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raised the issue of widespread disappointment with banking reform in most African and transition economies, suggesting something was amiss in the reform model. He argued that it is not just having any regulatory framework, but rather one... more
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    • Restructuring
In the last decade there has been an increase of interest and concern for the lives and well being of honeybees. With the onset of colony collapse disorder (CCD) in 2006 where we saw the disappearance of millions of bees from North... more
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      AnthropologyUrban EcologyMultispecies Ethnography
With their cephalopodic kin who also emerge from the darkest depths, words are annihilated. In lieu, our hero shares a langue of asignifying amour and an abundant propagation of tentaculapathic touch.
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      Environmental PhilosophyPerformance ArtVisual Arts
Two current global trends are set to make life rather uncomfortable for cities: climate change and the unprecedented rate of urbanisation. This combination of extreme weather – often involving sudden deluges of water – and high population... more
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      Environmental ScienceClimate ChangeEnvironmental AnthropologyInfrastructure
Since 1945 the urban spaces of Berlin have grown alongside a diverse range of botanical species, what might be thought of as remnants of a world war. Through this innovative and poetic documentary, geographer Matthew Gandy encourages us... more
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      EthnographyMultimodalityDocumentary FilmUrban Nature
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      Dark MatterAnthropoceneArticle Writing
This paper was originally presented at the 2019 symposium 'Monsoon [+ other] Grounds' at the School of Architecture and Cities, University of Westminster, London.

This book was then edited by Lindsay Bremner & John Cook.
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      AnthropologyWaterCompostingIndian monsoon
The (post)colonial logics of speed and convenience are manifest in many of today's infrastructural projects, creating what we consider to be 'fast infrastructures'. These infrastructures create ease for some and harm for others while... more
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      BusinessCultural StudiesPostcolonial StudiesPolitical Science
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    • Counter Insurgency
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    • US-Pakistan Relations, US-India-Pakistan Relations, Pakistan occupied Kashmir(PoK)
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    • Civil-military relations
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    • Defence reforms, Civil-military relations
The appointment of the Naresh Chandra Committee is an opportunity for India’s strategic community to engage in a long-overdue debate on our approach to national security. In this brief, the authors dwell on the Chief of Defence Staff... more
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    • Defence reforms, Civil-military relations
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    • India Strategic Culture
In July 2011, India appointed the Naresh Chandra Committee to re-visit the issue of defence reform. Addressing such fundamental problems as poor institutional knowledge, confused civil-military relations and a lack of inter-service and... more
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    • Defence reforms, Civil-military relations
This article analyses US-India strategic relations and the potential role of defence trade. First, it argues that cooperative relations between the two countries are hindered by “competing exceptionalisms” and the lack of a pre-existing... more
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    • US India Relations, Defense Policy
This monograph examines higher defence management and defence reforms in India. It deliberately coincides with Cabinet discussing the Report of Naresh Chandra Committee on defence reforms and aims to initiate a debate on higher defence... more
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India’s economic growth and prosperity are increasingly being shaped by circumstances outside its borders. Most prominently, trade and access to energy are now critical components of the Indian economy. In addition, the Indian diaspora,... more
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      Indian PoliticsIR TheoryIndia's Foreign PolicyIndo-US Relations