Papers by Lavinia Maria Pruteanu

Anuarul Universitatii Petre Andrei din Iasi - Fascicula: Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie
Often in discussions with teachers in different contexts, one of the subjects concerned the diffi... more Often in discussions with teachers in different contexts, one of the subjects concerned the difficulties of working with students from "problem classes".In order to meet their needs, we have identified practical solutions, techniques and methods of preventing and modifying behavior, through literature analysis. Thus, the idea of proposing a training program to address the issue of classroom management appeared. In the broader sense, the work of the classroom teacher is a leading activity (according to the education sciences). Any of the actors: Educator, teacher, who effectively coordinate the educational process is concerned about the educational climate of the group. We briefly outline the structure and aims of such a program, as it can be a reference point in optimizing the professional development of teachers and educators.

Anuarul Universitatii Petre Andrei din Iasi - Fascicula: Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie, 2020
The psychosocial climate has a great variety of definitions, this being due to the different poin... more The psychosocial climate has a great variety of definitions, this being due to the different point of view from which it is approached: pragmatic, affective, normative, structural. In the psychosociological literature in our country, the definitions proposed for this concept are mostly focused on the attitudinal-emotional aspect of this phenomenon and consequently they generally have many notes in common. Organizational and managerial theories have largely begun with the discovery of the importance of people and the socio-human climate for the efficient functioning of companies. Through multiple analyzes and research, the dynamics of the human factor in the organization and management was configured. From the beginning we must distinguish two universes within any organization. On the one hand, machines and technology, the market and production flows, productivity and competitiveness of products representing a distinct universe of corporations, on the other hand, the other universe, ...

Explaining the variables that contribute to employees’ work-related satisfaction remains a key qu... more Explaining the variables that contribute to employees’ work-related satisfaction remains a key question for human resources management practitioners. Personality traits and characteristics of organizational climate have been found to affect employee’s work-related attitudes (e.g., satisfaction). The current study was based on a correlational design. Forty employees of a company specialized in sales of pharmaceutical products completed three standardized self-report measures of organizational climate, personality traits, and job satisfaction. No significant difference was found in overall work-related satisfaction between men and women. Correlational data revealed a significant negative relationship between job satisfaction and neuroticism. Job satisfaction also correlated positively with the agreeableness and length of time in current position. Moreover, a strong positive correlation (r = 0.74; p < 0.001) between job satisfaction and the perception of organizati...

Adolescence is a time of great changes and vulnerabilities. Particularly, adolescence is a stress... more Adolescence is a time of great changes and vulnerabilities. Particularly, adolescence is a stress-sensitive period of development. Thus, assessing the ability to bounce back from stress becomes crucial for professionals who work with adolescents in different contexts. This paper summarizes the results of a psychometric study which has been conducted in a sample of 556 adolescents, in order to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Brief Resilience Scale/BRS. Several univariate and multivariate statistical analyses have been performed. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a one-factor solution that accounted for 43.41 % of the total item variance. The BRS had acceptable internal consistency, with values of α coefficient equal to 0.73 (total sample), 0.75 (girls), and 0.64 (boys). The one-factor model was invariant across gender and age. Further empirical evidence of construct and criterion-related (concurrent) validity is provided. The BRS is a reliable and valid instrument for measuring resilience as the ability to recover from stress. It may provide information that is useful in helping adolescents.

This paper focuses on the job-related burnout among nurses working in Romanian public hospitals. ... more This paper focuses on the job-related burnout among nurses working in Romanian public hospitals. The correlational study conducted on a convenience sample of 106 nurses working in two public hospitals aimed at highlighting aspects related to the perceived intensity of specific burnout emotional and behavioral manifestations among nurses and their relationships with other variables, i.e. age, length of service as nurse, family status, and emotional intelligence – an individual ability that plays an important role in optimal adjustment to specific nursing demands. Even though in the current sample the level of burnout dimensions was moderate, comparative data revealed significant differences between nurses differentiated by the hospital they worked in. For the whole sample the emotional intelligence score was a negative predictor of the sense of professional failure accounting for 12.6% of the variance in this dimension of burnout. This result suggests that nurses who show a lower abi...

Chronic medical condition refers to a long-lasting illness or syndrome which causes significant i... more Chronic medical condition refers to a long-lasting illness or syndrome which causes significant impairments in personal, occupational, and social functioning of the patient. A chronic illness is often associated with decreased subjective well-being and quality of life in patients. It is therefore necessary to conduct an economical assessment of the psychological condition associated with a chronic illness. In the present study, we tested a generic index of subjective well-being. This index was based on two psychometrically sound instruments: Beck Depression Inventory-Fast Screen (BDI-FS; k = 7 items) and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS; k = 5 items). Seventythree patients diagnosed with C-type hepatitis completed the BDI-FS, SWLS and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). A metric hypothetical model with two intercorrelated latent factors (i.e., severity of depression and overall satisfaction with life) was tested. Confirmatory factor analysis with AMOS 20.00 yielded a model with go...

Research suggests that among the health professions and those involving an immediate aid, medical... more Research suggests that among the health professions and those involving an immediate aid, medical care involves the highest level of stress, due to professional and moral responsibility towards human individual. This study aimed at exploring the level of stress and associated factors among nurses who work in departments specialized in nephrology, urology and hemodialysis. A total of 26 nurses (22 females and 4 males) completed two short questionnaires which were administered during working hours. Data showed that respondents tended to indicate a moderate level of work-related stress, as well as job satisfaction. In the current sample of nurses, the level of stress showed no significant associations with age, employment department, total length of medical service, and years in current position. However, the level of occupational stress was significantly associated with job satisfaction, although the association was not in the direction we expected.
![Research paper thumbnail of Variables Associated with Subjective Well-Being Among Parents of Children with Total Hearing Impairment [Variabile asociate starii de bine subiective in randul parintilor copiilor cu deficienta de auz totala]](
Families that raise a child with total hearing impairment have specific particular educational an... more Families that raise a child with total hearing impairment have specific particular educational and social tasks. This paper summarizes the main results of a correlational study that explored the subjective well-being indicators in parents of children diagnosed with total hearing impairment by relating this area of individual functioning to certain demographical variables, to some characteristics of diagnosis, as well as to individual characteristics of parents. A number of 42 parents of children assisted by a cochlear implant completed seven standard questionnaires. Instruments were administered in a clinic specialized in assessment and recovery services, located in the Varese province of Italy. In parents who participated in the study, the levels of the positive affective disposition and satisfaction with life showed consistent associations to scores of functional and dysfunctional cognitive strategies involved in regulating emotions in adverse situations or negative life events, a...

Technium Social Sciences Journal
Birth has become a phenomenon of increasing concern. The population of Romania has decreased and ... more Birth has become a phenomenon of increasing concern. The population of Romania has decreased and is constantly decreasing, the downward evolution is not surprising, all the information on the natural and migratory movement after 1989 define a well-installed demographic decline. Romania's demographic decline is gaining new dimensions and amplifying the deterioration of the country's demographic situation. What is less known and evaluated at the true value is the depth of the deterioration of the age structure of the population in the context of the demographic decline and the implications of this deterioration from the perspective of the possible recovery of the demographic state of the country. The present demographic evolutions, respectively the characteristics of the components that have produced and are still producing these evolutions, foreshadow a strongly negative image regarding the population of Romania in the next decades, if by public policies the birth ratio will ...
Anuarul Universitatii "Petre Andrei" din Iasi Fascicula Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie
The first names have been approached by specialist from various domains: anthropology, sociology,... more The first names have been approached by specialist from various domains: anthropology, sociology, lingvistics, and psychology. The psychologist is interested in the effect of first name over the identity of the person, if the name determines the way others sees us, or how to we see ourselves. In this article I presented a research in which I wanted to know if the exposure to pictures associated with names will change how a person evalutes that name. The results indicate that there is no influence in this situation, but leaves the door open for many questions on the psychology of first names.

Anuarul Universitatii "Petre Andrei" din Iasi Fascicula Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie
Since the 2000s, video games have been flourishing, along with acquisitions in the field of infor... more Since the 2000s, video games have been flourishing, along with acquisitions in the field of information and communications technology. Attraction for video games is a phenomenon that has grown to worrying extents, not only among children, adolescents and young people, but also the adult population. A significant part of the most popular online games have explicit violent content, whereas others include violence in subliminal forms. The results of meta-analyses suggest that violent video games tend to increase levels for cognitive, emotional and aggressive behaviors, as well as physiological excitability. Our paper analyses the complex issue of the attraction exerted by video games and the risks they have to the functioning and development of children, adolescents, young people and adults. Also, there are presented the findings of several studies that have dealt with the delimitation of players' profile. Some practical implications for parents and educators are also suggested.

Anuarul Universitatii "Petre Andrei" din Iasi Fascicula: Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie
Examination stress and test anxiety are pervasive problems in the modern society. Test anxiety ge... more Examination stress and test anxiety are pervasive problems in the modern society. Test anxiety generally leads to a gradual decrease of cognitive performance and undermines academic achievement of students of all ages. Therefore, the early identification of test anxiety is important because it can result in a better prognosis to prevent recurrent difficulties. This paper summarizes the main results of a psychometric study aimed to develop norms for the Test Anxiety Asssessment Inventory-Parallel Form/IAT-III (Robu, 2009b) in a sample of Romanian middle school students. Participants were 291 students from 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. A hypothetical metric model of the IAT-III was tested using confirmatory factor analysis. In addition, internal consistency was computed. Descriptive characteristics that justify the chosen norming system were also presented in the paper. Finally, normative data that can be useful to assess test anxiety among middle school students were reported.

To explore the role of stress vulnerability, dispositional optimism, fears of surgery and negativ... more To explore the role of stress vulnerability, dispositional optimism, fears of surgery and negative affective disposition in prediction of postsurgical stress among cardiac patients who underwent heart surgery. The sample included 60 cardiac patients (39 males and 21 females, aged 58.50 +/- 10.97 years). All patients completed two sets of standardized questionnaires. Before surgical intervention, stress vulnerability, dispositional optimism and negative affective disposition were measured with N6-Scale (from NEO Personality Inventory-Revised Form), Life Orientation Test-Revised Form and Mental Health Index-5, respectively. Fear of surgery among patients was measured with an 8-item questionnaire designed for the current study. After intervention, patients completed a short postsurgical data form along with the Perceived Stress Scale. There was no significant difference in postsurgical stress between the female and male cardiac patients (t = 0.96; p = 0.34). A similar result was obtained when the presence/absence of postsurgical complications was considered as an independent variable (t = 1.30; p = 0.19). As expected, a higher level of postsurgical stress was associated with higher stress vulnerability, surgery-related fear, negative affective disposition, and with a lower dispositional optimism score. Moreover, stress vulnerability and negative affective disposition were significant predictors of postsurgical stress. Cardiac patients who are prone to stress and negative affective disposition are also at higher risk for postsurgical stress. On its turn, this psychological condition interferes with time and quality of postsurgical recovery. A careful assessment of psychological condition along with counseling before surgical intervention is needed in order to reduce the risk of postsurgical stress and improve medical recovery in cardiac patients.
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2015
Simple and multiple linear regression analyses are statistical methods used to investigate the li... more Simple and multiple linear regression analyses are statistical methods used to investigate the link between activity/property of active compounds and the structural chemical features. One assumption of the linear regression is that the errors follow a normal distribution. This paper introduced a new approach to solving the simple linear regression in which no assumptions about the distribution of the errors are made. The proposed approach maximizes the probability of observing the event according to the random error. The use of the proposed approach is illustrated in ten classes of compounds with different activities or properties. The proposed method proved reliable and was showed to fit properly the observed data compared to the convenient approach of normal distribution of the errors.

Research suggests that among the health professions and those involving an immediate aid, medical... more Research suggests that among the health professions and those involving an immediate aid, medical care involves the highest level of stress, due to professional and moral responsibility towards human individual. This study aimed at exploring the level of stress and associated factors among nurses who work in compartments specialized in nephrology, urology and hemodialysis. A total of 26 nurses (22 females and 4 males) completed two short questionnaires which were administered during working hours. Data showed that respondents tended to indicate a moderate level of work-related stress, as well as job satisfaction. In the current sample of nurses, the level of stress showed no significant associations with age, employment department, total length of medical service, and years in current position. However, the level of occupational stress was significantly associated with job satisfaction, although the association was not in the direction we expected.

Adolescence is a time of great changes and vulnerabilities. Particularly, adolescence is a stress... more Adolescence is a time of great changes and vulnerabilities. Particularly, adolescence is a stress-sensitive period of development. Thus, assessing the ability to bounce back from stress becomes crucial for professionals who work with adolescents in different contexts. This paper summarizes the results of a psychometric study which has been conducted in a sample of 556 adolescents, in order to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Brief Resilience Scale/BRS. Several univariate and multivariate statistical analyses have been performed. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a one-factor solution that accounted for 43.41 % of the total item variance. The BRS had acceptable internal consistency, with values of α coefficient equal to 0.73 (total sample), 0.75 (girls), and 0.64 (boys). The one-factor model was invariant across gender and age. Further empirical evidence of construct and criterion-related (concurrent) validity is provided. The BRS is a reliable and valid instrument for measuring resilience as the ability to recover from stress. It may provide information that is useful in helping adolescents.
Papers by Lavinia Maria Pruteanu