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In this way, the word symbol became a very appropriate way of expressing its authors’ intentions: that of joining science with the spiritual life in its search for the renewal of Christianity.
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      History of ScienceAlchemyEsotericism
ARSGRAVIS: Website devoted to the study of the confluence between art and symbols of different cultures and historical ages, using as a point of departure the dialogue between physical experience and intellectual and spiritual knowledge.... more
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    • Art
An essay of the Alchemy in the Renaissance, from Paracelso, when it was the area of knowledge and spiritual development which had to conform the interior and secret nucleus of the Christian tradition, as well as the necessary impulse for... more
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Libreto de las imágenes que acompañan al libro:
Alquimia y religión.
Los símbolos herméticos del siglo XVII
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Dans la biographie de Louis Cattiaux rédigée par Bernard Dorival à l'occasion de la première exposition complète de son œuvre en 1963, nous relevons une date qui a retenu toute notre attention : « 1936. Une période de recherche s'ouvre... more
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Condensé de la présentation que Raimon Arola a rédigée dans Croire l’incroyable ou L’Ancien et le Nouveau dans l’histoire des religions. Cet article rappelle les circonstances dans lesquelles Louis Cattiaux proposa à ses frères humains un... more
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The surge, at the beginning of the XX century, of new spiritual theories such as Theosophy, Anthroposophy, etc., originated an artistic search narrowly tied to spirituality. Art took on a relevant role, beyond the esthetic, as a refuge... more
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The Kabbalah relates to an exegetical Jewish system, but it extends to something much more universal and that concerns the essential nucleus of all traditions. The word kabbalah comes from the intensive form of the verb kibbel which means... more
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The ancient wise men hid their mysteries under the figures of some imaginary beings that strongly impacted the popular cultures of different civilizations. On one side, the angels or celestial beings, close to the original creation and... more
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Any approach to Juan Eduardo Cirlot's works produces strangeness because, of which work are we talking about?, the poet?, the critic?, the musician?, the symbolist?... All of his work, or none. Cirlot's work was “his living in art” rather... more
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Any approach to Juan Eduardo Cirlot's works produces strangeness because, of which work are we talking about?, the poet?, the critic?, the musician?, the symbolist?... All of his work, or none. Cirlot's work was “his living in art” rather... more
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Les rituels initiatiques sont des symboles qui rappellent les particularités du Grand Oeuvre. Parmi les nombreux symboles qui se répètent dans toutes les filiations traditionnelles, il est important de remarquer la représentation rituelle... more
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We have wanted to demostrate that the place of alchemy can not be separated from that of mysticism. Without it, the practice of alchemy becomes a superstition.
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Today, the illuminations of the beatus, along with the murals depicting the Maiestas Domini, are considered to be true works of art, despite the fact that they were not originally conceived of as such; indeed, their purpose was to... more
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On the mountain tops the earth is refined and is joined with heaven, it’s also where heaven condenses and tokes form. For this reason, in all traditions, mountains have symbolized the place of encounter of man with God. Nevertheless, this... more
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"This space is devoted to the work of Louis Cattiaux (Valenciennes, 1904 - Paris, 1953), painter, poet, and hermetic philosopher. Contemporary with the French Vanguards in the convulsive years of the first half of 20th century, he... more
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A propósito de la obra de Louis Cattiaux
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      ArtAlchemySymbolismSpirituality & Mysticism
Two drawings or Josefa Tolrà analyzed and interpreted by Raimon Arola. Tolrà was artist who drew her visions as an expression of her spiritual research. Her mediumnic capacity allowed her to find forms and symbols from the most ancestral... more
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Interestingly, the theoretical impulse that has led to the revival of the Christian alchemy in the traditional spirituality stems from other traditions, particularly from Iranian Shi’ism. Since the first researches on mystical texts by... more
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Book’s chapter: “Barcelona Gothic. It's symbolism” During the 14th and 15th centuries, Barcelona enjoyed a privileged position in the Mediterranean and was a hotbed of creativity which has been reflected in architecture, sculpture and... more
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      SpiritualityAlchemySymbolismMedieval Art