Papers by sofia torrão

Integration and compatibility of information systems is one of the major concerns of all IT users... more Integration and compatibility of information systems is one of the major concerns of all IT users, and the situation at Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP) [1] is no exception. Ever since we start using an e-Learning system back in 2002, Luvit [2], a proprietary Learning Management System (LMS), we have been facing this problem, and despite our status of developer partner of Luvit we couldn’t achieve satisfactory results. In 2004 FEUP decided to shift to MOODLE [3] [4] and since then several steps were taken to customize and better integrate the LMS with other information systems existing at the faculty, namely an in-house developed academic information system (SiFEUP) [5], and a proprietary library information system (from Ex-libris [6]), with a library catalogue and the repository.
The article describes the current situation and the steps we have performed to reach it, and discusses our future plans.

A utilização de ferramentas informáticas diversas no apoio ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem é... more A utilização de ferramentas informáticas diversas no apoio ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem é uma realidade que decorre não só dos objectivos a atingir em cada unidade curricular mas também da especialização das próprias ferramentas e das suas funcionalidades inerentes. Existe uma necessidade de actualização e experimentação de novas ferramentas, descobrindo e tirando partido das suas características específicas, e essa tendência parte tanto de professores como de alunos. Sem esta descoberta e experimentação não há evolução.
Para melhorar a utilização e facilitar esta permanente experimentação das ferramentas as instituições e a indústria devem facilitar a integração dessas ferramentas e a sua interoperabilidade, havendo esforços nesse sentido.
Este artigo pretende apresentar a integração da plataforma de e-Learning MOODLE com os sistemas de informação da Biblioteca, tendo como objectivo final melhorar e facilitar a descoberta e utilização tantos das ferramentas como dos recursos disponibilizados na instituição.

Recognizing that technology should play a major role in the education processes, many research an... more Recognizing that technology should play a major role in the education processes, many research and development efforts have been put into the development of innovative technology-enhanced learning systems. But Course Management Systems, Learning Management Systems and Virtual Learning Environments have never given a satisfactory answer to the challenge of providing tools widely accepted by both educators and students to enhance the education process. For a number of reasons, many times those tools seemed to be simultaneously too complicated on the teacher side and too old fashioned on the student side, to be easily accepted. At the same time these learning environments are more another information system, organization centred or content driven, forgetting the way the end user learns and interacts. Now that our full lifestyle is being transformed by mobile phones and Internet communications, Personal Learning Environments seem to be the answer to this challenge, providing personalized desktops to students where a variety of resources are integrated to suit the requirements of each student and social networks and social media are also connected in a meaningful way. We intend to discuss the different views that can be adopted and to propose a framework for the construction of such environments.

The possibility of obtaining results that have been fraudulently interfered with always exists, i... more The possibility of obtaining results that have been fraudulently interfered with always exists, in all processes of student testing and evaluation. In traditional methods of evaluation, such as exams carried out using pen and paper, any fraud that occurs is extremely difficult to detect after it has taken place. The use of e-learning environments such as Moodle, however, may bring benefits that can be applied to the evaluation process in response to this problem. When using Moodle, all actions carried out by participants (regardless of whether they are teachers or students) can be automatically logged by the system, and when carrying out online quizzes this detailed information can be used as an aid in the detection of non-authorized situations that occurred during the process. The aim of this article is to present a tool, developed by the FEUP e-learning team, that permits the auditing and visualization of these situations in quizzes carried out on the Moodle@FEUP platform, thereby permitting the identification of potential offenders in this area. Taking on board the most recent strategies and contexts of testing and evaluation, structural alterations to Moodle are also proposed which will enable the implementation of mechanisms to prevent these new methods of fraud.
Books by sofia torrão
Conference Proceedings by sofia torrão
... Livro de Actas de Conferência Internacional. Autores: Álvaro Rocha(Editor) Francisco Restivo ... more ... Livro de Actas de Conferência Internacional. Autores: Álvaro Rocha(Editor) Francisco Restivo (Editor) Luis Paulo Reis (Editor) Sofia Torrão (Editor). Idioma: Português. ... Data: 17 a 20 de Junho de 2009. ISBN: 978-989-96247-0-2. Cidade: Porto. Lista de Documentos. ...
Papers by sofia torrão
The article describes the current situation and the steps we have performed to reach it, and discusses our future plans.
Para melhorar a utilização e facilitar esta permanente experimentação das ferramentas as instituições e a indústria devem facilitar a integração dessas ferramentas e a sua interoperabilidade, havendo esforços nesse sentido.
Este artigo pretende apresentar a integração da plataforma de e-Learning MOODLE com os sistemas de informação da Biblioteca, tendo como objectivo final melhorar e facilitar a descoberta e utilização tantos das ferramentas como dos recursos disponibilizados na instituição.
Books by sofia torrão
Conference Proceedings by sofia torrão
The article describes the current situation and the steps we have performed to reach it, and discusses our future plans.
Para melhorar a utilização e facilitar esta permanente experimentação das ferramentas as instituições e a indústria devem facilitar a integração dessas ferramentas e a sua interoperabilidade, havendo esforços nesse sentido.
Este artigo pretende apresentar a integração da plataforma de e-Learning MOODLE com os sistemas de informação da Biblioteca, tendo como objectivo final melhorar e facilitar a descoberta e utilização tantos das ferramentas como dos recursos disponibilizados na instituição.