Books by Santiago García Mourelo

Mística y acción. Dialéctica y destino de la voluntad en la obra del joven Blondel, 2020
Maurice Blondel, a philosopher born in Aix-en-Provence (1861-1949), published L’Action (1893) and... more Maurice Blondel, a philosopher born in Aix-en-Provence (1861-1949), published L’Action (1893) and was a shock to the 20th century theological work that lasts to this day. In it, he established the bases to renew the discourse on God and on the human being, showing the validity of the action as a solid and fruitful link between the two. This work provides a novel perspective of study, by making explicit and delineating the mystical background of Blondel's first youth writing; a perspective, on the other hand, demanded by the current social, religious and spiritual context, which strives for a fullness outside of God. Thus, this speculative itinerary, which leads to the affirmation of God from the immanence of human action, reveals itself as an authentic mystical path towards intimate union with the "only One necessary". This book can be considered from various centers of interest. Above all, from Fundamental Theology, by showing one of the best developments on the classic subject of homo capax Dei, along with other specific subjects. Also, although not only, from Philosophy, by proposing a renewed statute for dialogue with Theology; or from Spiritual Theology, by offering the bases for a correct understanding of the mystical experience, as well as a series of discernment criteria for the spiritual path of every Christian.
CCS, 2013
Algunas preguntas para renovar conocimientos, profundizar en algunos conceptos o aclarar dudas: ¿... more Algunas preguntas para renovar conocimientos, profundizar en algunos conceptos o aclarar dudas: ¿Se puede creer hoy? ¿Cuántos nombres tiene el Credo? ¿Cómo entender la virginidad de María? ¿Por qué la vida de Jesús le llevó a la muerte? ¿Bajó Jesús a los infiernos?
Instituto Internacional de Teología a Distancia, 2018
Articles by Santiago García Mourelo
Sal Terrae. Revista de Teología Pastoral, 2022
In order to recognise and reflect on divine Providence, three precautions are necessary: a suitab... more In order to recognise and reflect on divine Providence, three precautions are necessary: a suitable image of God, a relationship with him in terms of faith and worship, and appropriate rational mediation to account for God’s relations with the world, history and humans. If this were not the case, we would be caught up in providentialism or a mere philosophical reflection. For this purpose, a series of criteria for recognising God’s provident action, according to the Christian faith, are provided.
Revista de espiritualidad, 2021
Resumen: el ensayo pone en relación la filosofía y la mística, atendiendo a su diversa comprensió... more Resumen: el ensayo pone en relación la filosofía y la mística, atendiendo a su diversa comprensión, desde las claves de fondo del exceso y la donación. Para ello, recoge las aportaciones de Maurice Blondel sobre este tema y ofrece las inspiraciones contemporáneas de algunos filósofos encuadrados en la llamada fenomenología francesa.
Teología con alma bíblica. Miscelánea homenaje al prof. Dr. José Ramón Busto Saiz, 2022
Spirituelle Erfahrung in philosophischer Perspektive, 2019
Dieser Beitrag bietet einen philosophischen Zugang zur Mystik, inspiriert von der Philosophie der... more Dieser Beitrag bietet einen philosophischen Zugang zur Mystik, inspiriert von der Philosophie der Handlung von Maurice Blondel und vielen Kommentatoren zur mystischen Frage bei Blondel. Die Weisheit, nach der die philosophische Reflexion strebt, ist in höchstem Maße eine der Gnaden des mystischen Pfades. Maurice Blondels Philosophie der Handlung eröffnet nicht nur die Möglichkeit, sie rational zu erreichen (Philosophie), sondern liefert auch einen entscheidenden Vorschlag zur Verarbeitung der erhaltenen Gabe (Theologie)
Scripta Theologica, 2019
El presente artículo muestra la dinámica de la vida mística en el trasfondo de la obra del joven ... more El presente artículo muestra la dinámica de la vida mística en el trasfondo de la obra del joven Blondel. La sabiduría a la que aspira la reflexión filosófica es una de las gracias del camino místico; este no está margen de la razón, sino que la excede y prolonga hacia sus más altas cotas. La filosofía de la acción del maestro de Aix ofrece, a parte hominis, no solo una vía racionalmente posible para su consecución –con todas sus potencialidades apologéticas–, sino, también, una propuesta vital para asimilar el don recibido, a parte Dei, en la totalidad de la vida: pensamiento, voluntad y consistencia ontológica
Estudios Eclesiásticos, 2014
The Maurice Blondel comprehension about mystic is an aspect that amplifies and deepens his influe... more The Maurice Blondel comprehension about mystic is an aspect that amplifies and deepens his influence in the theological discipline. Beyond the well-known issues of revelation and faith, history and dogma, or the classic topic about the homo capax Dei —explicit in his doctoral thesis, The Action (1893)—, his contributions about mystic are important to clarify the core of the God's experience, the place of the mystic in philosophical reflexion and in the christian life, the way of study/knowledge of the mystical phenomenon, etc. This article wants to present the contributions of Aix en Provence philosopher about the mystic, the studies realized about the issue and indicate possible study’s lines for theological reflexion.
Facies Domini. Revista alicantina de estudios teológicos, 2017
AbstRact: This paper is proposed as an introduction to the study day of the Department of Philoso... more AbstRact: This paper is proposed as an introduction to the study day of the Department of Philosophy of the Diocesan Seminary on Maurice Blondel. Knowing the biography of the philosopher from Aix-en-Provence allows us to situate his thinking in the context of his time, and helps explain the accents of his philosophical work. The fundamental idea of the action is presented, it serves as the guiding thread of all his works and provides the title of his doctoral dissertation: «L'Action» (1893). Along with this one, some of his other works are analyzed, such as «La Pensée», «L'Être et les êtres» and «Histoire et Dogme». The exhibition is completed with a brief presentation of the aspects of Blondel's thinking that have most influenced contemporary philosophy and theology.
Estudios Eclesiásticos, Jun 3, 2021
Adolphe Gesché established the «salvific capacity principle» —salutarité— as the proper task of ... more Adolphe Gesché established the «salvific capacity principle» —salutarité— as the proper task of Theology. Theology had to be able to propose the intelligibility of the Christian faith concepts in order to rediscover God and the salvation that only he can give. This study presents this principle, its origin and meaning, as well as its development in Dieu pour penser. It shows its possibilities —against the existence limits—, its foundation —filiation—, its proposal —divinisation— and its actualisation —revelation—.
Estudios Eclesiásticos, 2021
Adolphe Gesché indicated the «principle of responsibility» as one of those that should guide theo... more Adolphe Gesché indicated the «principle of responsibility» as one of those that should guide theological work. Be responsible for faith and reason, for God and man. In the present study we expose his understanding and the particular development of this task in his work Dieu pour penser, attending to the double theological-fundamental movement —ad intra and ad extra— with which he used to articulate his writings.
Estudios Eclesiásticos, 2017
At the same time several studies about the theologian of Leuven, Adolphe Gesché, disclose nuclear... more At the same time several studies about the theologian of Leuven, Adolphe Gesché, disclose nuclear points of his theology: his systematic, depth and intuition, new roads are opened in theological reflection driven by his intuitions. This article aims to show the relationships, implicit and explicit , of the author with the Fundamental Theology. This, in epistemological questions values, issues, and functions and in the specific deployment of this epistemology showing, thus, inclusiveness among Fundamental Theology and Dogmatic Theology of his life s work. An authentic monstratio theológica
Estudios Eclesiásticos, 2020
The article presents the figure of dag Hammarskjöld, second secretary general of the United Natio... more The article presents the figure of dag Hammarskjöld, second secretary general of the United Nations. Analyzes his spiritual itinerary, outlined in his diary, in correlation with his political life, and focuses on the key years of his mystical experience.
Misión Joven , 2019
Ante las actuales dudas sobre la verdad (cuyas raíces históricas y filosóficas repasa), el autor ... more Ante las actuales dudas sobre la verdad (cuyas raíces históricas y filosóficas repasa), el autor muestra que para la fe cristiana la Verdad no es algo a lo que acceder, sino Alguien en quien permanecer; no es algo que poseer, sino Alguien a quien acoger; no es algo que elegir, sino Alguien que ha hecho una elección por nosotros, y que cada uno puede, o no, aceptar. Reconocer la Verdad es expresión y consecuencia de una relación, más que un ejercicio de reflexión.
Misión Joven, 2017
Los autores reflexionan sobre la actual sociedad secularizada y su situación de pluralismo religi... more Los autores reflexionan sobre la actual sociedad secularizada y su situación de pluralismo religiosos y cultural. Después presentan los retos y posibilidades que esta sociedad ofrece a la pastoral juvenil
Misión Joven, 2020
The authors state the need not only to review pastoral programs and action but also to make disce... more The authors state the need not only to review pastoral programs and action but also to make discernment the modus operandi of any pastoral praxis, trying to answer not our questions but those that come from God. Therefore, to do not adulterate discernment is necessary to pose the right questions. After considering the opportunities and strengths of our pastoral praxis we should raise the question: What can God want from us? Hence, the article suggests some clues of discernment in several pastoral areas, to conclude with some discoveries and beliefs that may help pastoral workers towards an authentic pastoral of discernment
Misión joven , 2019
The author summarizes the essential theological aspects (especially ecclesiological) of the miss... more The author summarizes the essential theological aspects (especially ecclesiological) of the missionary synodality requested by the Synod of 2018, as well as the difficulties presented by its implementation and the ways to apply it in pastoral action.
Books by Santiago García Mourelo
Articles by Santiago García Mourelo