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Is publishing in the global South by definition publishing ‘from below’? What does the community of scholars, generally, know of publishing and of book history studies in countries of the global South, such as India, Brazil or South... more
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This chapter aims to analyse and evaluate whether South African scholarly books find an international readership, especially in the markets of the 'North'. The marketing and distribution efforts of several publishers were examined, and... more
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Print culture came to South Africa with the Dutch East India Company, followed by the British colonisers. This influence persisted after colonisation officially ended, with the Union of South Africa in 1910. Many early publishers and... more
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      History of PublishingSouth African history
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Book clubs and mail order booksellers Leisure Books/Leserskring, Sunday Times Book Club, etc. Corporation direct sales Business to business sales: corporate gift packagers, legal and accounting firms, etc. Direct sales to the public... more
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    • Text
Book clubs and mail order booksellers Leisure Books/Leserskring, Sunday Times Book Club, etc. Corporation direct sales Business to business sales: corporate gift packagers, legal and accounting firms, etc. Direct sales to the public... more
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    • Text
Print culture came to South Africa with the Dutch East India Company, followed by the British colonisers. This influence persisted after colonisation officially ended, with the Union of South Africa in 1910. Many early publishers and... more
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      History of PublishingSouth African historySouth African History
The study of book history is in its infancy in South Africa, with a small group of scholars working in the area and little sense of a shared body of literature, which could be used as foundational texts for those wishing to conduct... more
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    • Reference
Amid ongoing concerns about the reading decline, the lack of a “reading culture” and children not reading enough, a variety of solutions are put forward, largely in the form of reading promotion campaigns. these campaigns are seldom... more
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My research examines the role of print culture and publishers in political contexts, especially in the twentieth century. Studying the history of university presses in South Africa led me to consider the multiple ways in which a society... more
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    • Academic Freedom
There is a key and oft-repeated assumption that the book is not indigenous to Africa, and has a relatively short history here. 1 Thus, to tell the story of the book in Africa, some would start with the coming of the first printing... more
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      HistoryBook HistoryAudience Measurement
Against the general assumption that crime and detective fiction has only recently emerged as a genre in South African publishing, this essay will consider the publishing history of this genre in South Africa. The question that is... more
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      MarketingHistoryPublishingBook History
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Publishing is an important cultural industry, and its products form part of the record of our social and cultural history. Yet what of the records of the publishers themselves-the voluminous correspondence, financial information,... more
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      EngineeringPublishingHindsight biasLibrary and Information Studies
In this essay we demonstrate how the burgeoning field of South African crime fiction has responded to the birth and development of a democratic, post-apartheid South African state. First, an overview of South African crime fiction in the... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesBook HistoryAfrican Identities
Start-up problems for a journal include attracting authors and building initial readership, but challenges further down the line include building visibility and maintaining credibility. One of the key strategies in this regard is... more
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      Scholarly PublishingAfrican MediaAfrica Media
This publication has been typeset in the multilingual "Brill" typeface. With over 5,100 characters covering Latin, ipa, Greek, and Cyrillic, this typeface is especially suitable for use in the humanities. For more information, please see... more
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      PublishingAcademic FreedomSocial History of MedicineSouth African history
South Africa's academic publishing history has been profoundly influenced by its colonial heritage. This is reflected in the publication of Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society (later, the Royal Society of South... more
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      PublishingBook HistoryHistory of the BookScientific Societies
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      SociologyCultural StudiesMedia StudiesPublishing
Research into print culture studies in Africa has largely been dominated by histories of how European missionaries, colonial administrators and traders brought the book and literacy to Africa, by what Isabel Hofmeyr describes as 'the idea... more
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      SociologyPrint CultureSouthern African Studies