Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Theology Thesis by Tom Torbeyns

Originally submitted: May, 2017. Last edited and expanded: November - December, 2024. In this res... more Originally submitted: May, 2017. Last edited and expanded: November - December, 2024. In this research thesis we will discover that Augustine’s opinion that concupiscence was an evil, hereditary stain of original sin was not in line with the agreed-upon tradition of the earliest of Church fathers but there are strong arguments for believing that this opinion was based on non-Christian or spurious sources, the most probable direct source being the “Ambrosiaster” document. On this shaky foundation of the inheritance of concupiscence, Augustine built the idea of the massa damnata. It was a novel doctrine, since it was incompatible with the earlier Orthodox tradition. Augustine's claim that this denial of limbo and the positive damnation of unbaptized infants was part of the Catholic tradition, was a novelty to the Church universal. It was unsupported by early sources. This leads me to conclude that Augustine’s threefold philosophical structure of concupiscence, massa damnata and the positive damnation of unbaptized infants was not in accordance with “the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3b, NKJV). The lack of orthodox evidence supporting an idea of genetically inheriting sin substantially weakens the basis as proffered by Augustine.
Master of Theology Paper by Tom Torbeyns
Originally submitted: December, 2017. Last edited: November - December, 2024. By looking at the s... more Originally submitted: December, 2017. Last edited: November - December, 2024. By looking at the similarities between various philosophies which influenced Augustine's life - e.g. Platonism, Valentinianism and Manichaeism - and Augustine's developing theology, we will develop a preliminary hypothesis as to how Augustine came to his views on time and predestination. In this essay we argue that Augustine had been influenced by extra-biblical sources, rather than by biblical sources to form his blueprint theology.
Master of Theology Thesis by Tom Torbeyns

This research thesis looks into whether it is possible for Pentecostals to include a sacramentali... more This research thesis looks into whether it is possible for Pentecostals to include a sacramentalist understanding of the Eucharist and of water baptism into Pentecostalism. After looking into the historical facts which show that some Protestant groups came to deny the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist and the efficacy of water baptism as regenerative, it looked into what the possible influential groups on Pentecostalism were that made Pentecostals also take this asacramentalist position on the aforementioned sacraments. Then it looked into the historical evidence for the correct understanding in regards to the sacraments of water baptism and the Eucharist. We came to see that the testimonies of various authoritative early Christian writings show us that the early Church held to the effectual, Christo-pneumatological regenerative capacity of the sacrament of water baptism and that Christ was considered truly present in the Eucharist, which was considered a means of grace and a Christo-Pneumatological point of contact with the Father. Then it investigated how Pentecostal churches can come to hold together with institutional churches that faith and grace are totally compatible with a physio-spiritual understanding of the sacraments. It was found that, while Pentecostals can keep the understanding that the Holy Spirit is our primary point of contact with God, this does not have to mean denying that God's Spirit is involved in the Sacraments (and matter). It concluded, from the testimonies of the early Church, and contrary to Zwinglianism, that God is not opposed to matter and the mediated reception. This initial research shows that uniting the sacraments and Pentecostal spirituality is far from squaring the circle. Available at the library of Continental Theological Seminary, available in their online library as an exemplary thesis, and available on request.
Honours Course (Augustine & Augustinianism) Papers by Tom Torbeyns
Originally submitted: November, 2021. Last edited: November - December, 2024. A summarizing overv... more Originally submitted: November, 2021. Last edited: November - December, 2024. A summarizing overview of various essential currents and individuals which influenced the philosophical conversions of the young Augustine.
Originally submitted: November, 2021. Last edited: November - December, 2024. In this essay I dis... more Originally submitted: November, 2021. Last edited: November - December, 2024. In this essay I discuss: a) the role of Manichaeism in Augustine's development, b) in which of his writings Manichaeism plays an important role (thetical and/or anti-thetical) and c) how he describes the role of Manichaeism in the successive stages of his life in Confessiones Books 3, 7 and 8 respectively.
Originally submitted: November, 2021. Last edited: November - December, 2024. A summarizing overv... more Originally submitted: November, 2021. Last edited: November - December, 2024. A summarizing overview of Augustine's concept of history, of his concept of the two antithetical cities, and its possible sources in Manichaeism, Platonism, the Donatist Tyconius, and the earlier Christian, Jewish and Jewish-Christian traditions.
A summarizing overview of Augustine’s concept of being a ‘Minister of the Divine Word’.
A summarizing analysis of Augustine's Sermo 85 and Sermo 86. Why did Augustine emphasize giving a... more A summarizing analysis of Augustine's Sermo 85 and Sermo 86. Why did Augustine emphasize giving alms so strongly?
A summarizing analysis of Augustine's Sermo 153. Do all of his arguments against the Manichaeans ... more A summarizing analysis of Augustine's Sermo 153. Do all of his arguments against the Manichaeans and the Pelagians hold up to close scrutiny?
A summarizing analysis of Augustine's sermo 300, sermo 301 and sermo 192. Themes such as Catholic... more A summarizing analysis of Augustine's sermo 300, sermo 301 and sermo 192. Themes such as Catholic martyrdom as contrasted with Donatist martyrdom and the brevity and futility of life are discussed.
A summarizing overview of Augustine's concept of the unity of the Catholic Church (as contrasted ... more A summarizing overview of Augustine's concept of the unity of the Catholic Church (as contrasted to the unity of the Donatists) in his Tract. in Ioh. Ev. 6, Sermo 71, Tract. in Ep. Ioh. 1 and in En. in Ps. 99.
An overview of the essentials of Augustine’s concept of being a ‘Minister of the Divine Word’ wit... more An overview of the essentials of Augustine’s concept of being a ‘Minister of the Divine Word’ with a summarizing analysis and assessment of ten of his sermons. Available on request.
The place of Augustine’s doctrine of the sacraments in the context of his theology and the theolo... more The place of Augustine’s doctrine of the sacraments in the context of his theology and the theology of the Donatists and the Pelagians, Its Historical Influence in the sixteenth century and its possible Significance for Today. Available on request.
Master of Education Papers by Tom Torbeyns
A historical analysis of the early influences on and developments of the sacramentology of Protes... more A historical analysis of the early influences on and developments of the sacramentology of Protestant, Evangelical and Pentecostal Churches with a critical reflection on whether God's Spirit can be involved in matter. Available on request.
A critical reflection on the methodology and findings of “Reaching for a new sense of connection:... more A critical reflection on the methodology and findings of “Reaching for a new sense of connection: soft atheism and ‘patch and make do’ spirituality amongst nonreligious European millennials”, a sociological article which draws on interviews with 67 nonreligious millennials across 25 European towns and cities, part of a research programme (Understanding Unbelief) which aims to map the global diversity of nonreligion.
Een evaluatie van een masterthesis van dhr. Wibo Hoendermis (Universiteit Utrecht). “Wet en Evang... more Een evaluatie van een masterthesis van dhr. Wibo Hoendermis (Universiteit Utrecht). “Wet en Evangelie Van Elchasai: Een onderzoek naar de invloed van een heterodox joodschristelijk geloof”.
Master of Education Thesis by Tom Torbeyns

This research thesis focussed strongly on the extent to which Cyril’s active learning theory had ... more This research thesis focussed strongly on the extent to which Cyril’s active learning theory had truly been worked out in his Catecheses. More specifically, I looked for the recurring active structural patterns (as contrasted to the passive lecturing of the creed) of Cyril which he required of his students: 1) Changes in mentality, 2) Holistic engagements of a great variety of body parts and 3) Actively studying and constructing their orthodox faith, by which the candidates arrange this well-planned order into a system. Thus I submitted a more detailed analysis, filling that gap in the research, general statements and overviews of Espinoza and Johnson-Miller, Lorgeoux and Gemeinhardt who had not methodologically analysed in detail the aforementioned recurring structural patterns in Cyril’s Catecheses of how exactly Cyril’s students were required to change according to his Catecheses. This potentially lead to some points of contact between Cyril’s learning theory and contemporary educational theory and further research options in order to make these research findings applicable in contemporary Christian Religious Education, which was looked at in the final subchapter of this thesis. My thesis supervisor was Dr. Maria Verhoeff (PhD in Theology and Religious Studies, Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven, Belgium). This thesis is available on request.
Magazine Articles by Tom Torbeyns
VErbindinG, 2019
In this article in the journal of the Free Evangelical Churches ["VErbindinG"], I critically ask ... more In this article in the journal of the Free Evangelical Churches ["VErbindinG"], I critically ask whether Bible believing Evangelicals are to hold to the Bible alone or whether the Bible teaches that there is a holy, earliest Tradition which was passed down, which they are to hold to.
Undergraduate Courses by Tom Torbeyns

In October 2022 I taught a Pneumatology course (a systematic theology course (THE 1013)) to under... more In October 2022 I taught a Pneumatology course (a systematic theology course (THE 1013)) to undergraduate students at Global University Czech Republic, building on research during my BA and MTh, my MTh thesis as well as on further postgraduate and personal research into Biblical and Patristic thought.
A top scholar lecturer of that university considered the arguments I put forth during my lecture "meticulously researched and argued" and the lecture itself "at the expected level for the students while constantly being thought provoking". The lecture "always stretched the students' theological minds and helped them to learn to think for themselves on an array of theological matters." This could readily be seen by the many interesting questions posed by the students in order to gain a deeper understanding of theological issues. The students also found the topic as well as the lecture itself deeply interesting and were thankful for the effort I had put into it.
Global University is accredited in the United States of America by the Higher Learning Commission, the Distance Education Accrediting Commission and is an associate member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

In October 2022 I taught a Pneumatology course (a systematic theology course (THE 1013)) to under... more In October 2022 I taught a Pneumatology course (a systematic theology course (THE 1013)) to undergraduate students at Vyšší Odborná Škola Misijní a Teologická (VOŠMT | Czech Republic), building on research during my BA and MTh, my MTh thesis as well as on further postgraduate and personal research into Biblical and Patristic thought.
A top scholar university lecturer considered the arguments I put forth during my lecture "meticulously researched and argued" and the lecture itself "at the expected level for the students while constantly being thought provoking". The lecture "always stretched the students' theological minds and helped them to learn to think for themselves on an array of theological matters." This could readily be seen by the many interesting questions posed by the students in order to gain a deeper understanding of theological issues. The students also found the topic as well as the lecture itself deeply interesting and were thankful for the effort I had put into it.
VOŠMT is accredited by the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports (MEYS) in the Czech Republic = Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy České Republiky (MŠMT ČR).
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Theology Thesis by Tom Torbeyns
Master of Theology Paper by Tom Torbeyns
Master of Theology Thesis by Tom Torbeyns
Honours Course (Augustine & Augustinianism) Papers by Tom Torbeyns
Master of Education Papers by Tom Torbeyns
Master of Education Thesis by Tom Torbeyns
Magazine Articles by Tom Torbeyns
Undergraduate Courses by Tom Torbeyns
A top scholar lecturer of that university considered the arguments I put forth during my lecture "meticulously researched and argued" and the lecture itself "at the expected level for the students while constantly being thought provoking". The lecture "always stretched the students' theological minds and helped them to learn to think for themselves on an array of theological matters." This could readily be seen by the many interesting questions posed by the students in order to gain a deeper understanding of theological issues. The students also found the topic as well as the lecture itself deeply interesting and were thankful for the effort I had put into it.
Global University is accredited in the United States of America by the Higher Learning Commission, the Distance Education Accrediting Commission and is an associate member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
A top scholar university lecturer considered the arguments I put forth during my lecture "meticulously researched and argued" and the lecture itself "at the expected level for the students while constantly being thought provoking". The lecture "always stretched the students' theological minds and helped them to learn to think for themselves on an array of theological matters." This could readily be seen by the many interesting questions posed by the students in order to gain a deeper understanding of theological issues. The students also found the topic as well as the lecture itself deeply interesting and were thankful for the effort I had put into it.
VOŠMT is accredited by the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports (MEYS) in the Czech Republic = Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy České Republiky (MŠMT ČR).
A top scholar lecturer of that university considered the arguments I put forth during my lecture "meticulously researched and argued" and the lecture itself "at the expected level for the students while constantly being thought provoking". The lecture "always stretched the students' theological minds and helped them to learn to think for themselves on an array of theological matters." This could readily be seen by the many interesting questions posed by the students in order to gain a deeper understanding of theological issues. The students also found the topic as well as the lecture itself deeply interesting and were thankful for the effort I had put into it.
Global University is accredited in the United States of America by the Higher Learning Commission, the Distance Education Accrediting Commission and is an associate member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
A top scholar university lecturer considered the arguments I put forth during my lecture "meticulously researched and argued" and the lecture itself "at the expected level for the students while constantly being thought provoking". The lecture "always stretched the students' theological minds and helped them to learn to think for themselves on an array of theological matters." This could readily be seen by the many interesting questions posed by the students in order to gain a deeper understanding of theological issues. The students also found the topic as well as the lecture itself deeply interesting and were thankful for the effort I had put into it.
VOŠMT is accredited by the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports (MEYS) in the Czech Republic = Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy České Republiky (MŠMT ČR).