Javier Gómez Lanz
Francisco Javier Gómez Lanz studied Law at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas-ICADE, where he graduated with an Honorary Degree and an Extraordinary Degree Award in 1996 and received his doctorate, with an Honorary Distinction for the best Doctoral Thesis, in 2005. He also studied Philosophy at UNED where he graduated in 2009. After practicing as a lawyer specialized in economic criminal law in Uría Menéndez between 1996 and 2000, he began his teaching in 2000 at the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, where in the last 20 years he has taught Criminal Law in Degree, Master and Doctorate programs.
He is currently an Associate Professor of Criminal Law at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas-ICADE, where at present he manages the Department of Public Law and leads the Consolidated Research Group Criminal Law and Criminology.
With three six-year research periods (sexenios) recognized, he is the author of more than 50 specialized publications (books, book chapters and articles) focused on the different aspects of economic and business criminal law, as well as the philosophy of criminal law. He is also the author of several technical reports and opinions issued at the request of both educational institutions (such as the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy, Ghent University) and business organizations (such as the General Society of Authors and Publishers).
He has appeared as an expert before the Justice Commission of the Congress of Deputies to report on the processing of the Organic Law Project to reform the Penal Code (03/11/2014) and before the Constitutional Commission of the Congress of Deputies to report in relation to initiatives on democratic regeneration and the fight against corruption, especially in relation to anti-corruption measures in the criminal sphere (04/24/2014).
He has contributed to eight research projects, leading the last two of them. He has also directed a doctoral thesis in 2017 and is currently directing another three doctoral theses within the International Doctoral School of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
His research has been awarded on several occasions, having been awarded the Art and Law Foundation Prize for Legal Studies (2004), the first prize in the "Taxation" modality in the XVI Edition of the "Financial Studies" award (2006) and the "José María Ramón de San Pedro" award for the best doctoral thesis on topics related to Law and Business Economics (2007).
Since 2016 he has been a member of the Editorial Board of the collection "Monographs on Public and Comparative Law" of Editorial Athenaica and an evaluator in various journals, such as the Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de la República, ICADE. Revista de la Facultad de Derecho, European Papers, Revista de Derecho de la Universidad Católica del Uruguay and Revista Electrónica de Ciencia Penal y Criminología.
He is currently an Associate Professor of Criminal Law at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas-ICADE, where at present he manages the Department of Public Law and leads the Consolidated Research Group Criminal Law and Criminology.
With three six-year research periods (sexenios) recognized, he is the author of more than 50 specialized publications (books, book chapters and articles) focused on the different aspects of economic and business criminal law, as well as the philosophy of criminal law. He is also the author of several technical reports and opinions issued at the request of both educational institutions (such as the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy, Ghent University) and business organizations (such as the General Society of Authors and Publishers).
He has appeared as an expert before the Justice Commission of the Congress of Deputies to report on the processing of the Organic Law Project to reform the Penal Code (03/11/2014) and before the Constitutional Commission of the Congress of Deputies to report in relation to initiatives on democratic regeneration and the fight against corruption, especially in relation to anti-corruption measures in the criminal sphere (04/24/2014).
He has contributed to eight research projects, leading the last two of them. He has also directed a doctoral thesis in 2017 and is currently directing another three doctoral theses within the International Doctoral School of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
His research has been awarded on several occasions, having been awarded the Art and Law Foundation Prize for Legal Studies (2004), the first prize in the "Taxation" modality in the XVI Edition of the "Financial Studies" award (2006) and the "José María Ramón de San Pedro" award for the best doctoral thesis on topics related to Law and Business Economics (2007).
Since 2016 he has been a member of the Editorial Board of the collection "Monographs on Public and Comparative Law" of Editorial Athenaica and an evaluator in various journals, such as the Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de la República, ICADE. Revista de la Facultad de Derecho, European Papers, Revista de Derecho de la Universidad Católica del Uruguay and Revista Electrónica de Ciencia Penal y Criminología.
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Books by Javier Gómez Lanz
En tanto que manual universitario, va destinado en primer término a los estudiantes de Grados cuyos planes de estudio comprenden la Parte General del Derecho Penal. Pero sus características, como la extensión medida del desarrollo de cada problema, la actualización de contenidos, la estructura pormenorizada, la frecuente ejemplificación de las categorías, su orientación práctica y su conexión con la realidad jurisprudencial, permiten confiar en que también puede ser de utilidad a quienes, más que iniciarse en el Derecho Penal, deben recordar y reubicar los elementos fundamentales de la Parte General, tales como alumnos de postgrado, opositores a cuerpos de funcionarios y profesionales del Derecho en general.
El manual se nutre de la amplia actividad docente, investigadora y profesional de los autores."
Papers by Javier Gómez Lanz
En tanto que manual universitario, va destinado en primer término a los estudiantes de Grados cuyos planes de estudio comprenden la Parte General del Derecho Penal. Pero sus características, como la extensión medida del desarrollo de cada problema, la actualización de contenidos, la estructura pormenorizada, la frecuente ejemplificación de las categorías, su orientación práctica y su conexión con la realidad jurisprudencial, permiten confiar en que también puede ser de utilidad a quienes, más que iniciarse en el Derecho Penal, deben recordar y reubicar los elementos fundamentales de la Parte General, tales como alumnos de postgrado, opositores a cuerpos de funcionarios y profesionales del Derecho en general.
El manual se nutre de la amplia actividad docente, investigadora y profesional de los autores."