Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan simulator automotive air conditioner dan model pembel... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan simulator automotive air conditioner dan model pembelajaran tata udara pada otomotif berwawasan teknologi ramah lingkungan. Penelitian menggunakan metode research and development dengan langkah-langkah: studi pendahuluan, perencanaan, pengembangan melalui uji coba simulator, validasi, dan produk akhir. Simulator dibuat sesuai dengan kondisi di dunia kerja agar tidak terjadi miskonsepsi dan mala-praktek automotive air conditioning. Simulator ini dibuat secara kompak dan mobile atau dapat dipindah dan dibawa. Model pembelajaran disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kompetensi yang dipersyaratkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan bantuan simulator automotive air conditioner dan model pembelajaran yang tepat mahasiswa mampu menyerap konsep dan praktek lebih cepat 85%. Hasil belajar pada ranah afektif, kognitif, psikomotor dan kompetensi meningkat secara signifikan.
HFCs group refrigerants are still widely used in refrigerated pickup trucks. This refrigerant is ... more HFCs group refrigerants are still widely used in refrigerated pickup trucks. This refrigerant is a synthetic chemical and has a high potential to cause global warming and damage the ozone layer. This study aims to obtain performance data from the use of HCs as refrigerant in refrigerated pickup trucks. The research was conducted experimentally on a pickup truck with a 1500 cc engine capacity. The size of the refrigerated room is 2300 mm long, 1500 mm wide and 1400 mm high. A commercial refrigeration system (C-250e MAX, Thermo King Europe, Belgium). The size of the evaporator, which consists of a cold air supply fan and an intake fan, is 133 mm long, 985 mm wide and 525 mm high. The cooling capacity is 2770 W. The volumetric flow rate of cold air is 1100 m3/hr. The test started at 9 am and the temperature value in a gallon of water was measured for 120 minutes. The results showed that the optimal refrigerant filling was the use of R290 (35%) and R1270 (20%). The value of the coefficient of system performance obtained from the use of the two variations of HCs is 4. Thus, refrigerant HCs R290 and R1270 can replace refrigerant HFCs in refrigerated pickup trucks with refrigerant mass variations of R290 (35%) and R1270 (20%).
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan simulator automotive air conditioner dan model pembel... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan simulator automotive air conditioner dan model pembelajaran tata udara pada otomotif berwawasan teknologi ramah lingkungan. Penelitian menggunakan metode research and development dengan langkah-langkah: studi pendahuluan, perencanaan, pengembangan melalui uji coba simulator, validasi, dan produk akhir. Simulator dibuat sesuai dengan kondisi di dunia kerja agar tidak terjadi miskonsepsi dan mala-praktek automotive air conditioning. Simulator ini dibuat secara kompak dan mobile atau dapat dipindah dan dibawa. Model pembelajaran disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kompetensi yang dipersyaratkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan bantuan simulator automotive air conditioner dan model pembelajaran yang tepat mahasiswa mampu menyerap konsep dan praktek lebih cepat 85%. Hasil belajar pada ranah afektif, kognitif, psikomotor dan kompetensi meningkat secara signifikan.
Abdi: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Mar 28, 2024
Taksonomi Bloom yang telah direvisi oleh Anderson and Krathwohl bahwa high order thinking skills ... more Taksonomi Bloom yang telah direvisi oleh Anderson and Krathwohl bahwa high order thinking skills adalah kemampuan berpikir pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi yang melibatkan kemampuan menganalisis, mengevaluasi, dan mencipta. Kemampuan membuat soal berbasis HOTS harus dimiliki oleh Guru SMK dalam konteks kurikulum merdeka. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh data pengetahuan dan implementasi soal berbasis HOTS oleh guru SMK dalam kurikulum merdeka. Metode pelatihan menggunakan in house training. Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2023 di aula SMKN 1 Pebayuran, kabupaten Bekasi. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu angket yang menggunakan google form. Responden pelatihan adalah guru SMK sebanyak 40 orang. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa 89% guru sudah memahami soal berbasis HOTS. Sebanyak 90% guru SMK sudah mengimplementasikan soal dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Sebanyak 92% guru sudah mendapatkan pelatihan cara membuat soal berbasis HOTS. Kemampuan guru dalam pemahaman, implementasi dan pelatihan soal berbasis HOTS dipengaruhi oleh jenis kelamin, usia, pengalaman mengajar dan pelatihan. Guru SMK dapat menggunakan soal berbasis HOTS dalam pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kualitas lulusan sesuai tuntutan kompetensi abad 21..
The creative industries are among the sectors most resistant to the economic crisis. Creative ind... more The creative industries are among the sectors most resistant to the economic crisis. Creative industries contains a set of industries that rely on individual creativity, skill and talent that has the ability to improve living standards and the creation of employment through the creation (idea) and exploitation of intelectual property rights. Vocational education as one of education graduates choose a design that knowledge, attitudes, creative competences are highly relevant to the development of creative industries. This study aims to obtain a design of vocational education curriculum relevant to the needs of the creative industries based KKNI. This study uses research and development. The location of research is the creative industrial district of Bandung. The results showed that the vocational education curriculum based KKNI encourage creative industry create an effective learning process and have reached the targeted competencies according to an industry standard. Demands creativ...
Refrigerator merupakan salah satu alat peraga pendidikan di Laboratorium Refrigerasi Universitas ... more Refrigerator merupakan salah satu alat peraga pendidikan di Laboratorium Refrigerasi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Sistem kontrol pada alat ini masih konvensional, seperti refrigerator yang digunakan di rumah tinggal. Sehingga alat peraga refrigerator tidak dapat digunakan sebagai media pendidikan jarak jauh, seperti saat pandemi Covid-19 yang mewajibkan pendidikan dilaksanakan secara daring. Melalui penelitian ini, telah dikembangkan sistem kontrol peraga praktik refrigerator agar dapat diakses secara daring dari rumah tinggal. Sistem kontrol refrigerator dikembangkan menjadi modul SKMP (Sistem Kendali dan Monitoring Performa) refrigerator jarak jauh. Pengembangan dilakukan pada sistem kontrol ON/OFF refrigerator dan sistem monitoring performa refrigerator agar bisa dilakukan secara daring melalui telepon seluler Android. Secara umum tahapan penelitian untuk mengembangkan alat kontrol menggunakan pendekatan research and development yang meliputi concept, design, collecting materials, assembly, dan uji coba. Pengujian dilakukan untuk mengetahui kehandalan kontrol ON/OFF jarak jauh dan mengetahui hasil monitoring performa refrigerator jarak jauh selama 60 menit beroperasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modul SKMP dapat mengontrol secara ON/OFF alat peraga refrigerator dengan baik melalui telepon seluler. Selain itu performa refrigerator juga dapat diamati dengan mudah melalui aplikasi eWelink pada telepon seluler. Sehingga alat peraga refrigerator yang telah dilengkapi modul SKMP dapat dipertimbangkan untuk digunakan sebagai media belajar secara daring.
Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Jul 9, 2021
Pemakaian R-134a sebagai fluida kerja pada showcase refrigerator harus dikurangi, karena ia berko... more Pemakaian R-134a sebagai fluida kerja pada showcase refrigerator harus dikurangi, karena ia berkontribusi pada peningkatan pemanasan global. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan data kinerja showcase refrigerator ketika menggunakan R-1270 sebagai fluida kerjanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode drop in substitute. Pengujian kinerja dilakukan dengan cara mengisi R-134a terlebih dahulu ke dalam sistem showcase refrigerator seberat 100 g untuk mendapatkan data baseline. Kemudian diganti oleh R-1270 dengan berbagai variasi beratnya, mulai 25 g, 30 g, dan 35 g. Waktu pengujian dilakukan selama 60 menit dan penjaringan data pada alat ukur dicatat setiap interval 4 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengisian R-1270 ke dalam sistem showcase refrigerator dengan berat 30 g menghasilkan kinerja terbaik dengan nilai COP 4.31. Oleh karena itu, untuk penggantian fluida kerja showcase refrigerator oleh R-1270 cukup mengisi 1/3 dari berat R-134a.
Refrigerator technology continues to develop towards a better and more efficient direction. Refri... more Refrigerator technology continues to develop towards a better and more efficient direction. Refrigerator must be given a touch of innovation to get the best performance. This study aims to obtain data on the performance of refrigerators with double pipe heat exchanger innovation and variations in the length of the capillary tube. The research method used is experimental. The experiment was carried out on a 1/6 PK refrigerator trainer, the ratio of the size of the double pipe heat exchanger was 1/4:1/2, and the variations in the length of the capillary pipe were 1.5m, 2m, 2.5m, and 2.75m. The diameter of the capillary tube is maintained at 0.028 inches. The initial refrigerant used is refrigerant R-134a, which is then retrofitted by the drop in substitute method by refrigerant R-1270 as the refrigerant being tested. The load used is 1.5L mineral water. The results showed that the use of 1.5 m capillary pipe and double pipe heat exchanger was able to increase the value of the refrigeration effect up to 49%, the value of work efficiency (CoP) increased by 22% compared to the refrigerator system using R-134a. Electric power consumption has decreased by up to 25%, thereby reducing the cost of electricity bills. This study has shown that the use of refrigerant R-1270 in a refrigerator with a double pipe heat exchanger and a long capillary tube with a diameter of 0.028 inches improves performance and saves electricity consumption.
This study discusses the review of the literature focuses on the use of Augmented Reality (AR) as... more This study discusses the review of the literature focuses on the use of Augmented Reality (AR) as a teaching material. Authors conducted a review 20 articles which were published from 2008 to 2018. Design studies also found a variety of experiments such as data, analysis, action research, surveys, mixed methods, and Research and Development. This review found that the use of AR as a teaching material in learning shows that the AR is able to improve your skills, understanding, motivation, response, and the results of student learning of the content and media used.
This study aims to determine the relevance of competencies developed by vocational high schools w... more This study aims to determine the relevance of competencies developed by vocational high schools with the needs of workers in the industrial world. This is to answer the statement from the world of industry that the competencies possessed by vocational secondary education graduates are not in accordance with industry standards. This research is a qualitative research conducted by collecting data, presenting accurate and objective information. Respondents of this research are industrial institutions in the field of heavy equipment, vocational education institutions and government agencies in charge of manpower. Selection of informants / sources of information used is purposive sample technique, which aims to give consideration to select informants who meet the criteria in providing accurate information. The results of this study provide insight and input to vocational secondary education managers about various information in developing vocational secondary education curriculum, major issues include curriculum content relevance, technological advances in the heavy equipment industry, updating of school facilities and collaboration between educational institutions and labor institutions and the industrial world in the development of vocational secondary education.
Journal of Mechaninal Engineering Education, Jun 28, 2017
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatkan hasil belajar siswa SMK pada aspek kogniti... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatkan hasil belajar siswa SMK pada aspek kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor setelah diterapkan model pembelajaran levels of inquiry. Model pembelajaran levels of inquiry 5 tahapan yaitu discovery learning, interactive demonstration, inquiry lessons, inquiry labs, dan hypothectical inquiry. Adanya tahapan tersebut membuat siswa mengembangkan kemampuan memecahkan masalah dengan cara berfikir kritis analisis-argumentatif, kreatif, dan madiri sehingga siswa diberikan kebebasan dalam menyusun dan merekontruksi sendiri informasi yang telah diperoleh. Penelitian dilakukan pada salah satu SMK Negeri di Kota Cimahi pada kelas XI TPTU B dengan menggunakan metode pre eksperiment jenis one-group pretestposttest design pada materi menentukan fungsi dan kinerja kompresor tata udara domestik dengan sampel 35 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil belajar siswa pada aspek kognitif dengan gain dinormalisasi sebesar 0.54 dengan kategori sedang. Aspek afektif didapatkan hasil rata-rata IPK 79.14% dengan kategori cukup. Aspek psikomotor didapatkan hasil rata-rata IPK 78.93% dengan kategori cukup terampil. Sehingga setelah diterapkan model pembelajaran levels of inquiry mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa baik dari aspek kognitif, afektif, maupun psikomotor.
Air conditioning system and installation is one of the subjects in the refrigeration and air cond... more Air conditioning system and installation is one of the subjects in the refrigeration and air conditioning program. One of the materials on the competency is basically explaining about the inspection of Coefficient of Performance (CoP). During this pandemic, students are required to study at home and do online learning. This online learning causes many students to pay less attention to the learning provided. Students are less interested in learning traditional methods because students are easily bored. Students only listen to and write material explanations with rough media. Research on media development is very important, in order to create a medium that is able to support interesting online learning. This research aims to produce proper multimedia learning for CoP examination materials and to know students' response to the application of multimedia in the subjects of the System and the installation of air system CoP inspection materials. The research method used by the agitation of the Research and Development (R&D) method. The subject of research for the implementation of this media is students of SMKN 1 Cimahi who have studied cop examination materials. Sample for the implementation of 20 students. Judgement on media is done by media experts and materials experts, namely Lecturers in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Education and teachers at SMKN 1 Cimahi. The results of this study, that multimedia made is said to be feasible with the reference rating scale by experts with the percentage of assessments by media experts and material experts obtained that multimedia learning made is declared feasible, while the improvement of learning results is in the category of Good. Similarly, students' response to multimedia learning used is in a good category.
Journal of Mechaninal Engineering Education, Sep 5, 2016
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan simulator automotive air conditioner dan model pembel... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan simulator automotive air conditioner dan model pembelajaran tata udara pada otomotif berwawasan teknologi ramah lingkungan. Penelitian menggunakan metode research and development dengan langkah-langkah: studi pendahuluan, perencanaan, pengembangan melalui uji coba simulator, validasi, dan produk akhir. Simulator dibuat sesuai dengan kondisi di dunia kerja agar tidak terjadi miskonsepsi dan mala-praktek automotive air conditioning. Simulator ini dibuat secara kompak dan mobile atau dapat dipindah dan dibawa. Model pembelajaran disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kompetensi yang dipersyaratkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan bantuan simulator automotive air conditioner dan model pembelajaran yang tepat mahasiswa mampu menyerap konsep dan praktek lebih cepat 85%. Hasil belajar pada ranah afektif, kognitif, psikomotor dan kompetensi meningkat secara signifikan.
Curriculum is one important component in education, as specially in learning process. Curriculum ... more Curriculum is one important component in education, as specially in learning process. Curriculum must support all the student need, because of it, we need a special curriculum. Every conflict has a different characteristic, but the effect on the child education has the same meaning. Because of that, we have to arrange one of curriculum development and the evaluation more specific by using a special service especially in non forma education. Special service education in non formal education (PLK-PNF) for conflict area, which has a base differentiation in learning process. This special service education has a double mission, for education and ti handle the side effect of conflict as physically and also psychologist.
Abstract Indesigning air conditioning system, global warming effect within a region isa very impo... more Abstract Indesigning air conditioning system, global warming effect within a region isa very important factorbecause itcanaffect theperformanceor the efficiency and the electricityconsumptionof theair conditioning system. The increase in outsideor environment willincrease theheat loadthatmust becontrolled by the air conditioning system. This studyis aimedtoanalyze theincrease of outsideairtemperatureor the environment inthe City ofBandung, West Java, Indonesia on theperformance ofthe air conditioning system andelectricenergyconsumption. Resultsof this studyindicatethatan increase inoutsideor environment air temperaturebyr1oFreducethe cooling power (refrigerating effect) by0.5Btu/ lb, in average and increases thetheoreticalcompressorpower by 0.39Btu/lb in average. The increase in outside air temperature by 1oF also decreases the Coefficient ofPerformance (CoP)in averageby 0.3; decrease the refrigerantcirculationinthe systemin average by 0.025lb/ton-min, andraises electricenergyconsumptionin average by 26.38watts/ton or0.035HP/ton.
... Kombinasi Bagi Wanita Miskin dan Tuna Aksara di Pedesaan Indonesia ... Keaksaraan adalah kata... more ... Kombinasi Bagi Wanita Miskin dan Tuna Aksara di Pedesaan Indonesia ... Keaksaraan adalah katalisator untuk berperanserta dalam kegiatan sosial, kebudayaan, politik, ekonomi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat, serta merupakan arena untuk belajar sepanjang hayat. ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan simulator automotive air conditioner dan model pembel... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan simulator automotive air conditioner dan model pembelajaran tata udara pada otomotif berwawasan teknologi ramah lingkungan. Penelitian menggunakan metode research and development dengan langkah-langkah: studi pendahuluan, perencanaan, pengembangan melalui uji coba simulator, validasi, dan produk akhir. Simulator dibuat sesuai dengan kondisi di dunia kerja agar tidak terjadi miskonsepsi dan mala-praktek automotive air conditioning. Simulator ini dibuat secara kompak dan mobile atau dapat dipindah dan dibawa. Model pembelajaran disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kompetensi yang dipersyaratkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan bantuan simulator automotive air conditioner dan model pembelajaran yang tepat mahasiswa mampu menyerap konsep dan praktek lebih cepat 85%. Hasil belajar pada ranah afektif, kognitif, psikomotor dan kompetensi meningkat secara signifikan.
HFCs group refrigerants are still widely used in refrigerated pickup trucks. This refrigerant is ... more HFCs group refrigerants are still widely used in refrigerated pickup trucks. This refrigerant is a synthetic chemical and has a high potential to cause global warming and damage the ozone layer. This study aims to obtain performance data from the use of HCs as refrigerant in refrigerated pickup trucks. The research was conducted experimentally on a pickup truck with a 1500 cc engine capacity. The size of the refrigerated room is 2300 mm long, 1500 mm wide and 1400 mm high. A commercial refrigeration system (C-250e MAX, Thermo King Europe, Belgium). The size of the evaporator, which consists of a cold air supply fan and an intake fan, is 133 mm long, 985 mm wide and 525 mm high. The cooling capacity is 2770 W. The volumetric flow rate of cold air is 1100 m3/hr. The test started at 9 am and the temperature value in a gallon of water was measured for 120 minutes. The results showed that the optimal refrigerant filling was the use of R290 (35%) and R1270 (20%). The value of the coefficient of system performance obtained from the use of the two variations of HCs is 4. Thus, refrigerant HCs R290 and R1270 can replace refrigerant HFCs in refrigerated pickup trucks with refrigerant mass variations of R290 (35%) and R1270 (20%).
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan simulator automotive air conditioner dan model pembel... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan simulator automotive air conditioner dan model pembelajaran tata udara pada otomotif berwawasan teknologi ramah lingkungan. Penelitian menggunakan metode research and development dengan langkah-langkah: studi pendahuluan, perencanaan, pengembangan melalui uji coba simulator, validasi, dan produk akhir. Simulator dibuat sesuai dengan kondisi di dunia kerja agar tidak terjadi miskonsepsi dan mala-praktek automotive air conditioning. Simulator ini dibuat secara kompak dan mobile atau dapat dipindah dan dibawa. Model pembelajaran disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kompetensi yang dipersyaratkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan bantuan simulator automotive air conditioner dan model pembelajaran yang tepat mahasiswa mampu menyerap konsep dan praktek lebih cepat 85%. Hasil belajar pada ranah afektif, kognitif, psikomotor dan kompetensi meningkat secara signifikan.
Abdi: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Mar 28, 2024
Taksonomi Bloom yang telah direvisi oleh Anderson and Krathwohl bahwa high order thinking skills ... more Taksonomi Bloom yang telah direvisi oleh Anderson and Krathwohl bahwa high order thinking skills adalah kemampuan berpikir pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi yang melibatkan kemampuan menganalisis, mengevaluasi, dan mencipta. Kemampuan membuat soal berbasis HOTS harus dimiliki oleh Guru SMK dalam konteks kurikulum merdeka. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh data pengetahuan dan implementasi soal berbasis HOTS oleh guru SMK dalam kurikulum merdeka. Metode pelatihan menggunakan in house training. Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2023 di aula SMKN 1 Pebayuran, kabupaten Bekasi. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu angket yang menggunakan google form. Responden pelatihan adalah guru SMK sebanyak 40 orang. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa 89% guru sudah memahami soal berbasis HOTS. Sebanyak 90% guru SMK sudah mengimplementasikan soal dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Sebanyak 92% guru sudah mendapatkan pelatihan cara membuat soal berbasis HOTS. Kemampuan guru dalam pemahaman, implementasi dan pelatihan soal berbasis HOTS dipengaruhi oleh jenis kelamin, usia, pengalaman mengajar dan pelatihan. Guru SMK dapat menggunakan soal berbasis HOTS dalam pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kualitas lulusan sesuai tuntutan kompetensi abad 21..
The creative industries are among the sectors most resistant to the economic crisis. Creative ind... more The creative industries are among the sectors most resistant to the economic crisis. Creative industries contains a set of industries that rely on individual creativity, skill and talent that has the ability to improve living standards and the creation of employment through the creation (idea) and exploitation of intelectual property rights. Vocational education as one of education graduates choose a design that knowledge, attitudes, creative competences are highly relevant to the development of creative industries. This study aims to obtain a design of vocational education curriculum relevant to the needs of the creative industries based KKNI. This study uses research and development. The location of research is the creative industrial district of Bandung. The results showed that the vocational education curriculum based KKNI encourage creative industry create an effective learning process and have reached the targeted competencies according to an industry standard. Demands creativ...
Refrigerator merupakan salah satu alat peraga pendidikan di Laboratorium Refrigerasi Universitas ... more Refrigerator merupakan salah satu alat peraga pendidikan di Laboratorium Refrigerasi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Sistem kontrol pada alat ini masih konvensional, seperti refrigerator yang digunakan di rumah tinggal. Sehingga alat peraga refrigerator tidak dapat digunakan sebagai media pendidikan jarak jauh, seperti saat pandemi Covid-19 yang mewajibkan pendidikan dilaksanakan secara daring. Melalui penelitian ini, telah dikembangkan sistem kontrol peraga praktik refrigerator agar dapat diakses secara daring dari rumah tinggal. Sistem kontrol refrigerator dikembangkan menjadi modul SKMP (Sistem Kendali dan Monitoring Performa) refrigerator jarak jauh. Pengembangan dilakukan pada sistem kontrol ON/OFF refrigerator dan sistem monitoring performa refrigerator agar bisa dilakukan secara daring melalui telepon seluler Android. Secara umum tahapan penelitian untuk mengembangkan alat kontrol menggunakan pendekatan research and development yang meliputi concept, design, collecting materials, assembly, dan uji coba. Pengujian dilakukan untuk mengetahui kehandalan kontrol ON/OFF jarak jauh dan mengetahui hasil monitoring performa refrigerator jarak jauh selama 60 menit beroperasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modul SKMP dapat mengontrol secara ON/OFF alat peraga refrigerator dengan baik melalui telepon seluler. Selain itu performa refrigerator juga dapat diamati dengan mudah melalui aplikasi eWelink pada telepon seluler. Sehingga alat peraga refrigerator yang telah dilengkapi modul SKMP dapat dipertimbangkan untuk digunakan sebagai media belajar secara daring.
Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Jul 9, 2021
Pemakaian R-134a sebagai fluida kerja pada showcase refrigerator harus dikurangi, karena ia berko... more Pemakaian R-134a sebagai fluida kerja pada showcase refrigerator harus dikurangi, karena ia berkontribusi pada peningkatan pemanasan global. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan data kinerja showcase refrigerator ketika menggunakan R-1270 sebagai fluida kerjanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode drop in substitute. Pengujian kinerja dilakukan dengan cara mengisi R-134a terlebih dahulu ke dalam sistem showcase refrigerator seberat 100 g untuk mendapatkan data baseline. Kemudian diganti oleh R-1270 dengan berbagai variasi beratnya, mulai 25 g, 30 g, dan 35 g. Waktu pengujian dilakukan selama 60 menit dan penjaringan data pada alat ukur dicatat setiap interval 4 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengisian R-1270 ke dalam sistem showcase refrigerator dengan berat 30 g menghasilkan kinerja terbaik dengan nilai COP 4.31. Oleh karena itu, untuk penggantian fluida kerja showcase refrigerator oleh R-1270 cukup mengisi 1/3 dari berat R-134a.
Refrigerator technology continues to develop towards a better and more efficient direction. Refri... more Refrigerator technology continues to develop towards a better and more efficient direction. Refrigerator must be given a touch of innovation to get the best performance. This study aims to obtain data on the performance of refrigerators with double pipe heat exchanger innovation and variations in the length of the capillary tube. The research method used is experimental. The experiment was carried out on a 1/6 PK refrigerator trainer, the ratio of the size of the double pipe heat exchanger was 1/4:1/2, and the variations in the length of the capillary pipe were 1.5m, 2m, 2.5m, and 2.75m. The diameter of the capillary tube is maintained at 0.028 inches. The initial refrigerant used is refrigerant R-134a, which is then retrofitted by the drop in substitute method by refrigerant R-1270 as the refrigerant being tested. The load used is 1.5L mineral water. The results showed that the use of 1.5 m capillary pipe and double pipe heat exchanger was able to increase the value of the refrigeration effect up to 49%, the value of work efficiency (CoP) increased by 22% compared to the refrigerator system using R-134a. Electric power consumption has decreased by up to 25%, thereby reducing the cost of electricity bills. This study has shown that the use of refrigerant R-1270 in a refrigerator with a double pipe heat exchanger and a long capillary tube with a diameter of 0.028 inches improves performance and saves electricity consumption.
This study discusses the review of the literature focuses on the use of Augmented Reality (AR) as... more This study discusses the review of the literature focuses on the use of Augmented Reality (AR) as a teaching material. Authors conducted a review 20 articles which were published from 2008 to 2018. Design studies also found a variety of experiments such as data, analysis, action research, surveys, mixed methods, and Research and Development. This review found that the use of AR as a teaching material in learning shows that the AR is able to improve your skills, understanding, motivation, response, and the results of student learning of the content and media used.
This study aims to determine the relevance of competencies developed by vocational high schools w... more This study aims to determine the relevance of competencies developed by vocational high schools with the needs of workers in the industrial world. This is to answer the statement from the world of industry that the competencies possessed by vocational secondary education graduates are not in accordance with industry standards. This research is a qualitative research conducted by collecting data, presenting accurate and objective information. Respondents of this research are industrial institutions in the field of heavy equipment, vocational education institutions and government agencies in charge of manpower. Selection of informants / sources of information used is purposive sample technique, which aims to give consideration to select informants who meet the criteria in providing accurate information. The results of this study provide insight and input to vocational secondary education managers about various information in developing vocational secondary education curriculum, major issues include curriculum content relevance, technological advances in the heavy equipment industry, updating of school facilities and collaboration between educational institutions and labor institutions and the industrial world in the development of vocational secondary education.
Journal of Mechaninal Engineering Education, Jun 28, 2017
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatkan hasil belajar siswa SMK pada aspek kogniti... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatkan hasil belajar siswa SMK pada aspek kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor setelah diterapkan model pembelajaran levels of inquiry. Model pembelajaran levels of inquiry 5 tahapan yaitu discovery learning, interactive demonstration, inquiry lessons, inquiry labs, dan hypothectical inquiry. Adanya tahapan tersebut membuat siswa mengembangkan kemampuan memecahkan masalah dengan cara berfikir kritis analisis-argumentatif, kreatif, dan madiri sehingga siswa diberikan kebebasan dalam menyusun dan merekontruksi sendiri informasi yang telah diperoleh. Penelitian dilakukan pada salah satu SMK Negeri di Kota Cimahi pada kelas XI TPTU B dengan menggunakan metode pre eksperiment jenis one-group pretestposttest design pada materi menentukan fungsi dan kinerja kompresor tata udara domestik dengan sampel 35 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil belajar siswa pada aspek kognitif dengan gain dinormalisasi sebesar 0.54 dengan kategori sedang. Aspek afektif didapatkan hasil rata-rata IPK 79.14% dengan kategori cukup. Aspek psikomotor didapatkan hasil rata-rata IPK 78.93% dengan kategori cukup terampil. Sehingga setelah diterapkan model pembelajaran levels of inquiry mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa baik dari aspek kognitif, afektif, maupun psikomotor.
Air conditioning system and installation is one of the subjects in the refrigeration and air cond... more Air conditioning system and installation is one of the subjects in the refrigeration and air conditioning program. One of the materials on the competency is basically explaining about the inspection of Coefficient of Performance (CoP). During this pandemic, students are required to study at home and do online learning. This online learning causes many students to pay less attention to the learning provided. Students are less interested in learning traditional methods because students are easily bored. Students only listen to and write material explanations with rough media. Research on media development is very important, in order to create a medium that is able to support interesting online learning. This research aims to produce proper multimedia learning for CoP examination materials and to know students' response to the application of multimedia in the subjects of the System and the installation of air system CoP inspection materials. The research method used by the agitation of the Research and Development (R&D) method. The subject of research for the implementation of this media is students of SMKN 1 Cimahi who have studied cop examination materials. Sample for the implementation of 20 students. Judgement on media is done by media experts and materials experts, namely Lecturers in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Education and teachers at SMKN 1 Cimahi. The results of this study, that multimedia made is said to be feasible with the reference rating scale by experts with the percentage of assessments by media experts and material experts obtained that multimedia learning made is declared feasible, while the improvement of learning results is in the category of Good. Similarly, students' response to multimedia learning used is in a good category.
Journal of Mechaninal Engineering Education, Sep 5, 2016
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan simulator automotive air conditioner dan model pembel... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan simulator automotive air conditioner dan model pembelajaran tata udara pada otomotif berwawasan teknologi ramah lingkungan. Penelitian menggunakan metode research and development dengan langkah-langkah: studi pendahuluan, perencanaan, pengembangan melalui uji coba simulator, validasi, dan produk akhir. Simulator dibuat sesuai dengan kondisi di dunia kerja agar tidak terjadi miskonsepsi dan mala-praktek automotive air conditioning. Simulator ini dibuat secara kompak dan mobile atau dapat dipindah dan dibawa. Model pembelajaran disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kompetensi yang dipersyaratkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan bantuan simulator automotive air conditioner dan model pembelajaran yang tepat mahasiswa mampu menyerap konsep dan praktek lebih cepat 85%. Hasil belajar pada ranah afektif, kognitif, psikomotor dan kompetensi meningkat secara signifikan.
Curriculum is one important component in education, as specially in learning process. Curriculum ... more Curriculum is one important component in education, as specially in learning process. Curriculum must support all the student need, because of it, we need a special curriculum. Every conflict has a different characteristic, but the effect on the child education has the same meaning. Because of that, we have to arrange one of curriculum development and the evaluation more specific by using a special service especially in non forma education. Special service education in non formal education (PLK-PNF) for conflict area, which has a base differentiation in learning process. This special service education has a double mission, for education and ti handle the side effect of conflict as physically and also psychologist.
Abstract Indesigning air conditioning system, global warming effect within a region isa very impo... more Abstract Indesigning air conditioning system, global warming effect within a region isa very important factorbecause itcanaffect theperformanceor the efficiency and the electricityconsumptionof theair conditioning system. The increase in outsideor environment willincrease theheat loadthatmust becontrolled by the air conditioning system. This studyis aimedtoanalyze theincrease of outsideairtemperatureor the environment inthe City ofBandung, West Java, Indonesia on theperformance ofthe air conditioning system andelectricenergyconsumption. Resultsof this studyindicatethatan increase inoutsideor environment air temperaturebyr1oFreducethe cooling power (refrigerating effect) by0.5Btu/ lb, in average and increases thetheoreticalcompressorpower by 0.39Btu/lb in average. The increase in outside air temperature by 1oF also decreases the Coefficient ofPerformance (CoP)in averageby 0.3; decrease the refrigerantcirculationinthe systemin average by 0.025lb/ton-min, andraises electricenergyconsumptionin average by 26.38watts/ton or0.035HP/ton.
... Kombinasi Bagi Wanita Miskin dan Tuna Aksara di Pedesaan Indonesia ... Keaksaraan adalah kata... more ... Kombinasi Bagi Wanita Miskin dan Tuna Aksara di Pedesaan Indonesia ... Keaksaraan adalah katalisator untuk berperanserta dalam kegiatan sosial, kebudayaan, politik, ekonomi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat, serta merupakan arena untuk belajar sepanjang hayat. ...
Papers by Kamin Sumardi