Papers by Florencia Muñoz Ebensperger

Habitar y So2173-125Xciedad, 2024
A inicios de 2024, un incendio intencional en el área metropolitana de Valparaíso mató a 13... more A inicios de 2024, un incendio intencional en el área metropolitana de Valparaíso mató a 137 personas y destruyó siete mil viviendas, de las cuales la mitad corresponden a asentamientos populares, llamados campamentos en Chile. En la dinámica de la ayuda de emergencia, nueve organizaciones de unas 500 familias afectadas solicitaron a un grupo de profesionales la elaboración de un plan maestro de reconstrucción, que incluyera la puesta en valor de su arraigo en el territorio, a través de un trabajo de levantamiento de memoria. En medio del trauma sufrido y ante amenazas de desalojo, las comunidades se reorganizan, adoptan el nombre de Villa La Unión, para reformular su propuesta colectiva de un barrio en proceso de regularización. En pocas semanas, esta experiencia de asesoría espontánea, que no se enmarca en los programas oficiales de reconstrucción, revisa el marco legal y normativa; apoya el ejercicio de rescate de la memoria del asentamiento; propone elementos hacia un plan maestro, para la integración urbana y una nueva centralidad para el sector periférico de la comuna de Quilpué; con sistemas de prevención de riesgos, combinando cortafuegos y humedales construidos con la reutilización de aguas grises; con diferentes densidades y opciones de acceso a la vivienda.

Journal of consumer culture, Apr 26, 2024
Studies on sustainable consumption have predominantly focused on first-hand consumers, whereas re... more Studies on sustainable consumption have predominantly focused on first-hand consumers, whereas research on secondhand consumers has been centered on the act of purchase. This has involved investigations into specific venues such as secondhand markets and thrift shops or the motivations, barriers, and meanings behind such acquisition behaviors. This article strives to enhance the understanding of secondhand consumption within the framework of sustainable development in peripheral countries and in contexts with a limited access to new products. Through interviews conducted in different households across the Metropolitan Region of Chile, we delved into the diverse channels through which used items are exchanged-including waste picking, inheritance, and sharing-. The findings underscore the pivotal role these objects play in numerous households and highlight how certain spatial and social factors-such as urban density, social networks, land use, family structure, and emotional attachment to belongings-are crucial in promoting the sustainable exchange of secondhand goods outside of the market economy.

Journal of Consumer Culture, 2024
Studies on sustainable consumption have predominantly focused on first-hand consumers, whereas re... more Studies on sustainable consumption have predominantly focused on first-hand consumers, whereas research on secondhand consumers has been centered on the act of purchase. This has involved investigations into specific venues such as secondhand markets and thrift shops or the motivations, barriers, and meanings behind such acquisition behaviors. This article strives to enhance the understanding of secondhand consumption within the framework of sustainable development in peripheral countries and in contexts with a limited access to new products. Through interviews conducted in different households across the Metropolitan Region of Chile, we delved into the diverse channels through which used items are exchanged-including waste picking, inheritance, and sharing-.Thefindings underscore the pivotal role these objects play in numerous households and highlight how certain spatial and social factors-such as urban density, social networks, land use, family structure, and emotional attachment to belongings-are crucial in promoting the sustainable exchange of secondhand goods outside of the market economy.

Revista Diseña
In the era of the Anthropocene and amidst a severe environmental crisis, part of humanity has set... more In the era of the Anthropocene and amidst a severe environmental crisis, part of humanity has set out to imagine new ways of addressing global warming, hyper-production of goods, and massive waste generation. Academia and public policies have placed their focus primarily on urban areas, neglecting the experiences that the rural world can offer us. Reversing this trend, this article focuses on a rural sector of the Central Valley of Chile to reveal how, through daily and ‘artisanal’ practices, it is possible to reimagine notions such as creativity, innovation, and adaptability, in the face of changing environments. Specifically, it recognizes the dynamic way in which the inhabitants of rural sectors comprehend objects and the environment; their particular way of living space and time within the local geography; and the role that their tools, technologies, practices, and knowledge play in the daily production of their homes.

Diseña, 2023
En tiempos del Antropoceno y de una aguda crisis climática, parte de la humanidad se ha abocado a... more En tiempos del Antropoceno y de una aguda crisis climática, parte de la humanidad se ha abocado a imaginar nuevas formas de combatir el calentamiento global, la híper-producción de bienes y la producción masiva de basura. Desde la academia y las políticas públicas, la mirada se ha enfocado principalmente en áreas urbanas, desatendiendo las experiencias que el mundo campesino puede ofrecernos. Revirtiendo esta tendencia, el presente artículo se concentra en un sector rural del valle central de Chile para revelar cómo, desde prácticas cotidianas y “artesanales”, es posible reimaginar nociones como la creatividad, la innovación y la adaptabilidad frente a entornos en transformación. Específicamente, se reconoce la forma dinámica que los habitantes de sectores rurales tienen de comprender los objetos y el entorno, su modo particular de vivir el espacio y el tiempo dentro de la geografía inmediata, y el rol que sus herramientas, tecnologías, prácticas y saberes tienen en la producción cotidiana del hogar.
Paris, EHESS, Jun 29, 2020

Home Cultures
This article explores the relationship between the aesthetic ecologies of homes in different soci... more This article explores the relationship between the aesthetic ecologies of homes in different socioeconomic sectors, and their disposition towards conserving or discarding objects. More specifically, it analyses how domestic practices, the ways homes are produced and maintained, can impinge on a greater or lesser propensity towards sustainable forms of life. Based on qualitative work carried out in homes of upper and working classes in the city of Santiago, Chile, we distinguish three relevant dimensions that would explain such tendency: materiality, functionality, and temporality. Whereas upper class homes are characterised by more "closed" and restricted ecologies, that strongly resist sustainable practices, working class homes present a more open aesthetics ecologies, with lineal temporalities and multifunctional spaces that explain to a great extent their propensity towards the coexistence of diverse materials and objects.
Ideas Idees D Ameriques, Dec 10, 2012
This report describes the residence experience in the Parisian art gallery “The Windows”. This pr... more This report describes the residence experience in the Parisian art gallery “The Windows”. This project aims to explore the use of sensitive supports in the anthropological research, and the major issues related to this work. In particular, we use photos, objects and installation as the main tools not only to think and approach ethnographic space, but also to construct a narrative about it.

Ce rapport décrit le travail réalisé dans le cadre d'une résidence dans la galerie d'art The Wind... more Ce rapport décrit le travail réalisé dans le cadre d'une résidence dans la galerie d'art The Windows à Paris. Ce projet avait pour but explorer dans l'utilisation de mediums sensoriels dans recherche anthropologique, aussi bien que les principales problématiques liées à ce type de travail. Notamment nous avons utilisé des pho-tographies, des objets et l'installation comme les princi-paux outils, non seulement pour s'approcher et penser un espace ethnographique, mais aussi pour construire un récit sur lui. This report describes the residence experience in the Parisian art gallery " The Windows ". This project aims to explore the use of sensitive supports in the anthro-pological research, and the major issues related to this work. In particular, we use photos, objects and installation as the main tools not only to think and approach ethnographic space, but also to construct a narrative about it.
Thesis Chapters by Florencia Muñoz Ebensperger
Culture matérielle dans l ́espace domestique paysan Transformations, continuités et ruptures dans une communauté rurale du Chili., 2012
Memoria de Master
Drafts by Florencia Muñoz Ebensperger
Mujeres, tramas y territorios, 2022
Libro resultante de un proyecto Fondart de Investigación en Culturas Regionales de la región de l... more Libro resultante de un proyecto Fondart de Investigación en Culturas Regionales de la región de los Lagos
Papers by Florencia Muñoz Ebensperger
Thesis Chapters by Florencia Muñoz Ebensperger
Drafts by Florencia Muñoz Ebensperger