In: D. Evers, M. Fuller, A. Runehov, K.-W. Saether (eds), Issues in Science and Theology: Do Emotions Shape the World? ESSSAT, Springer, pp. 273-282, 2016
This paper deals with the problem of the theoretical relationship between concepts of reason and ... more This paper deals with the problem of the theoretical relationship between concepts of reason and emotion. The main perspective of the paper is on the contemporary debate in the philosophy of science regarding the rationality of science and the role of emotions and other extrarational causes in explaining science and reason as such. The main purpose of the paper is to present a possible third way, a way of superseding an obvious and traditional dualism underlying these debates – the dualism of reason and emotion. Two main heuristics are used in the paper. The first consists in relating epistemological problems to common language experience, in order to validate or refute them. The second consists in tracking a common root of both parts of the epistemological dualism in philosophy of science. A proposal for superseding this dualism is put forward, based on the thoughts of Joseph Życinski. The proposal is then (in the last two sections) confronted with an example, proposed by LeDoux, o...
Papers by Zbigniew Liana
The text discusses Popper's idea of epistemology as scientific knowledge from his early work "Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie"; in particular, the problem of the method of justification at different levels of empirical science and meta-science is addressed in the perspective of the idea of an infinite hierarchy of meta-sciences and the idea that each science "takes care" of its own justification.
Tekst omawia ideę Poppera epistemologii jako wiedzy naukowej z jego wczesnego dzieła "Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie"; w szczególności podejmowany jest problem metody uzasadnienia na różnych poziomach nauki empirycznej i metanauk w perspektywie idei nieskończonej hierarchii metanauk i idei, że każda nauka "sama troszczy się" o własne uzasadnienie.
The article deals with the problem of scientific realism and its defense in contemporary philosophy of science. The main subject of analysis are the naturalistic attempts at such a defense proposed by Richard Boyd and Stathis Psillos. After introducing the concept of abduction and inference to the best explanation, the naturalistic argument of Boyd and Psillos is presented and analyzed. The analysis tries to show how the argument works in the broader context of naturalistic epistemology and naturalistic semantics. The relationship of this argument to the theory of justifiedness based on the idea of the reliable processes, proposed by Alvin I. Goldman is presented, as well as with the causal theory of reference. In light of these presentations, and those of Larry Laudan and Hilary Putnam, the limitations of the naturalistic approach to the problem of scientific realism are discussed, with the main objections being the empirical inadequacy of the argument's premises and the limitations of a purely causal approach to epistemology.
ABSTRACT: Philosophical interests of Joseph Życiński (1948-2011) in the domain of the philosophy of science were focused on the debate concerning the nature of science and philosophy of science that followed the Einstein-Planck revolution in science. The unexpected discovery of the philosophical, extra-scientific presuppositions in science, as well as of the extra-rational factors determining the way these presuppositions are accepted in science were to be explained within themeta - scientific framework. It is the aim of this paper to present Życiński’s diagnosis of this post-revolutionary situation in the philosophy of science as well as his critique of the metascientific answers to this challenge. The reasons will be given why all those answers are put under two dichotomous rubrics of internalism and externalism. It will be also explained how Życiński intends to supersede this false in his opinion opposition with a new concept of the doxatic rationality. However, the details of the metascientific proposal of Życiński will be given only in the subsequent paper. In order to perform the aim of the paper the metatheoretic tools set out by Popper (1979) will be used.
ABSTRACT: In 1577, Stefan Bathory King of Poland decided to create a college in Krakow modelled on the royal college in Paris. To this end, he invited eminent foreign scholars to lecture there. One of them was Paduan philosopher and logician Giacomo Zabarella (1533−1589). He rejected the king’s generous offer, but dedicated to him his own work Opera logica (1578). This fact has been variously described in European historiography due to an erroneous indication given by one biographer. the present article is an introduction to the edition of the dedication and presents its historical and historiographical context. It opens with a presentation of Giacomo Zabarella’s life and work and his exceptional position in the academic world of the era. Next, the historical context of Bathory’s invitation and its historiography are discussed. the third section contains socio-economic aspects of the invitation and Zabarella’s refusal as well as a cultural and literary context of his dedication. A comparison with similar literary works of the epoch allows to understand its panegyrical character and is supplemented with a presentation of Zabarella’s Italian epigram in praise of King Stephen along with its English translation.
(POLISH title and summary): Jakub Zabarella, autor dedykacji dla króla Stefana Batorego.
W 1577 roku król Polski Stefan Batory postanowił założyć w Krakowie kolegium na wzór kolegium królewskiego w Paryżu. W tym celu zaprosił z wykładami najwybitniejszych zagranicznych uczonych. Wśród nich był padewski filozof i logik Jakub Zabarella (1533−1589). Odmawiając hojnej propozycji króla, zadedykował mu swe Opera logica (1578). W historiografii europejskiej Obecny artykuł jest wprowadzeniem do wydania tej dedykacji, ukazującym jej historyczny oraz historiograficzny kontekst. Tekst rozpoczyna się od przedstawienia sylwetki Jakuba Zabarelli oraz jego wyjątkowej pozycji w świecie ówczesnej nauki. Następnie omawiany jest historyczny kontekst zaproszenia przez króla Batorego oraz historiografia tego faktu. Część trzecia prezentuje kontekst społeczno-ekonomiczny zaproszenia i odmowy Zabarelli oraz kontekst kulturowo-literacki dedykacji. Porównanie z analogiczną literaturą epoki pozwala zrozumieć jej panegiryczny charakter, a porównania tego dopełnia prezentacja włoskiego epigramatu Zabarelli ku czci króla Stefana i jej angielski przekład.
Books by Zbigniew Liana
Abstract: the book is a detailed analysis of the concepts of Logos and nature and their relationships in the writings of William of Conches and Thierry of Chartres, representatives of the XII century School of Chartres. Basing on the Christian concept of the Logos and its relation to the world the authors from Chartres developed a coherent vision of the autonomy of nature and the related idea of epistemological pluralism. Using the apparatus of modern philosophy of science, I am showing, that both of these categories played an important role in the formation of the modern concept of nature, and thus (indirectly) in the emergence of modern science.
Abstract: It is commonly granted in today’s literature on Popper’s philosophy, that his idea of critical attitude and critical method was borrowed from Kant via the influence of the Friesian School. This statement though correct is too general and needs specification. The original Kantian project of critical method in philosophy was a complex construct of ideas that had undergone evolution and modifications before it became the subject of the young Popper’s readings and discussions. In order to disclose the complexity of the reception process the distinction between philosophical, meta-philosophical, and empirical use of critical method is proposed.
The book begins with the introductory chapter on the early philosophical work of Popper, especially his "Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie" in relationship with his book "Logik der Forschung". In this chapter I am discussing the roots of the later anti-realist interpretations of Popper’s methodology. In the next chapter I embark on the analyses of Fries’s interpretation of Kant’s critical method in order to single out all relevant elements of this method. In the third chapter I carry out the analysis of Nelson’s reception of Friesian approach to the critical method putting the stress on new metaphilosophical categories used by Nelson. In the fourth and the last chapter I present Popper’s views on critical method in his "Die beiden Grundprobleme" as a complex reception of the Kantian and Friesian tradition, as well as his realistic interpretation of the critical method. The aim of the book is to show, that Popper’s reception of the Kant’s original idea and of its Friesian reformulation was done from within his own meta-philosophical perspective or 'Problemstellung'. Consequently, he had to adapt some elements of the Kantian idea to the new metaphilosophical context and reject some as irrelevant or wrong. This complex reception resembles more Thomas Kuhn’s shift of paradigms and Gestaltswitch, than a linear process of following tradition.
The text discusses Popper's idea of epistemology as scientific knowledge from his early work "Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie"; in particular, the problem of the method of justification at different levels of empirical science and meta-science is addressed in the perspective of the idea of an infinite hierarchy of meta-sciences and the idea that each science "takes care" of its own justification.
Tekst omawia ideę Poppera epistemologii jako wiedzy naukowej z jego wczesnego dzieła "Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie"; w szczególności podejmowany jest problem metody uzasadnienia na różnych poziomach nauki empirycznej i metanauk w perspektywie idei nieskończonej hierarchii metanauk i idei, że każda nauka "sama troszczy się" o własne uzasadnienie.
The article deals with the problem of scientific realism and its defense in contemporary philosophy of science. The main subject of analysis are the naturalistic attempts at such a defense proposed by Richard Boyd and Stathis Psillos. After introducing the concept of abduction and inference to the best explanation, the naturalistic argument of Boyd and Psillos is presented and analyzed. The analysis tries to show how the argument works in the broader context of naturalistic epistemology and naturalistic semantics. The relationship of this argument to the theory of justifiedness based on the idea of the reliable processes, proposed by Alvin I. Goldman is presented, as well as with the causal theory of reference. In light of these presentations, and those of Larry Laudan and Hilary Putnam, the limitations of the naturalistic approach to the problem of scientific realism are discussed, with the main objections being the empirical inadequacy of the argument's premises and the limitations of a purely causal approach to epistemology.
ABSTRACT: Philosophical interests of Joseph Życiński (1948-2011) in the domain of the philosophy of science were focused on the debate concerning the nature of science and philosophy of science that followed the Einstein-Planck revolution in science. The unexpected discovery of the philosophical, extra-scientific presuppositions in science, as well as of the extra-rational factors determining the way these presuppositions are accepted in science were to be explained within themeta - scientific framework. It is the aim of this paper to present Życiński’s diagnosis of this post-revolutionary situation in the philosophy of science as well as his critique of the metascientific answers to this challenge. The reasons will be given why all those answers are put under two dichotomous rubrics of internalism and externalism. It will be also explained how Życiński intends to supersede this false in his opinion opposition with a new concept of the doxatic rationality. However, the details of the metascientific proposal of Życiński will be given only in the subsequent paper. In order to perform the aim of the paper the metatheoretic tools set out by Popper (1979) will be used.
ABSTRACT: In 1577, Stefan Bathory King of Poland decided to create a college in Krakow modelled on the royal college in Paris. To this end, he invited eminent foreign scholars to lecture there. One of them was Paduan philosopher and logician Giacomo Zabarella (1533−1589). He rejected the king’s generous offer, but dedicated to him his own work Opera logica (1578). This fact has been variously described in European historiography due to an erroneous indication given by one biographer. the present article is an introduction to the edition of the dedication and presents its historical and historiographical context. It opens with a presentation of Giacomo Zabarella’s life and work and his exceptional position in the academic world of the era. Next, the historical context of Bathory’s invitation and its historiography are discussed. the third section contains socio-economic aspects of the invitation and Zabarella’s refusal as well as a cultural and literary context of his dedication. A comparison with similar literary works of the epoch allows to understand its panegyrical character and is supplemented with a presentation of Zabarella’s Italian epigram in praise of King Stephen along with its English translation.
(POLISH title and summary): Jakub Zabarella, autor dedykacji dla króla Stefana Batorego.
W 1577 roku król Polski Stefan Batory postanowił założyć w Krakowie kolegium na wzór kolegium królewskiego w Paryżu. W tym celu zaprosił z wykładami najwybitniejszych zagranicznych uczonych. Wśród nich był padewski filozof i logik Jakub Zabarella (1533−1589). Odmawiając hojnej propozycji króla, zadedykował mu swe Opera logica (1578). W historiografii europejskiej Obecny artykuł jest wprowadzeniem do wydania tej dedykacji, ukazującym jej historyczny oraz historiograficzny kontekst. Tekst rozpoczyna się od przedstawienia sylwetki Jakuba Zabarelli oraz jego wyjątkowej pozycji w świecie ówczesnej nauki. Następnie omawiany jest historyczny kontekst zaproszenia przez króla Batorego oraz historiografia tego faktu. Część trzecia prezentuje kontekst społeczno-ekonomiczny zaproszenia i odmowy Zabarelli oraz kontekst kulturowo-literacki dedykacji. Porównanie z analogiczną literaturą epoki pozwala zrozumieć jej panegiryczny charakter, a porównania tego dopełnia prezentacja włoskiego epigramatu Zabarelli ku czci króla Stefana i jej angielski przekład.
Abstract: the book is a detailed analysis of the concepts of Logos and nature and their relationships in the writings of William of Conches and Thierry of Chartres, representatives of the XII century School of Chartres. Basing on the Christian concept of the Logos and its relation to the world the authors from Chartres developed a coherent vision of the autonomy of nature and the related idea of epistemological pluralism. Using the apparatus of modern philosophy of science, I am showing, that both of these categories played an important role in the formation of the modern concept of nature, and thus (indirectly) in the emergence of modern science.
Abstract: It is commonly granted in today’s literature on Popper’s philosophy, that his idea of critical attitude and critical method was borrowed from Kant via the influence of the Friesian School. This statement though correct is too general and needs specification. The original Kantian project of critical method in philosophy was a complex construct of ideas that had undergone evolution and modifications before it became the subject of the young Popper’s readings and discussions. In order to disclose the complexity of the reception process the distinction between philosophical, meta-philosophical, and empirical use of critical method is proposed.
The book begins with the introductory chapter on the early philosophical work of Popper, especially his "Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie" in relationship with his book "Logik der Forschung". In this chapter I am discussing the roots of the later anti-realist interpretations of Popper’s methodology. In the next chapter I embark on the analyses of Fries’s interpretation of Kant’s critical method in order to single out all relevant elements of this method. In the third chapter I carry out the analysis of Nelson’s reception of Friesian approach to the critical method putting the stress on new metaphilosophical categories used by Nelson. In the fourth and the last chapter I present Popper’s views on critical method in his "Die beiden Grundprobleme" as a complex reception of the Kantian and Friesian tradition, as well as his realistic interpretation of the critical method. The aim of the book is to show, that Popper’s reception of the Kant’s original idea and of its Friesian reformulation was done from within his own meta-philosophical perspective or 'Problemstellung'. Consequently, he had to adapt some elements of the Kantian idea to the new metaphilosophical context and reject some as irrelevant or wrong. This complex reception resembles more Thomas Kuhn’s shift of paradigms and Gestaltswitch, than a linear process of following tradition.