Papers by Gheorghe Branoiu
Revista de Chimie -Bucharest- Original Edition-
Evaluating and comparing the carbon dioxide emission coefficient during fuel combustion is an imp... more Evaluating and comparing the carbon dioxide emission coefficient during fuel combustion is an important topic given the current interest in air quality and environment pollution. For this goal, we collected liquid and gaseous hydrocarbon samples for which we determined the content and caloric power using specialized and authorized laboratories. The computational model for calculating the carbon dioxide emission coefficient has been derived based on mathematical relations selected from relevant literature, and was applied in a number of case studies, based on data from the analysis documents. These results allowed the comparison of complete combustion of some hydrocarbon fluids from the point of view of carbon dioxide emissions.

International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM .., Jun 20, 2015
In the paper were analyzed several cores from reservoir rocks from the Independenta oil field by ... more In the paper were analyzed several cores from reservoir rocks from the Independenta oil field by optical microscopy (thin sections) and X-ray diffraction (powders method). The study of the thin sections revealed the presence of epiclastic detrital rocks represented by clayey sands, greywackes and mudrocks, composed of granoclasts, lithoclasts and bioclasts in a fine matrix of clay and carbonate minerals. The X-ray diffraction analysis shows the presence of tectosilicates, dioctahedral and trioctahedral phyllosilicates and carbonate minerals. As a novelty is noted the presence of the trioctahedral smectites (stevensite) revealed by X-ray diffraction analysis. The paper brings new information on the Independenta oil field increasing degree of knowledge of the reservoir rocks. Establishing global mineralogical composition, the rock type and textural characters of samples analyzed of Pliocene age (reservoir rocks) that are fine sands and poorly consolidated sandstones have great importance for choosing an efficient method to controlling the sand movement into the well hole.

International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM .., Jun 20, 2015
In the paper were analyzed several cores from reservoir rocks from the Calinesti-Oarja oil field ... more In the paper were analyzed several cores from reservoir rocks from the Calinesti-Oarja oil field by optical microscopy (thin sections) and X-ray diffraction (powders method). The study of the thin sections revealed the presence of epiclastic detrital rocks represented by polymictic sands and sandstones. Generally, the cores analyzed are composed of granoclasts (quartz, feldspars, and micas), lithoclasts and bioclasts in a fine clay-carbonate matrix. The X-ray diffraction analyses revealed the presence in large quantity of the siliciclasts, carbonate minerals, and the halite (probably related to the connate water). Also, the phyllosilicates both dioctahedral and trioctahedral are found in appreciable quantity being represented by illite and clinochlore. The paper brings new information on the Calinesti-Oarja oil field increasing degree of knowledge of the reservoir rocks. Establishing global mineralogical composition, the rock type and textural characters have great importance because cores analyzed of Meotian age have proved an excellent quality for being reservoir rocks.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 16, 2008
On the basis of the mineralogical-petrographical observations performed on some rock samples from... more On the basis of the mineralogical-petrographical observations performed on some rock samples from transitional unit of the Iuţi-Tisoviţa-Plavişeviţa (ITP) ophiolitic complex in the paper are made some considerations concerning the metamorphic transformations which took place in this region. The rocks were classified as chlorite-amphibole metagabbros. It has been proposed a possible succession for the identified metamorphic transformations. All these transformations had a strong metasomatic character and were determined by some hydrothermal fluids which removed from the studied rocks especially Ca, Si, and Na.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 28, 2012
Based on mineralogical-petrographical studies made on samples of rocks taken from the field, we h... more Based on mineralogical-petrographical studies made on samples of rocks taken from the field, we have made some genetical considerations on the "Valea Satului Diorite" and on the metamorphic rocks associated. "Valea Satului Diorite" is a microdiorite with hornblende and biotite and it is associated with poorly retromorphosed amphibolites. In this paper we propose a possible sequence of crystallization of main silicates from "Valea Satului Diorite", and we also detect a series of transformations of metasomatic type.

During current times, it is acknowledged that there is the often presence of extreme meteorologic... more During current times, it is acknowledged that there is the often presence of extreme meteorological phenomena including floods and landslides, due to heavy rains, large wildfires, due to heat or droughts, permafrost melting, etc. At this stage, the world admits that anthropic activities have an important impact on these phenomena and considers that greenhouse gases are at the core of this climate change. The most common greenhouse gasses have general formulae COX and/or NOX, and they are released during different energy generating/conversion processes such as electric energy generation from fossil fuels or mechanical energy obtained from by-products of fossil fuels. Once acknowledged, the world’s countries have developed long-term strategies to eliminate gradually the release of these gases directly into Earth’s atmosphere. E.g., the EU aims to be climate-neutral by 2050; i.e., its economy will have net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. For this to happen, different effective methodolo...

A sol–gel synthesis technique was employed for the preparation of anatase phase {001}-TiO2/Au hyb... more A sol–gel synthesis technique was employed for the preparation of anatase phase {001}-TiO2/Au hybrid nanocomposites (NCs). The scalable, schematic, and cost-efficient method was successfully modified using HF and NH4OH capping agents. The photocatalytic activity of the as-synthesized {001}-TiO2/Au NCs were tested over 2-cycle degradation of methylene blue (MB) dye and pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs) of ibuprofen and naproxen under direct sunlight illumination at 35 °C and 44,000 lx. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), fast Fourier transform (FFT), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and ultraviolet–visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (UV–Vis DRS) were employed for the characterization of the as-prepared sample. The characterization results from the TEM, XPS, and XRD studies established both the distribution of Au colloids on the surface...

Romanian Journal of Petroleum & Gas Technology, 2022
The geotechnical, electrometric and magnetometric investigation data, correlated with the technol... more The geotechnical, electrometric and magnetometric investigation data, correlated with the technological data from the horizontal directional drillings made for the undercrossing of the Danube River with gas pipelines, showed that in the Giurgiu-Ruse section, under a clastic sequence of 14-19 m thickness, consisting of layers of sandy clays, sands and white-grey, alluvial gravels, are developed Cretaceous grey altered limestones, yellowish-brown lumachelle limestones and grey-pink, compact limestones. The altered, eroded, and karstified limestones seems to be the explanation of drastic circulation loss of mud in the technological process of digging through horizontal directional drillings. In the studied studied, on the Giurgiu-Ruse alignment in the southern area of the Moesian Platform (Wallachian sector), there are several relevant papers occasioned by the construction of the Saint Gheorghe harbour channel related to the Giurgiu harbour, at the time of the 19th century (1888-1890),...

After more than 150 years of tradition in the petroleum industry in Romania and especially in the... more After more than 150 years of tradition in the petroleum industry in Romania and especially in the field of exploration and production of oil and gas, the period in which geological and geophysical research for hydrocarbons has evolved significantly and has allowed the accumulation of an impressive amount of information, the geological image of the main petroliferous basins in Romania is far from being fully elucidated. Book "General framework of exploration-production activities in Romaniaˮ is an attempt to achieve a regional synthesis of geological information of the main petroliferous basins in Romania, generally known but presented punctually and focused on detailed aspects or in limited areas within basins in different specialized magazines, technical books or other sources of information. The book can serve as a true guide for both connoisseurs and for those new or uninitiated in exploration and production activities in Romania. The book presents in a brief form notions an...

Corrosion Reviews, 2018
Presence of moisture is very important for vegetable oils and for corresponding biodiesel because... more Presence of moisture is very important for vegetable oils and for corresponding biodiesel because it may cause some problems or accelerate some issues that cannot be ignored. One of the main hindrances of biodiesel is its hygroscopic nature, which accelerates the corrosion of the fuel system of the engines. Thus, this study aims to investigate the effects of moisture on corn biodiesel and its susceptibility to corrosion on different automotive materials such as copper and mild carbon steel. Static immersion tests in corn biodiesel (B100) with different water concentrations (100 ppm, 500 ppm, and 700 ppm) were carried out at 90°C for 1200 h, and the results were compared to that of commercial diesel fuel (B0). After immersion tests, the surface morphology was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and corrosion products were detected by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The total acid number (TAN) was used to evaluate the changes in acidity of fuel, before and after immersion tests. I...
Scientific Reports, 2019
We herein report on the synthesis by a facile sol-gel method without templates for preparing ruti... more We herein report on the synthesis by a facile sol-gel method without templates for preparing rutile RuxTi1-xO2 (x = 0.16; 0.07; 0.01) nanobelts with exposed (001) facets. The rutile nanobelts with exposure (001) facets, favor the separation photogenerated electron-hole pairs and inhibit the recombination of the electron-hole pairs resulting in the increase of the number of main superoxide and hydroxyl radicals. The photocatalytic properties of the rutile RuxTi1-xO2 nanobelts were evaluated by discoloring of MB (methylene blue) dye under sunlight irradiation at an intensity of 40000 lx. It was also done a thorough interface analysis to determine the band energy.

Industrial Crops and Products, 2014
Corrosion and a high susceptibility to oxidation or autoxidation are the main concerns associated... more Corrosion and a high susceptibility to oxidation or autoxidation are the main concerns associated to biodiesel compatibility issues. In this research, an aluminum, copper and ferrous alloy was exposed to sunflower biodiesel (B100), biodiesel blend (B20) and conventional petroleum diesel (B0) and their corrosion behavior and the corrosion products were evaluated after static immersion tests in B0, B20 and B100 at room temperature and 60 • C for 3000 h. After immersion tests, corrosion behavior rates were calculated based on weight loss measurements and changes in the surface morphology, chemical microanalysis were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDS) and corrosion products were detected by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Fuels were characterized by measuring the total acid number (TAN), water content, density and viscosity. It was found that sunflower biodiesel was more corrosive than diesel fuel and the metal corrosion and degradation of fuels depended on temperature. Copper was found to be more susceptible to corrosion in biodiesel as compared to mild carbon steel and aluminum.

This paper presents the application of the hydraulic fracturing method in Romania, exemplified by... more This paper presents the application of the hydraulic fracturing method in Romania, exemplified by three case studies. In the current conditions in which the oil and gas prices have risen above the limit of affordability, Romania, one of the few producers in Europe, is trying to solve the problems that have arisen through various methods, which are as follows: offshore drilling, gas underground storage, field rehabilitation and increasing the efficiency of applied technologies. The application of hydraulic fracturing is a safe process, with minimal environmental implications and certain economic benefits. The important thing is to have the necessary energy now, in the desired quantities and with minimal expenses. The authors sought to include key issues in the application of this technology in Romania. The scientific literature on this topic has helped us to interpret the data from the field in difficult situations and were a real support in our activity. We need to provide energy su...

MATEC Web of Conferences, 2021
An important element of the geological modeling of oil reservoirs is represented by determining o... more An important element of the geological modeling of oil reservoirs is represented by determining of the mineralogical composition and rock types as part of the reservoir characterization process. In the paper we provide a comprehensive mineralogo-petrographic study based on petrographic observations and X-rays diffraction investigations made on several Miocene rock samples collected in the wells spudded in an oil field belonging to the Getic Basin. Getic Basin is a prolific petroleum province in Romania and belongs to petroleum systems of the Carpathian Foredeep. The oil exploration in the Getic Basin started more than 100 years ago and resulted in thousands of wells drilled and tens of fields discovered. The oil field is located in the Gorj County, geologically belongs to the internal zone of the Getic Basin, and is a faulted anticline with hydrocarbon accumulations in Burdigalian and Sarmatian deposits. The petrographic study led to the interpreting of the rock samples analyzed as ...

MATEC Web of Conferences, 2021
Thermal oil recovery is a special technique belonging to Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods and ... more Thermal oil recovery is a special technique belonging to Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods and includes steam flooding, cyclic steam stimulation, and in-situ combustion (fire flooding) applied especially in the heavy oil reservoirs. Starting 1970 in-situ combustion (ISC) process has been successfully applied continuously in the Suplacu de Barcau oil field, currently this one representing the most important reservoir operated by ISC in the world. Suplacu de Barcau field is a shallow clastic Pliocene, heavy oil reservoir, located in the North-Western Romania and geologically belonging to Eastern Pannonian Basin. The ISC process are operated using a linear combustion front propagated downstructure. The maximum oil production was recorded in 1985 when the total air injection rate has reached maximum values. Cyclic steam stimulation has been continuously applied as support for the ISC process and it had a significant contribution in the oil production rates. Nowadays the oil recovery f...

Revista de Chimie, 2019
The crystal structure of a spectacular sample of stilbite from Pune region located in the Deccan ... more The crystal structure of a spectacular sample of stilbite from Pune region located in the Deccan Traps (western India) has been refined using X-Ray powder diffraction data and the Rietveld method. The Rietveld refinement was carried out using the computer program Diffracplus TOPAS 4.1. The pseudo-Voigt (pV) profile function was used for the fit of the peaks. The Rietveld refinement of the analyzed sample in the space group C2/m (No.12): a=13.606 Å, b=18.260 Å, c=11.253 Å, β=127.432°, Z=8, confirm the basic stilbite structure. The chemical composition of the stilbite crystals from Pune region (India) was determined by EDX analysis. The paper presents a new set of the unit cell parameters and fractional coordinates that define the stilbite crystal structure. The quality of the sample analyzed was pristine, the sample being collected from an association of apophyllite-stilbite crystals of centimetric dimensions.

Revista de Chimie, 2020
Identifying rock types and establishing their chemico-mineralogical composition are essential com... more Identifying rock types and establishing their chemico-mineralogical composition are essential components of geological characterization process of hydrocarbon reservoirs. Based on the global chemical-mineralogical composition and rock type, recipes and treatments are developed aimed to prevent the blocking of productive formations both during drilling and during the production of wells. Knowing the detailed lithology helps us in the optimum choice of drilling fluids compatible with the formations on the investigated structure and also to choosing recipes during acidizing/stimulation treatment of the wells. The complex geological investigations (petrographic study, EDX, XRD) performed on cores/sample rocks allow through the information provided a better characterization of the rocks in a reservoir and the efficient modelling of the hydrocarbon reservoir production. In the paper is presented a detailed description based on macroscopic and microscopic petrographic investigations, EDX s...

Revista de Chimie, 2020
In the paper has been analyzed the crystal structure of a celestine sample from Valea Sarii (Vran... more In the paper has been analyzed the crystal structure of a celestine sample from Valea Sarii (Vrancea region, Romania) located in the Eastern Carpathians Foredeep. The celestine sample was also studied by optical microscopy, chemical and thermal analysis. The unit cell parameters of the celestine structure refined in the space group Pnma were: a=8.39769 �, b=5.38415 �, c=6.88167 �, Z=4. The chemical composition of the celestine crystals was determined by EDX analysis. The optical characteristics of the sample were studied by optical microscopy. A new set of the unit cell parameters and fractional coordinates of the celestine crystal structure were determined. Also were determined the bond lengths in the Sr-O12 and SO4 polyhedra. The sample was collected in the massive mineralization area of the Valea Sarii ore deposit, the largest celestine ore deposit in Romania.

REV.CHIM.(Bucharest), 2019
The crystal structure of a rare sample of natroapophyllite from Pune district (western India) loc... more The crystal structure of a rare sample of natroapophyllite from Pune district (western India) located in the Deccan Basalt Plateau has been refined using X-Ray powder diffraction data and the Rietveld method. The Rietveld refinement was carried out using the computer program Diffracplus TOPAS 4.1. The pseudo-Voigt (pV) profile function was used for the fit of the peaks. The Rietveld refinement of the analyzed sample in space group Pnnm (No.58): a=8.94771 Å, b=8.98013 Å, c=15.78878 Å, Z=2, confirm the basic natroapophyllite structure. The chemical composition of the apophyllite crystals from Pune region (India) was determined by EDX analysis. The paper presents a new set of the unit cell parameters and fractional coordinates that define the natroapophyllite crystal structure. The quality of the sample analyzed was pristine, the sample being collected from an association of apophyllite-stilbite crystals of centimetric dimensions.

SGEM2016 Conference Proceedings, 2016
In the paper were analyzed several cores from Miocene reservoir rocks from the Baicoi oil field b... more In the paper were analyzed several cores from Miocene reservoir rocks from the Baicoi oil field by optical microscopy (thin sections) and X-ray diffraction (powders method). Geologically, Baicoi oil field belongs to the Diapir Folds Zone of the East Carpathian Foredeep, one of the most prolific zones of oil accumulation in Romania. The petrographic study of the thin sections revealed the presence of epiclastic detrital rocks represented by sandstones with clay-carbonate cement and mudrocks, composed of granoclasts, lithoclasts and bioclasts in a fine-grained matrix of clay and carbonate minerals. In the samples analyzed it can be noted that the silt-sized epiclasts are prevalent comparing to the arenite ones. The X-ray diffraction analysis shows the presence in large quantity of siliciclasts (especially quartz), phyllosilicates (illite, chlorite and smectite) and carbonate minerals. Also it is noticed the presence of the dioctahedral smectite (beidellite) revealed by X-ray diffraction. The paper brings new information on the Baicoi oil field increasing degree of knowledge of the Miocene reservoir rocks. Establishing bulk mineralogical composition, the rock type and textural characters have great importance because Miocene deposits have proved an excellent quality as reservoir rocks.
Papers by Gheorghe Branoiu