Papers by Emanuel SOARE PhD
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Education Facing Contemporary World Issues (Edu World 2022), 3-4 June, 2022, University of Pitești, Pitești, Romania

eLearning and Software for Education
The paper dwells on realizing a pedagogical analysis of the eLearning effects on curricular desig... more The paper dwells on realizing a pedagogical analysis of the eLearning effects on curricular design of the educational context. The author examines the perspective of projecting an educational context in the spirit of curriculum paradigm by reporting to the challenges of the new technologies. In the era of technology, of Social Media and the permanent necessity of adapting the educational system to its challenges, the problem of efficiency and pedagogical value of the methods and contents of the eLearning paradigm raises. Among the issues the paper tries to address we mention the curricular design of the educational context and the designing of an efficient structure of contents and didactic strategies. There are also considered the types of competences teachers need in order to manage the eLearning instruments. A special attention is paid to the ways of designing contents and to the delivery methods. There are analyzed the specific traits of the learners and of the characteristics r...

eLearning and Software for Education
The article focuses on the possibilities of capitalizing the ePortfolio as a pedagogical method f... more The article focuses on the possibilities of capitalizing the ePortfolio as a pedagogical method for producing integrative learning and as an efficient way to engage students in the curricular activities. It helps teachers in mapping teaching and learning, document student learning and enhancing learning towards the educational outcomes. The instruction process can be rebuilt by extending the use of ePortfolio in teachers' and students' current activity. Therefore, students' learning needs are better met, their learning experience becomes more relevant and the employers can have better proofs as regards the graduates' competences. Thus, it is created a new environment with new learning tools capable of arguing new results of learning. The paper underlines the ways through which the ePortfolio contributes to intentional learning, representing the more efficient way for sustaining students' permanent effort and motivation. Using the ePortfolio allows for a better an...
2019 11th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI)
The present paper aims at presenting a comparative study of the adult education system in four di... more The present paper aims at presenting a comparative study of the adult education system in four different countries (Romania, Germany, Greece, Norway), based on the analysis of the national educational, legislative and curricular policy documents. The paper gives a systemic analysis of the framework on adult training, and the implementation methods specific to each country, focusing on highlighting their experience in adult education and promoting good practice models.

2020 12th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI)
This paper represents a psycho-pedagogical study on the need for teacher training, in terms of pr... more This paper represents a psycho-pedagogical study on the need for teacher training, in terms of professional development of teachers. At the same time, the paper presents the idea of the concept of mixed continuous training is the transition from a continuous training focused on "the same approaches for all" - regardless of students' skills, professional interests or personal life pressures - to self-motivating continuous training, in agreement with the individual needs of professional development, therefore self-determining both in terms of individual goals and in terms of praxeology. In this context, the evolution of science and the multidimensionality of contemporary life (which can sometimes generate existential complications) become sources of adaptation and to meet the implicit needs, by capitalizing on multimedia technologies and by expanding the possibilities of communication. What seems difficult turns into an advantage, given that the continuous training of teachers brings the innovations articulated to the contemporary world.
The present paper deals with the problem of competence, as it is found in the specialty literatur... more The present paper deals with the problem of competence, as it is found in the specialty literature in the area of educational sciences. There are analyzed various perspectives which can contribute to the clarification of the problem tackled and to the identification of different traits displayed by this major concept of postmodern pedagogy. The author highlights the specificity of the process of integrating the concept of competence from the labor area in the school context and its impact on the traits the concept is to present in this new context. There are identified and analyzed several explanatory theories of competence and the ways they can be integrated into a convergent view on competence relevant to the educational field

2016 8th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2016
The paper investigates the birth or one of the newest approaches in the curriculum design with bi... more The paper investigates the birth or one of the newest approaches in the curriculum design with big impact on current educational theories and practices. It is analyzed the effects of objectives centered pedagogy (OCP) on curriculum theory and practice as one of the dominant curricular approaches since 1950, when the curriculum was promoted as the paradigm of postmodern education. This rational model of curriculum design shaped by the principles of scientific management and by the centrality of the objectives, more or less, in behavioral terms was constituted as a base for new developments in curriculum design as regards the theories that try to re-launch the link between the labor markets and the demands of the postindustrial, informational and global society, on one hand, and the aims of the learning programs, on the other hand. Thus, the competence based approach (CBA) is constituted, being seen as a way of projecting competence based curriculum (CBC) which places competence in th...

The present paper proposes the researchers preoccupied with the problem of curriculum a new visio... more The present paper proposes the researchers preoccupied with the problem of curriculum a new vision on the field. It becomes possible by introducing a new concept – currere – capable of revolutionizing the postmodern perspectives on curriculum. The concept gains the value of a paradigm and represents a specific way of curriculum projection, realizing and development. It represents a significant moment in the theory, practice and curriculum area being known as Reconceptualism. This concept will decisively influence the curriculum paradigm as it was launched by R. Tyler. The author proposes, as a method of research in the area of curriculum paradigm, a historical perspective which uses synchronic, diachronic and hermeneutical strategies. The proposed perspective is based on ethical and epistemological arguments. The longitudinal-historical approach eliminates the excesses of those subjective modes or ideologies, making the objective reinterpretations in the area possible. This approach...
The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2019
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2019
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2017
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
The present paper aims at emphasizing the effects of considering the competence, as the main curr... more The present paper aims at emphasizing the effects of considering the competence, as the main curriculum organizer in curriculum development, bringing into discussion the curricular architecture that should define this new approach. The methodology of research focuses on a theoretical innovative approach on the ways the rational design model meets the challenges of the competence based curriculum (CBC) design process, the research presenting several contributions to the theoretical and practical development of the field. There are analyzed the different models of defining the competence and there are proposed innovative perspectives on the way that the concept of competence must be addressed as well as the possible implications on the curriculum theory and practice.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
The context of today teaching and learning is shaped by new models of curriculum design with big ... more The context of today teaching and learning is shaped by new models of curriculum design with big implications on teachers' current practices in classroom. One of those models is represented by the competence based curriculum (CBC) design model and its innovative way of seeing the curriculum architecture and their interactions. It brings a certain view on competence with determined effects on designing the education context and instruction activities. The papers focuses on the issues of competence evaluation and addresses the challenge of designing models for competence evaluation by capitalizing the complex learning situations (CLS) model as an efficient way of competences development and evaluation.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
This study aims at emphasizing the pedagogical effects of curriculum paradigm, as the postmodern ... more This study aims at emphasizing the pedagogical effects of curriculum paradigm, as the postmodern education theoretical and praxiological model on design and implementation of evaluation in the didactic process. Evaluation, as a main element of instruction process, besides teaching and learning, must be conceived and realized as an effect of curricular approach of education and instruction. This way of thinking leads to a certain path in evaluation projecting and realization, aspect which will be highlighted in the present study. Thus, the processual perspective on evaluation asks for reflection on the role of evaluation in the projecting and implementation of both objectives of instruction, contents, didactic methodology, projection of evaluation instruments (as products of evaluation) and the context of instruction realization.

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
In this paper we proposed to identify students' perceptions on the importance, from their perspec... more In this paper we proposed to identify students' perceptions on the importance, from their perspective, of evaluation methods and on the teachers' reasons for choosing specific evaluation methods. We intend to identify a model that teachers can follow when choosing the evaluation methods in accordance with student-centered learning process and competence-based approach. We research the evaluation process from the perspective of the methods used, the importance of methods from student perspective, student capacity to make recommendations on the use of certain evaluation methods. The methodology used is the questionnaire-based inquiry applied to those students who made their choice for a teaching career. The conclusions show the differences between students in different study programs on the importance of evaluation methods and the differences between their perceptions on why teachers choose the evaluation methods.

At the level of the university education, the formation of competences specific to the profession... more At the level of the university education, the formation of competences specific to the profession of ecologist is acquired within the activities of lectures and seminars coresponding to the school subjects included in the curriculum for the faculty of Ecology and Environment Protection. For knowing the level of formation of competences to the students, in order to optimize the process of their formation, it was carried out an empyrical research based on the methods of interview and questionaire applied by students and discussions between the academic teachers, during the pedagogical experiment (2006)(2007)(2008)(2009). The population sample used in our research comprised the same 50 students in Ecology and Environment Protection. We are considering that, the mode of organizing and carrying out of practical works, by combining activities carried out into the laboratory and outdoor, by combining of frontal activity with that carried out with groups, by using of the most adequate didactical methods, influences the formation of all categories of competences, but this influence depends of the individual particularities and interest's level of the students for the ecologist profession.
The present paper aims at emphasizing the effects of considering the competence, as the main curr... more The present paper aims at emphasizing the effects of considering the competence, as the main curriculum organizer in curriculum development, bringing into discussion the curricular architecture that should define this new approach. The methodology of research focuses on a theoretical innovative approach on the ways the rational design model meets the challenges of the competence based curriculum (CBC) design process, the research presenting several contributions to the theoretical and practical development of the field. There are analyzed the different models of defining the competence and there are proposed innovative perspectives on the way that the concept of competence must be addressed as well as the possible implications on the curriculum theory and practice.
The context of today teaching and learning is shaped by new models of curriculum design with big ... more The context of today teaching and learning is shaped by new models of curriculum design with big implications on teachers’current practices in classroom. One of those models is represented bythe competence based curriculum (CBC) design model and its innovative way of seeing the curriculum architecture and their interactions. It brings a certain view on competence with determined effects on designing the education context and instruction activities. The papers focuses on the issues of competence evaluation and addresses the challenge of designing models for competence evaluation by capitalizing the complex learning situations (CLS) model as an efficient way of competences development and evaluation.
Papers by Emanuel SOARE PhD