Helena Lima
Address: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Via Panorâmica, s/n, 4150-564 Porto
Via Panorâmica, s/n, 4150-564 Porto
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Talks by Helena Lima
Estudos de Comunicação:
tecnologia, cultura e sociedade
Candidaturas para admissão ao curso e para 5 bolsas individuais
Está aberto a partir de hoje e até ao dia 22 de novembro o concurso para admissão ao programa doutoral Estudos de Comunicação: Tecnologia, Cultura e Sociedade. Os candidatos podem, em simultâneo, concorrer a uma das 5 bolsas de investigação disponíveis exclusivamente para este curso.
Este programa doutoral é o único aprovado pela FCT em Ciências da Comunicação no âmbito do programa Doutoramentos FCT. O plano de estudos resulta de uma parceria entre seis centros de investigação em Comunicação: o CECS (instituição proponente), o CICANT, o CECL, o CIMJ, o CIES e o LabCom.
Toda a informação disponível no portal do curso em http://www.lasics.uminho.pt/estudosdecomunicacao/ e no portal eracareers em http://www.eracareers.pt/opportunities/index.aspx?taskglobal&jobId9743
Portugal got involved in the Great War after the declaration of war from Germany in 1916, due to seize of German ships. This was the pretext found by the newly Portuguese republican regime to get involved in the conflict and getting international recognition and also the defense of the colonial territories. The Portuguese battles were held in two fronts: Europe and Africa. This study is an approach of how the magazine Ilustração Portuguesa used images to cover the war. Was there a different treatment in the European and the colonial fronts? Which were the images’ main subjects in? Was the iconography cover of the conflict contaminated by propaganda? In order to answer these and other questions we will use a discursive analysis of the Ilustração Portuguesa, based on a qualitative and quantitative approach, considering the historical and cultural context. This analysis will prove to be more “culturalogical” than critical.
The Portuguese dictatorship (1926-1974) shaped the media because of the censorship, but also due to the ownership of the press companies. Eventually, the main financial groups bought some newspapers and radio stations which led to a modernization process that was interrupted by the revolution of 1974. A new era then came into being; the end of the censorship introduced freedom of press and new conditions for journalism that should now fulfill its roles in terms of news logics and ethics.
Still, 1974 was followed by a radical political struggle (the Hot Summer) that affected all the sectors of Portuguese society, and the media in particular. The importance of controlling the press became crucial and the fight between extreme left partisans and the democratic parties impacted the newspaper business, political coverage and news contents in general. It also influenced the way journalists saw their professional roles and ethics. The revolution created a series of new laws and measures that empowered journalist’s roles. Apart from the press law, a press council and a journalist’s union, there were also newsroom councils. How shifted these new forms of professional representation the balance of power towards editorial orientations? How did the newsrooms transformations impact the news agenda? Giving the revolutionary wave, was the journalistic discourse framed by the parties’ agenda, the political rulers’ agenda, the unions’ agenda and their own corporative points of view?
This paper identifies the main transformations that occurred in the Portuguese press during the revolutionary process known as PREC (Revolutionary Process in Course) and relates these to the role perceptions of Portuguese journalists from that generation. The study applies a triangulation of multiple sources. It studies a) the scarce bibliography that focuses on the history of the press in this period, b) a study of the revolutionary legislation that had a major impact on media, c) original documents such as institutional reports that allow us to understand some of the reasons and reactions to the measures put in course, d) the testimonies of some journalists are used to understand how the positions were radicalized in the course of events and how these, eventually, affected the news making processes.
Palabras-clave: Ley de Prensa, libertad de prensa, control editorial, mecanismos de censura, propaganda
The Portuguese Revolution of 1974 brought freedom of press, but it was jeopardized by military, political parties and the work sector. The fight for the control of the press matched the political combat between opposite forces that tried to impose their ideological model, in spite of the regulations of the Press Law of 1975.
Keywords: Press Law, freedom of press, editorial control, censorship means, propaganda
Papers by Helena Lima
Estudos de Comunicação:
tecnologia, cultura e sociedade
Candidaturas para admissão ao curso e para 5 bolsas individuais
Está aberto a partir de hoje e até ao dia 22 de novembro o concurso para admissão ao programa doutoral Estudos de Comunicação: Tecnologia, Cultura e Sociedade. Os candidatos podem, em simultâneo, concorrer a uma das 5 bolsas de investigação disponíveis exclusivamente para este curso.
Este programa doutoral é o único aprovado pela FCT em Ciências da Comunicação no âmbito do programa Doutoramentos FCT. O plano de estudos resulta de uma parceria entre seis centros de investigação em Comunicação: o CECS (instituição proponente), o CICANT, o CECL, o CIMJ, o CIES e o LabCom.
Toda a informação disponível no portal do curso em http://www.lasics.uminho.pt/estudosdecomunicacao/ e no portal eracareers em http://www.eracareers.pt/opportunities/index.aspx?taskglobal&jobId9743
Portugal got involved in the Great War after the declaration of war from Germany in 1916, due to seize of German ships. This was the pretext found by the newly Portuguese republican regime to get involved in the conflict and getting international recognition and also the defense of the colonial territories. The Portuguese battles were held in two fronts: Europe and Africa. This study is an approach of how the magazine Ilustração Portuguesa used images to cover the war. Was there a different treatment in the European and the colonial fronts? Which were the images’ main subjects in? Was the iconography cover of the conflict contaminated by propaganda? In order to answer these and other questions we will use a discursive analysis of the Ilustração Portuguesa, based on a qualitative and quantitative approach, considering the historical and cultural context. This analysis will prove to be more “culturalogical” than critical.
The Portuguese dictatorship (1926-1974) shaped the media because of the censorship, but also due to the ownership of the press companies. Eventually, the main financial groups bought some newspapers and radio stations which led to a modernization process that was interrupted by the revolution of 1974. A new era then came into being; the end of the censorship introduced freedom of press and new conditions for journalism that should now fulfill its roles in terms of news logics and ethics.
Still, 1974 was followed by a radical political struggle (the Hot Summer) that affected all the sectors of Portuguese society, and the media in particular. The importance of controlling the press became crucial and the fight between extreme left partisans and the democratic parties impacted the newspaper business, political coverage and news contents in general. It also influenced the way journalists saw their professional roles and ethics. The revolution created a series of new laws and measures that empowered journalist’s roles. Apart from the press law, a press council and a journalist’s union, there were also newsroom councils. How shifted these new forms of professional representation the balance of power towards editorial orientations? How did the newsrooms transformations impact the news agenda? Giving the revolutionary wave, was the journalistic discourse framed by the parties’ agenda, the political rulers’ agenda, the unions’ agenda and their own corporative points of view?
This paper identifies the main transformations that occurred in the Portuguese press during the revolutionary process known as PREC (Revolutionary Process in Course) and relates these to the role perceptions of Portuguese journalists from that generation. The study applies a triangulation of multiple sources. It studies a) the scarce bibliography that focuses on the history of the press in this period, b) a study of the revolutionary legislation that had a major impact on media, c) original documents such as institutional reports that allow us to understand some of the reasons and reactions to the measures put in course, d) the testimonies of some journalists are used to understand how the positions were radicalized in the course of events and how these, eventually, affected the news making processes.
Palabras-clave: Ley de Prensa, libertad de prensa, control editorial, mecanismos de censura, propaganda
The Portuguese Revolution of 1974 brought freedom of press, but it was jeopardized by military, political parties and the work sector. The fight for the control of the press matched the political combat between opposite forces that tried to impose their ideological model, in spite of the regulations of the Press Law of 1975.
Keywords: Press Law, freedom of press, editorial control, censorship means, propaganda
En el hecho noticioso que se analiza, la prensa lusa contribuyó a la creación de un discurso donde se produce una sacralización y mistificación de la muerte, también presente en los elementos visuales. El seguimiento realizado por los periódicos españoles, aunque relevante, se queda lejos de la preponderancia que le concedieron los portugueses. No obstante, en ambos relatos abundarán los elementos de alabanza y exaltación del dictador; se le rinde homenaje con el balance de sus principales logros o se subraya su consideración de gran estadista y salvador de la patria. En la mitificación que se pretende del personaje, los medios españoles evocaron su apoyo a Franco para
que se alzara vencedor de la Guerra Civil y su labor diplomática para que España, tras la II Guerra Mundial y en el contexto de la Guerra Fría, saliera del aislamiento internacional y fuera aceptada por los organismos internacionales.
Illustrated magazines were particularly instrumental for war propaganda since they allowed the illiterate to ‘read’ about the war.
Although by the time of World War One photojournalism was not yet established as a trade, designers and photographers – soldiers and civilians, professionals and amateurs, journalists and propagandists from the armed forces – depicted the conflict through image, despite censorship and propaganda committees (Grifin, 1999). Hence, illustrated magazines played a key informative and propagandistic role in the way the war was shown to society. In addition, they fostered the production and circulation of ideas and views on the conflict.
This study explores the iconographic coverage of World War One by O Espelho (The Mirror), a British illustrated magazine published in London in Portuguese, targeting the public opinion in Portugal and Brazil. The research aims to describe how O Espelho used photographs and other images to present World War One to the public and how those images conveyed British propaganda messages. It will also interpret the iconographical discourse and the translations this discourse may have suggested at the time. It is assumed, however, that the images published by O Espelho are part of an intertextual network, hence articulated with written language.
JornalismoPortoNet has a strong link to professional environment through the participation of renowned journalists that are usually invited to be the “editor for a day”. This experience is very effective for the working market to know the students skills and has very y good result in terms of the credibility of the University f Porto Communication Sciences degree. By the other hand, students tend to regard this opportunity as with great enthusiasm since they realize the importance of these practices. The University of Porto Communication Sciences degree has been trying, since the launch in 2000, to comprehend two main trends in journalism studies, the theoretical frame and laboratorial skills. The degree has a very inter disciplinary approach which is achieved by a study plan divided by the four faculties. Therefore, it has the classical humanities subjects, but also a large number of laboratorial hours, not only on journalism technics but also on informatics and design. This perspective puts this grade on the “innovative” mode that teaches students by doing, rather than opting for the classical model (Deuze, 2006). The classical approach tends to establish a feeble link between universities and the journalistic field, remaining the studies disconnected from the realities of the working market (Adam, 2001). Accordingly, JPN is the synthesis of the three year grade in journalism specialization and it has a very positive evaluation by students and, professors and working market. Since the first graduation, year in 2004, students’ reports enhance JPN as a solid formation platform which is also recognized by media companies. In the final reports, students consider that it creates a “dialogue” between practitioners and newsrooms (Zamith et al, 2004).
Our study presents the characterization of our laboratorial experience, the teaching results, and the validation in terms of learning from the student’s point of view, according to the final reports, the perspective of the “editors for a day”, the balance of senior students, all in all, a type of swat evaluation of JPN.
Já o trabalho de Lima, Silva e Martinez procura entender a relação entre a atual crise migratória e a representação mediática de Ângela Merkel, no jornal Público, e de Dilma Rousseff, na Folha de S. Paulo. As autoras mostram que Merkel e Rousseff, em meio a uma onda de solidariedade internacional, alteraram os seus discursos em relação à onda de deslocamentos forçados de milhares de seres humanos.
Angela Merkel e Dilma Rousseff são duas das mulheres mais
poderosas da última década, ocupando respectivamente a
primeira e sétima posições da lista World’s Most Powerful
Women 2015 da revista Forbes. Em 2005, Merkel foi eleita a
primeira chanceler da Alemanha pela CDU, o partido conservador.
Em 2014, Rousseff foi reeleita a primeira presidenta do
Brasil pelo PT, o Partido dos Trabalhadores. Veneradas por
uns e detestadas por outros, este estudo investiga a imagem
de Merkel no diário português Público e de Rousseff no brasileiro
Folha de S.Paulo, ambos em 2015. A metodologia cruza
os processos de framing (Rothenburg, 1990; Entman, 1993)
e two-step flow communication theory (Lazarsfeld, Berelson,
Gaudet, 1944) para aferir os padrões de significados atribuí-
dos aos formatos jornalísticos sobre as líderes. Os resultados
sugerem relação entre os deslocamentos forçados, a cobertura
jornalística, a imagem das líderes e a alteração das agendas
política e pública devido à onda de solidariedade mundial sem
Jornal de Notícias was a political newspaper launched in Oporto in 1888, when the city began a period of growth and urban improvements. Despite being a project of the Regenerator Party, Notícias soon adopted a popular and easy style directed to a wider audience, unlikely the traditional political and literary press that was mostly read by the political and social elites. However, economic and social problems were pinned as major problems in that period in the city, and difficulties were aggravated by the late education reform. Those reasons may explain the high levels of illiteracy that would last in the following decades with impacts in newspapers consumption. Still, Oporto began an era of modernization, where new streets were opened and large buildings emerged generating a new centrality. The facts that are the life of the urban centers progressively became part of the newsfeed: small passionate dramas, various disasters that ravaged the city, crime and other events such as fires, floods, facts that gained prominent place in Jornal de Noticias’ agenda. In this initial period, the newspaper, despite its political roots, developed a new news discourse that may be seen as modern in comparison to the conservatism of the Portuguese newspapers and particularly the Oporto press that kept the elitist editorial perspective either ideological or publicist. The development of popular journalism in Portugal was slow because the resistance of the journalistic and intellectual circles. Newspapers owners and journalists were resilient to changes which may explain why it took so long to shake the political matrix with consequences in its development and diffusion. Alberto Bessa, a journalist of that period, highlighted those characteristics: "None of these newspapers mentioned before, cannot be exactly called popular because the price of the spare sale didn’t allow them to be the people’s favorite, and its dissemination was limited to those who shared the political ideals of its writers "(1904: 170). The adoption of a high cultural model against the idea of low culture (Zelizer, 1999) by journalists and owners of newspapers stems from the idea that journalism was a literary form of expression or an ideological exercise. In Portugal, the last decade of the 19th century and in the beginning of the 20th, was a period of transformations in political newspapers that gradually followed the trend of the international popular press. The covers adopted headlines with a variety of subjects, illustrations and photographs or other attractive matters (Campbell, 2001). This new popular approach attracted a wider audience. Articles with "human interest" reached the first page, like big events. The covers were more attractive drawing the attention of new readers. The press evolved to a more informative format with images and news impact. Such was also the case of Jornal de Notícias that from its foundation to the beginning of the next century evolved from the political model to an example of popular press, with a somewhat sensationalist narrative for the events. Still, somehow, this editorial line was visible from its start of publication and became as a main feature in time. Fait-divers were part of the history of this newspaper and great impact subjects like suicides, were a recurring theme. The narratives of dramatic events adopted a strong emotional charge, sometimes with a morbid tone, which broke with the austere style of Oporto’s traditional journalism. This pattern of dramatization was also visible in the everyday news. The protagonists of the events were at times portrayed as heroes of adventure and stories full of detail were built, often treated continuously in multiple numbers, somehow replicating the Pulitzer’s "follow up" guideline. The aim of this paper is to analyze the forms of popular tabloid journalism in Jornal de Notícias, in its initial period, through the narrative formats, thematic and agenda, taking into account the analysis frame set out by the authors of reference in this theme.
poderosas da última década, ocupando respectivamente a
primeira e sétima posições da lista World’s Most Powerful
Women 2015 da revista Forbes. Em 2005, Merkel foi eleita a
primeira chanceler da Alemanha pela CDU, o partido conservador.
Em 2014, Rousseff foi reeleita a primeira presidenta do
Brasil pelo PT, o Partido dos Trabalhadores. Veneradas por
uns e detestadas por outros, este estudo investiga a imagem
de Merkel no diário português Público e de Rousseff no brasileiro
Folha de S.Paulo, ambos em 2015. A metodologia cruza
os processos de framing (Rothenburg, 1990; Entman, 1993)
e two-step flow communication theory (Lazarsfeld, Berelson,
Gaudet, 1944) para aferir os padrões de significados atribuí-
dos aos formatos jornalísticos sobre as líderes. Os resultados
sugerem relação entre os deslocamentos forçados, a cobertura
jornalística, a imagem das líderes e a alteração das agendas
política e pública devido à onda de solidariedade mundial sem
O Parlamento é, afinal, uma instância privilegiada para esta observação da praxis política e das correspondentes representações nos textos e imagens difundidos pelos jornais.
Neste livro sistematiza-se os resultados do projeto de investigação «Política no feminino – políticas de género e estratégias de visibilidade das deputadas parlamentares», entrecruzam-se as categorias de género, política e visibilidade mediática numa análise que abarca quatro ciclos políticos recortados do período histórico entre 1975 e 2002.
poderosas da última década, ocupando respectivamente a
primeira e sétima posições da lista World’s Most Powerful
Women 2015 da revista Forbes. Em 2005, Merkel foi eleita a
primeira chanceler da Alemanha pela CDU, o partido conservador.
Em 2014, Rousseff foi reeleita a primeira presidenta do
Brasil pelo PT, o Partido dos Trabalhadores. Veneradas por
uns e detestadas por outros, este estudo investiga a imagem
de Merkel no diário português Público e de Rousseff no brasileiro
Folha de S.Paulo, ambos em 2015. A metodologia cruza
os processos de framing (Rothenburg, 1990; Entman, 1993)
e two-step flow communication theory (Lazarsfeld, Berelson,
Gaudet, 1944) para aferir os padrões de significados atribuí-
dos aos formatos jornalísticos sobre as líderes. Os resultados
sugerem relação entre os deslocamentos forçados, a cobertura
jornalística, a imagem das líderes e a alteração das agendas
política e pública devido à onda de solidariedade mundial sem
Homenagem a Nelson Traquina.
Written by various authors, with different perspectives on history writing and on journalism studies, this book presents several reading approaches on specific periods of the history of the press in different Portuguese-speaking countries.
The book also includes one chapter on the history of the press in Galicia, an autonomous province of Spain which confines with the North of Portugal and whose language is Galician, a co-dialect of Portuguese.
Para além de todas as condicionantes externas e conjunturais que se marcaram a história da imprensa portuguesa, parece certo que cada vez que o diário se afastou do seu modelo de sucesso, os problemas avolumaram-se e o Notícias perdeu público e anunciantes e viveu situações de dificuldade económica. Parece igualmente certo que, de todas elas, foi capaz de sair com êxito e de forma renovada.
O 25 de Abril de 1974 constituiu o ponto de clivagem face a quase meio século de regime censório e de vários tipos de condicionamento informativo. A liberdade foi celebrada pelos jornais nacionais que deram voz à festa e alegria do povo. Na sequência da Revolução, a sociedade portuguesa viveu momentos conturbados e os jornais não ficaram imunes ao sobressalto político, que foi particularmente evidente durante o período do PREC. O Jornal de Notícias inseriu-se nesta conjuntura de grande instabilidade e sofreu as consequências de uma deriva política, que conotava o jornal com uma linha editorial que não era a sua e que levou à perda de leitores.
Apesar dos constrangimentos impostos pela ditadura, cada um dos diários soube encontrar um estilo próprio, mais sóbrio ou mais popular, de tom nacional ou bairrista, de perfil apologético ou contestatário, na medida do possível. A matriz editorial direccionou-os para determinadas franjas, o que levou a que os jornalistas séniores atribuíssem etiquetas às publicações rivais: o Janeiro republicano, o Comércio lido pelos padres e pelos monárquicos, o Notícias, o jornal das sopeiras e dos magalas.
O 25 de Abril trouxe transformações profundas aos figurinos editoriais e a relação com os leitores alterou-se. A perda ou a conquista de públicos fez-se ao sabor das convulsões políticas com duras consequências. O fim de O Primeiro de Janeiro e de O Comércio do Porto como títulos generalistas não pode deixar de ser questionado. O Comércio, depois de várias fases de indefinição, acabou por se extinguir por completo e o Janeiro transformou-se num projecto regional de pequena circulação. Este trabalho procura encontrar algumas respostas para este declínio e, por oposição, a razão da situação invejável ocupada pelo Jornal de Notícias.
10 E 11 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2014
Since 1999, with the emergence of web 2, the media landscape has changed profoundly, allowing individuals to publish, share and republish content on the web using simple and accessible tools. The Web 2 brought easier and better connectivity, collaboration and communication among users around the world, while Web 2.0 has accelerated the network society. Unlike the previous hierarchical and centralized mode of information production, citizens using simple tools to create content, can now freely create their "niche " audiences, based on their own interests as members of a community.
JornalismoPortoNet has a strong link to professional environment through the participation of renowned journalists that are usually invited to be the “editor for a day”. This experience is very effective for the labour market to know the students skills and has very good result in terms of the credibility of the University of Porto Communication Sciences degree. On the other hand, students tend to regard this opportunity with great enthusiasm since they realize the importance of this practice. The University of Porto Communication Sciences degree has been trying, since its launch in 2000, to comprehend two main trends in journalism studies, the theoretical frame and laboratorial skills. The degree has a very inter disciplinary approach, which is achieved through a study plan divided between four faculties. Therefore, it has the classical humanities subjects, but also a large number of laboratorial hours, not only on journalism technics but also on informatics and design. This perspective puts this grade on the “innovative” mode that teaches students by doing, rather than opting for the classical model (Deuze, 2006). The classical approach tends to establish a feeble link between universities and the journalistic field, the studies remaining disconnected from the realities of the labour market (Adam, 2001). Accordingly, JPN is the synthesis of the three year grade in journalism specialization and it has a very positive evaluation by the students, the professors and theprofessional community. Since the first graduation in 2004, students’ reports enhance JPN as a solid formation platform, which is also recognized by media companies. In the final reports, students consider that it creates a “dialogue” between practitioners and newsrooms (Zamith et al, 2004).
Our study presents the characterization of our laboratorial experience: the teaching results; the validation in terms of learning outcomes from the student’s point of view, according to the final reports, the perspective of the “editors for a day”; the balance of senior students, all in all, a type of SWOT evaluation of JPN.
Neste artigo, os autores têm como objectivo principal comparar os resultados de uma análise prévia (Lima, Frias, 2014) feita sobre alguns parâmetros identificados no projecto P3 com novos dados recolhidos durante o ano de 2015, tentando esclarecer se é possível identificar novas tendências de participação pública. Para além disso, perceber de que forma essa participação e colaboração podem contribuir para a eventual alteração das decisões editoriais no âmbito deste produto jornalístico.
- Is it possible to identify a new trend of public participation?
- Wich are the allowed UGCs in the project and what kind of participation does P3 suggest to digital natives?
For this purpose, P3 activity will be analyzed during one month after 3 years of the official launching, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches for 312 published articles.
The goal is to verify if there was a reinforcement of collaborative formats and if there are new trends and in which editorial sections.