under International Monetary Fund (IMF) programmes are required to close down the small and weakest banking institutions. However, Malaysia government denied and initiated a robust bank merger programme to restructure all the fifty four financial institutions into ten anchor banks in year 1999. By the end of 2011, there were only eight anchor banks in Malaysia. Today, Malaysian Government still encourages companies in Malaysia to participate in the merger and acquisition activities. Previously, many studies were done according this issue by using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). However, the impact of merger and acquisition of Malaysian Bank is still vague. Hence, this paper attempts to examine the impact of merger and acquisition of Malaysian bank by using capital structure. This paper focuses on seven pairs of anchor banks which merged and acquired other minor banks in Malaysia from year 1999 until 2006. This paper uses des...

873 Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Retrieval Number:F115... more 873 Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Retrieval Number:F11520476S519/19©BEIESP Abstract: The concept of eco-efficiency suggests that firms could gain economic benefits when their environmental protection adds values to stakeholders, and results in enhanced shareholder value. This is a state which scholars denote as the optimum level of environmental protection. In contrary, any environmental protection above the optimum level is unlikely to result in economic benefits. This paper articulates eco-efficiency using two major variables of corporate environmental management. Environmental innovation reflects high level of eco-efficiency; as it measures a firm’s focus on market and product development within its environmental management, which brings economic benefits. Environmental performance reflects low level of eco-efficiency; as it measures solely on a firm’s achievements in reducing adverse environmental impact. This paper hypothesised environm...

The present study looked to foresee the intention toward green entrepreneurship among the Gen Z. ... more The present study looked to foresee the intention toward green entrepreneurship among the Gen Z. The study applied quantitative analysis using a sample of 285 among Gen Z who were students of business administration in five private and public universities at Dhaka in Bangladesh. Which individuals' level factors are important for becoming a green entrepreneur among Gen Z? To answer this question, we examined the direct impact of sustainability orientation, sustainability education and sustainability attitude with green entrepreneurial intention. Furthermore, we tested the indirect effects of these three factors through perceived feasibility. The outcomes are acquired by applying Smart PLS 3.0 (SEM). This study claims that a positive and significant relationship remains between an individual's sustainability orientation, sustainability education and sustainability attitude with their green entrepreneurial intention. Furthermore, this study also reveals that an individual's...

The issue of employees’ job satisfaction among public accounting professionals has become a very ... more The issue of employees’ job satisfaction among public accounting professionals has become a very critical issue for employers as it might affect the quality, productivity, and sustainability of public accounting firms in today’s economy and business environment. Therefore, this research was attempted to provide insights on the variables influencing job satisfaction. Besides that, this research paper was also aimed at exploring whether job satisfaction plays a role in mediating the relationship between the six factors, organizational commitment, and employees’ loyalty. For data collection, a structured questionnaire was developed and a total of 103 responses were received from accountants, auditors, tax advisors, consultants and secretaries. Furthermore, the four step regression analysis was employed in this study in order to evaluate the mediating role of job satisfaction. The results have revealed that all the six variables (remuneration, relations with supervisors & co-workers, jo...

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2019
The purpose of this study is to explore the accounting educators' views toward the principles of ... more The purpose of this study is to explore the accounting educators' views toward the principles of human governance and the influence of ontological stance (or worldviews) and epistemological stance (view of knowledge) on their view. The data was collected using questionnaires and semistructured interviews. 90 accounting educators from Malaysian public universities had responded to the questionnaire and 28 had been involved in the interview. All variables (except demographic information) were measured based on 5-point Likert scales ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). The descriptive analysis and Spearman's rank order correlation are used for analysis. The generic steps analysing are used for qualitative inquiry proposed by Creswell (2003). The finding revealed that accounting educators view human governance as a framework of good conduct of human being which emphasized both spiritual and physical well beings. There are positive medium correlations between ontological stances and educators' view towards the concept of human governance as good governance. There are only positive small correlations between epistemological stances towards the educators' view of human governance as good governance. This study provides new additional literature on ethics and empirical evidence on the concept of human governance.

Jurnal Pengurusan, 2016
In the past years, regulators and the business communities had expressed worries about the alarmi... more In the past years, regulators and the business communities had expressed worries about the alarming rate at which firms or corporations collapse due to the mismanagement and manipulation of resources as seen in the cases of Enron, WorldCom in the United States of America; and to be specific in Malaysia, the cases of Megan Media Holdings Berhad and Transmile Group. Auditor switching is evident and the disorder of auditor switching often takes place in Malaysia; however, as time goes by, it is decreasing. Thus, this paper seeks to empirically examine the effect of auditor switching and corporate governance on financial performance of Malaysian PLCs. Secondary data on a total number of 100 PLCs from years 2009 to 2013 are used. The results reveal that the effect of auditor switching on performance does not vary with duality role and the board size. However, the independent director does not cause a good firm performance. Nonetheless, auditors do not have a direct effect on financial performance since they are not directly involved with the management of the firms which negates the results of previous study. Therefore, this paper has vital impact in that regulators and the public need to be educated through awareness campaigns to emphasize on the auditors' roles as agents in understanding the impact of the association between corporate governance and financial performance. Furthermore, auditor switching should embrace not only rotation of audit partners, but rotation of audit firms as well in view that this will help in infusing discipline from the top to the bottom of the audit firms and the companies.

Corporate governance is a monitoring mechanism that is created because of the possible conflict o... more Corporate governance is a monitoring mechanism that is created because of the possible conflict of interest that results from the separation of ownership and control between the shareholders and the board of directors. Control and procedures of companies can be improved given the introduction of corporate governance. Previous literature supports that corporate governance is an effective corporate governance that helps companies to increase the value of the firm, attract foreign investors, and improve quality of reporting. Previous studies also indicate that investors are drawn to companies that are actively involved in sustainability activities. However, real commitments from Malaysian companies for sustainable developments are questionable. This study identifies corporate governance mechanisms from agency theory perspective, in assessing its relationship to the financial performance, and sustainability disclosures. The theoretical contribution of this study is by the extension of p...

The issue of employees' job satisfaction among public accounting professionals has become a v... more The issue of employees' job satisfaction among public accounting professionals has become a very critical issue for employers as it might affect the quality, productivity, and sustainability of public accounting firms in today's economy and business environment. Therefore, this research is attempts to provide insights on the variables influencing job satisfaction. Besides that, this research paper is also aims to explore whether plays a role in mediating the relationship between the six factors of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and employees' loyalty. For data collection, a structured questionnaire was developed and a total of 103 responses were received from accountants, auditors, tax advisory, consultants and secretaries. Furthermore, the four steps regression analysis has been employed in this study in order to evaluate the mediating role of job satisfaction. The results have revealed that all the six variables (remuneration, relations with supervisors &...
Academy of Management Proceedings
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
This research investigates the empirical relationship of government efficiency, corruption, and i... more This research investigates the empirical relationship of government efficiency, corruption, and inflation regarding public debt between advanced and emerging economies. Random effects estimation is used to analyse a sample of 40 countries. The analysis results show that corruption and inflation in advanced economies have a significant and positive effect on public debt. Corruption affects public debt to increase, but on the flip side, inflation affects public debt to decrease. In emerging economies, the results show a positive impact of government efficiency on public debt. Hence, government efficiency will be considered an obstacle when a policy initiated to reduce public debt. Meanwhile, policymakers should take note countries’ corruption and inflation rates when formulating policies to reduce public debt in advanced economies.
This paper explores the impact of institutional pressures on the adoption of environmental manage... more This paper explores the impact of institutional pressures on the adoption of environmental management accounting (EMA). EMA has been recognized as a valuable mechanism to deal with environmental issues. This paper uses institutional theory to explain the drivers of EMA adoption in Pakistan. Data were collected from the manufacturing sector in Pakistan through a questionnaire-based survey. The study concludes that coercive, normative and mimetic pressures have a significant and positive impact on the adoption of EMA.
This study intends to investigate the impact of bank-specific characteristics and macroeconomic c... more This study intends to investigate the impact of bank-specific characteristics and macroeconomic conditions on Malaysian commercial banks financial performance, during the period of 2003 to 2009. This study employs regression models that relate bank profitability ratios to various explanatory variables. There are three ratios which represent profitability measures are return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and net non-interest margin (NIM). Seven variables are drawn from the conventional banking literature as proxies for bank-specific and macroeconomic factors. Results of this study indicated that ROA is the best profitability measures. All bank-specific determinants affect bank profitability significantly in the anticipated way. However, no evidence is found in support of the macroeconomic variables have an impact on profitability.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
Environmental crises have major negative impacts on social, environment and economy in many count... more Environmental crises have major negative impacts on social, environment and economy in many countries. With the concerns on environmental issues, people and organizations need to adopt sustainability practices. A question arises on the role of accounting in enhancing the effectiveness of environmental practices. Therefore, this paper reviews on the role of management control system (MCS) in managing environmental or green issues and the extent of green integration into MCS. The literature review indicates that MCS plays a very important role in managing green issues. There are various interpretations, dimensions and levels of extent of green integration into MCS.
Asian Social Science, 2012
The recent event of global pandemic outbreak, natural disaster, terrorist attacks and extreme cli... more The recent event of global pandemic outbreak, natural disaster, terrorist attacks and extreme climate changes have highlighted the importance of putting in place a business continuity management (BCM) planning. One of the known branches of BCM is telecommuting.

Asian Social Science, 2012
Malaysia is one of the rapidly developing economies in South-East Asia which embraces the concept... more Malaysia is one of the rapidly developing economies in South-East Asia which embraces the concept of good corporate governance due to the 1997-1998 Asian financial crises. This study investigates the relationship between board of directors and company's capital structure in an emerging market, Malaysia. This research paper covers 75 non-financial leading Malaysian companies, which are employed as a price index, listed on Kuala Lumpur stock exchange (KLSE) from the year 2005 to 2008 fiscal years. A multiple regression analysis has been used to examine the linkage between board of director's features and capital structure decisions of the listed companies. Measures of board of directors employed are size of the board, presence of non-executive directors on the board, presence of independent non-executive directors on the board and CEO/Chair duality. Results reveal that board size and presence of independent non-executive directors on the board have significant, negatively and positively correlation with debt to asset ratio respectively. However corporate capital structure decisions are not found significantly influenced by CEO/Chair duality and the presence of non-executive directors on the board. Consequently based on the results, board of director's features such as board size and presence of independent non-executive directors on the board play an important role in determination of financial mix of the companies.

In the past years, regulators and the business communities had expressed worries about the alarmi... more In the past years, regulators and the business communities had expressed worries about the alarming rate at which firms or corporations collapse due to the mismanagement and manipulation of resources as seen in the cases of Enron, WorldCom in the United States of America; and to be specific in Malaysia, the cases of Megan Media Holdings Berhad and Transmile Group. Auditor switching is evident and the disorder of auditor switching often takes place in Malaysia; however, as time goes by, it is decreasing. Thus, this paper seeks to empirically examine the effect of auditor switching and corporate governance on financial performance of Malaysian PLCs. Secondary data on a total number of 100 PLCs from years 2009 to 2013 are used. The results reveal that the effect of auditor switching on performance does not vary with duality role and the board size. However, the independent director does not cause a good firm performance. Nonetheless, auditors do not have a direct effect on financial performance since they are not directly involved with the management of the firms which negates the results of previous study. Therefore, this paper has vital impact in that regulators and the public need to be educated through awareness campaigns to emphasize on the auditors' roles as agents in understanding the impact of the association between corporate governance and financial performance. Furthermore, auditor switching should embrace not only rotation of audit partners, but rotation of audit firms as well in view that this will help in infusing discipline from the top to the bottom of the audit firms and the companies. ABSTRAK Sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, pihak berkuasa tempatan dan komuniti perniagaan telah menyatakan kebimbangan mengenai kadar kejatuhan firma atau syarikat yang disebabkan oleh salah tadbir urus dan manipulasi sumber seperti yang terjadi ke atas kes Enron dan WorldCom di Amerika Syarikat dan kes Megan Media Holdings Berhad dan Transmile Group di Malaysia. Pertukaran juruaudit dan gangguan ke atas pertukaran juruaudit sememangnya telah terbukti berlaku di Malaysia walaupun pada kadar yang menurun. Oleh itu, kertas kerja ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengkaji secara empirikal tentang kesan pertukaran juruaudit dan tadbir urus korporat terhadap prestasi kewangan
Conference Presentations by Ong San

8th International Management and Accounting Conference (IMAC8), 2016
It is the responsibility of auditors to assess clients' financial viability and to issue going co... more It is the responsibility of auditors to assess clients' financial viability and to issue going concern opinion (GC opinion) if there is doubt about the ability of the clients to continue operation in the near future, according to ISA 570. However, there are still incidents in Malaysia and internationally in which auditors do not issue GC opinion to financially distress companies. The objective of this study is to examine the practice of GC opinion issuance in listed companies that hire specialized auditors. The findings suggest that there is no direct relationship between specialized auditors and the probability to issue GC opinion. However, this study discovers that the higher the management ownership in a client company the less likely the specialized auditor will issue GC opinion. These findings provide evidence for going concern decision process in developing countries i.e. less litigious contexts.
Papers by Ong San
Conference Presentations by Ong San