Books by Robert Józef Woźniak

The subject of the book is the relationship between theology and the construction of the human fu... more The subject of the book is the relationship between theology and the construction of the human future. In this perspective, the future, theology, society provides an answer to the question of whether we can talk about the contribution of theology to the construction of the societies of tomorrow. It turns out that theology, as far as it is a word about God, is at the same time a discourse of outstanding social utility. In the depths of human attempts to understand the revealed mystery of God there is an answer to the question about the essence of human being in the world. In this way a new image of theology emerges in its relationship with the human future. The future, theology, society is a kind of introduction to theology seen from the perspective of its creative involvement in human and world history. The book is also a proposal and encouragement to develop a new, creative, harmonious and balanced relationship between theology and social sciences.
Father Robert J. Woźniak for his book "The Future, Theology, Society" received in 2008 the Father Józef Tischner Award in the category of religious or philosophical writing, which is a continuation of "thinking according to values". Justification for the award:
Father Robert J. Woźniak is passionate about proving that theology does not have to freeze in ossified formulas and that it also has its social dimension. In his original book he tries to look at what kind of Christianity and what kind of God is just before us. He builds wise hope.
El presente trabajo intenta llenar un vacío concreto en la comprensión de la teología trinitaria ... more El presente trabajo intenta llenar un vacío concreto en la comprensión de la teología trinitaria de Buenaventura: la primitas del Padre, presente en los fundamentos de todo su discurso teológico. Nunca hasta ahora ha sido este tema objeto de una investigación sistemática. Existen algunas aportaciones parciales que -a pesar de ser muy importantes- no son suficientes, porque no estudian al Padre en el amplio horizonte trinitario de Buenaventura.
Robert Józef Woźniak captures revelation from the perspective of dogmatic theology, and thus extr... more Robert Józef Woźniak captures revelation from the perspective of dogmatic theology, and thus extracts it from the space of fundamental theology and the theory of cognition proper for it. He tries to show the essence of revelation as an event that brings the truth about God fundamentally different from creation and at the same time respects the distinctiveness and autonomy of the world. This perspective makes it possible to see that only through revelation does man gain uniqueness - his otherness, his sobriety. In this way the author emphasizes that the turn of the loving God towards man "constitutes human being as such in all its fullness".
The "Creed" is not an empty formula, but a dynamic network of relations, of which Love is the mos... more The "Creed" is not an empty formula, but a dynamic network of relations, of which Love is the most important.
How to cross time and space? Become sick with love? To experience carnality and intimacy in delight? To touch the top and bottom? Feel the earth trembling underfoot?
In the Church it is possible: it is enough to rediscover the mysteries of the confession of faith in the Triune God...
Father Robert Woźniak, an esteemed theologian and winner of the Father Józef Tischner Prize, on the basis of the text "Credo" reminds us of fascinating secrets that are hidden in the essence of our faith. The clergyman shows that it is not only an empty formula, but a dynamic network of relations, the most important of which is Love - the basis of the community of the Church.
The Holy Trinity is the central mystery of faith. The path into this mystery leads through the pa... more The Holy Trinity is the central mystery of faith. The path into this mystery leads through the pages of Scripture. A careful reading of the Bible is in fact contemplation of the Trinity, which is shown in this book by Fr Robert J. Woźniak.
This staring at God's face is a "school of looking" that changes our view of our own life. We begin to see the world and our everyday life in the light of God's Word, and what is ordinary and mundane becomes a part of the conversation with the Triune God.
Whoever does not see the Trinitarian mystery in the perspective of his life will not be able to understand either the beginning or the purpose of his existence.

The Fathers of the Church are rightly called those saints who, during the first centuries, with t... more The Fathers of the Church are rightly called those saints who, during the first centuries, with the power of their faith, sublimity and richness of their teachings, brought new vitality to it and made it flourish. They are indeed the "fathers" of the Church, because from them the Church received life through the Gospel. John Paul II, Patres Ecclesiae, 1
The book was written as a follow-up to the conferences delivered by Fr. Andrzej Muszala and Fr. Robert Woźniak during the prayer meetings that took place from October 2017 to June 2018 in St. Mark's Church in Krakow. The audio recording is attached to the book on a CD.
Christianity to the Square - is a series of books addressed to people who want to deepen their spiritual life through prayer, trust and living in an attitude of forgetting about themselves. In each position we look at one character, who today turns out to be a particularly competent guide on the paths leading to union with God. The series also includes items that help to live a full and mature life of faith and love in today's modern times. And all this to fulfill the desire of Jesus: "May you be cold or hot!" (Ap 3, 15).
Edited books by Robert Józef Woźniak
Moh Siebeck, 2024
Dogmas are often seen as a kind of restriction that prevents development and restrains freedom of... more Dogmas are often seen as a kind of restriction that prevents development and restrains freedom of thought. However, the opposite is true. They help guide thinking and are also a hermeneutic key to reading human reality. The purpose of this volume is to show the paradoxically undogmatic nature of Christian dogmatics. From various perspectives, the contributors encourage a renewal of methodological consciousness within dogmatics. Their aim is to reopen the possibility of understanding the truths of faith in real dialogue with the world view provided by the achievements of other fields of knowledge, from the arts to the humanities and the sciences. Thus, the volume presents a symphonic, dialogical, integral dogmatics that provides an essential impetus for a theology that is committed to life, pastoral care and ecumenism.

Od zakończenia II Soboru Watykańskiego upłynęło już blisko 60 lat, a przecież całe bogactwo teolo... more Od zakończenia II Soboru Watykańskiego upłynęło już blisko 60 lat, a przecież całe bogactwo teologiczne myśli soborowej i dynamika reformatorska tego wydarzenia nie zostały wciąż przez Kościół w pełni przyswojone. Dziś, w obliczu kryzysów, z jakimi borykają się Kościół i świat, przemyślenie na nowo soborowego przesłania jest wymogiem czasu – i to zadanie spełnia niniejszy tom.
Zebrane tu teksty posiadają podobną strukturę: wychodzą od zarysowania historii redakcji danego dokumentu, następnie dokonują prezentacji jego treści, wskazują na główne linie posoborowej recepcji oraz szkicują możliwe drogi przyszłej interpretacji i rozwoju. Taki układ wyraźnie wskazuje na aspiracje niniejszego komentarza, które przekraczają miałkie i bezowocne wspominanie. Prawdziwa interpretacja nigdy nie petryfikuje tekstu, nigdy nie zamyka go w nim samym, ale podejmuje się trudnego zadania rzutowania tekstu historycznego w teraźniejszość i przyszłość.
Ze wstępu Ks. Piotra Roszaka i Ks. Roberta J. Woźniaka

Undoubtedly, the topic of metaphysics is not one of the most common in specific theological works... more Undoubtedly, the topic of metaphysics is not one of the most common in specific theological works, and theological issues are rarely discussed by philosophers. Opening philosophy to theology and theology to philosophy still seems to many to be a methodological error and a moral and intellectual faux pas,' Fr Robert Woźniak writes in his introduction and tries to change this situation. He does it by presenting a dozen or so very different articles: on the one hand, philosophers asking about the possibility of metaphysics and theology coexisting, and on the other hand, the theologians discussing the need for metaphysics, addressing issues both historically and synthetically. According to the author, this multi-faceted approach is only the starting point for a debate on what metaphysics and theology can give each other in a situation of crisis for both of them, but it is an interesting synthesis in itself.

'This volume assembles a star-cast of international scholars-Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant-to... more 'This volume assembles a star-cast of international scholars-Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant-to reflect on current transformations in Trinitarian theology and to assess the implications of these debates for church and society. Precisely because the contributors manifestly do not agree on some central areas of contention, the volume catches a moment of significant theological transition and provides an invaluable resource for ecumenical debate, discussion and teaching. The editors are to be congratulated on their choice of materials.' sarah coakley, university of cambridge, uk 'Trinitarian theology has been a major area of creative and controversial debate in recent decades. The editors have done a great job bringing together essays from leading contributors to this debate to create a unique tool for all those who need information about the current state of the discussion. The selection is judicious and takes into account the various disciplinary and confessional angles from which the topic has been approached. As well as providing an expert overview of where we are at the moment, the book is thus likely to serve as the starting point for further explorations in this field.' johannes zachhuber, university of oxford, uk GiuliO MAsPerO is Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at the

The Sacraments and their liturgy are of particular importance for the construction of the Church,... more The Sacraments and their liturgy are of particular importance for the construction of the Church, and reflecting on them can be a fascinating adventure for any man who seeks not only the truth of faith but also the truth of the meaning of existence. (Excerpt from the introduction)
This monograph is the most complete Polish study on sacramentology. It is the first time that this field has been looked at so broadly, dealing with both fundamental and detailed sacramentology within one work.
Despite the multitude of issues discussed, the book is characterized by internal coherence. Essential elements of Christianity, such as dogma, liturgy and life, are treated in it inseparably.
The renewal of sacramentology proposed in this book does not follow the line of one school's preference to reflect on another, to show its weaknesses and advantages, but aims at a symphonic approach. This means that the authors have been able to combine the requirement of systematics with the detail of the analyses, taking care - thanks to the editors - that the image of the analyzed subject does not have any exaggerations. In this way we get an ambitious publication that combines nova et vetera - essential for the renewal of the theological life, which in the liturgy reaches its full expression. (Excerpt from a review by Fr. Dr. Piotr Roszak, Prof. UMK)
16 articles on sacramentology, divided into two sections (fundamental sacramentology and detailed sacramentology).
Papers by Robert Józef Woźniak
Scripta Theologica, Dec 5, 2017
Religions, Jul 18, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Ruch Biblijny i Liturgiczny, Dec 31, 2011
Scripta Theologica, Jun 21, 2023
The subject of this article is the applicability of Jean-Luc Marion's phenomenology to dogmat... more The subject of this article is the applicability of Jean-Luc Marion's phenomenology to dogmatic theology. The article first presents Marion's views on phenomenology. It then analyses three theological strands relevant to it: the author's conception of Revelation as a saturated phenomenon, Christology and Trinitarian theology. Marion proposes to theology a broader coalition with phenomenology, claiming that because of the phenomenological nature of Revelation, it is phenomenology that constitutes the most appropriate methodological instrumentarium for it. This paper examines the consequences and problems of adopting such a position in dogmatic theology, particularly the ambivalence of Marion's gesture of abrogation of metaphysics.
Books by Robert Józef Woźniak
Father Robert J. Woźniak for his book "The Future, Theology, Society" received in 2008 the Father Józef Tischner Award in the category of religious or philosophical writing, which is a continuation of "thinking according to values". Justification for the award:
Father Robert J. Woźniak is passionate about proving that theology does not have to freeze in ossified formulas and that it also has its social dimension. In his original book he tries to look at what kind of Christianity and what kind of God is just before us. He builds wise hope.
How to cross time and space? Become sick with love? To experience carnality and intimacy in delight? To touch the top and bottom? Feel the earth trembling underfoot?
In the Church it is possible: it is enough to rediscover the mysteries of the confession of faith in the Triune God...
Father Robert Woźniak, an esteemed theologian and winner of the Father Józef Tischner Prize, on the basis of the text "Credo" reminds us of fascinating secrets that are hidden in the essence of our faith. The clergyman shows that it is not only an empty formula, but a dynamic network of relations, the most important of which is Love - the basis of the community of the Church.
This staring at God's face is a "school of looking" that changes our view of our own life. We begin to see the world and our everyday life in the light of God's Word, and what is ordinary and mundane becomes a part of the conversation with the Triune God.
Whoever does not see the Trinitarian mystery in the perspective of his life will not be able to understand either the beginning or the purpose of his existence.
The book was written as a follow-up to the conferences delivered by Fr. Andrzej Muszala and Fr. Robert Woźniak during the prayer meetings that took place from October 2017 to June 2018 in St. Mark's Church in Krakow. The audio recording is attached to the book on a CD.
Christianity to the Square - is a series of books addressed to people who want to deepen their spiritual life through prayer, trust and living in an attitude of forgetting about themselves. In each position we look at one character, who today turns out to be a particularly competent guide on the paths leading to union with God. The series also includes items that help to live a full and mature life of faith and love in today's modern times. And all this to fulfill the desire of Jesus: "May you be cold or hot!" (Ap 3, 15).
Edited books by Robert Józef Woźniak
Zebrane tu teksty posiadają podobną strukturę: wychodzą od zarysowania historii redakcji danego dokumentu, następnie dokonują prezentacji jego treści, wskazują na główne linie posoborowej recepcji oraz szkicują możliwe drogi przyszłej interpretacji i rozwoju. Taki układ wyraźnie wskazuje na aspiracje niniejszego komentarza, które przekraczają miałkie i bezowocne wspominanie. Prawdziwa interpretacja nigdy nie petryfikuje tekstu, nigdy nie zamyka go w nim samym, ale podejmuje się trudnego zadania rzutowania tekstu historycznego w teraźniejszość i przyszłość.
Ze wstępu Ks. Piotra Roszaka i Ks. Roberta J. Woźniaka
This monograph is the most complete Polish study on sacramentology. It is the first time that this field has been looked at so broadly, dealing with both fundamental and detailed sacramentology within one work.
Despite the multitude of issues discussed, the book is characterized by internal coherence. Essential elements of Christianity, such as dogma, liturgy and life, are treated in it inseparably.
The renewal of sacramentology proposed in this book does not follow the line of one school's preference to reflect on another, to show its weaknesses and advantages, but aims at a symphonic approach. This means that the authors have been able to combine the requirement of systematics with the detail of the analyses, taking care - thanks to the editors - that the image of the analyzed subject does not have any exaggerations. In this way we get an ambitious publication that combines nova et vetera - essential for the renewal of the theological life, which in the liturgy reaches its full expression. (Excerpt from a review by Fr. Dr. Piotr Roszak, Prof. UMK)
16 articles on sacramentology, divided into two sections (fundamental sacramentology and detailed sacramentology).
Papers by Robert Józef Woźniak
Father Robert J. Woźniak for his book "The Future, Theology, Society" received in 2008 the Father Józef Tischner Award in the category of religious or philosophical writing, which is a continuation of "thinking according to values". Justification for the award:
Father Robert J. Woźniak is passionate about proving that theology does not have to freeze in ossified formulas and that it also has its social dimension. In his original book he tries to look at what kind of Christianity and what kind of God is just before us. He builds wise hope.
How to cross time and space? Become sick with love? To experience carnality and intimacy in delight? To touch the top and bottom? Feel the earth trembling underfoot?
In the Church it is possible: it is enough to rediscover the mysteries of the confession of faith in the Triune God...
Father Robert Woźniak, an esteemed theologian and winner of the Father Józef Tischner Prize, on the basis of the text "Credo" reminds us of fascinating secrets that are hidden in the essence of our faith. The clergyman shows that it is not only an empty formula, but a dynamic network of relations, the most important of which is Love - the basis of the community of the Church.
This staring at God's face is a "school of looking" that changes our view of our own life. We begin to see the world and our everyday life in the light of God's Word, and what is ordinary and mundane becomes a part of the conversation with the Triune God.
Whoever does not see the Trinitarian mystery in the perspective of his life will not be able to understand either the beginning or the purpose of his existence.
The book was written as a follow-up to the conferences delivered by Fr. Andrzej Muszala and Fr. Robert Woźniak during the prayer meetings that took place from October 2017 to June 2018 in St. Mark's Church in Krakow. The audio recording is attached to the book on a CD.
Christianity to the Square - is a series of books addressed to people who want to deepen their spiritual life through prayer, trust and living in an attitude of forgetting about themselves. In each position we look at one character, who today turns out to be a particularly competent guide on the paths leading to union with God. The series also includes items that help to live a full and mature life of faith and love in today's modern times. And all this to fulfill the desire of Jesus: "May you be cold or hot!" (Ap 3, 15).
Zebrane tu teksty posiadają podobną strukturę: wychodzą od zarysowania historii redakcji danego dokumentu, następnie dokonują prezentacji jego treści, wskazują na główne linie posoborowej recepcji oraz szkicują możliwe drogi przyszłej interpretacji i rozwoju. Taki układ wyraźnie wskazuje na aspiracje niniejszego komentarza, które przekraczają miałkie i bezowocne wspominanie. Prawdziwa interpretacja nigdy nie petryfikuje tekstu, nigdy nie zamyka go w nim samym, ale podejmuje się trudnego zadania rzutowania tekstu historycznego w teraźniejszość i przyszłość.
Ze wstępu Ks. Piotra Roszaka i Ks. Roberta J. Woźniaka
This monograph is the most complete Polish study on sacramentology. It is the first time that this field has been looked at so broadly, dealing with both fundamental and detailed sacramentology within one work.
Despite the multitude of issues discussed, the book is characterized by internal coherence. Essential elements of Christianity, such as dogma, liturgy and life, are treated in it inseparably.
The renewal of sacramentology proposed in this book does not follow the line of one school's preference to reflect on another, to show its weaknesses and advantages, but aims at a symphonic approach. This means that the authors have been able to combine the requirement of systematics with the detail of the analyses, taking care - thanks to the editors - that the image of the analyzed subject does not have any exaggerations. In this way we get an ambitious publication that combines nova et vetera - essential for the renewal of the theological life, which in the liturgy reaches its full expression. (Excerpt from a review by Fr. Dr. Piotr Roszak, Prof. UMK)
16 articles on sacramentology, divided into two sections (fundamental sacramentology and detailed sacramentology).
The experience of sin and salvation are for a Christian a fundamental dimension of his life. Most often salvation is associated only with Christ. However, it turns out that the salvation brought to us by Jesus is the work of the whole Holy Trinity. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit always work together to shape a new humanity in each of us. By looking at the shapes of this new way of being human, we are looking at the Holy Trinity in action, God who shapes us in his image and likeness.
The meditations presented here are a kind of gaze that is supposed to arouse in us an appetite for eternal life. Ultimately, it turns out that it is life, that salvation in general is not only the action of the Holy Trinity in us, but our transformation through our relationship with God.
Conference 1: Faith 40'47"
Conference 2: Hope 42'54"
Conference 3. Humility 36"57"
Conference 4. Gift 43'22"
Conference 5. Memory 41'59"
In our various ways of searching, we too often forget about two basic truths: first of all, we have something special in common with God, secondly, and above all, the word that God speaks to us is ourselves. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit can be found right here: in our own lives.
The fact that man is their image means that human affairs are places where they appear, reveal themselves and give themselves away. Our life and ourselves are built according to the same logic that is the inner life of God himself. The alphabet of our life is ultimately divine.
This is a difficult question that is not easy to answer. It attracts all those who truly believe and feel in their faith that the Holy Trinity invites them to the adventure of searching for themselves and calls them to a relationship with themselves. So how to prepare for this relationship? The basic intuition around which the conferences gathered in this album revolve suggests that the answer to our question must be sought in the Old Testament.
Is it not, in fact, a preparation for this fascinating encounter with divine persons? God revealed His inner life to us in its fullness only in the Lord Jesus. The First Covenant (which we usually call the Old Testament) was nothing more than a long wait to prepare for this encounter with God, who is given to us through Jesus. All the stories of the First Covenant were written "to our guidance" so that we can open up to the approaching God in our daily lives. In this preparation every detail of our lives becomes significant.
Conference 1: Creation, Existence, Life - First Meeting Place 40'11
Conference 2: Abraham: expectation and hospitality 44'11
Conference 3: Moses: Law and Desire 43'27
Conference 4: David: Friendship and psalms 45'05"
Conference 5: Job and Jonah: suffering and compassion 53'42"
Such reading shows that Paul's text is not a cheap harlequin, but an expression of the Apostle's life realism. In this sense it becomes a kind of map for us, leading to a truly mad love that never ends.
Love... is graceful 47:05.
Love... is patient 46:52.
Love... is not jealousy 41:03
Love... believes and hopes 39:20
Love... ...enjoys the truth 53:11
The catechesis collected on this album wants to befriend the listener with Jesus, to make visible what is most important, deepest, most true in his life.
1. "God sent to our hearts the Spirit of His Son." (Gal 4, 6) - 30'30"
2. Jesus' filial experience - 39'24"
3. The great mystery of the fatherhood of God - 32'07"
4. "I praise you, Father." (Matthew 11:25): Jesus and the Father - 31'54"
5. Greatest charismatic of all time: Jesus and the Holy Spirit - 44'30"