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This paper reviews selected recent research on the atomistic simulation of dislocation and defect properties of materials relevant to the multiscale modeling of plasticity and strength, with special emphasis on bcc metals and including... more
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A theory of intergranular creep crack growth in brittle materials has been developed. The mechanism of crack propagation is removal of atoms from the crack tip by stress induced grain boundary diffusion, and their deposition at the grain... more
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    • Fatigue crack growth
The intermetallic compound MoSi 2, which adopts the C11 b crystal structure, and related alloys exhibit an excellent corrosion resistance at high temperatures but tend to be brittle at room and even relatively high temperatures. The... more
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We present a new Screened Bond-Order Potential (SBOP) for molybdenum in which the environmental dependence of two-center tight-binding bond integrals has been implemented via a recently developed analytic expression. These bond integrals... more
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    • Ab Initio Calculation
ABSTRACTPST TiAl crystals oriented such that the deformation axis lies in the (111) interfacial planes have been deformed in compression. This deformation produces so-called “channeled flow” in which the strain perpendicular to the (111)... more
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This paper describes a theoretical model and a Monte Carlo simulation of cooperative dislocation generation in loaded crystals at finite temperatures. The theoretical work, employing a meanfield approach, is presented for the... more
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The thermodynamic description of dislocation glide in BCC metals depends crucially on the shape of the Peierls barrier that 1/2⟨111⟩ screw dislocations have to overcome when moving in the lattice. While the height of this barrier can be... more
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David Pettifor was a theoretical physicist who changed the nature of materials science by raising the status of materials modelling to that of materials characterization and processing. He believed that the subject advanced through the... more
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1. In biopsy samples of the lateral part of m. quadriceps femoris of 49 obese and 14 lean persons the activities of the following enzymes were investigated: triosephosphate dehydrogenase (TPDH), glyeerolphosphate: NAD dehydrogenase... more
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      PhysiologyAnaerobic MetabolismMedical PhysiologySex Factors
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Materials with high melting temperatures (over 2000°C) tend to be brittle at ambient and even relatively high temperatures. High melting temperatures originate in strong interatomic bonding arising from formation of dd or dp bonds that... more
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    • Materials Science
The fourth and higher harmonic components available in large-amplitude Fourier transformed ac voltammetry have been employed in a study involving surface-confined redox proteins having multiple electron-transfer centers. Ferredoxin I from... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringMaterials ScienceThermodynamics
The dominant slip directions in different intermetallic alloys with B2 structure are different, either h0 0 1i or h1 1 1i. The elastic energy of h1 1 1i dislocations is usually significantly higher than that of h0 0 1i dislocations and it... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceDifference in Differences
ÐThe formation of networks of mis®t dislocations is investigated at the 0001 el2y3 k111 x interface using a recently proposed approach (Vitek et al., Phil. Mag. A, 1995, 71, 1219) which employs a very simple pair-potential to describe... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceHigh Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy
ÐDislocation core structures of h100i, h110i and h111i dislocations in NiAl have been studied by molecular static calculations using an embedded atom potential. The response of dislocation cores to applied homogeneous shear stresses is... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceIntermetallic Compound
ÐThe anisotropy of plasticity in b.c.c. metals is decomposed into two parts. The ®rst, a variation of the Peierls stress with slip plane and sense of slip, is intrinsic to the b.c.c. structure and is re¯ected in the geometry of the screw... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceStacking Fault Energy
Bridging the gap between electronic and atomistic levels plays a crucial role in multi-scale modelling of mechanical behaviour of materials. In this review, we summarise a methodology for linking systematically these two levels starting... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceMulti-Scale Modelling of MaterialsMolecular dynamic
A theoretical explanation of warm prestressing (WPS) is proposed based on the J-integral. This is defined so that only elastic strains and distortions are included in the integrand compared with the definition of J common in finite... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringMaterials Science
We present a bond-order potential (BOP) for the bcc transition metal tungsten. The bond-order potentials are a real-space semiempirical scheme for the description of interatomic interactions based on the tight-binding approximation. In... more
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      Transition-Metal OxidesLearning Theory and ModelingMechanical Property
The positions of the α-and β-bands in the electronic absorption spectra of twenty aromatic benzenoid hydrocarbons were calculated by the semiempirical method of limited configuration interaction in the πelectron approximation using the... more
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