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Uplifting Icons

Helping to Build a More Positive Outlook Through Our Graphics

Journal created:
on 28 April 2005 (#6948617)
on 4 October 2011
A Graphics Community For All Things Positive!
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
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Hello and Welcome!
Uplifting Icons is a community for graphics artists who would like to dedicate some of their creatively talented skills to making positive themed icons, banners and other graphics. All are welcomed to join and share their creations. As long as the banners and icons have positive themes or messages to them, they're most accepted here. We also accept funny, light-hearted icons and banners too, but only if the humor is in good taste. We hope that you'll enjoy our icons and banners, and we hope that we can help to build a more positive outlook on things for others through our designs and the effort we gave to make this community possible.

Thank you!

macchinainterna: Maintainer and Moderator

I would also like to extend my thanks to:
kaycar11 for making our link buttons and userpic!
goddessofice1 for making the header banners for the info page!
twilight_touch for making our promotional banner!

"Alone we can do so little,
together we can do so much."

~Helen Keller~

Community Rules

Positive themed graphics of all kinds are welcomed to be posted here! Icons, avatars, FO banners, layouts, headers, and ect., all of them are most acceptable! Tasteful humor graphics are also very much accepted!

Please, no negativity, flaming, or trolling. This is a positive community, and we want people to post icons and graphics without being ridiculed or insulted. Giving respectful criticism and tips to help a maker improve on their work is allowed.

Please, do not post any innapropriate and/or offensive graphics, meaning violence, anger, sexuality, vulgar language and the likes.

Please, do not steal another person's work and claim it as your own.

Please, respect all of us here and our own opinionated differences. Don't post anything that might upset somebody politically, or personal belief-wise. Posting religious icons is fine as long as it doesn't bash another person's beliefs.

Fandom(anime, video games, and the likes) is allowed as long as the icons do not promote any negative or offensive themes, messages, or images.

And as always have fun and enjoy!


Visual Crack | Artisticons | Fuse Graphics | Iconsomnia
Dream Graphics

favorite_icons, studiomeccanico, icon_makers


If you would like to become an affiliate, please send a private message to macchinainterna.
Also, please use these buttons to link back to us.

Uplifting Icons | Uplifting Icons

This is the code to link back to us

Thank you!

Other Positive Communities

Daily Gems | Success Icons

up_lifting | capture_dreams

If you mod or maintain another positive community on Live Journal, please let us know so we can add you to this list, and help you get known!

, 100x100, 100x100 brushes, 100x100 icons, a better life, a better tomorrow, a better world, acceptance, accomplishment, affirmations, ambition, ambitious, angels, animals, art, artistic, artistic creativity, artists, artwork, aspiration, aspire, banners, bases, beauty in everything, believe, believing, believing in yourself, brotherhood, brushes, caring, celebrating life, community, companionship, compassion, content, contentment, creative, creative ideas, creative imagination, creativeness, creativity, deep thoughts, determination, dreams, empowering, encouragement, encouraging, enthusiasm, equality, expression, fairness, faith, family, friendliness, friends, friends only banners, friendship, fun, generosity, good, good humor, good taste, goodness, grace, graceful, graphic design, graphic makers, graphics, graphics making, happiness, happy, harmony, heart warming, hope, hopeful, hopefulness, icon makers, icon making, icon requests, icons, illustrations, inspiration, inspirational lyrics, inspirational quotes, joy, kindness, landscapes, layouts, life, light hearted, living, lj icons, love, lovely, loving, loving one another, making banners, making friends only banners, making graphics, making icons, miracles, mountains, moving the heart, moving the soul, nature, nature banners, nature icons, nice, optimism, optimistic banners, optimistic icons, overcoming doubt, overcoming fear, paint shop pro, peace, perseverence, photography, photoshop, positive banners, positive icons, positive outlook, positive thinking, purity, scenic banners, scenic icons, scenic photography, seasons, self esteem, sisterhood, spirituality, stars, sunrises, sunsets, tasteful humor, tranquility, union, unity, upbeat, upbeat music, uplifting, uplifting banners, uplifting graphics, uplifting icons, uplifting lyrics, uplifting quotes, user icons, userpics, waterfalls, wonderful
