Conference Presentations by Rini Andari

— The purpose of this study is to understand the perception of tourism and hospitality students s... more — The purpose of this study is to understand the perception of tourism and hospitality students self image, the tourism and hospitality career, and the job choice. The initial perception about career image could drive the student's eagerness to finish the study and prepare their career path in this business. The research was a descriptive and explanatory research. The data was compiled through an on-line survey to the students in several universities in Bandung, Indonesia. There were 351 valid responses that were analyzed by multiple regression methods. Descriptive analysis showed that the student's self-image was high students had a high perception on their character of willingness to help others, but the character of emotional control was perceived to be lesser. Regarding to the tourism career image, students perceived the high interest of the good tourism and hospitality people appearance, while their perception of the community acceptance of working in the tourism and hospitality industry was perceived to be lesser. The last thing was that students perceived a great interest in being an entrepreneur in tourism and hospitality business. However, they perceived a lower interest at being a teacher at the secondary level. The multiple regression analysis showed that the self-image and tourism career image could predict the job choice of tourism. Keywords— tourism and hospitality education, characters, career perception and choice

— This research studied about how tourism development acts as the living strategy for the indigen... more — This research studied about how tourism development acts as the living strategy for the indigenous people. The indigenous people earn their living from natural resources, usually in designated region that is large area. While the number of the area remains the same, the number of population is increasing. Hence, they need to think other kind of works to earn the living. Tourism activity has proven to be the economic generator for the people. However, in developing tourism, where there is an intensive interactive between the host and the tourist, the conflicts might arise. Hence, this research was intended to understand how the indigenous people could manage the tourism potentials without neglecting their indigenous norms. This research was conducted in Baduy area, where indigenous people of West Java Province of Indonesia lives. The region has attracted tourist to come for having indigenous cultural experience. The Baduy people have a strong norm that acts as their way of life. The people live in remote area that has no electricity, stay in a house made of wood, wear cloth made of cotton in designated colors and style, work in a land to cultivate dry rice, having their own system to govern their people, and other traditional ways. The research result shows that the people have influenced with some tourism activities, such as providing accommodation, souvenirs, guides, porters, and other services for tourists has become their source of income. In the mean times, they also have experienced a conflict in their role for implementing their indigenous way of life and the modernization as consequences in developing the tourism potentials. There were some adjustments to run their lives in using tourism activities as their one way to sustain their living.
Papers by Rini Andari

Syntax Literate ; Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
Kewirausahaan menjadi isu sentral baik di negara berkembang maupun negara maju sebagai upaya pemu... more Kewirausahaan menjadi isu sentral baik di negara berkembang maupun negara maju sebagai upaya pemulihan kesejahteraan akibat pandemi, khususnya bagi para pekerja di sektor pariwisata. Namun, pola pikir kewirausahaan muncul akibat tekanan dari kebutuhan hidup, bukan dari pola pikir yang diajarkan selama pendidikan formal. Maka perlu dikaji peran dan kebutuhan tenaga kependidikan untuk mengajarkan pola pikir wirausaha mulai dari pendidikan formal baik di SMA maupun di perguruan tinggi untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang pola pikir wirausaha (entrepreneur mindset). Metode pendekatan kualitatif, subjeknya adalah mahasiswa dan praktisi sebanyak sepuluh orang dari industri perhotelan yang sebelumnya terkena dampak pandemi COVID-19 dan beralih profesi dengan memiliki usaha. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan kewirausahaan berpengaruh positif jika diajarkan dari pendidikan formal baik SMA maupun perguruan tinggi karena selama ini muncul kecemasan dalam situasi pandemi ...

Jurnal Pariwisata Pesona
This research aims to analyze how Bandung Good Guide can present tourist packages/activities duri... more This research aims to analyze how Bandung Good Guide can present tourist packages/activities during the COVID-19 pandemic circumstances. This research took place in Bandung, from September to November 2021 and uses a qualitative descriptive approach, also previous academic literature studies that address wellness tourism and the social economy. During the pandemic, the government has various programs in controlling the spread of the COVID-19 virus by restricting people's movements, prohibiting people from traveling far, and closing tourist attractions, which feels like the end of the tourist travel industry. But for people who called Bandung Good Guide, initiating a new tourism business concept, they created a travel program called “everyday tour”. Where the tour runs every day with a different theme and topic every day also uses a payment system pay as you go with a minimum payment, which turned out to be in great demand and gave positive appreciation for the guides. Presenting...
ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 2013
This study aims to analyze the organization needs in sales and stock company process that related... more This study aims to analyze the organization needs in sales and stock company process that related with the current business process at PT Selatan Jaya Prima Perkasa. The result will be used for developing an integrated system that can be the solution for the company needs in running their sales and to control theirinventory stock status as the main business of the company. The analyzed result in the company needs will be documented using unified modeling language. This information system is expected to simplify ease the company’s activitis in sales process and inventory stock control. This system will also minimize the data lost and human error usually caused by manual process of transactional data storage.

E-Journal of Tourism
Rapid technological development not only has a positive effect on education, the negative impact ... more Rapid technological development not only has a positive effect on education, the negative impact is given such as lack of movement even in a game on the device. Traditional games that are almost extinct can be preserved for preservation as well as an attraction in educational tourism. The purpose of the study was to understand that the conservation of traditional games as a value of local wisdom can be an educational tourist attraction. This research uses qualitative to uncover the meaning of research results with case study techniques. The results of exploration of traditional game conservation in Kampung Adat Banceuy can be beneficial for education, destinations, and also local culture. Educational tourism not only provides benefits for researchers, but for tourists where recreation can be done while learning directly. Keywords: Educational Tourism, Traditional Games, Wisdom Local Value

Jurnal Industri Pariwisata
Marketing tidak hanya diperlakukan sebagai penjahat utama karena peran nya dalam merangsang permi... more Marketing tidak hanya diperlakukan sebagai penjahat utama karena peran nya dalam merangsang permintaan dan konsumsi yang tidak berkelanjutan, tetapi juga sebagai penyelamat lingkungan yang potensial melalui penerapan mekanisme pasar yang mengatasi masalah lingkungan yang dikenal sebagai “Green Marketing”. Work Coffee Indonesia adalah sebuah Coffee shop yang sudah terkenal di Kota Bandung dan merupakan salah satu pelopor Coffee shop yang melaksanakan Green Marketing. Untuk itu peneliti ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai bagaimana implementasi green marketing yang dilaksanakan pada Work Coffee Indonesia di Kota Bandung. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan wawancara kepada pengelola dari Work Coffee Indonesia. Hingga akhirnya didapati bahwa Work Coffee Indonesia menerapkan konsep green marketing sejak pertama kali berdiri. Dengan slogan “Less Waste, More Coffee” serta ”Zero Plastic” yang diimplementasikan dengan mengganti semua alat makan dan minum yan...

Journal of Tourism and Creativity
Karongsong Village is one of the villages in the mangrove rehabilitation area which is still well... more Karongsong Village is one of the villages in the mangrove rehabilitation area which is still well maintained. In the beginning, the management of mangrove planting there was carried out by the local community in collaboration with PT Pertamina. The beginning of this Mangrove Ecotourism in Karongsong was the occurrence of abrasion on Karongsong Beach from 1983 to 2022, which in the future could cause a Tsunami or subsequent abrasion. So to anticipate this, beach rehabilitation and the creation of Mangrove Ecotourism are made to avoid or minimize future Tsunamis. But apparently, after the pandemic period, Mangrove Ecotourism in Karongsong was not maintained and not well managed. Due to the large number of damage to facilities, dead animals, and so on. Therefore, the author wants to try to increase the potential of Mangrove Ecotourism by asking for support from the local government. So that they take appropriate action in preserving the ecotourism. So that Mangrove Ecotourism in Karong...

Journal of Tourism and Creativity
The development of tourist villages during the current pandemic is important. Especially areas in... more The development of tourist villages during the current pandemic is important. Especially areas in Indonesia that have a number of potential tourist villages. One way to develop a tourist village can be done by incorporating elements of gastronomy. The purpose of this research is to prioritize the culinary field which is also part of the tourism sector, which is increasingly being improved in tourist villages, by utilizing gastronomy. However, culinary in this tourist village is not only about cooking, but more than that there are many additional, more complete knowledge in the culinary field itself. This study uses qualitative methods coupled with data collection methods through interviews. By interviewing several tourist villages and the ICA (Indonesian Chef Association) community directly. The findings from his research are the importance of the ICA community contributing directly to gastronomy in Indonesian tourist villages, especially Bandung City. This research is expected to s...

This study aims to determine the impact of implementing network community based tourism on the in... more This study aims to determine the impact of implementing network community based tourism on the increase and income carried out in the tourist village of Situ Lebak Wangi, Bogor. This research is conducted using a quantitative approach with a causality model to test the proposed hypothesis. The entire community in Pamegarsari Village, Parung District, Bogor is the population in this study. The sample in this study amounted to 100 samples obtained through a survey of accidental sampling technique. Based on the research conducted, it is found that Network Community Based Tourism has a significant positive effect on the independence and income of citizens of the Situ Lebak Wangi Area. Community independence can increase when there is community-based tourism development. Community-based tourism management makes its management involve a lot of the community. The community is provided with business stalls in the Lebak Fragrant Lake area to invite tourists while growing the economy of the l...

Cisambeng Village, is one of the villages with the potential of a tourism village owned by Majale... more Cisambeng Village, is one of the villages with the potential of a tourism village owned by Majalengka Regency. This cisambeng village has almost 80% of its population as producers and sellers of processed soybeans which are a concern and can be used as a gastronomic tourism object and artificial tourism as a result of the village's potential commodities. This potential has not been utilized and developed by the local community until now. This study aims to explore the potential that exists in the Cisambeng village area and to find and develop the most suitable tourism development model for the Cisambeng area. The obstacles found in the field relate to the development of the model of the tourist village, from the aspect of attractiveness, accommodation, accessibility, and amenities. This study was analyzed using a qualitative approach method with data collection carried out in two ways, namely interviews and Focus Group Discussion. Based on the review and analysis conducted regar...
Promoting Creative Tourism: Current Issues in Tourism Research
Promoting Creative Tourism: Current Issues in Tourism Research
Promoting Creative Tourism: Current Issues in Tourism Research, 2021

The problem of protecting the environment is often not considered properly. Including the mainten... more The problem of protecting the environment is often not considered properly. Including the maintenance and management of the Sekanak Lambidaro River in Palembang, which was once a garbage dump and surrounded by slums. So it certainly makes damage to the place of an ecosystem of flora and fauna that exist in the environment. Not to mention that the endless cultural conflicts between the Sekanak River area have become a problem in the city of Palembang. So, a Sekanak Lambidaro Palembang River Festival was held in order to make the community affected by the bad environment more livable. Through activities that are oriented towards a green environment based on the concept of sustainable development. This concept is used so as not to make people continue to be influenced by the great world of globalization at the moment. By using a descriptive qualitative research method with the aim of being able to find out how useful this festival is in increasing the awareness of the people of Palemba...

This research was conducted to identify the potential of ecotourism in Tanggamus district in opti... more This research was conducted to identify the potential of ecotourism in Tanggamus district in optimizing the role of tourism in the economy and community welfare, it is necessary to develop a sustainable tourism development based on an adequate understanding of the characteristics, conditions and constraints faced by tourism business actors. This development needs to be supported by appropriate financing and investment schemes. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive method with an inductive approach or solving existing problems and finding a complete understanding of the object being observed with research, as well as collecting data through direct observations made by researchers on 25-28 February 2022, interviews and documentation. In collecting qualitative data, the author conducted interviews with 20 informants using the snowball method consisting of the Head of the Tourism and Culture in Tanggamus Regency, Communities around tourist objects, tourists, managers,...
The purpose of this study was to identify the role of Instagram media in Destination Branding amo... more The purpose of this study was to identify the role of Instagram media in Destination Branding among teenagers in Bukittinggi City. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method, to present a complete picture of the role of Instagram media with the Instagramable phenomenon in the formation of branding destinations among final year teenagers. The results of this study are to identify the extent to which Instagram media plays a role in the formation of branding destinations among late-level teenagers. This research was conducted by discussing Tourism, Branding Destinations, New Media (Instagram), Instagramable, and Gen Z specifications for late teens with an age range of 18-21 years and taking a case study in Bukittinggi City.

Webology, 2022
This study used the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory integrated with differentiation and Tourism ... more This study used the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory integrated with differentiation and Tourism Destination Competitiveness (TDC) to explain attraction and competitiveness of sustainable tourism with qualitative methods and explorative approaches. Data were collected through observation, interviews, documentation studies, and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) by ATLAS.ti 8 software. Based on the results, traditional ceremonies, cultural festivals, the value of natural wealth, and the life of the village community can become a tourist attraction and can be enjoyed by tourists as a unique cultural tourism product and can be developed into a differentiation strategy. The differentiation strategy in building a competitive advantage in sustainable tourism was carried out through the development of tourism products based on the local wisdom, packaging products through tour packages, increasing professionalism in managing tourist destinations, and synergizing tourism stakeholders.
Conference Presentations by Rini Andari
Papers by Rini Andari