Papers by Jordi Calvo Cortés

Delgado, A., González Vázquez, M., Rivera-Hernández, A., Marín Muñoz, L., Ferrer Martín, M. y Calvo Cortés, J. 2023. Paisajes rurales y comunidades locales en el entorno de Emporion: dinámicas de ocupación, uso y gestión del territorio (ss. X-II a.C.) SPAL, 2023
The human populations that lived in the area around the Emporitan palaeoestuary during the Iron A... more The human populations that lived in the area around the Emporitan palaeoestuary during the Iron Age have his- torically been marginalized and reduced to supporting roles in history. Archaeological studies have placed too much atten- tion on their crops and methods of food surplus storage as a result of the emphasis placed on their function as providers. A number of archaeological interventions made in large areas of Muntanya Rodona, Vilanera, and Les Corts have produced new evidence that has allowed us to construct a richer and more complex picture of the dynamics that the rural landscapes in the Emporion area experienced during the first millennium BC. The data acquired indicate some first ideas that, while tentative, allow us to move beyond the too simple approach focused on the concepts of chora and territorial hierarchy that have his- torically dominated the perception of the research of these contexts. The long-term transformation processes in this region are also examined in this paper, along with the changes and continuities that impacted the occupation and exploitation tactics used by diverse human groups established in the area.
Quinzenes Jornades d'Arqueologia de les Comarques de Girona, 2020
En aquest treball es presenten els resultats de les intervencions arqueològiques realitzades dura... more En aquest treball es presenten els resultats de les intervencions arqueològiques realitzades durant l’any 2019 en el marc del projecte quadriennal de recerca “Grecs i Comunitats Locals a l'entorn d'Empúries (s. X-II aC)”. Els treballs realitzats han permès el reconeixement d'una extensió total de 182.900 m² mitjançant l’ús de diferents mètodes no destructius: vol fotogramètric, prospecció magnètica i prospeccions pedestres superficials amb caràcter intensiu i extensiu. Aquestes activitats s’han desenvolupat en tres sectors de l'anomenada Muntanya de Vilanera, situada al sud-oest del terme municipal de l'Escala (Alt Empordà).
Talks by Jordi Calvo Cortés
Papers by Jordi Calvo Cortés
Talks by Jordi Calvo Cortés