Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Centre de la Imatge i Tecnologia Multimedia
This paper presents the collaborative agent-based learning subsystem of HealthAgents, a multiagent distributed decision support system for brain tumour diagnosis. The subsystem aims to boost the performance of the independent and... more
The use of software agents in mental health is a relatively few explored field, but that in the last years has attracted the interest of researchers due to recent studies that show the effectiveness of computarised psychological... more
A security policy rule scheme has been used to express security requirements in relation to affective roles. The major contribution of the work is that little redevelopment effort will be required when security is to be engineered into... more
A distributed decision support system involving multiple clinical centres is crucial to the diagnosis of rare diseases. Although sharing of valid diagnosed cases can facilitate later decision making, possibly from geographically different... more
Tabletop role-playing games are a popular hobby for many because of the unique collaborative storytelling experience they offer, which is hard to find in other media. These stories are most of the time narrated by a “Game Master”, who... more
Tabletop role-playing games are a popular hobby for many because of the unique collaborative storytelling experience they offer, which is hard to find in other media. These stories are most of the time narrated by a “Game Master”, who... more
This article analyses the final sequence in Andrei Tarkovsky’s Nostalghia (1983) using Michel Chion’s interdisciplinary method for the analysis of sound and image described in Audio-Vision: Sound on Screen (1994). The analysis focuses on... more
The presence of music in films defines part of the ontological, narrative, expressive, dramaturgical, psychological or even historical mechanisms with which cinematic language articulates its diegesis. The episteme of the «contemporary... more
La presencia de la música en los filmes ha definido parte de los mecanismos ontológicos, narrativos, expresivos, dramatúrgicos, psicológicos e inclusive históricos con los que el lenguaje cinematográfico ha articulado el espacio-tiempo... more
En el presente artículo se describe parte de la filmografía que el director catalán, Pere Portabella (Figueres, 1927), desarrolla entre 1967 y 1976 y analiza cómo la música se articula en su obra. Portabella articula una forma... more
El presente artículo trata de poner en el contexto histórico del cine moderno parte de la filmografía que el director catalán Pere Portabella (Figueres, 1927) desarrolla, en el periodo entre 1967 y 1976, bajo la dictadura del general... more
This article examines work in the filmography of the Catalan director Pere Portabella (1927-) made between 1967 and 1976, analysing the use of music in these films. Portabella developed a cinematic form that could be placed in the... more
El present article procura descriure l’estat de la qüestió actualitzat referit a l’estatus de la música en l’aparell teòric cinematogràfic i audiovisual. És a dir, procurem indagar en l’espai que la teoria ha atorgat a la música en el seu... more