Papers by Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent

Intangible Capital, Apr 25, 2014
Este artículo tiene por objetivo examinar la relación existente entre la siniestralidad laboral y... more Este artículo tiene por objetivo examinar la relación existente entre la siniestralidad laboral y el tipo de servicio de prevención del que se provee la empresa. Diseño/metodología: Utilizando una muestra de 4750 empresas procedente de los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en las Empresas (ENGE) para el año 2009, se realiza en primer lugar un análisis de los descriptivos y posteriormente un análisis empírico basado en regresiones logísticas y Tobit. Aportaciones y resultados: Los resultados nos permiten identificar qué tipología de empresas y para qué tipo de actividades preventivas se acostumbra a recurrir a un servicio de prevención ajeno. En segundo lugar, del análisis empírico se observa que el hecho de subcontratar una parte de los servicios de prevención a empresas especializadas que se dedican exclusivamente a proporcionar este tipo de servicios, ayuda a disminuir la siniestralidad laboral. Limitaciones: El caso analizado se centra en las empresas españolas y para unos años concretos (2007 y 2008). Debido a que cada país cuenta con una normativa específica en relación a los servicios de prevención, las conclusiones extraídas no pueden extrapolarse de forma directa a otros países.-317-Intangible Capital- Implicaciones prácticas: Los resultados obtenidos pueden servir de ayuda a las empresas en la elección del servicio de prevención que mejor se ajuste a sus necesidades. Así mismo, se espera que este estudio contribuya al debate sobre el diseño de políticas de prevención por parte de las autoridades, fomentando los servicios de prevención ajenos por su especialización y su ayuda en la reducción de la siniestralidad. Valor añadido: La mayor parte de la literatura académica en materia de prevención de riesgos laborales ha obviado el estudio de los servicios de prevención y sus implicaciones en el desempeño de la actividad de la empresa, en lo que a niveles de siniestralidad laboral se refiere. Este artículo contribuye a cubrir este vacío reflejando que la tendencia actual hacía la servitización también está afectando en el ámbito de la prevención de riesgos laborales.

Small business economics, Feb 17, 2024
In the realm of academic engagement, this study directs its focus toward a policy instrument that... more In the realm of academic engagement, this study directs its focus toward a policy instrument that has received surprisingly scant attention within the literature, despite its substantial investment: European Union-funded research projects. These projects are designed to foster collaboration and establish a framework that supports and fortifies the creation and dissemination of exceptional knowledge and cuttingedge technologies. These endeavors are anticipated to fuel economic growth, spur social development, and address global challenges. Within this study, we delve into the impact of team experience and diversity on the research performance of consortia-groups of organizations-that have been successfully awarded funding within the FP7 and H2020 funding schemes. In order to dissect the influence of learning, our analysis is confined to consortia that have collaborated on multiple occasions. Drawing from data sourced from Community Research and Development Information Service, our findings unveil that beyond the monetary allocation, an array of team attributes and environmental factors play a role in augmenting team performance. Plain English Summary The European Union (EU) invests millions of euros annually in research projects, aiming to foster collaboration among European institutions and countries. These initiatives seek to generate and share advanced knowledge and technologies, fostering economic growth, social development, and global problem solving. Consortia, formed by various organizations, apply for and often secure funding across multiple program cycles. Our study explores the factors that contribute to the successful collaboration of these consortia, leading to positive outcomes like increased learning, improved coordination, and a higher number of scientific publications. The findings indicate that a range of team qualities and environmental factors play a role in improving team performance.

Small business economics, May 24, 2024
Research on entrepreneurial ecosystems has consolidated over the past decades. This study venture... more Research on entrepreneurial ecosystems has consolidated over the past decades. This study ventures beyond traditional analyses that primarily focus on quantitative outcomes to investigate the foundational processes that can facilitate a range of socio-economic advantages. Recognizing a gap in the existing literature, which often correlates input factors with anticipated benefits yet struggles to unearth underlying mechanisms, our research offers a novel perspective through applying a network-centric service ecosystem lens grounded in a service-dominant logic. Utilizing a qualitative approach based on pragmatic abduction, 16 narrative interviews explored the experiences and perspectives of multiple entrepreneurial actors within a privately governed Spanish ecosystem. Findings present a conceptual model that bridges emphasis between structure and outcomes with those of agency and strategy. Plain English Summary Entrepreneurial ecosystems are interactive hubs where entrepreneurs and various other business-related players collaborate in helping to create new companies and jobs in our communities. Traditionally, entrepreneurial ecosystem success is measured by looking at the number and growth rate of new startups. But is this the complete picture? In our study, we went deeper trying to understand not just what makes these ecosystems successful (like creating new startups), but also how they manage to do it. By interviewing 16 entrepreneurial ecosystem members in a privately governed Spanish ecosystem, we unraveled the processes and mechanics that help new businesses emerge and thrive. The key implication of this study is the recognition that the entrepreneurial ecosystem is composed of multiple actors who exchange services in search of multiple valued outcomes.

Intangible Capital, Jun 16, 2023
Purpose: Fashion companies are using an increasing amount of resources to generate social media c... more Purpose: Fashion companies are using an increasing amount of resources to generate social media content to provoke an impact and engage customers. A wrong message or image-but also an inaccurate combination of the different elements that characterise a post-can jeopardise brand reputation. The way brands communicate with potential customers is of utmost importance as it creates its online identity and presence, and this is ultimately linked to customer loyalty. Given that a post contains different elements (e.g., image, people, background) this study seeks to explore which combination(s) of elements should brands consider to generate superior user engagement with their posts. Design/methodology: After conducting a comprehensive literature review on social media marketing a set of critical factors that relate to content engagement are envisioned. Next, drawing on complexity and configuration theories, we perform fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to identify different strategies (i.e., combinations of critical factors) companies might follow to engage with customers successfully. The empirical application focuses on the Instagram activity of a retail clothing company. Findings: The findings reveal that posts conducive to superior engagement should: (i) be simple, product-related or experience-related, (ii) use few but meaningful hashtags that are representative of the brand, (iii) show people's faces, and (iv) send an inclusive message. Practical implications: This study sheds new light on how brands should communicate on social media networks to generate improved impact for their posts. Originality/value: This study goes beyond traditional approaches that overlook the joint effect of the different strategic design choices (i.e., combination of critical factors) for posts on the outcomes of interest (in our case, number of likes, comments and views).

The growing importance knowledge and innovation are acquiring as the basis for economic developme... more The growing importance knowledge and innovation are acquiring as the basis for economic development and growth has lead universities to expand their traditional functions, spreading their commitment in the contribution to economic and social welfare through their so-called third mission. Certainly, universities have turned into one of the most important engines for regional development, therefore, they are called to play a paramount role in the provision of new knowledge, which is expected to have a positive impact in the innovation systems of their neighbouring regions. However, these new demands are not followed by a larger availability of resources. On the contrary, universities are struggling to simultaneously carry out teaching and research activities alongside with technology transfer ones. In this study we aim at scrutinize which are the determinants of technology transfer outcomes at universities. By means of an empirical analysis, we examine which combination of resources lead to higher technology transfer outcomes when these take the form of patents, spin-offs and R&D contracts. Data from the Spanish higher education system for the period 2004-2011 is used. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.

University Social Responsibility (USR) is a strategic management approach whose introduction in u... more University Social Responsibility (USR) is a strategic management approach whose introduction in universities’ mission statement is encouraged by international organizations (e.g., United Nations (UN) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)), as well as by public administrations. Universities are increasingly responding to this demand by incorporating USR principles and sustainable development in their practices and daily activities. This study aimed to identify the strategic profile of socially responsible universities (based on their institutional mission statement). To achieve this goal, qualitative comparative analysis was applied to the case of the Spanish higher education system. The findings confirm the initial intuition about the heterogeneous nature of the strategic patterns followed by Spanish universities. In order to respond to the international calls for incorporating social responsibility principles into their culture, Spanish universities adopt different strategies that affect the four areas that shape their organizational scope.La Responsabilidad Social Universitaria (RSU) es una estrategia de dirección de la universidad que proponen tanto organismos internacionales, por ejemplo, la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO), como nacionales para que se incluya en la declaración de la misión de cada universidad. Las universidades vienen dando respuesta a esta demanda, incorporando los principios de RSU y de desarrollo sostenible en su día a día. El trabajo que aquí se presenta tuvo como objetivo establecer el perfil o los perfiles estratégicos a los que responden las universidades que se posicionan como socialmente responsables en la declaración institucional de su misión. Para ello se utilizó el método del análisis cualitativo comparativo. La aplicación empírica se centró en el estudio del sistema universitario español. Los hallazgos confirmaron la hipótesis de partida sobre la existencia de diferentes patrones, por lo que fue posible concluir que no hay una única manera de introducir la RSU en las universidades, sino que son varias las estrategias en los cuatro ámbitos de su actuación que siguen las universidades españolas para dar respuesta a las llamadas internacionales de incorporar la responsabilidad social en su quehacer
Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, Dec 1, 2012
Globalisation and the knowledge-based society have driven universities to an intense competition ... more Globalisation and the knowledge-based society have driven universities to an intense competition for the best professors, researchers and students. Yet, rankings and reports measuring how universities perform are available in abundance. Among these assessment tools it is worth highlighting those based on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), which since the 1980s have risen considerably. However, there is a lack of consensus when selecting the indicators that best represent the inputs and outputs of such institutions. Aiming to clarify how these proxies are chosen, this paper does an exhaustive review of the indicators used in DEA empirical studies in the last decade, classifying them according to their nature and use.

This article investigates the factors that shape researchers’ willingness to engage in university... more This article investigates the factors that shape researchers’ willingness to engage in university-industry R&D contracts. The case of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia is examined. These contracts allow students to work in real-life projects, in which a group of highly qualified academics confront theory and practice to generate solutions for the business sector, thus enriching traditional academic practices. The validated instrument used consist of five dimensions: attitude towards KTT (knowledge and technology transfer) activities, expectation of contribution, promotion incentives, university culture and regulation, and supporting KTT services. The sample comprises 184 professors. The relevance of each factor related with the participation of researchers in R&D contracts (period 2010-2015) is identified through a structural equation model. The results reveal that culture and a favourable normative framework for KTT activities do matter, while support services seem to affect negatively. Intrinsic or extrinsic motivations do not have a significant effect.
OmniaScience no se hace responsable de la información contenida en este libro y no aceptará ningu... more OmniaScience no se hace responsable de la información contenida en este libro y no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad legal por los errores u omisiones que puedan existir.

The paper investigates the technology-transfer productivity of Spanish public universities. The p... more The paper investigates the technology-transfer productivity of Spanish public universities. The proposed approach allows the development of a framework that matches universities' technology transfer concerns with the need to accurately analyze the role of the outcome configuration of technology transfer offices (TTOs). We analyze technology transfer productivity of Spanish universities during 2006-2011 by computing total factor productivity models rooted in non-parametric techniques, namely the Malmquist index. The results confirm that technology transfer productivity is affected by changes in the configuration of the TTO's outcome portfolio that result from benchmarking own and market peers' performance levels. While benchmarking own performance levels facilitates the exploitation of internal resources and yields superior productivity results, changes in TTO's portfolio based on comparisons with market peers might generate greater operational costs that negatively impact productivity.
Tendencias pedagógicas, 2013
Este trabajo analiza como se han visto modificados los niveles de satisfaccion del alumnado en re... more Este trabajo analiza como se han visto modificados los niveles de satisfaccion del alumnado en relacion a la asignatura de Expresion Grafica de la Universidad del Pais Vasco, tras su adaptacion al EEES, cogiendo datos de los cursos 2009/10 y 2010/11. Para ello, se han analizado las guias docentes antes y despues de su adaptacion y se han comparado los resultados obtenidos en las encuestas de opinion al alumnado sobre la docencia del profesorado. Los resultados reflejan una ligera mejora en la satisfaccion de los alumnos, especialmente en aquellos aspectos relacionados con la metodologia docente empleada y las actividades propuestas.
Socio-economic Planning Sciences, Jun 1, 2022
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.

Journal of Business Research, Nov 1, 2016
Recent research identifies internal self-concept motivation and instrumental motivation as having... more Recent research identifies internal self-concept motivation and instrumental motivation as having positive and negative effects, respectively, on the performance of research scientists. However, the majority of research examining the work motivations of research scientists employs bad research practices. The current study presents an alternative view of the relations between work motivations and research performance through the examination of causal recipes of research performance. Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) of a random sample of 300 UK scientists identifies recipes of work motivations that effectively foster high levels of research performance. Contrary to prior liner examinations of the relations between motivation and performance, results show that no unique combination of antecedent work motivations yield higher levels of research performance. This finding suggests that several combinations of work motivations can successfully drive high levels of research performance.
Journal of Business Research, Apr 1, 2016
This study examines various factors (human capital, experience, attraction capacity, and profile)... more This study examines various factors (human capital, experience, attraction capacity, and profile) of technology centers that, according to the literature, affect the performance of science-industry R&D partnerships. The measure of performance is the income that R&D contracts generate divided by the number of clients that the research center has. The data sample considers technology centers operating in the region of Catalonia that act under the TECNIO umbrella brand. The analysis uses fsQCA methodology, which allows identifying a combination of causes that lead to the outcome. Results support the argument that different causal paths explain profitable R&D contracts.

Journal of Business Research, Oct 1, 2013
ABSTRACT This paper assesses university efficiency from a multidimensional perspective. First, th... more ABSTRACT This paper assesses university efficiency from a multidimensional perspective. First, the study scrutinizes universities using an efficiency measure that incorporates knowledge transfer outputs in the objective function. Second, a cluster analysis complements the efficiency model giving a more comprehensive image of universities' performance. The empirical application considers the Spanish higher education system during 2006–2009. The results point to the presence of heterogeneous orientations among Spanish universities and that universities integrate knowledge transfer in their operations at different intensities. The findings reveal that regional factors related to technological development and entrepreneurial culture strongly influence universities' efficiency and their involvement in knowledge transfer activities. As regards knowledge transfer across Spanish universities, results tend to give ammunition to the argument that effective support policies should have the capacity to be customized to fit the profile of the targeted universities and regions.

Journal of Business Research, Nov 1, 2015
This study examines factors that explain the creation of university spin-offs. The study focuses ... more This study examines factors that explain the creation of university spin-offs. The study focuses on mechanisms that technology transfer offices (TTOs) and universities employ to foster spin-offs. These mechanisms include technology transfer activities that support spin-offs, normative frameworks, support infrastructures (i.e., business incubators and science parks), and TTO staff's specialist technical skills. The analysis also differentiates between public and private universities. Spin-offs belong to one or more of the following groups: spin-offs with support from the university's TTO, spin-offs operating under a license agreement, and spin-offs in which the TTO or university holds equity. Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) of 2011 data from 63 Spanish universities (46 public and 17 private) identifies recipes of antecedent conditions that effectively foster spin-offs. Results show that no unique combination of antecedent conditions yields more university spin-offs than any other does. This finding indicates that several strategies can successfully lead to academic entrepreneurship.

International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Jun 13, 2016
Purpose-This paper aims at contributing to the existing literature on social enterprises and busi... more Purpose-This paper aims at contributing to the existing literature on social enterprises and business model innovation. Particularly, it sheds some light on those factors that turn a social innovation initiative into a success, both in terms of meeting social needs and achieving economic sustainability. Design/methodology/approach-By using a grounded theory approach, an inductive comparative case study is conducted. Two work integration social enterprises in the hospitality and tourism sector are selected. Both companies are located in Barcelona (Spain) under the same legal regulation and economic situation and initially run a manufacturing business. Due to the economic crisis they were forced to reinvent themselves in order to survive. Data was collected from different sources and coded using content analysis procedures. Findings-Results indicate that three factors, named value proposition, appropriate market research, and stakeholder involvement heavily contributed to firm's success, corroborating previous studies. Furthermore, our study reveals that social need pressures and managerial trust on employees are additional factors that drive social business model innovation. Practical implications-Changes in the demand, the rules governing the market, or economic downturns are external drivers for demand-pull innovations. In such context firms need to reformulate their business models if they wish to survive. Acknowledging the factors that help firms overcome these obstacles is of great interest for both academics and entrepreneurs. Originality/value-Social innovation in business models is a topic still poorly defined in the literature, yet, its boundaries to other fields are still fuzzy. This paper aims to fulfill this gap by 1) presenting the theoretical domain in which this topic fits in, and 2) evidencing those successful factors that should be considered when designing and implementing a business model innovation which may help other firms facing a similar process.
Management Decision, Jun 21, 2013

La irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías está revolucionando la manera de operar de las institucion... more La irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías está revolucionando la manera de operar de las instituciones de educación superior, ya sea en la investigación, en la gestión de las operaciones administrativas o en la manera de impartir la docencia. Paralelamente, la complejidad y la competitividad de la sociedad actual exigen a estas instituciones unos niveles de calidad que requieren de mecanismos, tales como sistemas de información y tecnologías de la información, que los soporten. Atendiendo a los objetivos de calidad contemplados en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (y en concreto para las directrices enmarcadas en el programa AUDIT), este estudio quiere subrayar las repercusiones positivas que genera un buen alineamiento entre los SI/TI y las estrategias de las universidades, contribuyendo a la consecución de los objetivos de calidad del EEES. Para ello se ha diseñado un cuestionario basado en las premisas del modelo de alineamiento estratégico de Henderson y Venkatraman.
Papers by Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent