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To define the effect of APP treatments on the mechanical properties of enamel and on its ability to promote sealant bonding to unetched enamel. Human molar teeth were sectioned exposing flat enamel regions at the buccal and lingual... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringDental Enamel
This study aimed to determine the effect of a bioactive ceramic coating on titanium in the nanothickness range on human osteogenic cells, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and on osteogenic cells co-cultured with PBMC without... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringCytokinesCell AdhesionScanning Electron Microscopy
Objectives: This study evaluated the effect of implant surface blasting variables, such as blasting media size, velocity, and surface coverage and their two-and three-way interaction in surface roughness parameters.
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringScanning Electron MicroscopyTitanium
Lateral or vertical bone augmentation has always been a challenge, since the site is exposed to constant pressure from the soft tissue, and blood supply only exists from the donor site. Although, for such clinical cases, onlay grafting... more
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    • Dentistry
Biomechanical In vivo Dental implant Characterization A B S T R A C T Implant surface characterization and biomechanical testing were made to evaluate the effect of different surface treatments along with different implant bulk... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringDogs
Dual acid-etching is widely used to modify dental implant topography and enhance early bone healing. This study evaluated the histomorphometric, biomechanical, and histological bone response to acid-etched (AA) in comparison with... more
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      DentistryImplant Dentistry
Objective: Primary stability has been regarded as a key factor to ensure uneventful osseointegration of dental implants. Such stability is often achieved by placing implants in undersized drilled bone. The present study evaluated the... more
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      DentistryOsseointegrationDental ImplantsOral and Maxillofacial Surgery
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceBiomedical Engineering
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      OrthodonticsBiomechanics in OrthodonticsAesthetics in OrthodonticsOrthodontic Research
As we see more adults entering comprehensive orthodontic treatment, we must be more attuned to the implications of periodontal issues. In this updated chapter, Robert Vanarsdall, Ignacio Blasi and Antonino Secchi review periodontal issues... more
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      OrthodonticsPeriodonticsPeriodontologyBiomechanics in Orthodontics
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringTreatment OutcomeAdolescent
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      DentistryBiomedical Engineering
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of prestretching on time-dependant force decay of synthetic elastomeric chains. Methods: Five-unit (12.5 mm) and 6-unit (15.5 mm) modules (Generation II, Ormco, Glendora, Calif) were... more
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringElastomersElasticity
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringTreatment OutcomeAdolescent
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      DentistryPeriodontologyPeriodontal DiseasesGingival Recession
Introduction: The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the dentoskeletal changes after slow maxillary expansion in adults. Methods: Three kinds of maxillary expanders (Haas [Dyna Flex, Laboratory, St Louis, Mo], MAX-2000... more
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringTreatment OutcomeAdolescent
The strategy for managing unerupted teeth has been debated for more than half a century. Duration of treatment, adverse responses, and type of surgical procedure and mechanotherapy to align ectopically positioned teeth has been analyzed,... more
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Rapid palatal expansion (RPE) has been used primarily to treat dental crossbites or for space gaining to prevent extractions with little or no attempt made to coordinate or normalize the transverse skeletal pattern. Traditionally,... more
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      OrthodonticsPeriodonticsPeriodontologyBiomechanics in Orthodontics
Diabetes impairs fracture healing. Our laboratory previously suggested that a dominant mechanism was the premature loss of cartilage during endochondral bone formation. Based on these results we tested the hypothesis that chondrocytes... more
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      DiabetesMedical and Health Sciences
The aim of this study is to evaluate the longitudinal transverse growth of the maxillo-mandibular complex in untreated children using the Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). Two sets of scans on 12 males (mean 8.75 years at T1 and 11.52... more
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      Analytical ChemistrySensorsElectrical And Electronic Engineering