Papers by Agus Suherman

International Journal of Innovation Education and Research
The literacy tradition of Sundanese society appeared around the 16th century AD. This was atteste... more The literacy tradition of Sundanese society appeared around the 16th century AD. This was attested by the discovery of the ancient Sundanese Sanghyang Siksakandang Karesian (SSK) manuscript written in 1518 AD. The discovery of the manuscript was not only illustrated Sundanese literacy tradition at that time, but also the ability to explore and understand ideas both delivered in writing and in audio- visual. As a matter of fact, literacy activities at that time had achieved the level of understanding and solving social and statehood problems with referenced to behavior in forms of dogmas. Thus, literacy activities at that time had involved and devoted all potential and expertise to manage life or life skills. The manuscript of SSK also illustrates the realm of literacy that has been covered at that time, for example reading and writing literacy, numerical literacy, scientific literacy, financial literacy, and cultural and citizenship literacy. The description of the above facts will ...

International Journal of Innovation Education and Research
The literacy tradition of Sundanese society appeared around the 16th century AD. This was atteste... more The literacy tradition of Sundanese society appeared around the 16th century AD. This was attested by the discovery of the ancient Sundanese Sanghyang Siksakandang Karesian (SSK) manuscript written in 1518 AD. The discovery of the manuscript was not only illustrated Sundanese literacy tradition at that time, but also the ability to explore and understand ideas both delivered in writing and in audio- visual. As a matter of fact, literacy activities at that time had achieved the level of understanding and solving social and statehood problems with referenced to behavior in forms of dogmas. Thus, literacy activities at that time had involved and devoted all potential and expertise to manage life or life skills. The manuscript of SSK also illustrates the realm of literacy that has been covered at that time, for example reading and writing literacy, numerical literacy, scientific literacy, financial literacy, and cultural and citizenship literacy. The description of the above facts will ...
Manuskripta (Indonesian Journal for Manuscript Studies), 2017
Religious matter always comes in every part of life as one of basic human needs, include its also... more Religious matter always comes in every part of life as one of basic human needs, include its also recorded in old manuscripts. Wawacan Pandita Sawang (WPS) is one of manuscript which contains religious values (Islam). With analytic descriptive approach, this paper reveals religous values which contained in WPS. Furthermore, this paper also discusses about philologycal matter around, like copying, spreading manuscript, and its position and story function. Based on analytical result, WPS is very full of religious values with basics material of Islam. It starts from self-understanding through process of creation, maternity, death, principles of Islam, and wudhu. Pupuh poem is used to present religious values in this manuscript. So, besides as advices, it also provide a sense of entertainment through wawacan rebound.

Lokabasa, 2018
Jabar Masagi merupakan salah satu program pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat periode 2018-2023 dengan... more Jabar Masagi merupakan salah satu program pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat periode 2018-2023 dengan oreintasi pada pendidikan karakter. Sasaran program ini terutama generasi muda atau kaum milenial. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif, tulisan ini mengupas landasan program tersebut disertai dengan uraian nilai kearifan lokal yang terkandung di dalamnya. Hasilnya, keterkaitan antara program Jabar Masagi dengan nilai kearifan lokal Sunda di antaranya terlihat dari rincian program yang sangat erat kaitanya dengan pandangan hidup, moto, dan ungkapan-ungkapan tradisional Sunda. Oleh sebab itu, pencanangan program ini selain merupakan acuan praktis dalam berperilaku, sekaligus merupakan reaktualisasi nilai-nilai kesundaan yang telah lama dianut. Melalui program gerakan yang dimotori oleh pemerintah daerah, semangat pemahaman dan pengamalan kembali terhadap nilai-nilai kesundaan dapat digelorakan secara semarak dan lebih kontekstual. Kata kunci: Jabar masagi, kearifan lokal, generasi milenial. Abstract Jabar Masagi is one of the government programs of West Java Province for the period 2018-2023 with a focus on character education. The target of this program is mainly the younger generation or millennials. By using descriptive methods, this paper examines the basis of the program along with a description of the value of local wisdom contained in it. As a result, the link between the West Java Masagi program and the value of Sundanese local wisdom can be seen from the details of the program that are closely related to the views of life, motto, and traditional Sundanese expressions. Therefore, the declaration of this program is not only a practical reference in behaving, it is also a re-actualization of the values of delay that have long been adopted. Through a movement program driven by the local government, the spirit of understanding and reapplying to the values of delay can be raised in a lively and more contextual manner.

International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2019
The literacy tradition of Sundanese society appeared around the 16th century AD. This was atteste... more The literacy tradition of Sundanese society appeared around the 16th century AD. This was attested by the discovery of the ancient Sundanese Sanghyang Siksakandang Karesian (SSK) manuscript written in 1518 AD. The discovery of the manuscript was not only illustrated Sundanese literacy tradition at that time, but also the ability to explore and understand ideas both delivered in writing and in audiovisual. As a matter of fact, literacy activities at that time had achieved the level of understanding and solving social and statehood problems with referenced to behavior in forms of dogmas. Thus, literacy activities at that time had involved and devoted all potential and expertise to manage life or life skills. The manuscript of SSK also illustrates the realm of literacy that has been covered at that time, for example reading and writing literacy, numerical literacy, scientific literacy, financial literacy, and cultural and citizenship literacy. The description of the above facts will be explained descriptively. Abstract The literacy tradition of Sundanese society appeared around the 16th century AD. This was attested by the discovery of the ancient Sundanese Sanghyang Siksakandang Karesian (SSK) manuscript written in 1518 AD. The discovery of the manuscript was not only illustrated Sundanese literacy tradition at that time, but also the ability to explore and understand ideas both delivered in writing and in audiovisual. As a matter of fact, literacy activities at that time had achieved the level of understanding and solving social and statehood problems with referenced to behavior in forms of dogmas. Thus, literacy activities at that time had involved and devoted all potential and expertise to manage life or life skills. The manuscript of SSK also illustrates the realm of literacy that has been covered at that time, for example reading and writing literacy, numerical literacy, scientific literacy, financial literacy, and cultural and citizenship literacy. The description of the above facts will be explained descriptively.
Conference Presentations by Agus Suherman

The Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and The Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with The First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education, 2017
The nationality values should be embedded in every individual as a pillar in running the life of ... more The nationality values should be embedded in every individual as a pillar in running the life of nation and state. These sources of values in addition to the ideal and constitutional foundation, are also widely distributed in society as a whole encapsulated in local wisdom. The spread of local wisdom is almost evenly distributed in every tribe, one of them is words (babasan) and proverbs (paribasa) in Sundanese society. Using a descriptive method, this paper reveals the values of nationality contained in babasan and paribasa, and grouping those values based on the reference sources of nationality values i.e. Pancasila (the five foundations), UUD 1945 (the 1945 Constitution), NKRI (the Republic of Indonesia), and Bhineka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity). Based on the analysis results, the words and proverbs are strongly encumbered with national values that have long been embraced and practiced by the community, so it has become the collective memory of Sundanese society in running daily life.

The 2nd International Conference on Elementary Education, 2020
The Instilling of nationalism values should be carried out earlier, especially when the children ... more The Instilling of nationalism values should be carried out earlier, especially when the children are still at elementary school age. The sources of national values come not only from the ideal and constitutional foundation, but also can be drawn from subjects' content at school. By Using a descriptive method, this paper examined national values contained in pupuh lyrics for elementary school students in Sundanese language subjects. As a result, some pupuh that are taught at several different class levels contain many nationalism values. These values have long been embraced and practiced by Sundanese people so that it has become a collective memory in carrying out daily life. In addition, these values are in accordance with the four pillars of our nationality i.e. Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, NKRI and Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Therefore, Sundanese language lessons especially pupuh material greatly contribute in instilling national values to the next generation of the nation.

UPI 2nd International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture and Education (ICOLLITE 2018) , 2019
Culture and citizenship literacy is one of the basic literacy recommended by the World Economic F... more Culture and citizenship literacy is one of the basic literacy recommended by the World Economic Forum (2015) to be comprehended by all citizens of the world. It is intended for each individual to possess both life skills and sense of responsibility to contribute in developing the world community. Moreover, for heterogeneous Indonesia, understanding cultural diversity and awareness of citizenship is undeniably necessary in maintaining the unity and integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. Descriptively, this paper explores culture and citizenship literacy in Sundanese children's literature which has been handed down for generations both in families and in schools, so that through these efforts, the inheritance of literary traditions has been carried since the early childhood. This paper reveals literacy activities as an effort to provide cultural sensitivity and citizenship awareness especially for Sundanese children through literary works.
Papers by Agus Suherman
Conference Presentations by Agus Suherman