Awry: Journal of Critical Psychology by Michael Arfken
Awry: Journal of Critical Psychology, 2021
We are pleased to announce that a new issue of Awry: Journal of Critical Psychology has just been... more We are pleased to announce that a new issue of Awry: Journal of Critical Psychology has just been published. Here is a link to the issue:
Awry is an open-access, peer reviewed academic journal that provides an interdisciplinary forum for critical scholars dedicated to interrogating the economic, social, political, and environmental dimensions of psychological research and practice.
We welcome articles and reviews from scholars and activists who draw on a wide range of theoretical orientations and methodological approaches. We also encourage proposals for special issues and experimental formats that push against the boundaries of traditional scholarship and practice.
Michael Arfken, PhD
Awry: Journal of Critical Psychology
Awry: Journal of Critical Psychology, 2020
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal!
Awry... more We are pleased to announce the launch of a new open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal!
Awry: Journal of Critical Psychology will be published twice a year providing an interdisciplinary forum for critical scholars dedicated to interrogating the economic, social, political, and environmental dimensions of psychological research and practice.
We welcome submissions from scholars and activists who draw on a wide range of theoretical orientations and methodological approaches. In addition, we encourage proposals for special issues and experimental formats that push against the boundaries of traditional scholarship and practice.
For more information, please visit the journal website:
Articles / Chapters / Presentations by Michael Arfken
For theoretical and philosophical psychologists exploring the nature of human thought, recent int... more For theoretical and philosophical psychologists exploring the nature of human thought, recent interest in neoliberalism provides fertile ground for interrogating a wide range of issues that emerge at the intersection of political, economic, and psychological theory. This article reviews the various contributions to this special issue on neoliberalism and psychological theory. In addition to investigating the role that psychological theory can play in illuminating various aspects of neoliberal theory and practice, this review also explores the way that critique functions within a neoliberal context.
In a recent article, Bernice Lott suggests that modern psychology has failed to investigate in an... more In a recent article, Bernice Lott suggests that modern psychology has failed to investigate in any systematic fashion existing beliefs and attitudes surrounding socialism. While there is much to commend in Lott's analysis, her support for a social democratic version of socialism tends to obscure the more revolutionary potentials of socialist practice. To adequately address social and environmental justice, I argue that the trajectory of psychological research and practice must be brought into alignment with a socialism that is committed to interrogating and ultimately destabilizing the capitalist mode of production.

Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, Feb 2014
Although there has been considerable empirical scholarship on the psychological dimensions of soc... more Although there has been considerable empirical scholarship on the psychological dimensions of social justice, there has been less interest in interrogating and clarifying the philosophical and theoretical issues that lie at the intersection of psychology and social justice. The purpose of this special issue is to bring together a range of established scholars with diverse social and political commitments to reflect on some of the philosophical and theoretical issues that emerge when psychologists address social justice in their research and practice. The major themes taken up in this issue include the relationship between the individual and the community, the role that psychology plays both in promoting and in preventing the development of more equitable social and political institutions, and the way that different forms of universalism (e.g., moral, scientific, psychological) inform the struggle for social justice.
Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology, 2014
Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology, 2014
Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology, 2014
Within recent years a number of scholars have called on the discipline of psychology to expand be... more Within recent years a number of scholars have called on the discipline of psychology to expand beyond the confines of Western society in an effort to address a range of issues in an increasingly interconnected and multicultural world. While scholars interested in the internationalization of psychology have addressed both organizational and representational issues surrounding the development of a global psychology, there has been relatively little effort to understand the theoretical dimensions of internationalization. To the extent that contextualist challenges to universalism focus exclusively on ethnocentrism, these challenges fail to adequately interrogate the economic foundations of internationalization and globalization. Ultimately, a politics of recognition must be balanced with a renewed focus on the redistributive dimensions of social justice.
Annual Review of Critical Psychology, 2011
Full issue:
International Journal of Critical Psychology, 2007
P sychological researchers claim that empirical methods provide a means for developing an accurat... more P sychological researchers claim that empirical methods provide a means for developing an accurate perception of reality. From this perspective, the knowledge they gain is purported to be free from the distorting influence of subjective biases. I argue that this view of empirical research already presupposes a mental representational account of knowledge. Moreover, I suggest that this view may have profound implications for the way we approach distortions in the interpretation of social reality. By focusing on the practical dimensions of human interaction, it is possible to explore economic and social conditions that may already constitute an interpretation of social reality. I conclude by arguing that critical psychology's commitment to interdisciplinary exchange can make a positive contribution to psychological research.
The Psychology Research Handbook, 2006

"The present project focuses on some of the similarities between social cognition, transcendental... more "The present project focuses on some of the similarities between social cognition, transcendental phenomenology, literary theory, and epistemological hermeneutics. I argue that developments in hermeneutic theory call into question the view that interpretation is a cognitive process residing within the minds of individuals. Drawing on Heidegger’s project for a fundamental ontology, I suggest that hermeneutic phenomenology provides a radical critique of social cognition’s view of the nature of social reality. I also introduce the concept of practice as an alternative to psychology’s focus on subjectivity.
These theoretical explorations provide a foundation for investigating the practices that embody an interpretation of political reality. Using open-ended qualitative interviews, I ask participants to describe in as much detail as possible, salient political situations. I categorize these situations into three broad areas: (1) media (2) conventional political activities and (3) political socialization. Within each of these categories, I discuss variations in the way people understand political life.
Finally, I explore the implications of these practices for our understanding of democracy. I discuss how the movement from epistemology to ontology calls into question the role of subjectivity in contemporary democratic societies."
Moral Cruelty: Ameaning and the Justification of Harm by T. Hulsey & C. Frost, 2004
Book Reviews by Michael Arfken

Although scholarship surrounding the Frankfurt School has become something of an intellectual ind... more Although scholarship surrounding the Frankfurt School has become something of an intellectual industry, the bulk of this work has tended to emphasize Adorno, Horkheimer, and Marcuse's contributions to twentieth century social theory. To the extent that Erich Fromm has attracted interest, he has often been treated as little more than a footnote to these more influential scholars. Yet it seems important to ask whether contemporary social theory is well suited to address the most pressing social, political, and economic concerns of the day. If we discover that social theory has actually come to resemble the structure of modern society with rival intellectual factions competing for material resources then it would appear that the time is ripe to reflect on the circumstances that thrust certain intellectuals into the spotlight while relegating others to the margins of critical thought. Placing Fromm's work against the background of contemporary social theoretical debates, The Radical Humanism of Erich Fromm explores whether a fresh approach can resolve some of the seemingly intractable issues that have come to dominate the intellectual landscape.
Awry: Journal of Critical Psychology by Michael Arfken
Awry is an open-access, peer reviewed academic journal that provides an interdisciplinary forum for critical scholars dedicated to interrogating the economic, social, political, and environmental dimensions of psychological research and practice.
We welcome articles and reviews from scholars and activists who draw on a wide range of theoretical orientations and methodological approaches. We also encourage proposals for special issues and experimental formats that push against the boundaries of traditional scholarship and practice.
Michael Arfken, PhD
Awry: Journal of Critical Psychology
Awry: Journal of Critical Psychology will be published twice a year providing an interdisciplinary forum for critical scholars dedicated to interrogating the economic, social, political, and environmental dimensions of psychological research and practice.
We welcome submissions from scholars and activists who draw on a wide range of theoretical orientations and methodological approaches. In addition, we encourage proposals for special issues and experimental formats that push against the boundaries of traditional scholarship and practice.
For more information, please visit the journal website:
Articles / Chapters / Presentations by Michael Arfken
These theoretical explorations provide a foundation for investigating the practices that embody an interpretation of political reality. Using open-ended qualitative interviews, I ask participants to describe in as much detail as possible, salient political situations. I categorize these situations into three broad areas: (1) media (2) conventional political activities and (3) political socialization. Within each of these categories, I discuss variations in the way people understand political life.
Finally, I explore the implications of these practices for our understanding of democracy. I discuss how the movement from epistemology to ontology calls into question the role of subjectivity in contemporary democratic societies."
Book Reviews by Michael Arfken
Awry is an open-access, peer reviewed academic journal that provides an interdisciplinary forum for critical scholars dedicated to interrogating the economic, social, political, and environmental dimensions of psychological research and practice.
We welcome articles and reviews from scholars and activists who draw on a wide range of theoretical orientations and methodological approaches. We also encourage proposals for special issues and experimental formats that push against the boundaries of traditional scholarship and practice.
Michael Arfken, PhD
Awry: Journal of Critical Psychology
Awry: Journal of Critical Psychology will be published twice a year providing an interdisciplinary forum for critical scholars dedicated to interrogating the economic, social, political, and environmental dimensions of psychological research and practice.
We welcome submissions from scholars and activists who draw on a wide range of theoretical orientations and methodological approaches. In addition, we encourage proposals for special issues and experimental formats that push against the boundaries of traditional scholarship and practice.
For more information, please visit the journal website:
These theoretical explorations provide a foundation for investigating the practices that embody an interpretation of political reality. Using open-ended qualitative interviews, I ask participants to describe in as much detail as possible, salient political situations. I categorize these situations into three broad areas: (1) media (2) conventional political activities and (3) political socialization. Within each of these categories, I discuss variations in the way people understand political life.
Finally, I explore the implications of these practices for our understanding of democracy. I discuss how the movement from epistemology to ontology calls into question the role of subjectivity in contemporary democratic societies."