Papers by Georgios Stamelos

La Recherche en _ducation, n.30, 2024
Le texte aborde les changements qui sont intervenus dans le travail des enseignants- cherc... more Résumé
Le texte aborde les changements qui sont intervenus dans le travail des enseignants- chercheurs et qui ont remodelé leur rapport à l'espace et au temps. Nous utiliserons l'idée d’« iceberg » pour montrer que si les tâches d'un enseignant-chercheur restent inchangées, la charge de travail, l'accélération du temps et la fragmentation de l'espace dépassent les obligations institutionnelles formelles. Il s’agit d’une reconfiguration qui perturbe les frontières du temps et de l'espace, professionnels et privés. Elle illustre ainsi le phénomène d’« iceberg », qui combine la visibilité d'une petite partie du travail et dissimule le reste. La partie invisible modifie les priorités et les caractéristiques des processus sous-jacents à la profession, autant que ses valeurs centrales.
Mots clés : Enseignant-chercheur ; enseignement supérieur ; domaines d'activité.
This paper explores the changes that have taken place in the work of teacher-researchers (TRs), reshaping their relationship with space and time. We use the idea of the 'iceberg' to show that while the tasks of a teacher-researcher remain unchanged, the workload, acceleration of time and fragmentation of space go beyond formal institutional obligations. This reconfiguration disrupts the boundaries between professional and private time and space. It illustrates the phenomenon of the 'iceberg', which combines the visibility of a small part of the work with the concealment of the rest. The invisible part changes the priorities and characteristics of the processes underlying the profession, as well as its core values. Keywords: Teacher-researcher; higher education; fields of activity.
Este artículo explora los cambios que se han producido en el trabajo de los profesores- investigadores (PIs), remodelando su relación con el espacio y el tiempo. Para mostrar que, aunque las tareas de un profesor investigador permanecen inalteradas, la carga de trabajo, la aceleración del tiempo y la fragmentación del espacio van más allá de las obligaciones institucionales formales, utilizamos la idea del «iceberg». Esta reconfiguración trastoca los límites entre el tiempo y el espacio profesionales y privados. Ilustra el fenómeno del «iceberg», que combina la visibilidad de una pequeña parte del trabajo con la ocultación del resto. La parte invisible modifica las prioridades y características de los procesos subyacentes a la profesión, así como sus valores fundamentales.
Palabras clave: Profesor-investigador enseñanza superior; campos de actividad.
Este artigo explora as mudanças que ocorreram no trabalho dos professores-investigadores (PIs), remodelando a sua relação com o espaço e o tempo. Utilizamos a ideia do “icebergue” para mostrar que, embora as tarefas de um professor-investigador permaneçam inalteradas, a carga de trabalho, a aceleração do tempo e a fragmentação do espaço vão para além das obrigações institucionais formais. Esta reconfiguração rompe as fronteiras entre o tempo e o espaço profissional e privado. Ilustra o fenómeno do “iceberg”, que combina a visibilidade de uma pequena parte do trabalho com a ocultação do resto. A parte invisível altera as prioridades e as caraterísticas dos processos subjacentes à profissão, bem como os seus valores fundamentais.
Palavras-chave: Professor-investigador; ensino superior; àreas de atividade.

During the last decades the regular function of Greek universities has been disrupted several tim... more During the last decades the regular function of Greek universities has been disrupted several times due to various governmental educational reforms often related with European education policies. In this paper we focus on efforts for an establishment and implementation of a quality assurance mechanism in Greek higher education, which is a policy theme that always reinforced the conflict in the specific policy arena. Relevant data is drawn by a larger scale research on this particular educational policy issue, in which, we consider higher education as a policy arena where actors form networks that share common policy core beliefs and values, engaging coordinated action in order to translate these into public policy. The paper intends to light up the Greek case where policies concerning a quality assurance system in universities have always been confronted with great resistance by networks acting in the specific policy arena. It also tries to understand the fact that even when relativ...

In the present paper, we attempt to present and analyze the levels of trust in the school unit, b... more In the present paper, we attempt to present and analyze the levels of trust in the school unit, both the existence of trust relationships and the degree to which they exist, as well as the quality that characterizes them. We focus on differentiated professional identities and whether these are related to levels of trust. The structural condition of the permacrisis is particularly important for the study. The fact that Greece's recent social, economic, and political context has been characterized by volatility also adds significant weight to the study. The debt crisis, as the starting point of the successive crises, the permacrisis, has brought about insecurity and uncertainty. At the same time, the social subject cannot act within the social and economic context. The permacrisis is a compound word, defined as a prolonged period of instability and insecurity, incorporating all the crises. Health, economic, environmental, and geopolitical crises, and the social subject's sense of yet another anticipated crisis. All these individual mosaics that each crisis brings gradually make up the setting for the diversification of the professional identity of the teacher. We chose mixed methods research as the methodological approach, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were used as research data collection tools. The target population included teachers and primary school headteachers of primary education school units in Western Greece. The research sample was extracted from these populations through simple random sampling, ensuring the sample's representativeness. This research, including the quantitative and qualitative approaches, was conducted from May 2023 to February 2024. The main results include that the condition of the permacrisis is gradually entering the micro level, negating the linear, and replacing it with the liquid. The risk society is no longer located only in the theoretical sphere but also in the lifeworld, in the everyday life of the social

Policy Futures in Education, 2017
The Greek school textbook is at the core of this article and is treated as a matter of policy. In... more The Greek school textbook is at the core of this article and is treated as a matter of policy. In 2003, the Greek Government decided to include the publishing of school textbooks in the current Community support framework and as a result school textbook publishing goes beyond Greek priorities and gains European interest, which means that the whole process, being mainly supported by Community funding, has to respect certain of its rules and procedures. Our aim here is to show how European policies were transferred to the Greek context and how they inter-reacted with the corresponding Greek rules and procedures. The theoretical framework is based on Dolowich and Marsh’s (2008) proposal concerning the transformation of the concept of policy transfer into an analytical schema in the study of the policy transfer process. The methodology includes the content analysis of 29 school textbooks and comparison of the old ones with the new, and 32 interviews with actors involved in writing and p...

The way of use of ICT is linked to learning theories and in the context of our
research it was in... more The way of use of ICT is linked to learning theories and in the context of our
research it was investigated whether students adopt any of the main learning theories (behaviorism, cognitive theories, sociocultural theories) and whether
they correspondingly shape their professional identity and their educational
practices. The survey was conducted through a questionnaire distributed to
a convenience sample of Faculties of Education students of Greece in 2020.
The results indicate a “fluidity” or rather a non-conscious implementation of
learning theories. The answers of the responders reveal that they use and will use ICT in multiple ways, mostly empirically, without consciously connecting it to any learning theory that would enhance their scientific identity and lead to specific educational (professional) practices. In this light, and for the specific topic, it appears to be a loose connection between the ICT use and the formation of scientific and professional identity.

Στόχος αυτού του κεφαλαίου είναι οι ενδιαφερόμενοι μετά το τέλος της συστηματικής τους ενασχόληση... more Στόχος αυτού του κεφαλαίου είναι οι ενδιαφερόμενοι μετά το τέλος της συστηματικής τους ενασχόλησης μαζί του να μπορούν να: επιχειρηματολογήσουν πάνω στη σημασία της εκπαίδευσης και του εκπαιδευτικού συστήματος στο πλαίσιο του κράτους-έθνους, κατανοούν τις μεταμορφώσεις στις θεωρήσεις της εκπαίδευσης και να αντιλαμβάνονται τα απορρέοντα διακυβεύματα, γνωρίζουν και να διαλέγονται πάνω στην ιστορία της Εκπαιδευτικής Πολιτικής και να τη συνδέουν με ευρύτερες παγκόσμιες μεταβολές, έχουν κατανοήσει την επιστημολογική τοποθέτηση της Εκπαιδευτικής Πολιτικής, συζητούν και να επιχειρηματολογούν με συστηματικό τρόπο πάνω στην επιστημονική συγκρότηση της Εκπαιδευτικής Πολιτικής, αναγνωρίζουν τη συνεισφορά των επιμέρους επιστημονικών πεδίων που συντελούν στην ανάπτυξη της Εκπαιδευτικής Πολιτικής, ξέρουν τα διαφορετικά επίπεδα ανάπτυξης και ανάλυσης της Εκπαιδευτικής Πολιτικής, γνωρίζουν και να κατανοούν ποιοι και πού εργάζονται με την Εκπαιδευτική Πολιτική, είναι σε θέση να αναδείξουν τα μεγάλα διακυβεύματα-τόσο τα παλαιότερα όσο και τα σύγχρονα-που άπτονται των προβληματισμών της Εκπαιδευτικής Πολιτικής, αναπτύσσουν μια συγκροτημένη και τεκμηριωμένη προβληματική για θέματα Εκπαιδευτικής Πολιτικής.

Academia eBooks, Feb 17, 2020
The aim of the present study is the contribution to the discussion on the investigation of the re... more The aim of the present study is the contribution to the discussion on the investigation of the relationship of the future teacher to knowledge. We believe that the investigation into the above relationship is particularly important, as it refers both to the identity formation of future teachers and to the quality of the actual university studies in our country. Following the theoretical scheme of the French intellectual B. Charlot, and in opposition to other research on "rapport au savoir", we wanted to investigate the relationship of "good students" with their studies, in the context of a Department that trains teachers. Briefly, through our research it appears that the effect of the profession is of utmost importance. Furthermore, we believe that it is particularly important that this study will allow us to identify and showcase the significance of the theoretical scheme of the French intellectual for the Greek educational reality. Keywords "Rapport au savoir", identity, future teacher education. Περίληψη Σκοπό της παρούσας μελέτης αποτελεί η συμβολή στη συζήτηση για την διερεύνηση της σχέσης του μελλοντικού εκπαιδευτικού με την γνώση. Θεωρούμε πως η διερεύνηση της παραπάνω σχέσης είναι ιδιαίτερα σημαντική καθώς αφορά τόσο την συγκρότηση των ταυτοτήτων των μελλοντικών εκπαιδευτικών όσο και στην ποιότητα των ίδιων των πανεπιστημιακών σπουδών στη χώρα μας. Ακολουθώντας το θεωρητικό σχήμα του Γάλλου διανοητή B. Charlot και σε αντίθεση με άλλες έρευνες στο rapport au savoir εμείς θελήσαμε να διερευνήσουμε τη σχέση των «καλών φοιτητών» με τις σπουδές τους στο πλαίσιο ενός Τμήματος που προετοιμάζει δασκάλους. Συνοπτικά μέσα από την έρευνά μας φαίνεται ότι το εφέ του επαγγέλματος είναι καθοριστικής σημασίας. Ακόμη ιδιαίτερης σημασίας θεωρούμε ότι είναι ότι η συγκεκριμένη μελέτη θα μας επιτρέψει να διακρίνουμε και να αναδείξουμε την σημασία του θεωρητικού σχήματος του Γάλλου διανοητή για την ελληνική εκπαιδευτική πραγματικότητα. Λέξεις-κλειδί "Rapport au savoir", ταυτότητα, μελλοντική εκπαίδευση εκπαιδευτικών.

Academia eBooks, 2020
The article focuses on the issue of the incorporation of non-formal types of lifelong learning (L... more The article focuses on the issue of the incorporation of non-formal types of lifelong learning (LLL) services delivery into the Greek Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). During the past three decades, this issue appears to have received significant attention as a result of relevant policies promoted worldwide and the strong political will demonstrated by the European states. After briefly presenting the consecutive stages of LLL incorporation into HEIs, the article will emphasise the incorporation of LLL into the Greek Universities and, especially, non-formal types of learning services delivery. The University has been undergoing a series of constant, rapid and profound transformations, in the last few years, that have, on the one hand, turned it into a vast and multi-dimensional organization and on the other, present it with unprecedented dilemmas and perils. Among these, one of the most fundamental pertains to the severe impact induced by the adoption of non-formal types of learning by the University, which may act in a corrosive and/or rejuvenating and modernising way on what we are used to calling the University.
European journal of education and pedagogy, Jun 15, 2022
I. INTRODUCTION After a long period of implementing policies to widen access to higher education,... more I. INTRODUCTION After a long period of implementing policies to widen access to higher education, which has led to its massification, a global phenomenon emerges, student dropout, which raises a number of questions about the success of these policies. Indeed, 30% to 40% of students entering higher education will never finish their studies (
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Dec 1, 2020

Futurity Education
The shift from science-based curricula to curricula based on learning outcomes has been a major c... more The shift from science-based curricula to curricula based on learning outcomes has been a major change for higher education. It is a radical curriculum design model transfer for higher education. The proposed research focuses on this new model that is the most difficult point assessment between expected learning outcomes and acquired learning outcomes. The given example is the initial programme of study of a Department of Primary Teacher Education, located in the region of Western Greece (Greece). In this research students were asked to answer whether they have developed the learning outcomes. The tool used comes from the European Tuning project which is of great importance in learning. From Tuning were taken the generic and specific competencies proposed for the field "Education". The questionnaire was divided into three levels. The first one concerned the students' diagnosis of the relevance of Tuning competencies. The second concerned the recognition of their existe...

Futirity Education, 2023
The shift from science-based curricula to curricula based on learning outcomes has been a major c... more The shift from science-based curricula to curricula based on learning outcomes has been a major change for higher education. It is a radical curriculum design model transfer for higher education. The proposed research focuses on this new model that is the most difficult point assessment between expected learning outcomes and acquired learning outcomes. The given example is the initial programme of study of a Department of Primary Teacher Education, located in the region of Western Greece (Greece). In this research students were asked to answer whether they have developed the learning outcomes. The tool used comes from the European Tuning project which is of great importance in learning. From Tuning were taken the generic and specific competencies proposed for the field "Education". The questionnaire was divided into three levels. The first one concerned the students' diagnosis of the relevance of Tuning competencies. The second concerned the recognition of their existence within the curriculum. The third level concerned the students' self-assessment of whether they have developed these competencies. The innovation of the article lies in: a) the object itself, in other words the construction of a tool to investigate the effectiveness of student learning, b) the fact that the students were questioned on issues (learning outcomes) concerning the design of their curriculum and its effectiveness (learning). The results showed that students have a full understanding concerning the developed or not developed competencies. Consequently, students seem to be able to evaluate their learning process and its effects on them.

European Educational Research Journal, 2012
This article delves into the reactions of national institutions to various external stimuli origi... more This article delves into the reactions of national institutions to various external stimuli originating from supra-national policies formulated by international organisms and other bureaucracies. The authors argue that such stimuli, when ignoring various previous arrangements developed in a given social and/or historic (national) context, may disrupt the institution's balance. In particular, they create divergence among the three pillars — normative, regulative and cultural-cognitive — around which an institution is built and lead the main actors involved with it — players — to act with the aim to best serve their own interests. In the case of Greece the attempt on the part of the Greek government to establish a system of evaluation at the level of primary education — following the country's participation into the European Union — led to severe conflict among the actors involved and to the institution's neutralisation. Accordingly, the level of divergence between what is...
Papers by Georgios Stamelos
Le texte aborde les changements qui sont intervenus dans le travail des enseignants- chercheurs et qui ont remodelé leur rapport à l'espace et au temps. Nous utiliserons l'idée d’« iceberg » pour montrer que si les tâches d'un enseignant-chercheur restent inchangées, la charge de travail, l'accélération du temps et la fragmentation de l'espace dépassent les obligations institutionnelles formelles. Il s’agit d’une reconfiguration qui perturbe les frontières du temps et de l'espace, professionnels et privés. Elle illustre ainsi le phénomène d’« iceberg », qui combine la visibilité d'une petite partie du travail et dissimule le reste. La partie invisible modifie les priorités et les caractéristiques des processus sous-jacents à la profession, autant que ses valeurs centrales.
Mots clés : Enseignant-chercheur ; enseignement supérieur ; domaines d'activité.
This paper explores the changes that have taken place in the work of teacher-researchers (TRs), reshaping their relationship with space and time. We use the idea of the 'iceberg' to show that while the tasks of a teacher-researcher remain unchanged, the workload, acceleration of time and fragmentation of space go beyond formal institutional obligations. This reconfiguration disrupts the boundaries between professional and private time and space. It illustrates the phenomenon of the 'iceberg', which combines the visibility of a small part of the work with the concealment of the rest. The invisible part changes the priorities and characteristics of the processes underlying the profession, as well as its core values. Keywords: Teacher-researcher; higher education; fields of activity.
Este artículo explora los cambios que se han producido en el trabajo de los profesores- investigadores (PIs), remodelando su relación con el espacio y el tiempo. Para mostrar que, aunque las tareas de un profesor investigador permanecen inalteradas, la carga de trabajo, la aceleración del tiempo y la fragmentación del espacio van más allá de las obligaciones institucionales formales, utilizamos la idea del «iceberg». Esta reconfiguración trastoca los límites entre el tiempo y el espacio profesionales y privados. Ilustra el fenómeno del «iceberg», que combina la visibilidad de una pequeña parte del trabajo con la ocultación del resto. La parte invisible modifica las prioridades y características de los procesos subyacentes a la profesión, así como sus valores fundamentales.
Palabras clave: Profesor-investigador enseñanza superior; campos de actividad.
Este artigo explora as mudanças que ocorreram no trabalho dos professores-investigadores (PIs), remodelando a sua relação com o espaço e o tempo. Utilizamos a ideia do “icebergue” para mostrar que, embora as tarefas de um professor-investigador permaneçam inalteradas, a carga de trabalho, a aceleração do tempo e a fragmentação do espaço vão para além das obrigações institucionais formais. Esta reconfiguração rompe as fronteiras entre o tempo e o espaço profissional e privado. Ilustra o fenómeno do “iceberg”, que combina a visibilidade de uma pequena parte do trabalho com a ocultação do resto. A parte invisível altera as prioridades e as caraterísticas dos processos subjacentes à profissão, bem como os seus valores fundamentais.
Palavras-chave: Professor-investigador; ensino superior; àreas de atividade.
research it was investigated whether students adopt any of the main learning theories (behaviorism, cognitive theories, sociocultural theories) and whether
they correspondingly shape their professional identity and their educational
practices. The survey was conducted through a questionnaire distributed to
a convenience sample of Faculties of Education students of Greece in 2020.
The results indicate a “fluidity” or rather a non-conscious implementation of
learning theories. The answers of the responders reveal that they use and will use ICT in multiple ways, mostly empirically, without consciously connecting it to any learning theory that would enhance their scientific identity and lead to specific educational (professional) practices. In this light, and for the specific topic, it appears to be a loose connection between the ICT use and the formation of scientific and professional identity.
Le texte aborde les changements qui sont intervenus dans le travail des enseignants- chercheurs et qui ont remodelé leur rapport à l'espace et au temps. Nous utiliserons l'idée d’« iceberg » pour montrer que si les tâches d'un enseignant-chercheur restent inchangées, la charge de travail, l'accélération du temps et la fragmentation de l'espace dépassent les obligations institutionnelles formelles. Il s’agit d’une reconfiguration qui perturbe les frontières du temps et de l'espace, professionnels et privés. Elle illustre ainsi le phénomène d’« iceberg », qui combine la visibilité d'une petite partie du travail et dissimule le reste. La partie invisible modifie les priorités et les caractéristiques des processus sous-jacents à la profession, autant que ses valeurs centrales.
Mots clés : Enseignant-chercheur ; enseignement supérieur ; domaines d'activité.
This paper explores the changes that have taken place in the work of teacher-researchers (TRs), reshaping their relationship with space and time. We use the idea of the 'iceberg' to show that while the tasks of a teacher-researcher remain unchanged, the workload, acceleration of time and fragmentation of space go beyond formal institutional obligations. This reconfiguration disrupts the boundaries between professional and private time and space. It illustrates the phenomenon of the 'iceberg', which combines the visibility of a small part of the work with the concealment of the rest. The invisible part changes the priorities and characteristics of the processes underlying the profession, as well as its core values. Keywords: Teacher-researcher; higher education; fields of activity.
Este artículo explora los cambios que se han producido en el trabajo de los profesores- investigadores (PIs), remodelando su relación con el espacio y el tiempo. Para mostrar que, aunque las tareas de un profesor investigador permanecen inalteradas, la carga de trabajo, la aceleración del tiempo y la fragmentación del espacio van más allá de las obligaciones institucionales formales, utilizamos la idea del «iceberg». Esta reconfiguración trastoca los límites entre el tiempo y el espacio profesionales y privados. Ilustra el fenómeno del «iceberg», que combina la visibilidad de una pequeña parte del trabajo con la ocultación del resto. La parte invisible modifica las prioridades y características de los procesos subyacentes a la profesión, así como sus valores fundamentales.
Palabras clave: Profesor-investigador enseñanza superior; campos de actividad.
Este artigo explora as mudanças que ocorreram no trabalho dos professores-investigadores (PIs), remodelando a sua relação com o espaço e o tempo. Utilizamos a ideia do “icebergue” para mostrar que, embora as tarefas de um professor-investigador permaneçam inalteradas, a carga de trabalho, a aceleração do tempo e a fragmentação do espaço vão para além das obrigações institucionais formais. Esta reconfiguração rompe as fronteiras entre o tempo e o espaço profissional e privado. Ilustra o fenómeno do “iceberg”, que combina a visibilidade de uma pequena parte do trabalho com a ocultação do resto. A parte invisível altera as prioridades e as caraterísticas dos processos subjacentes à profissão, bem como os seus valores fundamentais.
Palavras-chave: Professor-investigador; ensino superior; àreas de atividade.
research it was investigated whether students adopt any of the main learning theories (behaviorism, cognitive theories, sociocultural theories) and whether
they correspondingly shape their professional identity and their educational
practices. The survey was conducted through a questionnaire distributed to
a convenience sample of Faculties of Education students of Greece in 2020.
The results indicate a “fluidity” or rather a non-conscious implementation of
learning theories. The answers of the responders reveal that they use and will use ICT in multiple ways, mostly empirically, without consciously connecting it to any learning theory that would enhance their scientific identity and lead to specific educational (professional) practices. In this light, and for the specific topic, it appears to be a loose connection between the ICT use and the formation of scientific and professional identity.
is concerned in Greece. However, Greek governments have never drafted one concrete, longitudinal set of national priorities to this end. Furthermore, they cut public resources available to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as far as 60% in the midst of the economic crisis (Pruvot et al., EUA, Public Funding Observatory Report 2018. EUA, 2018). In contrast, participation in the European Research Area (ERA) both provided a set of priorities for research –a research policy- and comprised one significant alternative form of funding for Greek Universities. Hence, HEIs have adopted a bottom-up approach with the aim to support efforts by research-groups and/or individual academics to take part in international consortia and attract funding. In light of these developments, the paper addresses the issues of the relation between internationalised research and national development, especially in the
case of Greece, and the role of HEIs as producers of scientific knowledge and innovation in the context of a national society, specifically the Greek society.
Les résultats montrent que pour une majorité d’élèves la perspective des études universitaires ne repose pas sur un projet élaboré. Il s’agit plutôt d’une continuité « évidente » basée sur, en amont, la représentation sociale de l’enseignement supérieur, et en aval, la manque de perspectives au marché du travail. Cependant, un élève sur quatre semble avoir une idée plus élaborée. En effet, un thème récurrent dans leur propos est le « prestige » d’un travail futur. Par ailleurs, ce prestige semble se connecter, d’une part, au choix d’un établissement tertiaire réputé, et d’autre part, aux récompenses financières espérées dans le futur. Pour ces élèves, il
y a une influence forte tant de leurs familles d’origine que de leur genre.
Our position is that, on the one hand, the landscape of Greek higher education seems to be changing but, on the other hand, if the initial reason for this policy was to conduct a scale economy of the system of higher education, then it is by no means certain that this will be achieved.
So, two main queries seem to arise: 1. could a reform based on political choice erase the effective difference between institutions? 2. could a reform based on political choice by-pass the question of learning and the students’ motivation?
Πρώτον, να καταστήσει διακριτό το επιστημονικό πεδίο και τους ερευνητές του από τον ρόλο και τη δουλειά των policy makers που χρησιμοποιούν καταχρηστικά το όνομα του επιστημονικού πεδίου για μια εργασία κυβερνητικής ευθύνης που κατέχουν περιστασιακά.
Δεύτερον, να καταστήσει σαφές ότι τα επιστημονικά πεδία εξελίσσονται και μεταλλάσσονται παρακολουθώντας τις ευρύτερες κοινωνικές, πολιτικές και οικονομικές εξελίξεις. Έτσι, προσπαθεί να αναλύσει και να ερμηνεύσει τη μετάπλαση του όρου Εκπαιδευτική Πολιτική σε Εκπαιδευτικές Πολιτικές και στη συνέχεια σε Πολιτικές διά βίου μάθησης μέσα από το σταδιακό πέρασμα της κυβέρνησης (government) ενός εκπαιδευτικού συστήματος στο πλαίσιο ενός εθνικού κράτους στη διακυβέρνηση (governance) ενός πολυεπίπεδου και πολυδιάστατου χώρου διά βίου μάθησης σε ένα υπερκρατικό περιβάλλον.
Τρίτον, να δείξει ότι η θεώρηση των πολιτικών διά βίου μάθησης μπορεί να γίνει κατανοητή και ερμηνεύσιμη, άρα και χρήσιμη, μόνο όταν ενταχθεί σε ευρύτερες υπερκρατικές διευθετήσεις και δίκτυα υπερβαίνοντας τους τοπικούς/εθνικούς περιορισμούς και παραμορφώσεις.
Education policies in a mass higher education system and more specifically the issue of governance in higher education are important and difficult policy issues that require thorough in depth analysis.
For the last 50 years, higher education systems worldwide have been constantly expanding. During this expansion, and in combination with the broader economic and political agenda , the matter of the efficiency of the institutions themselves, as well as of the higher education system in general, was raised. On the issue of higher education expansion, Pavel Zgaga mentions that increased demand for higher education was not only a simple response to the growing employment options but also a result of the population’s higher social and cultural expectations. Moreover, higher education is no longer primarily a personal calling; it is a social necessity, since modern societies, in order to function, have to increase the number of educated and skilled people (Zgaga, 2007: 12 and 16). These reforms were underpinned by a radical conceptual shift in understanding of the relationship between institutions and the state. In the literature, it was interestingly described as a move away from the traditional “interventionary” towards the new “facilitatory state” (Neave &Van Vught, 1991).
Therefore the international changes in higher education systems push governments to see higher education institutions as responsible for their internal governance.
So, although responsibility for the provision of higher education still remains with the state, there are issues and problems that go beyond the borders of national higher education systems. When problems like the recognition of degrees and periods of study, or professional rights tied to higher education studies come under discussion, then the responsibility for higher education becomes international.
On a European level, as Weber implies, besides the universal changes already mentioned, the origins of the changing environment for European higher education institutions are threefold: Globalization, as well as scientific and technological progress: these are phenomena which strongly impact on our society and economy; The voluntary policies launched in Europe, such as the Bologna process for the creation of a European Higher Education Area without any borders, in which 47 countries now participate, dealing with crucial policy questions like doctorate studies, quality assurance and the social well-being of students, or the set of EU policies known under the heading of “Lisbon Agenda” and; challenges inherent in the development of the higher education and research sector (Weber, 2006: 64).
In this wider framework the European Commission identifies a number of issues that higher education systems and institutions should respond to, such as “continued democratization of access to higher education, new access conditions, in particular the recognition of past professional experience, setting up of lifelong learning schemes, increase of funding diversification, co-operation with industry, EU research funding mainly directed to networks of excellence, increasing interdisciplinarity, intellectual property rights and many others are on the table of the decision makers of the EU as part of their duties to accomplish the aims of the agreed strategy (Soares, 2006: 61).
A central policy issue for all the aforementioned international developments is the issue of the governance of higher education systems and institutions themselves. At this point a distinction between the terms governance and management should be made. From a 2008 Eurodyce report we quote: “As far as higher education is concerned, governance focuses on the rules and mechanisms by which various stakeholders influence decisions, how they are held accountable, and to whom. In the context of higher education, governance refers to ‘the formal and informal exercise of authority under laws, policies and rules that articulate the rights and responsibilities of various actors, including the rules by which they interact ’. In other words, governance encompasses ‘the framework in which an institution pursues its goals, objectives and policies in a coherent and coordinated manner’ to answer the questions: ‘Who is in charge, and what are the sources of legitimacy for executive decision-making by different actors?’ Management, on the other hand, refers to the implementation of a set of objectives pursued by a higher education institution on the basis of established rules. It answers the question "how are the rules applied?" and is concerned with the efficiency, effectiveness and quality of services provided for internal and external stakeholders” (Eurydice, 2008: 12). And as the report continues “despite the distinction between governance (with its emphasis on the process of setting policies and long-term goals as well as the strategies for reaching these goals) and management (which is action-oriented), the various links between the two will not be overlooked” (Eurydice, 2008: 12).
Moreover it has to be said that the notion of governance is not easy to define precisely. As Kohler says “the notion of higher education governance appears to be hard to understand. It is seen as being complex and abstract. Rightly so; and yet it shows itself in very concrete forms and modes of cultures and techniques to be found with regard to autonomy and external stewardship, to internal leadership and steering, to communication and inclusion, to collectivism, stratification and individualism, be it in relation to political setup, administration, decision making, implementation, or monitoring of higher education institutions and their activities” (Kohler, 2006: 17). And the very concept of governance of higher education, if it is to be analyzed and investigated, should, since it is a multidimensional concept, be roughly split into three structural dimensions: a) internal or institutional higher education governance (governance of higher education institution(s)); b) external or systemic higher education governance (governance of higher education system(s)); and c) international or global higher education governance (governance of higher education systems within an international (global) perspective, for example, the Bologna Process) (Zgaga, 2006: 39).
In all these dimensions of governance two notions are always present: autonomy (for us in the wider concept of the democratic functioning of universities) and social accountability. Briefly as far as autonomy is concerned, we should agree with Weber’s view that: “history teaches us that each time the sovereign (church, emperor, dictator or political regime) restricted the autonomy or took control of universities there followed a period of intellectual and social stagnation or decadence” (Weber, 2006: 67). The second central notion in higher education governance is accountability. As the systems of higher education become more and more massified and complex, the state chooses to grant greater autonomy to the institutions as an alternative solution so that the system can function more effectively (and at the same time, the state can limit the huge amounts that need to be given so that the system can function). However, since public funding, due to the sheer size of higher education in each state is so great, the governments are bound to hold higher education institutions accountable for their outcomes. As stated in an OECD paper: “Despite the broad trends in official policy and government legislation to give greater autonomy to higher education institutions, these changes have often been accompanied by new mechanisms for monitoring and controlling performance, quality and funding” (OECD, 2003: 64). And, as is indicated with almost no exception “increased autonomy over a wide range of institutional operations has been accompanied by the introduction of a more sophisticated quality assurance system based on the establishment of a national quality agency for higher education. This has shifted responsibility for higher education quality from a mainly internal judgment by institutions themselves to an external process of peer review and judgment by others such as quality assessment agencies, and funding bodies” (OECD, 2003: 69).
From the above it becomes clear that today's issues related to governance in higher education, to autonomy, and to the nature of external and internal control, are multi-layered, difficult to analyze and, above all, issues worthy of further research. Therefore at national level (in our case at Greek level) issues concern the general framework of national higher education, the structure of Greek higher education governance, the financing of the Greek higher education system and the status and recruitment of academic and administrative staff in Greek higher education institutions
Given the fact that private higher education is forbidden, according to the Greek Constitution, one could be forgiven for wondering what the reason for the existence of the present text might be. And yet, as we will attempt to show, the actual situation in Greece is a little more complex than the country's Constitution gives us to understand. Indeed, the combination of the redevelopment of pre-existing educational structures within the country, new forms of promoting transnational education (franchising) and the intense pressure from global and regional trends (World Trade Organization, European Union) creates a new educational reality with a constantly expansion of Cross Border Higher Education beyond the provisions of the Constitution.
This book aims, on the one hand, to analyze the way in which a policy program of QA in Greek universities has been established and implemented and, on the other hand, to discover whether, during the implementation of this policy program, concrete common beliefs and values concerning the University do exist among Greek academics who were active in opposing coalition networks.
This book could be a reference source for researchers, academics and students of social sciences, as well as for national and international policy makers, administrators and managers working on higher education issues.
L’argumentation initiale focalisait sur les effets de la crise économique sur les motivations des élèves et leurs choix aux études supérieures (Lieury & Fennouillet, 1996; Viau, 2004, 2009). Plus spécifiquement, on argumentait que la crise économique influence tant la vision des études supérieures que les motivations face aux études et aux perspectives de travail. Par conséquent, on a produit un travail sur les motivations afin de pouvoir entrevoir les effets de la crise sur celles-ci.
Néanmoins, des questions peuvent être soulevées quand on compare les résultats de différentes évaluations estudiantines.
Dans notre projet de communication on va utiliser, comme étude de cas, les résultats des trois dispositifs utilisés dans le Département de Pédagogie (Sciences de l’Éducation + Formation des Maîtres) de l’Université de Patras. Plus spécialement, on soumettra à la comparaison les données qui proviennent de l’évaluation de l’enseignement, les résultats de l’évaluation extérieur de ce Département et finalement les résultats d’une recherche par questionnaire que nous avons mené sur la base de compétences proposées par Tuning (le grand et bien influant projet européen).
Notre objectif est, dans un premier temps, de mettre en clair les convergences et les différences des trois dispositifs et par la suite, de comparer les convergences afin d’attester la continuité ou pas des résultats.
the collected data to design appropriate professional development programs that address their specific needs. Data were
collected through the administration of a valid and reliable 19-item self-report questionnaire, which was distributed to all
categories of teaching staff at 25 Greek universities. Faculty members rated their level of interest in professional development
topics related to enhancing learning and teaching, while the most commonly cited reason for not participating in professional
development opportunities was a lack of time or scheduling conflicts. This study highlights the importance of needs analysisbased
training programs design in order to focus on targeted training areas.
supérieur, nous constatons un phénomène imprévu : l’abandon des études. Une
bibliographie spécialisée dense prouve l’ampleur du phénomène. Souvent, l’intérêt porte sur
la première année d’études qui semble être un moment décisif. Cependant, ce ne sont pas
que les nouveaux étudiants qui courent le risque de l’abandon. Le phénomène semble
caractériser toute la période d’études. C’est pourquoi, nous nous sommes focalisés sur les étudiants après la première année d’études afin d’analyser si et dans quelle mesure ils sonsusceptibles d’abandonner leurs études.
Dans ce texte, nous présentons les résultats d’une recherche menée auprès des étudiants d’une université grecque, qui essaie de concrétiser le profil des étudiants qui pensent à abandonner leurs études et qui ne sont pas en première année. De cette étude ressort que les étudiants qui formulent un sens négatif de leur vie d’étudiant sont les plus vulnérables. De plus, les étudiants qui peinent à se forger la représentation sociale « université » et qui n’ont pas une motivation précise pour les études universitaires sont plus enclin à envisager l’abandon .