Papers by Thanassis Karalis

Education Sciences
The rapid developments in early 2020 with the emergence of COVID-19 have led humanity into unexpe... more The rapid developments in early 2020 with the emergence of COVID-19 have led humanity into unexpected situations with significant implications at all levels. In trying to cope with the urgent need for distance education, the Greek educational community has incorporated various platforms and digital tools previously unknown to most teachers and students. This study uses a mixed research method to capture (a) the frequency of use of a Personal Learning Environment called ‘e-me’ by the teachers before, during, and after the quarantine, and (b) the reasons why some teachers did not use this environment during these three periods. A total of 902 Greek teachers from primary and secondary education participated in this research. The results showed an almost universal non-use of ‘e-me’ before the pandemic and universal usage during the pandemic. Moreover, about 40% of these teachers used this personal learning environment after the pandemic. The main reason for not using this learning envir...

The rapid developments in early 2020 with the emergence of COVID-19 have led humanity into unexpe... more The rapid developments in early 2020 with the emergence of COVID-19 have led humanity into unexpected situations with significant implications at all levels. In trying to cope with the urgent need for distance education, the Greek educational community has incorporated various platforms and digital tools previously unknown to most teachers and students. This study uses a mixed research method to capture (a) the frequency of use of a Personal Learning Environment called ‘e-me’ by the teachers before, during, and after the quarantine, and (b) the reasons why some teachers did not use this environment during these three periods. A total of 902 Greek teachers from primary and secondary education participated in this research. The results showed an almost universal non-use of ‘e-me’ before the pandemic and universal usage during the pandemic. Moreover, about 40% of these teachers used this personal learning environment after the pandemic. The main reason for not using this learning environment in the three periods is teachers’ familiarity with the interface of another platform. Implications for educational policy and teacher development programs are discussed.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics - RePEc, 2021

European Journal of Special Education Research
Early childhood is a critical period for learning and development and an opportunity to prevent p... more Early childhood is a critical period for learning and development and an opportunity to prevent possible delays and difficulties. Children's participation in preschool education has a significant positive effect on their cognitive, social and emotional development. Therefore, early childhood is vital to ensure access to quality inclusive education for all children and especially for children at risk of socio-economic exclusion, children at risk of development and children in disadvantaged environments. The new human rights approach to inclusive education requires a change of mentality and a different pedagogical approach and support systems should aim to increase the capacity/empowerment of schools to meet the diversity of students’ needs. There is a need to transform the education system, so that all students are welcome and have the opportunity to belong, to participate actively and to learn. In this article, we report a study on the investigation of the training needs, knowle...
7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21), 2021
This paper studies the Centers for Teaching and Learning (CTL) of the 100 top Universities in the... more This paper studies the Centers for Teaching and Learning (CTL) of the 100 top Universities in the world and investigates their role and services. The vast majority of these Centers is located in educational institutions of the US, the UK, Australia and Canada. CTL services cover many areas and target several portions of the university population. They try to meet contemporary requirements and aim to enhance teaching, learning and research processes.

Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology, 1977
The Cyclone Tower, dimensions 13 x 18,5 M ~ and weighing a total of 12000 tons is 70 meters high ... more The Cyclone Tower, dimensions 13 x 18,5 M ~ and weighing a total of 12000 tons is 70 meters high from foundation level, and is situated on a non-homogeneous, rocky formation broken into small fragments w h i c h consists of limestones, shales and sporadic cavities formed as the result of tectonic changes, filled sometimes by clay and sometimes by angular coarse rock deposits. The following deals with the research and improvement of the foundation ground, in relation to the given solution (surface foundation), through grid drilling with rotary drilling machine, permeability control and general improvement of the ground through grouting. R~sum~: Cet article d6crit la m~thodologie relative ~ la fondation superficielle de la <<tour de cyclone>> et du silo d" homog6n~it~ qui font partie de l'usine cimentiSre de Chalkis. La tour qui p~se 12000 t a une surface de base de 13 m x 18,5 m e t une hauteur de 70 m, y compris les fondations. Ells s'appuie sur des roches effrit~es et h~t~rogSnes compos~es de calcaires et de schistes. Les mouvements tectoniques y ont souvent form6 des cavit~s qui furent remplies par de l'argile ou par des d6bris. Avec la m6thode qui suit, on peut rSsoudre le problems de la fondation superficielle en faisant en m6me temps la recherche sur la portance et l'am61ioration du sol de fondation. Dans ce but on fair des sondages selon une certaine maille, une mesure de perm6abilit~ et enfin un contr61e de la r6sistance finale du rocher.

Λεξικό Eκπαίδευσης Eνηλίκων Ο ανθρωπισμός είναι μια ευρεία φιλοσοφική άποψη που τονίζει τη μοναδι... more Λεξικό Eκπαίδευσης Eνηλίκων Ο ανθρωπισμός είναι μια ευρεία φιλοσοφική άποψη που τονίζει τη μοναδικότητα της ανθρώπινης ύπαρξης, την ανθρώπινη ελευθερία, την αξιοπρέπεια και τη δυνατότητα αυτο-ανάπτυξης. Η ανθρωπιστική αντίληψη θεωρεί ότι ως άτομα έχουμε μια ισχυρή επιθυμία να αξιοποιήσουμε πλήρως τις δυνατότητές μας, για να φτάσουμε στο επίπεδο της «αυτοπραγμάτωσης». Αυτή η ισχυρή επιθυμία μας οδηγεί σε μαθησιακές διαδικασίες. Λεξικό Eκπαίδευσης Eνηλίκων Περιεχόμενο / Ύλη: Προκύπτει από τη ζωή και τα ενδιαφέροντα / ανάγκες της ομάδας των εκπαιδευομένων. Πέρα από τις γνωστικές δεξιότητες, περιλαμβάνονται και κοινωνικές, προσωπικές δεξιότητες που μπορούν να ωφελήσουν τη ζωή των εκπαιδευομένων. Ρόλος εκπαιδευτή/τριας: Ο/Η εκπαιδευτής/τρια σέβεται τα συναισθήματα, τις εμπειρίες και τις προσδοκίες των εκπαιδευόμενων. Ενθαρρύνει τον/την εκπαιδευόμενο/η να φτάσει στην επίτευξη των στόχων του μέσω της δημιουργίας συνεργατικού κλίματος. Ρόλος εκπαιδευόμενου/ης: Έχει την κύρια ευθύνη για τη μάθησή του. Η ενεργή συμμετοχή του/της στη διαμόρφωση του εκπαιδευτικού προγράμματος, και ιδίως της μαθησιακής διεργασίας, είναι απαραίτητη. Μέθοδος / Τεχνικές: Οι εκπαιδευτικές τεχνικές ωθούν τον/την εκπαιδευόμενο/η να συμμετέχει ενεργητικά και συνεργατικά στην ανακάλυψη της γνώσης. Δεν δίνεται απλά η πληροφορία για να την αναπαράγει ο/η εκπαιδευόμενος/η. Αντιθέτως, ο/η εκπαιδευόμενος/η καλείται να αντλήσει από τις εμπειρίες της ομάδας και να φτάσει στο στόχο του. Κατάλληλες τεχνικές για αυτήν τη μέθοδο είναι ο καταιγισμός ιδεών, η εργασία σε ομάδες, η μελέτη περίπτωσης, το παιγνίδι ρόλων, η συζήτηση. Η χρήση των τεχνικών αυτών γίνεται με στόχο την εύρεση της γνώσης από την ομάδα και όχι την εμπέδωση ήδη δοσμένης γνώσης. Αξιολόγηση: Περιορισμένη έμφαση στην τυπική αξιολόγηση. Προωθείται η αυτο-παρακολούθηση και αυτο-αξιολόγηση της πορείας του κάθε μέλους της ομάδας-εκπαιδευόμενου/ης ή εκπαιδευτή/τριας.

International Journal of Education and Social Science Research
The assessment of formal, non-formal, and informal learning in adults where it is integrated with... more The assessment of formal, non-formal, and informal learning in adults where it is integrated with the accreditation of prior learning has become widespread throughout Europe, leading to the need to organize procedures at a European level. In this article, we present research that took place in four different countries (Greece, Iceland, Denmark, and Italy) where we studied the current legal status in these countries, recorded the views of stakeholders from all sides, used tools, and submitted a comprehensive proposed methodology. The overall aim was to explore innovative ways to access higher education following an alternative path and provide a new tool for the recognition of prior experiential learning for people with fewer opportunities. In this article, we present a part of this research for accreditation of previous experiential learning focusing on suggested methods of assessing formal, non-formal, informal learning in adults’ for entering higher education taking into account t...
Ζ. Γαβριηλίδου, Σ. Μαρσίδου, & Σ. Γκαβάκη (επιμ.), 2005-2021: Διασφάλιση ποιότητας στα ελληνικά Α... more Ζ. Γαβριηλίδου, Σ. Μαρσίδου, & Σ. Γκαβάκη (επιμ.), 2005-2021: Διασφάλιση ποιότητας στα ελληνικά ΑΕΙ – από την αξιολόγηση στις συμφωνίες προγραμματικού σχεδιασμού: προκλήσεις & προοπτικές (300-321). Κομοτηνή: Μονάδα Διασφάλισης Ποιότητας (ΜΟΔΙΠ) Δημοκριτείου Πανεπιστημίου Θράκης.

Contemporary Educational Technology, 2021
Teachers' Professional Development Massive Open Online Courses (TPD-MOOCs) are a new form of MOOC... more Teachers' Professional Development Massive Open Online Courses (TPD-MOOCs) are a new form of MOOCs and have influenced an intense research interest. This study reports on the design and implementation of a TPD-MOOC which utilizes digital educational content and Open Educational Recourses (OER) and supports in-service elementary school teachers to enhance their self-efficacy beliefs. In the design framework we take into consideration the findings of previous research and the educational needs of the participants. We conducted an experimental design research and compared the teachers' self-efficacy beliefs before and after their participation in a TPD-MOOC. A total of 251 teachers enrolled in this course and 142 of them completed it. We used quantitative data to measure the enhancement of teachers' self-efficacy beliefs and the effectiveness of the course. The results provide evidence that our TPD-MOOC improved in service elementary school teachers' self-efficacy beliefs in teaching biological concepts. Recommendations are made for future research.

Journal of Education and Training Studies, 2022
Due to the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the institutions of higher education had to ... more Due to the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the institutions of higher education had to transform their educational function from face-to-face to e-learning. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of e-learning and the consequent disruption of the traditional educational function in higher education in Greece with special reference to the views of undergraduates compared to those of their peers collected via the same method and tool one year earlier in two regional Greek Universities, the University of Patras and the Democritus University of Thrace. The present research was conducted in May 2021 in order to explore students’ views and feelings one year after the sudden and total transition to online teaching during the pandemic. The results suggest that students seem to prefer face-to-face courses, but they provide interesting aspects regarding e-teaching and learning -thus valuable guidelines for higher educational institutions in developing didactic approache...
The article seeks to contribute to the clarification and deeper understanding of certain key skil... more The article seeks to contribute to the clarification and deeper understanding of certain key skills concepts. In this context, it presents and analyzes both the usefulness and the limitations and difficulties of constructing a modern and comprehensive skills classification and proposes a categorization of skills that are considered critical for the performance of job roles and the effective execution of work tasks. The proposed skill typology broken down into 7 categories, 9 sub-categories and 68 individual knowledge and skills was based on an overview and analysis of 18 important existing skill typologies. The proposed typology covers fundamental, general, professional, social skills, as well as certain work-related attitudes and values. It also includes a reference to digital skills. Article visualizations:
Asian Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Aug 18, 2011
In the present article we propose a genre-based conceptual framework for designing content for le... more In the present article we propose a genre-based conceptual framework for designing content for learning objects. We review some content aggregation models in order to stress the lack of such an approach. We also consider learning objects as multimodal macrogenres. These macrogenres are constituted of content object assemblies. The successful and coherent aggregation of these content objects can be achieved through the recognition of potential rhetorical relations among them. Finally, adopting this framework, ...
Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 2011
In the present paper we attempt an interdisciplinary approach on multimedia educational material ... more In the present paper we attempt an interdisciplinary approach on multimedia educational material for adults. We present some hermeneutic tools that help us focus on issues concerning educational material’s content structuring, its degree of specialization and learner’s guidance, as well as on issues concerning its degree of immediacy and interaction with the learners. Such an interdisciplinary outline could help designers/instructors draw some useful general conclusions.

Preschool and Primary Education, 2021
In the 21st-century globalized context, education systems world-wide are challenged to respond to... more In the 21st-century globalized context, education systems world-wide are challenged to respond to increasingly rapid and often unpredictable demands of the globalized society in an interdependent way towards achieving common education goals on a transnational level. In this globalized space, the Greek state-school teacher’s role evolves and changes towards thinking and acting both locally and globally, as an active participant of the global ‘ecosystem’. The purpose of this article is to reflect upon the Greek state-school teacher’s changing role in the 21st century taking into consideration the global educational context in conjunction with the changing state-school context in Greece as well as the characteristics, challenges and changes of the teacher’s role internationally identified, both conceptual and practical, through an ‘ecosystemic’ approach.

European Journal of Alternative Education Studies, 2021
This article presents the results of a survey on the motivation and barriers of unemployed people... more This article presents the results of a survey on the motivation and barriers of unemployed people regarding their participation in lifelong learning programs in a prefecture of Greece. As for the methodology followed, we selected the quantitative research, which was based on the collection of quantitative research data from 109 unemployed persons using a structured questionnaire during November and December 2019. The questionnaire used in this study was based on the PRB Questionnaire, which was slightly adjusted to fit the unemployed population. Specifically, most of the unemployed (62.4%) who participated in this survey stated that they did not participate in any seminar, training program or educational activity related to their profession. Even lower participation rates are found in general adult education programs, with only 22% saying they have attended some educational activity. Regarding the motivation of unemployed people to participate in a vocational training program, the r...
International Education and Research Journal, 2016
This paper refers to the role of critical thinking in higher education. Scholars claim that enhan... more This paper refers to the role of critical thinking in higher education. Scholars claim that enhancing reflective processes should be the benchmark of student education, combining professional preparation with the development of the ability to think critically. According to this thought we argue that adult education and higher education have many common points of interest. Therefore, it would be very useful if specific adult education techniques could be applied in universities. An implementation performed in University of Patras of a contemporary method from adult education field supports this idea. We argue that the application of methods such as “Transformative Learning through Aesthetic Experience” is effective within the students education framework and cultivate critical thinking.
In this article we are going to present the first application of the Flipped Classroom approach i... more In this article we are going to present the first application of the Flipped Classroom approach in the Greek University system. In particular, we will present the implementation of a flipped classroom in a Department of Education at the University of Patras, a peripheral Greek University. First, we present all the arrangements for the organization of the course giving emphasis on the specifications and principles of the flipped classroom approach as they emerge from the relevant literature review. Then, some crucial elements of the implementation of the course are described, and, finally, some initial findings of the course assessment are elaborated.

Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 2017
This article presents a study conducted after the onset of the economic crisis in Greece. The stu... more This article presents a study conducted after the onset of the economic crisis in Greece. The study lasted for more than five years and was organized by the Research Institutes of Trade Union Confederation of Greece and the Hellenic Small Enterprises Institute of the Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Merchants. Using a mixed methodology, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches, we attempt to investigate participation in adult education and record the reasons and barriers which shape participation patterns. Data presented in this article show that participation has increased in Greece, and at the same time inequalities are magnified, while the economic crisis seems to be a serious deterrent factor for a further development of adult education. Our goal is to interpret those findings based on developments of contemporary Greek society with regard to the meaning that participants attribute to the factors affecting their participation.

BMC medical education, Jan 31, 2014
BackgroundRecent research has evidenced that although investment in Continuing Medical Education ... more BackgroundRecent research has evidenced that although investment in Continuing Medical Education (CME), both in terms of participation as well as financial resources allocated to it, has been steadily increasing to catch up with accelerating advances in health information and technology, effectiveness of CME is reported to be rather limited. Poor and disproportional returns can be attributed to failure of CME courses to address and stimulate an adult audience.MethodsThe present study initially drew on research findings and adult learning theories, providing the basis for comprehending adult learning, while entailing practical implications on fostering effectiveness in the design and delivery of CME. On a second level, a qualitative study was conducted with the aim to elucidate parameters accounting for effectiveness in educational interventions. Qualitative data was retrieved through 12 in-depth interviews, conducted with a random sample of participants in the 26th European Workshop...
Papers by Thanassis Karalis