The effect of microwave treatment on the tensile properties of treated sugar palm fibre with 6% N... more The effect of microwave treatment on the tensile properties of treated sugar palm fibre with 6% NaOH reinforced thermoplastic polyurethane composites was investigated. Firstly, the sugar palm fibres were treated by 6% alkali solution. Then, microwave treatment was used to treat the alkali treated sugar palm fibres. Three types of temperatures (i.e. 70, 80 and 90 C) were applied in microwave treatment. The extruder and hot press machines were used to mixing the sugar palm fibres and polyurethane resin, and fabricate the composites. Tensile properties (i.e. tensile strength, tensile modulus and elongation at break) were studied by following the ASTM D-638 standard. The highest tensile strength was recorded 18.42 MPa with microwave temperature at 70 C and 6% alkali pre-treatment. Therefore, the temperature 70 C of microwave treatment may consider the best degree cent grate.
Global warming has had a great impact on environmental changes since the last decade. Ecofriendly... more Global warming has had a great impact on environmental changes since the last decade. Ecofriendly industrial products are of great importance to sustain life on earth, including using natural composites. Natural fibers used as fillers are also environmentally valuable because of their biodegradable nature. However, compatibility issues between the fiber and its respective matrix is a major concern. The present work focused on the study of the flexural, impact, and thermal behaviors of environmentally friendly sugar palm fibers (SPF) incorporated into a composite with thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). Two techniques (extrusion and compression molding) were used to prepare these composites. The fiber size and dosage were kept constant at 250 µm and 30 wt.% SPF, respectively. The effects of potassium permanganate (KMnO 4) treatment on the flexural, impact, and thermal behaviors of the treated SPF with 6% NaOH-reinforced TPU composites were investigated. Three different concentrations of KMnO 4 (0.033%, 0.066%, and 0.125%) were studied for this purpose. The characterization of the flexural and impact properties of the new TPU/SPF composites was studied as per American Society for Testing Materials ASTM standards. Thermogravimetric analysis was employed for thermal behavior analysis of the TPU/SPF composites. The best flexural strength, impact strength, and modulus properties (8.118 MPa, 55.185 kJ/m 2 , and 262.102 MPa, respectively) were obtained with a 0.033% KMnO 4-treated sample. However, all flexural strength, impact strength, and modulus properties for the KMnO 4-treated samples were lower than the sample treated only with 6% NaOH. The highest thermal stability was also shown by the sample treated with 0.033% KMnO 4. Therefore, this method enhanced the thermal properties of the TPU/SPF composites with clear deterioration of the flexural and impact properties.
A study on the effect of alkaline treatment on tensile properties of sugar palm fibre reinforced ... more A study on the effect of alkaline treatment on tensile properties of sugar palm fibre reinforced epoxy composites is presented in this paper. The treatment was carried out using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solutions at two different concentrations and three different soaking times. The hydrophilic nature of sugar palm fibre makes it difficult to adhere to hydrophobic epoxy and therefore posed the problem of interfacial bonding between fibre and matrix and such treatment was needed to alleviate such problem. The composite specimens were tested for tensile property determination. Some fractured specimens were examined under scanning electron microscope (SEM) to study the microstructure of the materials. Inconsistent results were obtained for tensile strengths, which indicate that the treatment is not very effective yet to improve the interfacial bonding. However, for tensile modulus, the results are much higher than untreated fibre composite specimens, which proved the effectiveness of the treatment.
Oil-based corrosion inhibitors have been evaluated for carbon steel in 3.5% NaCl and saturated CO... more Oil-based corrosion inhibitors have been evaluated for carbon steel in 3.5% NaCl and saturated CO2 gas. The corrosion rate for carbon steel was determined based on the electro-chemical method using linear resistance polarization (LPR). Specimens at various inhibitor concentrations were placed in a beaker connected to a CO2 cylinder for CO2 gas bubbling. The corrosion test was conducted at room temperature and high temperature (60 oC and 80oC). Higher temperature conditions were used to study inhibitor stability. Results obtained from the LPR test indicated that the most effective corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel had between 5 to 100 ppm concentrations. The stability test showed that inhibitor efficiency was lower at higher temperature.
This paper is focuses on the study of the dynamic mechanical properties of short sugar palm fibre... more This paper is focuses on the study of the dynamic mechanical properties of short sugar palm fibre reinforced high impact polystyrene (HIPS) composites. The fibre sizes of 30-50 meshes and five different fibre loadings of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% by weight have been used. Short SPF-HIPS composites were fabricated using melt mixing and compression moulding. Testing was carried out according the ASTM D5023. The results showed that the addition of short SPF to the pure HIPS increased the storage modulus and thermal stability of the composites.
Natural fibres play a significant role in mass industries such as automotive, construction and sp... more Natural fibres play a significant role in mass industries such as automotive, construction and sports. Many researchers have found that the natural fibres are the best replacement for the synthetic fibres in terms of cost, safety, and degradability due to the shortage of landfill and ingestion of non biodegradable plastic by animals. This study mainly revolved around pineapple leaf fibre (PALF) which is available in abundance in tropical countries and for its excellent mechanical properties. The composite fabricated in this study is highly compostable as both fibre and matrix is from natural based material. The matrix used which is polylactic acid (PLA) is made from corn starch, which gives the upper hand as both materials are renewable resources are easier to degrade by bacteria or enzyme. The PALF is treated with different alkaline percentage to remove excessive moisture in the fibre for better interfacial bonding with PLA. Thereafter the PALF is washed with distilled water severa...
Mengkuang (Pandanus tectorius) grows abundantly in the coastal region of Southeast Asia. To date,... more Mengkuang (Pandanus tectorius) grows abundantly in the coastal region of Southeast Asia. To date, the application of mengkuang leaves fiber (MLF) as reinforcement in polymer matrix is still limited in literature making its potential as reinforced material remain unknown. Therefore, this chapter focuses on the tensile properties, flexural, and impact properties of (MLF)/LDPE composite fabricated through the hot compression machine. In this study, the effect of volume fraction, fiber length of MLF was investigated. Two main groups of MLF/LDPE composite samples were established. The first group consists of different fiber mesh size range (<0.5 mm, 0.5–8 mm, and 1–2 mm) with constant volume fraction (10 wt%) while in another group volume fraction is varying (10, 20, and 30 wt%) but constant fiber length (<0.5 mm). Further investigation was conducted by treating the MLF/LDPE composite of volume fraction 30 wt% and fiber length 0.5 mm with maleic anhydride polyethylene (MAPE) with l...
Sugar palm fibre (SPF) is a promising natural fibre used in reinforcing polymer matrix composites... more Sugar palm fibre (SPF) is a promising natural fibre used in reinforcing polymer matrix composites. The fibre has good tensile properties and could also be suitable as reinforcing agents in composite materials. This research is important because no study has been conducted about the using of sugar palm fibre to reinforced high impact polystyrene (HIPS) composites previously. New natural composites of sugar palm fibre (SPF) reinforced high impact polystyrene (HIPS) matrix have been produced by using melt mixing and compression moulding method. Tensile, flexural, and impact tests were performed to determine the mechanical properties, while dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were performed to determine the thermal properties of SPF-HIPS composites by varying the sugar palm fibre contents. It was found that the increase in fibre loading on HIPS matrix enhanced the tensile and flexural modulus of the composites. However, tensile strength decreased with ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017
In oil and gas pipelines and offshore structure, inhibitors have been considered to be the first ... more In oil and gas pipelines and offshore structure, inhibitors have been considered to be the first choice to reduce corrosion rate. There are many corrosion inhibitor compositions available in the market. To produce the best corrosion inhibitor requires many experimental data which is not efficient. These experiments used response surface methodology (RSM) to select corrosion inhibitor compositions. The experiments investigated effects of corrosion inhibition on corrosion rate of low carbon steel in 3% NaCl solution with different concentrations of selected main inhibitor compositions which are ethyl acetate (EA), ethylene glycol (EG) and sodium benzoate (SB). Corrosion rate were calculated using linear polarization resistance (LPR). All of the experiments were set in natural conditions at pH 7. MINITAB® version 15 was used for data analysis. It is shown that a quadratic model is a representative model can predict best corrosion inhibitor composition comprehensibly.
The performance of mengkuang leaf fiber (MLF) reinforced low density polyethylene (LDPE) composit... more The performance of mengkuang leaf fiber (MLF) reinforced low density polyethylene (LDPE) composites with different fiber volume and different mesh sizes were studied. The fibre weight percentage used in the research were 10%, 20%, and 30% and for different fiber size were <0.5 mm, 0.5-1 mm, and 1-2 mm. The extrusion and hot compression molding were used to fabricate the specimen testing. The mechanical testing performed were impact and flexural test which follows the ASTM standards D790-10 and Izod D256. It was observed that by increasing the fiber volume and fiber size, the flexural strength and the flexural modulus were increased. However the impact strength shows different results for fiber length and fibre content where the impact strength increases with fibre length but decreases with the increase of fiber content. It can be concluded that the 30% fibre content is the optimum fibre loading for the MLF-LDPE composite with the flexural strength of 12.31 MPa, flexural modulus of 378.88 MPa and impact strength of 589.86 J/m whereby the 1.0-2.0 mm fibre length is the best fibre size for the MLF-LDPE composite with the flexural strength of 12.86 MPa, flexural modulus of 267.76 MPa and impact strength of 1511.57 J/m. In future studies fibres should undergo surface modification to increase the available surface area for reaction to increase the strength of the composite by better mechanical interlocking.
Experiment investigation were conducted on square honeycomb structure made out of sugar palm rein... more Experiment investigation were conducted on square honeycomb structure made out of sugar palm reinforced polylactic acid (PLA). This paper investigate the compression and tensile properties of new and recycled sugar palm/PLA composite. Short fiber were obtain by crushing and then mix with PLA before being hot pressed at 180°C. The 3mm plate were then developed into sandwich square honeycomb structure. The result show small decrement in strength pattern.
The effect of microwave treatment on the tensile properties of treated sugar palm fibre with 6% N... more The effect of microwave treatment on the tensile properties of treated sugar palm fibre with 6% NaOH reinforced thermoplastic polyurethane composites was investigated. Firstly, the sugar palm fibres were treated by 6% alkali solution. Then, microwave treatment was used to treat the alkali treated sugar palm fibres. Three types of temperatures (i.e. 70, 80 and 90 C) were applied in microwave treatment. The extruder and hot press machines were used to mixing the sugar palm fibres and polyurethane resin, and fabricate the composites. Tensile properties (i.e. tensile strength, tensile modulus and elongation at break) were studied by following the ASTM D-638 standard. The highest tensile strength was recorded 18.42 MPa with microwave temperature at 70 C and 6% alkali pre-treatment. Therefore, the temperature 70 C of microwave treatment may consider the best degree cent grate.
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 2019
The study of natural fiber composite in the field of materials has indeed sparked interest among ... more The study of natural fiber composite in the field of materials has indeed sparked interest among many due to its essential biodegradability feature. As such, pineapple leaf fiber (PALF) is not only biodegradable, but also environmental friendly, as opposed to synthetic fiber. Hence, this paper investigates the effect of fiber loading, as well as the inclusion of maleic anhydride polyethylene (MAPE) to the mechanical properties of PALF reinforced polylactic acid composites. Therefore, untreated PALF with 0, 5, 10, and 15% of weight content ratio, as well as PALF at 10% weight ratio treated with 2, 4, and 6% of MAPE, had been prepared via roll mill mixing at 190 °C and followed by hot compression molding to prepare the specimen sheets. The results obtained from this study revealed that the tensile strength (TS) and the Young's modulus were at their highest levels for untreated 10% PALF, while the impact and the flexure properties displayed a decrease as the content of fiber increased. Other than that, the inclusion of MAPE indicated that the tensile properties exhibited lower value compared to that of untreated. However, the flexural and the impact properties of composites increased with the presence of MAPE. As a conclusion, the study demonstrates that the mechanical properties depended on two major factors; (1) fiber loading, and (2) the compatibility between matrix polymer and fiber.
Filament winding technology is one of the fundamental methods in composite material fields, which... more Filament winding technology is one of the fundamental methods in composite material fields, which needs a high degree of automation. It is the process in which continuous strands or filament of fibres are wound on the mandrel, which is more suitable for making high-pressure vessels, pipes, shaft and ducts. The filament windin machines have existed in enterprises or factories, which are high costs, heavy, complex control system, simple products so far. This paper describes the development of a new 3-axis filament winding machine for the production of wound composite cylinders, which is designed to be more portable, lightweight, low costs, high efficiency and easy control system compared to previous machines. It relates to design hardware control system and the software control system. Based on three axes movement principles, a 3-axis prototype filament winding machine has been developed. The x-axis is the movement left and right of the carriage, the y-axis is the rotation of mandrel and the z-axis is the movement of the feeder. Arduino Uno and CNC (Computer Numeral Control) shield module are used as hardware of control system. Universal G-Code Sender (UGS) and Grbl (G-codes) are adopted as software control system. In conclusion, a protable 3-axis filament winding machine has been successfully designed and performed, which offers potential filament wound composite cylinders with simple control system.
This study investigated the mechanical and thermal performance of short sugar palm (Arenga pinnat... more This study investigated the mechanical and thermal performance of short sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) fibre-reinforced high impact polystyrene composites. Fibre sizes of 30-50 mesh and five different fibre loadings from 10 to 50% by weight have been used. The melt mixing method and hot compression moulding were used as the fabrication techniques for the composites. The flexural behaviour, impact testing, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and the moisture absorption of short SPF-HIPS composites reinforced with varying fibre loadings were studied. The results showed that increasing the loading of short SPF in the HIPS matrix improved the flexural moduli of the composites. Lower impact strength resulted when the fibre loading was increased, and the moisture content increased significantly. The DMA test results showed increases in the storage modulus and thermal stability for the SPF-HIPS composites. Finally, the TGA test showed degradation behaviour of ...
Background: The high-performance engineering products derived from natural resources are in great... more Background: The high-performance engineering products derived from natural resources are in great demand worldwide, based on renewability and environmental problems. Method: The outcome of Potassium Permanganate (KMnO 4) treatment on the tensile behaviours of treated Sugar Palm Fibre (SPF) with 6% NaOH reinforced thermoplastic polyurethane composites was investigated. The sugar palm fibres were treated by 6% NaOH solution, followed by KMnO 4 surface treatment of the alkali treated sugar palm fibres. Three different concentrations of KMnO 4 (i.e. 0.033, 0.066, and 0.125 %) were applied in the treatment. The extruder and hot press machines were used to mix the sugar palm fibres and polyurethane resin, to get the desired polyurethane composites. Tensile behaviours including (tensile strength and modulus, and the elongation at break) were investigated by following the ASTM D-638 standard. Findings: The highest tensile strength recorded was 8.986 MPa with KMnO 4 concentration of 0.125 %, with 6 % alkali pre-treatment. Therefore, the KMnO 4 concentration ~0.125 % exhibited best results for tensile test. Improvements: This study aids an improvement in the alkaline activation method for the TPU/SPF composite fabrication.
The physicochemical properties of an innovative and environmentally friendly composite material b... more The physicochemical properties of an innovative and environmentally friendly composite material based on sugar palm fiber (SPF) and thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) were examined. The base material with short fibers was extruded and hot pressed to produce the TPU-SPF composites with different synthetic parameters. Operating parameters including temperature for extrusion (170 to 190 °C), rotational velocity (30 to 50 rpm), and fiber particle sizes (160, 250, and 425 µm) were investigated. The aims were to optimize rotational velocity, temperature, and fiber size of the TPU-SPF composites. Firstly, the influence of rotation of velocity and temperature on the tensile properties was investigated. Secondly, effects of different fiber sizes on tensile, flexural properties, and impact strength as per ASTM standards were tested. The morphological, thermal, and physicochemical properties of the synthesized TPU-SPF composites were ascertained with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The optimal results were observed with a temperature of 190°C and a rotational velocity of 40 rpm. Meanwhile, the strength and modulus for tensile and flexural were best for fiber size 250 µm. Moreover, the impact strength reached a peaking trend at 250 µm fiber size.
The depletion crude oil has urged many researchers to find a suitable material to replace the cur... more The depletion crude oil has urged many researchers to find a suitable material to replace the current synthetic polymer products. Furthermore the shortage of landfill and ingestion of plastic by animals has to be taken in consideration in finding a material that can be easily biodegraded by enzyme or bacteria. In this study both fibre and matrix are from plant fibre, which makes the product highly compostable after the intended life usage. The fibre surface is modified with various alkaline concentrations before mixing with matrix through extrusion technique. The product of the extrusion is pelletized and hot compressed into specimen size according to ASTM. The specimen was tested for mechanical properties and the result shows the alkaline concentration affects the strength of the composite.
Natural fibers, characterized by sustainability, have gained a considerable attention in recent y... more Natural fibers, characterized by sustainability, have gained a considerable attention in recent years, due to their advantages of environmental acceptability and commercial viability. In this paper, the characterization of natural fibers including the mechanical properties and alkalization of fibers is presented. Most recent study had gone through the mercerization process to improve the toughness of natural fibers; which is a well-known hydrophilic material. Traditional reinforcement method was commonly used to fabricate a natural fiber composite such as hand lay-up and mold press due to its convenience in terms of time and cost. Also, different kind of matrix material used in different kind of natural fibers gave high impact on the tensile and flexural test result. By selecting appropriate chemical treatment, matrix material and fabrication method, the tensile and flexural test gives different results and findings. As most researchers tend to use metals to create corrugated cores for sandwich structure, it is possible to develop this structure using natural fibers such as kenaf, wood dust, and other natural fibers.
The effect of microwave treatment on the tensile properties of treated sugar palm fibre with 6% N... more The effect of microwave treatment on the tensile properties of treated sugar palm fibre with 6% NaOH reinforced thermoplastic polyurethane composites was investigated. Firstly, the sugar palm fibres were treated by 6% alkali solution. Then, microwave treatment was used to treat the alkali treated sugar palm fibres. Three types of temperatures (i.e. 70, 80 and 90 C) were applied in microwave treatment. The extruder and hot press machines were used to mixing the sugar palm fibres and polyurethane resin, and fabricate the composites. Tensile properties (i.e. tensile strength, tensile modulus and elongation at break) were studied by following the ASTM D-638 standard. The highest tensile strength was recorded 18.42 MPa with microwave temperature at 70 C and 6% alkali pre-treatment. Therefore, the temperature 70 C of microwave treatment may consider the best degree cent grate.
Global warming has had a great impact on environmental changes since the last decade. Ecofriendly... more Global warming has had a great impact on environmental changes since the last decade. Ecofriendly industrial products are of great importance to sustain life on earth, including using natural composites. Natural fibers used as fillers are also environmentally valuable because of their biodegradable nature. However, compatibility issues between the fiber and its respective matrix is a major concern. The present work focused on the study of the flexural, impact, and thermal behaviors of environmentally friendly sugar palm fibers (SPF) incorporated into a composite with thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). Two techniques (extrusion and compression molding) were used to prepare these composites. The fiber size and dosage were kept constant at 250 µm and 30 wt.% SPF, respectively. The effects of potassium permanganate (KMnO 4) treatment on the flexural, impact, and thermal behaviors of the treated SPF with 6% NaOH-reinforced TPU composites were investigated. Three different concentrations of KMnO 4 (0.033%, 0.066%, and 0.125%) were studied for this purpose. The characterization of the flexural and impact properties of the new TPU/SPF composites was studied as per American Society for Testing Materials ASTM standards. Thermogravimetric analysis was employed for thermal behavior analysis of the TPU/SPF composites. The best flexural strength, impact strength, and modulus properties (8.118 MPa, 55.185 kJ/m 2 , and 262.102 MPa, respectively) were obtained with a 0.033% KMnO 4-treated sample. However, all flexural strength, impact strength, and modulus properties for the KMnO 4-treated samples were lower than the sample treated only with 6% NaOH. The highest thermal stability was also shown by the sample treated with 0.033% KMnO 4. Therefore, this method enhanced the thermal properties of the TPU/SPF composites with clear deterioration of the flexural and impact properties.
A study on the effect of alkaline treatment on tensile properties of sugar palm fibre reinforced ... more A study on the effect of alkaline treatment on tensile properties of sugar palm fibre reinforced epoxy composites is presented in this paper. The treatment was carried out using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solutions at two different concentrations and three different soaking times. The hydrophilic nature of sugar palm fibre makes it difficult to adhere to hydrophobic epoxy and therefore posed the problem of interfacial bonding between fibre and matrix and such treatment was needed to alleviate such problem. The composite specimens were tested for tensile property determination. Some fractured specimens were examined under scanning electron microscope (SEM) to study the microstructure of the materials. Inconsistent results were obtained for tensile strengths, which indicate that the treatment is not very effective yet to improve the interfacial bonding. However, for tensile modulus, the results are much higher than untreated fibre composite specimens, which proved the effectiveness of the treatment.
Oil-based corrosion inhibitors have been evaluated for carbon steel in 3.5% NaCl and saturated CO... more Oil-based corrosion inhibitors have been evaluated for carbon steel in 3.5% NaCl and saturated CO2 gas. The corrosion rate for carbon steel was determined based on the electro-chemical method using linear resistance polarization (LPR). Specimens at various inhibitor concentrations were placed in a beaker connected to a CO2 cylinder for CO2 gas bubbling. The corrosion test was conducted at room temperature and high temperature (60 oC and 80oC). Higher temperature conditions were used to study inhibitor stability. Results obtained from the LPR test indicated that the most effective corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel had between 5 to 100 ppm concentrations. The stability test showed that inhibitor efficiency was lower at higher temperature.
This paper is focuses on the study of the dynamic mechanical properties of short sugar palm fibre... more This paper is focuses on the study of the dynamic mechanical properties of short sugar palm fibre reinforced high impact polystyrene (HIPS) composites. The fibre sizes of 30-50 meshes and five different fibre loadings of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% by weight have been used. Short SPF-HIPS composites were fabricated using melt mixing and compression moulding. Testing was carried out according the ASTM D5023. The results showed that the addition of short SPF to the pure HIPS increased the storage modulus and thermal stability of the composites.
Natural fibres play a significant role in mass industries such as automotive, construction and sp... more Natural fibres play a significant role in mass industries such as automotive, construction and sports. Many researchers have found that the natural fibres are the best replacement for the synthetic fibres in terms of cost, safety, and degradability due to the shortage of landfill and ingestion of non biodegradable plastic by animals. This study mainly revolved around pineapple leaf fibre (PALF) which is available in abundance in tropical countries and for its excellent mechanical properties. The composite fabricated in this study is highly compostable as both fibre and matrix is from natural based material. The matrix used which is polylactic acid (PLA) is made from corn starch, which gives the upper hand as both materials are renewable resources are easier to degrade by bacteria or enzyme. The PALF is treated with different alkaline percentage to remove excessive moisture in the fibre for better interfacial bonding with PLA. Thereafter the PALF is washed with distilled water severa...
Mengkuang (Pandanus tectorius) grows abundantly in the coastal region of Southeast Asia. To date,... more Mengkuang (Pandanus tectorius) grows abundantly in the coastal region of Southeast Asia. To date, the application of mengkuang leaves fiber (MLF) as reinforcement in polymer matrix is still limited in literature making its potential as reinforced material remain unknown. Therefore, this chapter focuses on the tensile properties, flexural, and impact properties of (MLF)/LDPE composite fabricated through the hot compression machine. In this study, the effect of volume fraction, fiber length of MLF was investigated. Two main groups of MLF/LDPE composite samples were established. The first group consists of different fiber mesh size range (<0.5 mm, 0.5–8 mm, and 1–2 mm) with constant volume fraction (10 wt%) while in another group volume fraction is varying (10, 20, and 30 wt%) but constant fiber length (<0.5 mm). Further investigation was conducted by treating the MLF/LDPE composite of volume fraction 30 wt% and fiber length 0.5 mm with maleic anhydride polyethylene (MAPE) with l...
Sugar palm fibre (SPF) is a promising natural fibre used in reinforcing polymer matrix composites... more Sugar palm fibre (SPF) is a promising natural fibre used in reinforcing polymer matrix composites. The fibre has good tensile properties and could also be suitable as reinforcing agents in composite materials. This research is important because no study has been conducted about the using of sugar palm fibre to reinforced high impact polystyrene (HIPS) composites previously. New natural composites of sugar palm fibre (SPF) reinforced high impact polystyrene (HIPS) matrix have been produced by using melt mixing and compression moulding method. Tensile, flexural, and impact tests were performed to determine the mechanical properties, while dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were performed to determine the thermal properties of SPF-HIPS composites by varying the sugar palm fibre contents. It was found that the increase in fibre loading on HIPS matrix enhanced the tensile and flexural modulus of the composites. However, tensile strength decreased with ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017
In oil and gas pipelines and offshore structure, inhibitors have been considered to be the first ... more In oil and gas pipelines and offshore structure, inhibitors have been considered to be the first choice to reduce corrosion rate. There are many corrosion inhibitor compositions available in the market. To produce the best corrosion inhibitor requires many experimental data which is not efficient. These experiments used response surface methodology (RSM) to select corrosion inhibitor compositions. The experiments investigated effects of corrosion inhibition on corrosion rate of low carbon steel in 3% NaCl solution with different concentrations of selected main inhibitor compositions which are ethyl acetate (EA), ethylene glycol (EG) and sodium benzoate (SB). Corrosion rate were calculated using linear polarization resistance (LPR). All of the experiments were set in natural conditions at pH 7. MINITAB® version 15 was used for data analysis. It is shown that a quadratic model is a representative model can predict best corrosion inhibitor composition comprehensibly.
The performance of mengkuang leaf fiber (MLF) reinforced low density polyethylene (LDPE) composit... more The performance of mengkuang leaf fiber (MLF) reinforced low density polyethylene (LDPE) composites with different fiber volume and different mesh sizes were studied. The fibre weight percentage used in the research were 10%, 20%, and 30% and for different fiber size were <0.5 mm, 0.5-1 mm, and 1-2 mm. The extrusion and hot compression molding were used to fabricate the specimen testing. The mechanical testing performed were impact and flexural test which follows the ASTM standards D790-10 and Izod D256. It was observed that by increasing the fiber volume and fiber size, the flexural strength and the flexural modulus were increased. However the impact strength shows different results for fiber length and fibre content where the impact strength increases with fibre length but decreases with the increase of fiber content. It can be concluded that the 30% fibre content is the optimum fibre loading for the MLF-LDPE composite with the flexural strength of 12.31 MPa, flexural modulus of 378.88 MPa and impact strength of 589.86 J/m whereby the 1.0-2.0 mm fibre length is the best fibre size for the MLF-LDPE composite with the flexural strength of 12.86 MPa, flexural modulus of 267.76 MPa and impact strength of 1511.57 J/m. In future studies fibres should undergo surface modification to increase the available surface area for reaction to increase the strength of the composite by better mechanical interlocking.
Experiment investigation were conducted on square honeycomb structure made out of sugar palm rein... more Experiment investigation were conducted on square honeycomb structure made out of sugar palm reinforced polylactic acid (PLA). This paper investigate the compression and tensile properties of new and recycled sugar palm/PLA composite. Short fiber were obtain by crushing and then mix with PLA before being hot pressed at 180°C. The 3mm plate were then developed into sandwich square honeycomb structure. The result show small decrement in strength pattern.
The effect of microwave treatment on the tensile properties of treated sugar palm fibre with 6% N... more The effect of microwave treatment on the tensile properties of treated sugar palm fibre with 6% NaOH reinforced thermoplastic polyurethane composites was investigated. Firstly, the sugar palm fibres were treated by 6% alkali solution. Then, microwave treatment was used to treat the alkali treated sugar palm fibres. Three types of temperatures (i.e. 70, 80 and 90 C) were applied in microwave treatment. The extruder and hot press machines were used to mixing the sugar palm fibres and polyurethane resin, and fabricate the composites. Tensile properties (i.e. tensile strength, tensile modulus and elongation at break) were studied by following the ASTM D-638 standard. The highest tensile strength was recorded 18.42 MPa with microwave temperature at 70 C and 6% alkali pre-treatment. Therefore, the temperature 70 C of microwave treatment may consider the best degree cent grate.
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 2019
The study of natural fiber composite in the field of materials has indeed sparked interest among ... more The study of natural fiber composite in the field of materials has indeed sparked interest among many due to its essential biodegradability feature. As such, pineapple leaf fiber (PALF) is not only biodegradable, but also environmental friendly, as opposed to synthetic fiber. Hence, this paper investigates the effect of fiber loading, as well as the inclusion of maleic anhydride polyethylene (MAPE) to the mechanical properties of PALF reinforced polylactic acid composites. Therefore, untreated PALF with 0, 5, 10, and 15% of weight content ratio, as well as PALF at 10% weight ratio treated with 2, 4, and 6% of MAPE, had been prepared via roll mill mixing at 190 °C and followed by hot compression molding to prepare the specimen sheets. The results obtained from this study revealed that the tensile strength (TS) and the Young's modulus were at their highest levels for untreated 10% PALF, while the impact and the flexure properties displayed a decrease as the content of fiber increased. Other than that, the inclusion of MAPE indicated that the tensile properties exhibited lower value compared to that of untreated. However, the flexural and the impact properties of composites increased with the presence of MAPE. As a conclusion, the study demonstrates that the mechanical properties depended on two major factors; (1) fiber loading, and (2) the compatibility between matrix polymer and fiber.
Filament winding technology is one of the fundamental methods in composite material fields, which... more Filament winding technology is one of the fundamental methods in composite material fields, which needs a high degree of automation. It is the process in which continuous strands or filament of fibres are wound on the mandrel, which is more suitable for making high-pressure vessels, pipes, shaft and ducts. The filament windin machines have existed in enterprises or factories, which are high costs, heavy, complex control system, simple products so far. This paper describes the development of a new 3-axis filament winding machine for the production of wound composite cylinders, which is designed to be more portable, lightweight, low costs, high efficiency and easy control system compared to previous machines. It relates to design hardware control system and the software control system. Based on three axes movement principles, a 3-axis prototype filament winding machine has been developed. The x-axis is the movement left and right of the carriage, the y-axis is the rotation of mandrel and the z-axis is the movement of the feeder. Arduino Uno and CNC (Computer Numeral Control) shield module are used as hardware of control system. Universal G-Code Sender (UGS) and Grbl (G-codes) are adopted as software control system. In conclusion, a protable 3-axis filament winding machine has been successfully designed and performed, which offers potential filament wound composite cylinders with simple control system.
This study investigated the mechanical and thermal performance of short sugar palm (Arenga pinnat... more This study investigated the mechanical and thermal performance of short sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) fibre-reinforced high impact polystyrene composites. Fibre sizes of 30-50 mesh and five different fibre loadings from 10 to 50% by weight have been used. The melt mixing method and hot compression moulding were used as the fabrication techniques for the composites. The flexural behaviour, impact testing, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and the moisture absorption of short SPF-HIPS composites reinforced with varying fibre loadings were studied. The results showed that increasing the loading of short SPF in the HIPS matrix improved the flexural moduli of the composites. Lower impact strength resulted when the fibre loading was increased, and the moisture content increased significantly. The DMA test results showed increases in the storage modulus and thermal stability for the SPF-HIPS composites. Finally, the TGA test showed degradation behaviour of ...
Background: The high-performance engineering products derived from natural resources are in great... more Background: The high-performance engineering products derived from natural resources are in great demand worldwide, based on renewability and environmental problems. Method: The outcome of Potassium Permanganate (KMnO 4) treatment on the tensile behaviours of treated Sugar Palm Fibre (SPF) with 6% NaOH reinforced thermoplastic polyurethane composites was investigated. The sugar palm fibres were treated by 6% NaOH solution, followed by KMnO 4 surface treatment of the alkali treated sugar palm fibres. Three different concentrations of KMnO 4 (i.e. 0.033, 0.066, and 0.125 %) were applied in the treatment. The extruder and hot press machines were used to mix the sugar palm fibres and polyurethane resin, to get the desired polyurethane composites. Tensile behaviours including (tensile strength and modulus, and the elongation at break) were investigated by following the ASTM D-638 standard. Findings: The highest tensile strength recorded was 8.986 MPa with KMnO 4 concentration of 0.125 %, with 6 % alkali pre-treatment. Therefore, the KMnO 4 concentration ~0.125 % exhibited best results for tensile test. Improvements: This study aids an improvement in the alkaline activation method for the TPU/SPF composite fabrication.
The physicochemical properties of an innovative and environmentally friendly composite material b... more The physicochemical properties of an innovative and environmentally friendly composite material based on sugar palm fiber (SPF) and thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) were examined. The base material with short fibers was extruded and hot pressed to produce the TPU-SPF composites with different synthetic parameters. Operating parameters including temperature for extrusion (170 to 190 °C), rotational velocity (30 to 50 rpm), and fiber particle sizes (160, 250, and 425 µm) were investigated. The aims were to optimize rotational velocity, temperature, and fiber size of the TPU-SPF composites. Firstly, the influence of rotation of velocity and temperature on the tensile properties was investigated. Secondly, effects of different fiber sizes on tensile, flexural properties, and impact strength as per ASTM standards were tested. The morphological, thermal, and physicochemical properties of the synthesized TPU-SPF composites were ascertained with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The optimal results were observed with a temperature of 190°C and a rotational velocity of 40 rpm. Meanwhile, the strength and modulus for tensile and flexural were best for fiber size 250 µm. Moreover, the impact strength reached a peaking trend at 250 µm fiber size.
The depletion crude oil has urged many researchers to find a suitable material to replace the cur... more The depletion crude oil has urged many researchers to find a suitable material to replace the current synthetic polymer products. Furthermore the shortage of landfill and ingestion of plastic by animals has to be taken in consideration in finding a material that can be easily biodegraded by enzyme or bacteria. In this study both fibre and matrix are from plant fibre, which makes the product highly compostable after the intended life usage. The fibre surface is modified with various alkaline concentrations before mixing with matrix through extrusion technique. The product of the extrusion is pelletized and hot compressed into specimen size according to ASTM. The specimen was tested for mechanical properties and the result shows the alkaline concentration affects the strength of the composite.
Natural fibers, characterized by sustainability, have gained a considerable attention in recent y... more Natural fibers, characterized by sustainability, have gained a considerable attention in recent years, due to their advantages of environmental acceptability and commercial viability. In this paper, the characterization of natural fibers including the mechanical properties and alkalization of fibers is presented. Most recent study had gone through the mercerization process to improve the toughness of natural fibers; which is a well-known hydrophilic material. Traditional reinforcement method was commonly used to fabricate a natural fiber composite such as hand lay-up and mold press due to its convenience in terms of time and cost. Also, different kind of matrix material used in different kind of natural fibers gave high impact on the tensile and flexural test result. By selecting appropriate chemical treatment, matrix material and fabrication method, the tensile and flexural test gives different results and findings. As most researchers tend to use metals to create corrugated cores for sandwich structure, it is possible to develop this structure using natural fibers such as kenaf, wood dust, and other natural fibers.
Papers by Dandi Bachtiar