Papers by hendra rustiawan

This study used a pre-experimental method with a two-group pretest-posttest design to determine h... more This study used a pre-experimental method with a two-group pretest-posttest design to determine how much causation from the pogo jump exercise with hand-up squat jumps had on increasing leg power. The population used was Panji Kusumah volleyball players, Tasikmalaya Regency, with a sample of 16-17-year-old students, totaling 20 people. Test the hypothesis using the t-test, namely paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test. Based on the hypothesis test-t count <-t table (-2.177 <-2.101) it is known that there is an average difference in the increase in leg power between the pogo jump exercise group and the hand up squat jump group on the increase in leg power in the study sample. The suggestions put forward are: 1) The form of pogo jump training with hand-up squat jumps can be used as material for physical condition training on the power component, 2) For further research, it is hoped that it will become a source of reference for other researchers so that research in the same field will continue to grow.

This study used a survey method by conducting physical fitness tests and measuring fat percentage... more This study used a survey method by conducting physical fitness tests and measuring fat percentage. The population used was students of SMK N 4 Banjar Regency, the sample used was 24 people. The hypothesis test uses a nonparametric correlation test, namely Kendall's test. based on the hypothesis test, the correlation coefficient value is 0.078, which means that the percentage of fat has a weak correlation with physical fitness. Based on the calculation results for the variable physical fitness with the percentage of body fat (% Fat) a significance value of 0.601 is obtained, which indicates that there is no significant or not too strong relationship between physical fitness and the percentage of body fat in male students of SMK N 4 Banjar Regency in 2016. The suggestions put forward are: 1) Improving the quality of life by exercising students at SMK N 4 Banjar Regency, 2) For further research, it is recommended to use research samples at high levels of obesity in order to provide motivation to exercise for students who are overweight and to be used as a comparison for this study.
This study aims to determine how much influence the training of passing under turns alternates wi... more This study aims to determine how much influence the training of passing under turns alternates with playing volleyball. Research using experimental method with "pre test post test design". The population and sample of this study were 30 students of SMK Bina Putra Banjar. The research instrument used was the bottom passing test (Nurhasan, 2014). Based on data analysis using SPSS 24, the results of data processing show that alternating underhand passing exercises have a greater effect than underplaying passing exercises on improving underhand passing skills in Bina Putra Banjar Vocational High School students. Suggestion: Exercises to improve underhand passing should use alternate underpassing training methods while underhand passing plays as an alternative exercise with the aim of varying the exercise.

Abdimas Galuh, Oct 2, 2022
ABSTRAK Upaya untuk menanamkan pengetahuan tentang gizi dalam meningkatkan ketahanan pangan di wi... more ABSTRAK Upaya untuk menanamkan pengetahuan tentang gizi dalam meningkatkan ketahanan pangan di wilayah Ciamis dengan memberikan penyuluhan yang dilaksanakan pada Komunitas Fitness Ciamis (KFC) berdiri sejak tahun 2019 dan keanggotaannya yang berjumlah 56 orang yang bertempat tinggal tersebar di berbagai daerah seperti daerah Ciamis kota, Baregbeg, Nagrak, Sadananya, Sukajadi, Rajadesa, Panawangan, Kawali, Pamalayan, Handap Herang, Benteng, Imbanagara dan masih banyak lagi anggota KFC yang berada di daerah yang termasuk Kabupaten Ciamis. Dengan demikian penulis berencana untuk melakukan pengabdian dengan memberikan penyuluhan tentang kandungan gizi yang terdapat pada makanan yang dikonsumsi secara rutin. Alasannya bahwa hampir di setiap daerah Kabupaten ada anggota KFC sehingga dapat menjadi perwakilan setiap daerah dalam mentransfer pengetahuan tentang gizi dalam rangka meningkatkan strategi pencapaian ketahanan pangan. Tujuan pengabdian adalah informasi pengetahuan tentang kandungan gizi serta manfaat yang ada pada makanan pokok yang dimakan setiap hari sesuai dengan kemampuan anggota KFC. Karena pengetahuan yang selalu teringat dan kembali diberikan yang pada akhirnya mampu mengutamakan gizi yang seimbang dari hasil informasi yang didapat yaitu pengetahuan tentang gizi setelah mendapatkan berbagai cara dalam menyerap informasi yang sekiranya penting dari berbagai sumber. Urgensi pengabdian yaitu seberapa besar pentingnya pengabdian ini harus dilaksanakan dan memiliki manfaat yang besar hasil dari pengabdian tersebut. Pengabdian ini memiliki urgensi yang sangat bermanfaat bagi anggota KFC khususnya dan masyarakat luas di sekitar Kabupaten Ciamis pada umumnya. Karena dengan adanya pengabdian ini diharapkan mampu menyerap informasi tentang kandungan gizi dalam upaya meningkatkan strategi ketahanan pangan dengan mengetahui informasi gizi yang terdapat dalam makanan.

Jurnal Keolahragaan
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between cardiovascular and self-confi... more The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between cardiovascular and self-confidence. This study used a correlation method using test and measurement techniques on independent variables, namely cardiovascular and dependent variables, namely self-confidence. The population used was SMA Negeri 3 Ciamis Regency The sample used amounted to 50 people. Discussion. Based on the results of the regression line linearity test shows that the number obtained is greater than 0.05, it is proven that for cardiovascular independent variables with confidence is 0.971 > 0.05 meaning that cardiovascular variables do not affect self-confidence variables. Based on the results of the correlation test between the independent variable, namely cardiovascular and bound variables, namely self-confidence, a significance value of 0.953 greater than 0.05 means that cardiovascular and self-confidence are not related. Based on the results of the discussion starting from the calculation and ana...

Jurnal Keolahragaan
This study used a correlation method using test and measurement techniques on independent variabl... more This study used a correlation method using test and measurement techniques on independent variables, namely leg power, and back flexibility, and bound variables, namely three-point shot throws. The population used was SMA Negeri 3 Kabupaten Ciamis The sample used amounted to 22 people who participated in extracurricular basketball. Based on the results of the regression line linearity test shows that the number obtained is greater than 0.05, it is proven for the independent variable arm power with a three-point shoot is 0.276 > 0.05, and for back muscle flexibility with a three-point shoot is 0.409 > 0.05. It can be said that the data is linear. Based on the data, the correlation test results show that in the sig column. F change yields the number 0.383. This means that if the value obtained is greater than 0.05 then there is no correlation or in other words unrelated. According to the results of the study, "There is no relationship between arm power and back muscle flexi...

Jurnal Keolahragaan
This study aims to determine how much body fat percentage in male and female students of the Ciam... more This study aims to determine how much body fat percentage in male and female students of the Ciamis Regency Public High School 3 basketball team. To the objectives of the study above, the author uses survey methods using test and measurement techniques. The population of this study was male students and female students of SMA Negeri 3 Ciamis Regency totaling 30 people consisting of 15 boys and 15 girls. The research instrument used to collect the data was the measurement of fat percentage using a skinfold tool. Based on data analysis using SPSS series 22, the results of data processing are as follows: 1. The lowest description of fat measurement data in men was 16.50 and the highest description of fat measurement data was 37.90. The lowest fat measurement data description in the princess was 19.20 and the highest fat measurement data description was 35.60.2. The normality data for the female is 0.938 > 0.05 and the normality data for the male is 0.729 > 0.05 meaning that the d...

Jurnal Keolahragaan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh latihan lempar tangkap dan mene... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh latihan lempar tangkap dan menendang bola secara langsung dan lempat tangkap dan menendang bola secara terpisah terhadap peningkatan koordinasi mata, tangan, dan kaki pada siswa putra SMAN Bantar Kalong Kab Tasikmalaya. Penulis menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan “pre test post test design”. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa putra SMAN Bantar Kalong Kab. Tasikmalaya yang berjumlah 30 orang yang sekaligus dijadikan sebagai sampel. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan sebagai pengumpul data adalah tes kemampuan koordinasi mata, tangan, dan kaki. Berdasarkan analisis data menggunakan SPSS 22, hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa latihan lempar tangkap dan menendang bola secara langsung dan lempar tangkap dan menendang bola secara terpisah memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan koodinasi mata, tangan, dan kaki pada siswa putra SMAN Bantar Kalong Kab Tasikmalaya.

Jurnal Keolahragaan
The purpose of this study was to determine the state of fatigue and power to run on soccer player... more The purpose of this study was to determine the state of fatigue and power to run on soccer players. This type of research was quantitative descriptive. The research method used was a survey method with test and measurement techniques. The population used was students who are members of the Galuh Ciamis University football team, totaling 42 men. The sampling technique used was total sampling. The instrument test used was a 30 meter sprint fatigue-power maintenance test. The statistical analysis used was descriptive percentages. The results of this study indicate that the average fatigue and power running into the sufficient category consists of 8 players in the sufficient category by 33.3%, 4 players in the excellent category by 16.7%, 5 players in the good category by 20.8%, 3 players 12.5% poor categories, and 4 very poor players category 16.7%. These results have not been maximized, and the physical condition coach must be able to create a training program with a recovery program ...

Jurnal Keolahragaan
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the contrast training method on physical... more The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the contrast training method on physical conditions consisting of power, flexibility, agility, and balance. The research method used is experimental. The research design is a one-group pretest-posttest design is the research design used. The population used is the PGPI Paragliding Athletes in Ciamis Regency, totaling 15 sons, ranging in age from 16 to 20 years. The sampling technique is total sampling. Instrument test consists of vertical jump test, static flexibility test-shoulder & wrist, zig-zag test, and flamingo balance test. The results showed that the data from the vertical jump test results showed a significant increase in the significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. Static flexibility test-shoulder & wrist a significant increase proved the significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. The results of the zig-zag test data showed a significant increase in the significance value of 0.000 <0.05. The results of the flamingo bala...

Jurnal Keolahragaan
The purpose of this studied was to determine the level of students' agility in futsal extracu... more The purpose of this studied was to determine the level of students' agility in futsal extracurricular activities from the 40-yard sprint training group and the 40-yard lateral shuffel training group. The research method used was the experimental method. The population used was SMK Miftahussalam Ciamis. The sample used was 30 people who were divided into two research groups. The test instrument used was the lateral change of direction test. The results of this studied proved that 40-yard sprint training and 40-yard lateral shuffel training have a significant effect of increased the agility of futsal extracurricular students. The 40-yard sprint was better than the 40-yard lateral shuffel but the difference was slight and could be said to be insignificant. The authors hope that the 40-yard sprint exercise and the 40-yard lateral shuffel group exercise will be make one of the recommendations in improving body agility.Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kelinca...

This studied aims to determined the level of acceleration of soccers extracurricular members at M... more This studied aims to determined the level of acceleration of soccers extracurricular members at MAN 3 Ciamis. This studied used a survey method with tests and measurements. The population of this research was the male students of MAN 3 Ciamis which operates as many as 35 students. The research instrument used to collect data was a 30 meter acceleration test. Based on data analysis using SPSS 24 series, the results of data processing consist of the average test result of 30 meters acceleration test is 4.78 seconds. The result of the normality test is 0.112, which is greater than 0.05, which means that it is normally distributed. The percentage of agility consists of perfect category reaching 1 student or 2.86%, good category reaching 10 students or 28.57%, category enough to visit 6 students or 17.14%, category less visiting 6 students or 17.14 %, and the very poor category found 12 students or 12%. The conclusion was that the level of acceleration ability of players who were members...

This study aims to determine how much influence one leg good morning exercise has on increasing l... more This study aims to determine how much influence one leg good morning exercise has on increasing leg muscle stability in extracurricular games sports. By the research objectives above, the authors used a pre-experimental method with "The One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design." The population of this study was 25 male students of high school 3 Kabupaten Ciamis. The research instrument used to collect data was the star excursion balance test. Based on data analysis using SPSS series 22, data processing results were as follows: 1. One leg good morning exercise significantly affects increased leg muscles' stability in extracurricular sports games. 2. The initial test used a star excursion balance test that was normally distributed with a significant value of 0.201> 0.05. 3. The final test used a star excursion balance test that was normally distributed with a significant value of 0.070> 0.05. 4. There was an increase in the one leg good morning exercise group significantl...

This study aims to determine the use of compression garment (CG) with sport clothing on increasin... more This study aims to determine the use of compression garment (CG) with sport clothing on increasing muscle volume in the chest circumference. The research method used is ex-post facto. The population of this research is the fitness diamond of Ciamis Regency which found as many as 30 people. The research instrument used to collect data was chest circumference measurement. Based on data analysis using SPSS series 24, the results are based on the results of the independent sample t-test, it is proven that the value obtained is less than 0.05 so that there is a difference from the research group that does not have paired data. This means that it can be said that the results of the chest circumference measurement test from the two research groups proved that the compression garment group had a greater level of chest circumference measurement than the sportswear group. The conclusion is that there is a significant difference in the impact between the use of compression garment (CG) and spo...

Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani, 2020
This study aims to find out relations of college student habbit on the physical education in spor... more This study aims to find out relations of college student habbit on the physical education in sport activity with his body mass index. Physical activity are usually done by everyone, as well as college student at physical education. It is familiar. This study was conducted at a time, in 36 students who were all male sex with the age range of 20-24 years old. To known the result from the data will be processed, researchers used an instrument of the questionnaire. The questionnaire was immediately filled by each respondent without given any treatment previously. Category was obtained from the measurement of body mass index between height and weight each respondent. There is only one group in this research, no groups were compared. The method used is quantitative and data analysis using the technique chi square. The data obtained were then processed with SPSS 21 series. After data processed, the results show there is a significant correlation between both variables.

This study aims to determine how to know the level of leg muscle endurance of students in futsal ... more This study aims to determine how to know the level of leg muscle endurance of students in futsal extracurricular. The research method used was ex-post facto. The population of this studied was the male students of MAN 3 Ciamis Regency in extracurricular futsal class X and XI, totaling 40 participants. The research instrument used to collect data was the wall squat test. Based on data analysis using SPSS series 24, the results of data processing consist of 1. There was a significant effect of the class X futsal extracurricular group on leg muscle endurance in students of MAN 3 Ciamis, 2. There was a significant influence on the class XI futsal extracurricular group of students on Leg muscle endurance in students of MAN 3 Ciamis, 3. There was a difference between the X class futsal extracurricular group and the XI futsal extracurricular group on the leg muscle endurance in students of the MAN 3 Ciamis. Conclusion: The class X futsal extracurricular group and the class XI futsal extrac...

Latar belakang penelitian, rendahnya kemampuan melakukan tendangan long pass. Hal ini dikarenakan... more Latar belakang penelitian, rendahnya kemampuan melakukan tendangan long pass. Hal ini dikarenakan keterbatasan pemahaman program latihan weight training dari pelatih dalam meningkatkan power tungkai, sarana dan prasarana yang terbatas terutama perlengkapan latihan beban, serta keterbatasan tingkat materi latihan yang ditentukan dari kualitas dan kreativitas pelatih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak latihan isotonik dan isometrik alternating menggunakan alat yaitu leg extention machine terhadap peningkatan power tungkai untuk meningkatkan jarak hasil dan akurasi tendangan long pass. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen. Desain penelitian ini adalah two group pre-post test design. Populasinya adalah siswa Saint Prima Football Academy usia 18-23 tahun, sampel berjumlah 30 orang, 15 orang kelompok latihan isotonik dan isometrik, 15 orang kelompok latihan isotonik, sampel diambil dengan teknik sampling purposive. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes jarak hasil tendangan dan akurasi tendangan long pass melalui perlakuan selama dua bulan. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan SPSS serie 19, uji yang digunakan : uji normalitas dengan Shapiro-Wilk, uji homogenitas dengan Lavene statistic, uji paired samples ttest, dan independent t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1). Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari latihan isotonik dan isometrik alternating terhadap jarak hasil tendangan dengan nilai probabilitas (sig.) 0.000<0.05, akurasi nilai probabilitas (sig) 0.002< 0.05. Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari latihan isotonik terhadap jarak hasil tendangan dengan nilai probabilitas (sig.) 0.000 < 0.05, akurasi nilai probabilitas (sig.) 0.002 < 0.05. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian : 1. Latihan isotonik dan isometrik alternating memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap jarak hasil dan akurasi tendangan long pass. 2. Latihan isotonik memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap jarak hasil dan akurasi tendangan long pass. 3. Latihan isotonik dan isometrik alternating lebih besar pengaruhnya dibandingkan dengan latihan isotonik secara signifikan terhadap jarak hasil dan akurasi tendangan long pass. Saran : Latihan untuk meningkatkan tendangan jarak jauh dan akurasi sebaiknya menggunakan metode latihan isotonik dan isometrik alternating.

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kontribusi atau hubungan antara berat badan dengan d r o p... more Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kontribusi atau hubungan antara berat badan dengan d r o p j u m pin g terhadap koordinasi mata dan kaki. Metode penelitian menggunakan cross sectional . Populasi mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam unit Sepakbola Universitas Galuh Ciamis berjumlah 24 orang. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah data berat badan dan tes drop jumping sekaligus koordinasi mata dan kaki ketika melakukan lompatan. Validitas berdasarkan corrected item total corr elation rata - rata sebesar 0.980. Sedangkan nilai reliabilitas berdasarkan cronbachs alpha rata-rata sebesar 0.990. Prosedur pengolahan dan analisis data yang terdiri dari uji normalitas untuk berat badan 0.150 > 0.05 dan drop jumping 0.096 > 0.05. Artinya dalam penelitian ini secara keseluruhan datanya berdistribusi normal. Uji homogenitas menunjukkan nilai signifikansi 0.485 > 0.05 untuk berat badan, nilai signifikansi 0.156 > 0.05 untuk drop jumping , dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara kesel...

The purpose of this study was to determine the actual physical condition of all Spartan Basketbal... more The purpose of this study was to determine the actual physical condition of all Spartan Basketball Cimahi Club players. This type of research was quantitative descriptive. The research method was a survey method used was test and measurement techniques. The population used was the Spartan Basketball Cimahi Club, amounting to 24 mens, age range between 16-19 years. The instrument test used were consisted of a vertical jump, a 20 meter run, an illinois agility run test, eye, hand and foot coordination, and a bleep test. The statistical analysis used was descriptive statistics with a percentage system. The results of this study that the average physical condition of basketball players who were members of the Spartan Basketball Cimahi Club was moderate, meaning that this research was the actual data that exists in basketball players. Suggestions in this study to achieve achievement at a higher level one of the supporters was a change in physical condition by providing training programs that could be improved the appearance of the players in each basketball game.
Papers by hendra rustiawan