Papers by Laelandi Rahayu

Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, 2022
Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) characteristics of citronella grass in the field have not been reporte... more Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) characteristics of citronella grass in the field have not been reported. This research aimed to study the AM characteristics of citronella grass grown in unshaded and shaded fields. The roots of citronella grass were collected from citronella grass plantations in Cianjur, West Java. The root samples were analyzed for AM structures, namely entry points, intercellular hyphae, arbuscules, and vesicles. The results showed that the citronella grass form AM colonization. The quality of root colonization differed between the two cultivation systems. The unshaded citronella grass had higher root colonization compared to shaded citronella grass. In the unshaded citronella grass, the number of arbuscules was 7 per cm of root length, whereas in the shaded citronella grass was 4 per cm of root length. The types of arbuscules observed were arum and intermediate. There were no differences in the number of entry points in the two cultivated systems, which was 3,5 entry p...

RAHAYU LAELANDI. Status dan Keragaman Mikoriza Arbuskula pada Tanaman Serai Wangi (Cymbopogon nar... more RAHAYU LAELANDI. Status dan Keragaman Mikoriza Arbuskula pada Tanaman Serai Wangi (Cymbopogon nardus L.) di Lapangan. Dibimbing oleh NAMPIAH SUKARNO dan IBNUL QAYIM. Status dan keragaman mikoriza pada tanaman serai wangi di lapangan belum dilaporkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari status dan keragaman CMA pada tanaman serai wangi di lapangan pada lahan tidak ternaungi dan yang ternaungi. Pengambilan sampel akar untuk analisis kolonisasi dan tanah rizosfer untuk identifikasi CMA secara morfologi dilakukan di perkebunan tanaman serai wangi, Cianjur, Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman serai wangi ialah tanaman mikotropik yaitu bersimbiosis dengan CMA. Kolonisasi CMA pada lahan tidak ternaungi lebih tinggi dari lahan yang ternaungi. Kualitas kolonisasi CMA tanaman serai wangi berbeda antara dua sistem budidaya tersebut. Pada lahan tidak ternaungi, jumlah arbuskula lebih tinggi dari yang ternaungi yaitu masing-masing 7 dan 4 per cm akar. Jumlah titik penetrasi CMA pada kedua lahan tersebut tidak berbeda nyata yaitu 3,5 per cm akar. Jumlah vesikula dan hifa internal pada lahan tidak ternaungi lebih rendah dari lahan ternaungi. Pada lahan tidak ternaungi diperoleh jumlah vesikula sebanyak 1,5 dan hifa internal 8,5 per cm akar, sedangkan pada lahan ternaungi ialah 3,5 dan 11 per cm akar. Spesies CMA pada dua sistem budidaya tanaman serai wangi berbeda dan cukup beragam. Berdasarkan identifikasi morfologi terdapat 7 spesies CMA pada lahan tidak ternaungi dan 6 spesies pada lahan ternaungi. Ke 13 spesies CMA termasuk ke dalam dua genus yaitu Glomus dan Acaulospora.

Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) characteristics of citronella grass in the field have not been reporte... more Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) characteristics of citronella grass in the field have not been reported. This research aimed to study the AM characteristics of citronella grass grown in unshaded and shaded fields. The roots of citronella grass were collected from citronella grass plantations in Cianjur, West Java. The root samples were analyzed for AM structures, namely entry points, intercellular hyphae, arbuscules, and vesicles. The results showed that the citronella grass form AM colonization. The quality of root colonization differed between the two cultivation systems. The unshaded citronella grass had higher root colonization compared to shaded citronella grass. In the unshaded citronella grass, the number of arbuscules was 7 per cm of root length, whereas in the shaded citronella grass was 4 per cm of root length. The types of arbuscules observed were arum and intermediate. There were no differences in the number of entry points in the two cultivated systems, which was 3,5 entry points per cm of root length. The numbers of vesicles and internal hyphae in unshaded citronella grass were lower than that of in the shaded citronella grass. In the unshaded citronella grass, the number of vesicles and intracellular hyphae were 1,5 and 8,5 per cm root length, whereas in the shaded citronella grass were 3,5 and 11 per cm root length, respectively. Shading plants grown in the field were bamboo, banana, coffee, tea, and sugar palm. All the shading plants formed AM symbiosis with a colonization value of 7 to 30%. This research indicates that arbuscular mycorrhiza is an important component in the citronella grass cultivation in unshaded and shaded fields.

Various types of educational devices that are used as a support for the creation of a good educat... more Various types of educational devices that are used as a support for the creation of a good education are certainly important. One of them is using an effective method to provide a concept to students optimally. This study aims to analyze how high and important the influence of the experimental method on science subjects at the junior high school. The method used is a qualitative research method with a mini survey method on 47 samples consisting of junior high school students, high school students, college students, and alumni students as well as a literature study method (library study) which is carried out by screening electronic books (e-books) and e- journals. The results showed that 94% of experimental research methods were effectively used and 6% were not effectively used in the science learning process. The effectiveness of this method is that students can prove that an accepted concept is in accordance with the given theory and students can hone their psychomotor abilities. T...
Conference Presentations by Laelandi Rahayu

Rahayu Laelandi*, Shafira Rizka Amani, Wardayani Solihah, 2021
The role of teachers and students as well as other education implementers has a very important ta... more The role of teachers and students as well as other education implementers has a very important task to achieve better educational goals and achievements. This relates to the use of learning media that will be used to achieve these goals. This study aims to offer innovative ideas for learning media LMOS (Laser Marking Oogenesis and Spermatogenesis) to teach reproductive system materials to junior high school students (SMP). The research method used is a research and development research and development method with reference to the ADDIE development model which only reaches the media design process. The laser used is a diode laser type with a red spectrum with low intensity. The stages of the process of oogenesis and spermatogenesis are shown from the end cap of the laser beam which consists of 5 covers for the oogenesis process and 6 covers for the spermatogenesis process. This LMOS media is expected to be a solution to existing media and can be spread thoroughly to schools in Indonesia and is attractive to students because this media is flexible and can be used anywhere and anytime. Thus, the objectives of the learning process can be achieved optimally.
Papers by Laelandi Rahayu
Conference Presentations by Laelandi Rahayu